
Bon Appetite : a Horsemen in a world of Curses

imagine if fami got into jujutsu kaisen, a world with no chainsaw man, no death devil, a moden version of Japan, modern art of culinary, a world of food that won't cease to exist ! that all happened after she got busted and killed by war devil, upon her death she found herself not in hell rather in a misogynist clan, in a completely new world. What's her resolution for her new chance in life ? Will she bear the cruelty of her clan ? clearly I don't own both mangas soon.

Ps_Zaki · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Binding Vow

Given she is still new to this world, Fami Kept most of her time reading in the clan's library, aiming to improve her knowledge of cursed energy. She got interested in cursed tools, which are weapons infused with cursed energy. Due to this, even non-sorcerers can use them to combat cursed spirits. Conventional weapons such as katanas can become semi-cursed tools over time if the user constantly imbues it with their cursed energy. However, weapons new to the user that are reinforced with cursed energy are not considered cursed tools.

All the cursed tools collected by the Big Three Sorcerer Families were stored in a vault called the cursed warehouse. Tokyo Jujutsu High's cursed warehouse is protected by Tengen's concealing barrier. She wondered if it's possible to break in and steal some but it sounded dangerous.

Thus she decided to collect as many as possible from those cursed objects and even try making her own tools, which is challenging since it needs a lot of cursed energy and experience, but she'll learn eventually.

A soft rustling sound broke her concentration. She looked up to see a small round-faced attendant. He stood at the entrance of the library his expression one of nervousness. "Lady Fami," he said bowing deeply. "Your father has requested your presence." He paused "He wishes for you to spar with your cousin, Naoya."

Fami sighed. She closed the book gently. The thought of facing Naoya in a sparring match was less appealing than continuing her studies. But she knew better than to refuse direct request from her father. "Very well" she said, standing up.

"What's your name ?" She asked him.

The boy looked suprised, he was shaking as if he was told that he is going to die, sweat dripping from his forehead, 'eww disgusting ' Kiga thought to herself.

"M-My n-name is i-is A-Akito Sur-ruu " he kept awfully stuttering, though the girl caught his name.

'This boy was a good doll for experiments...I can feel his cursed energy' Fami thought to herself as she faintly smiled, a very rare expression from her "Suru my dear servant. How are you feeling today? "

He nervously replied "Um I-I'm alright, Lady Yui. Thank you for asking."

"Good good. I've been thinking about our bond lately Suru, it's quite

special isn't it?" Kiga said.

Suru was uncertain as he answers "Yes, Lady Yui. Our bond is. . . unique"

Fami, leaning in her desk "You know Suru I've been working on something fascinating. I've discovered how to instill emotions into inanimate objects. Imagine that, emotions like respect, admiration, guilt, all within the grasp of my fingertips."

He was intrigued yet wary "That's. . impressive Lady Yui, but why tell me this?"

"Oh Suru you're more than just my servant, you're my confidant, my ally, I want you to understand the power I hold, the power I can share with you."

Suru, tentatively asked "Lady Yui what do you mean?"

She explained "Imagine Suru, the ability to make anyone feel whatever you desire. Respect for your authority. Admiration for your skills. Guilt for questioning your motives. It's intoxicating isn't it?"

He hesitantly replied "It-It sounds tempting Lady Yui, but is it right to manipulate others like that?"

"Ah Suru morality is such subjective concept, what matters is power and control, imagine the possibilities if you were to embrace this knowledge." She claimed.

Conflicted, he expressed "I. . . I don't know, Lady Yui. It feels. . . wrong."

Fami, leaning back, expression shifting "Wrong? Suru don't you want to be powerful? To have everyone at your mercy. Dancing to your tune? "

unsettled he was "I. . . I never thought about it like that Lady Yui."

"Think about it, Suru. Think about the possibilities. The control you could have, embrace the darkness within, you'll find true power. " the girl replied.

Suru was uncertain and fearful " I'll. . . I'll think about it Lady Yui."

Fami, coldly saying "That's all I ask Suru, remember power is within your reach, just embrace it. Now lead the way"


In the training ground, Kiga arrived wearing a balck skirt that matches with her top, she scanned the place as she observed the multiple trainers, her clothing a contrast to the tradition kimono.

Her piercing pink eyes reflect determination. The wind plays with her unusually long triangular earrings. This adds a touch of mystique to her presence.

Though she clearly wasn't having it, she would rather be anywhere else than this windy ground. She spotted Naoya from afar, practicing or what seemed like bullying his playtoys, his movements were quick, fluid and stern, his cursed energy appears to be exceptional but nothing out the extraordinary.

