
Bonded to a Demon

Lavender has had a tough life and because of her lack of opportunities, she is forced to live in the slums of a giant city. She is entirely alone and has to take care of herself the best she can in a terrifying neighborhood. She works a full time job so she can keep her apartment in a town that even the police are too scared to come to. She tries to stay tough for her own survival and is forced to dress like a boy for her safety. The world is cruel to her but she can't fight the fact that she was born with a sweet heart. Despite her challenges, she has found happiness in her affection toward one of her neighbors. She has a serious crush on a mysterious man that lives below her. She has been trying to build up the courage to say something to him, but she knows that he could very well be one of the druggies, muggers, or murderers like the rest of the tenants in her building. One thing he definitely couldn't be is a demon... right?

siethmaster666 · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 9: Coming Up

On the way home I dreaded passing the alleyway where that man with the lingering stare lived. I hoped that tonight he wasn't there, but sure enough, his crazy eyes went straight to me as soon as I walked by. This time I didn't stop and continued to quickly walk ahead. I hoped that when I turned around again he wouldn't be standing there outside of his alley and on the sidewalk behind me. I looked behind me as I continued forward and jumped to see that he had not only stepped out of his alley, but he had also taken a few steps in my direction. Dear god. He was inching himself closer every day. It was as if he knew what he was doing.

In just a week he would reach the door to my building if he continued like this. And then what? What would he do to me then? I didn't want to think about that and pushed the creep out of my mind once I passed through the doorway of the building. I headed up the stairs and around the parties until I was safely in my apartment. I took off all of the bulky clothes I had worn that day and took a quick shower before putting on an oversized purple shirt and some black shorts. 

I settled onto the couch again and pulled out my phone. I dialed Levy's number and waited as it rang. I had all day to work up the courage to call him again and now I was for sure prepared. "Hello?" No, I wasn't. I wasn't prepared at all to hear his handsome voice again. I quickly said something before began to drool. "Hey! Um, how was your day?" His response was unexpected. "How was my day?" He repeated my question as if no one had ever asked him that before. I nervously responded. "Yeah, I uh, thought that since you are protecting me now, it wouldn't hurt to chat every so often. I don't get to talk to anyone very much other than asking 'What can I get you?' so I thought it would be nice." 

I remembered that he didn't know the context of that and quickly added "Because I'm a waitress." He didn't respond and it made me scared. "I-I didn't know whether you had many opportunities to talk with someone about your day so I just called to let you know you have a listening ear if you ever needed it." After another long silence, he spoke with little expression in his voice. "If you want to chat, there's no sense in being on a call when we're in the same building. I'll be up in a few minutes." The line then disconnected, leaving my heart stopped. Wait, what?! He was coming up here? Now?!


I started to freak out. That wasn't at all how I expected that call to go. I then became confused as to how he knew where my apartment was. What did he mean by he'll be up in a few minutes? I didn't remember telling him where I lived or ever seeing him follow me. I sat there in panic until I heard a knock at the door. The noise made me jump. He did know where I lived. And he was about to see my face. My body. The body I never wanted him to see. I knew that if I quickly pulled on my coat before answering the door he would no doubt mention it or convince me to take it off somehow. 

He had to see me sooner or later, I thought. I inhaled a deep breath and stood up to open the door. I undid all of the locks on the door and opened it, terrified. I didn't want to see his disgust at my appearance so soon, but I had no choice now. My fear multiplied once I remembered just how tall he was. He towered over me and had to duck a little under the doorframe to come inside. He wore the same trench coat I saw him wear that day in the mailroom, and he wore a tight black t-shirt, black jeans, and a belt underneath. I trembled at how sexy he was, and let him inside my apartment despite my every instinct.

I closed the door behind him and decided to just lock the bolt instead of making myself look like I was locking him in by doing the rest. I then turned around to see him remove his coat and toss it over the armrest of the couch. His arms and torso were magnificent to look at. He had both muscular sleeves tattooed and the t-shirt stretched to his amazing pecs and hard abdomen. The tattoos that covered his thick neck moved with every turn of his head, and I thought my legs were going to give out from under me. "Where do you sleep in this foul box, Lavender?" He asked as he looked around the small apartment that he would be too big to live in.

I was so entranced by him that I could barely hear him. "T-the couch." He then turned to me and the highlight in his dark eyes burned with a hint of crimson among the brown. "Does it fold into a bed?" He asked. I shook my head as I avoided his gaze. I was waiting for him to body shame me and I just wanted to get it over with before I broke apart. The quicker he rejected me, the less it would hurt. He took a moment to look at me. I could feel his gaze go straight through me and it didn't help my trembling. "You're ill."

His words stung but he could've said a lot worse things. "I-I'm anemic," I said as I fought back my tears. He tilted his head a little. "What is that?" I was surprised that he didn't know, but then again, it wasn't very common among men. "Basically, I'm malnourished. I don't eat because I'm nauseous, and I'm nauseous because I don't eat." He hesitated. "What a painful cycle." I didn't know whether he was being empathetic or just stating a fact. Either way, I didn't have a response for him. 

He then walked over to the couch and took a seat, making himself at home. "You wanted to chat?" I was surprised that he hadn't left already after seeing what a weak little creature I was. The fact that he stayed started to lift my spirits and I went over to the kitchen. "Did you want some water or some tea?" He didn't move as he answered. "I want you to sit next to me." I almost jumped to his request which carried demand beneath his gentle tone. His eyes were full of possessiveness that was fully directed at me.

It had to be a mistake. He had just met me. He couldn't have kept his interest in me after one and a half phone calls and seeing what I looked like in person. I shook off the weird feeling his stare gave me and nervously sat on the couch as far away from him as possible. "What did you want to chat about? You didn't get the chance to tell me how your day was if you wanted to continue that topic." He looked at me with those evil eyes for a moment longer before answering. "My day was fine. I would prefer to learn more about you."