She didn't want to reveal her powers to him, not him of all people, thus she had to get over it with 0 cursed energy used if needed.

"Yoo, are you the one behind this thing" Kiga asked as she approached the boy, he was sweating and panting from his session.

Naoya looked up a smirk playing on his lips as he wiped sweat from his brow. His eyes flicked over Kiga, assessing her with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

"Depends on what 'thing' you're talking about." His voice was dripping with condescension. "But if you're here to spar I'm game. I could use real challenge."

Kiga's eyes narrowed. "I just want to know if you're the one behind this request."

Naoya's smirk widened. "Guess you'll have to find out the hard way."

Without another word he lunged forward. His fist aimed directly at Kiga's face. She sidestepped effortlessly, her movements were precise and calculated. She pivoted on her heel, delivering a swift kick to Naoya's midsection.

He grunted but quickly recovered, spinning around to face her.

"So, you're not just talk huh?" Naoya taunted, wiping a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. "Let's see what else you've got."

He launched flurry of punches and kicks, each move executed with the precision of a seasoned fighter, expected from a Zenin. Kiga blocked and dodged, her movements fluid and almost dance-like. She could feel the wind rushing past her with every attack she evaded.

Kiga ducked under high kick., she countered with low sweep that took Naoya off his feet. He hit the ground hard, he rolled away quickly and sprang back to his feet with a look of determination.

"You're good" he admitted. He circled her warily. "But I'm better."

Kiga remained silent. Her focus entirely on the fight. She moved in again. This time she aimed for his legs with series of rapid kicks. Naoya blocked the first few but stumbled on the last. This gave her an opening, she capitalized on it, driving her knee into his chest and sending him staggering backward.

Naoya caught himself. He glared at her with renewed intensity. "Alright, no more holding back."

He charged at her with renewed vigor, his attacks became faster and more aggressive. Kiga matched him blow for blow, the sound of their clashes echoed across the windy ground.

Naoya feinted left then right, he was trying to catch her off guard, but Kiga was too quick. She caught his wrist mid-punch, she twisted flipping him over her shoulder and slamming him into the ground. He groaned, struggling to catch his breath.

"You still haven't answered my question" Kiga said, her voice was calm despite the exertion. "Are you the one behind this request?"

Naoya coughed, a chuckle escaped his lips. "You're persistent, I'll give you that. But if you really want to know you're gonna have to beat it out of me."

Kiga sighed, shaking her head. "Fine by me."

She leaped into the air, she came down with powerful axe kick aimed at Naoya's chest, he rolled out of the way just in time, her foot left a dent in the ground where he had been. He retaliated with a spinning back kick catching her in the side and sending her skidding across the dirt.

Kiga gritted her teeth, pushing through the pain. She couldn't afford to use her cursed energy not against Naoya, though he was clearly using physical reinforcement, she had to rely on her martial arts skills alone, she rose to her feet, she took deep breath to steady herself.

Naoya was already on her, his fists a blur. He aimed a series of rapid punches at her face and torso. Kiga blocked and deflected as best she could, her arms felt the strain, she needed to end this quickly.

She ducked under another punch. Kiga drove her elbow into Naoya's ribs. He gasped, he was momentarily stunned. She followed up with a roundhouse kick to his head, he stumbled disoriented, Kiga pressed her advantage.

She grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back and forcing him to the ground. Naoya struggled but she had him pinned.

"Last chance," she said her voice cold. "Are you one behind this request?"

Naoya groaned, the fight finally leaving him. "Yeah it was me," he admitted his voice barely a whisper. "I just wanted to see what you were capable of."

Kiga released him, stepping back. "Satisfied?"

Naoya rolled onto his back staring up at the sky. "More than you know." He said with a weak laugh. "You're mid, I'll give you that, but don't think this is over."

Kiga shook her head. "It's over when I say it is."

She turned and walked away leaving Naoya lying on the ground. He wasn't done, though. With a grunt of exertion Naoya pushed himself up, a fierce glint appeared in his eyes. "Not yet, Yui" he spat, wiping blood from the corner of his mouth. "But I'm just getting started."

[Cursed technique: Projection Sorcery]

Before Fami could fully register his words Naoya sprang to his feet, He used his Projection Sorcery to close the distance between them in a split second. He lunged at her from behind as he aimed a brutal punch at her spine.

In a blur of motion, Fami unsheathed her sword, a cursed dagger that can turn into any kind of sword, she hid in her pockets. She spun around just in time parrying his blow with a sharp clang, the force of impact sent a shiver up her arm, but she held firm, with swift counter she aimed a slash at his midsection.

Naoya twisted away, his movements unnaturally fast almost as if he was skipping through frames of reality. He lashed out with flurry of strikes, each one faster than the last. Fami's sword danced to meet his blows, her eyes narrowed in concentration, she could see the pattern in his movements but matching his speed was another matter entirely.

"Is this the best you can do?" Naoya taunted, a smirk played on his lips. He ducked under her slash and aimed a palm strike at her ribs. Fami grunted as the blow connected. The air rushed out of her lungs. She staggered back using the momentum to create some distance.

Gritting her teeth, Fami channeled cursed energy gathering it in her free hand. She thrust her palm forward

[Cursed technique; cursed blast]

A concentrated blast of energy tore through the air towards Naoya. He flickered out of existence for a second and reappeared just in time to avoid the blast. His speed made him almost untouchable.

But Fami wasn't done, she moved with grace and precision that belied the raw power behind her strikes, every swing of her sword was calculated. She designed each move to force Naoya into corner. He dodged and weaved, but she could see the strain beginning to show, his Projection Sorcery might make him fast but it wasn't infallible.

The two fighters moved in deadly dance. Neither gained a definitive upper hand. Naoya's speed clashed against Fami's raw power and skill, the air crackled with tension, every clash of their weapons sent sparks flying.

Just as Naoya lunged again Fami saw her opening. She stepped to the side. Letting his momentum carry him past her, with a swift motion she slashed at his exposed back, her blade drawing thin line of blood. He hissed in pain but twisted away before she could press the advantage.

Panting they faced each other. Both bloodied but unbroken. Naoya's smirk had faded, replaced by a look of grim determination. "Not bad," he repeated breathing heavily. "But let's see how you handle this."

Naoya was getting ready for another attack when he noticed that Fami seemed different. She was glowing with cursed energy, yet it wasn't the same flow, not only that but he could feel the energy in her.....earings ? He sensed something changing in the air but before he could react, she darted towards him again with more strength than ever.

It was no longer just skillful movements; they were now a perfect copy of his Projection Sorcery. Her every punch, kick and spin echoed his own style as if she had absorbed all he knew about fighting into herself within seconds.

This abrupt transformation took Naoya by surprise and put him in a defensive position. Fami attacked from every possible direction at once, matching his rhythm and speed. It seemed like she had turned herself into an extension of his abilities, using them against him.

He used a different way.

While Projection Sorcery is active, anything touched by the Naoya's palm must also abide by the "24 FPS" rule while moving. Failure to do so results in the subject getting immobilized and frozen in an animation frame for one second. So he managed to trick her movements, gaining a chance in turning her into a frame.

Although it's just a second, being caught in that frame made her completely vulnerable to attack. Hitting the frame will break Fami out of it, usually heavily injuring them.

But once free, she reached her palm in split second turning the suprised Naoya into a frame himself, with an axe kick setting him free, flying to a tree.

Naoya found himself struggling to keep up as he grew slower with each passing moment while trying to seize any opportunity available for a counter-attack. Her swordplay became more dangerous than ever before; she was now using a combination of skills borrowed from different martial arts to exploit his weaknesses.

At last, Fami dealt him a final blow powerful enough to knock him off his feet, then quickly charged a ball of cursed energy to knock him out.

The fight ended.


During the fight, as she cannot use her pawns powers without summoning them, she took another way similar to contracts in her ex world. Binding vows are considered by all jujutsu users to be one of the essential tenets of jujutsu sorcery. Binding Vows are essentially contracts that an individual can make with one's self or another person. The act of abiding by the rules and restrictions agreed upon in these contracts can result in a greater power or the achievement of a goal.

Fami made a binding that is activated as long as she is wearing her earings, the latter consists from:

Terms of the vow :

• Ability to use her pawns' techniques with the need of summoning them for an unlimited amount of time. (Very energy draining)

• Cursed energy draining, in other words she can borrow energy from any entity (or item) that contains some.

• The ability to copy the flow of any technique for a whole minute.

• 40% of her cursed energy was sacrificed into the making of this vow.

• Another factor rather than 'Haunger' was added in her enslavement technique, she can't enslave individuals stronger than her.

• She has now the same rings in both her eyes like she had in her previous life that can be seem by none sorcerers.

• She can't re-use a technique she copied unless it was copied by doll shikigami and the latter was alive, summoned.

The only bad thing about this whole contract thing is that she can't turn those who are stronger than her, no matter how hungry they are, a big nerf down but maybe she can fixed with other binding vows in the future, perhaps after having perfect dolls...


End of the chapter

Sorry late update, I had issues.

Comments are my fuel !

what a post nut clarity chapter, damn fujimoto

Ps_Zakicreators' thoughts