
Bokutachi no Journey

Dan:" Aye how y'all doin' " Tgl:" not good " Kuro-san:" great " Dan:" Good " Dan:" Wanna play game? " Tgl:" Nah " Kuro-san:" What game? " Dan:" Actually it's not game but.. " *Link* Kuro-san:" The h is that? " *smirk* Dan: "Adventure" _______________________________________________________ It's my first ever fanfic and novel.Having fun in life,what a bliss.It's about a group of teens with dimensional group....well you know the rest.I just wanna write this out of urge to troll my friend.I'm doing this for fun...don't even think about good quality content but hey try come stay for a min :v. English isn't my first language.I'm still learning,it can be unbearable.(My writing sucks) Disclaimer 1:I do not own any character beside Original Character be it from anime or games,power and abilities I do not own them all shall be credited later Disclaimer 2:I do not own the cover.I found it randomly on Google.

NewLeaf · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: Flasback-New place

Anotoki,watashi tach- *cough* *cough* I mean.That time,our starting point.That day.

Our journey I guess?.(tch this is cliché but I'll say it anyway)

-9 years ago-

Wind breeze,green nature and kids voices at the background.Dan was a 6 years old boy looking at the kids that were playing around the play ground.He sat on a large boulder seemingly had no expression whatsoever but empty with a pencil and book filled with writings beside him.He just moved here with his parents to a new place.He is unusually not a sociable kid that would just joined any kids that were playing with their friends.With a thought in his mind of 'I'm bored' he got off the boulder and start to walk away slowly with a disdainful expression while carrying his book and pencil.

'Why do I need to move out?....I can't do anything besides my old hobbies' he thought.The first friend he got was when he was 4 years old but they were not so close comparing to how they actually interact with each other.He prefer the peaceful and quiet place even though he doesn't want to be alone.But the kids are cheerful and hard to not do anything when they are with their friends.This resulting on Dan being a loner kid that have a bad social interaction.

His parents aren't that concern over his situation because he never act like there's something happened.He would act like he has a lot of friends even though he is not.He doesn't want to admit that he's a loner.He has 2 brothers and 2 sisters.One of the brother and sister are working.While the other 2 is still studying.

He lived alone with both of his parents and the only thing he can do while his parents were working was writing a lot of things.That include anything that are inside his mind.Be it songs, story, diary, his own thought, imagination and so on.

On his way walking to unknown direction he stumbled upon a girl that were playing violin on a green grass garden.It was his first time to ever heard an actual violin plays.He was captivated by the sound of the violin.Even though the sound may be out of tune for times to times it would still give a sound that resembles a wind breeze that slide through your ears and bring you the peace of nature.

Dan keep staring at the violin play until the girl stop playing and realize that a person had seen her playing violin."Uhm...Who are you?" the girl's voice embark upon Dan's ear.The way the girl talk was quite weird alike to people who are not used to their language but it was still understandable."Me?....My name is Danish" Dan then replied.

"Were you listening?" the girl asked.Dan nodded.Satisfied with the answer the girl then said."Great! I have no one to listen to my playing,why don't you listen to mine? Ah! My name is Miyazono Kaori! Call me Kaori" every single tone is all jumpy and filled with cheerful aura.It was a pretty...strange name around here? but nonetheless Dan still nodded in reply.

Ever since then Kaori and Dan became close friend.They started to got more comfortable with each other.Dan tried to be more open to society but not too much.Kaori is pretty much can go well with everything.During the elementary school Dan showed interest in classical music but it didn't went well due to his laziness.He love to sit around the corner and do his own things.Pretty much weird."If you're making effort to be lazy then you might as well not be lazy" but he's just straight up only doing his own things not caring about others opinion.

He has quite a few friends but not a close one beside Kaori.Right after going back from school he would always went to Kaori's house first.Her mother opened a bakery shop alongside Kaori's father who are working for building construction.The project is big one that required the family to move out to here.Her mother would always greet him smile whenever I went to Kaori's house and so are her father.

It was all fun and all till the puberty came(This is hell).Dan started to build emotions for Kaori but he lacks confident and thought it was impossible.He's just a nerd now.Obese, ugly, useless, incapable, not sociable, a piece of shiet, an asshole and pretty much everything negative he thought to himself.So he thought his emotions towards her is alike to "frog trying to court the beautiful swan that share the same lake".He felt depressed but he never really care about it as his mindset are already set to "That is a fact".

He once and over times to times tried to change himself but well...that never goes well.First he don't want to problem his parents so he have no money,second he lacks confident, third he is not a sociable fella, fourth he lacks stamina and not to forget the fifth, he's too lazy to actually did effort to change himself.He even call himself a scumbag what kind of opinion you want to add more? Sure please do.

He found his interest in anime community then manga, manhua, manhwa, novels, fan fiction etc.He changed throughout the years with that influence.He tried to build himself as to him now but his laziness never changed.

It's in middle school that he and Kaori need to be apart.He's already distancing himself over himself anyway.This didn't changed anything beside "the time we're going to spend it lot lesser" or "oh no I can't see her" or "I can't complain about that prick to her directly I wanna see her expression" or well... much more actually.

Kaori is different than Dan.She has a lot of friends whether it's girls or boys she just goes well with everything.Her violin skills is one of the reason she's so famous around the school.Dan himself got less time to spend with her.But they would still spend their time together when there's free time.

During the middle school arc he tried to forget about his affection towards Kaori by not too much but it's useless.So he just keep it inside.But then he met 2 of his new friends Adam and Keith.This 2 asshole yea.Assholes.

-2 years ago-

"Ugh...new environment I don't like it..." Dan sighed seemingly not happy with this new change.He was about to adapt with the new environment now he went to another.Upon entering the school gate he asked the guard the direction towards teacher's office.He went to the school around 2 month late after the opening of the school day.He just changed the school from the previous one due to the time needed to go the school is too long.

The guards told him the direction towards the teacher's office.Dan's social skills had improved due to his new believe "Just pretend that you'll never know that person after this and treat him like a question box first" but it never actually worked out since he really did never interact with people that much other than the one he knows that is.

He went to the teacher's office and searched for his class teacher.Lucky for him the class teacher is there if not he would need to ask more troublesome questions to other teachers around.She's currently sitting while working on her laptop.

"Umm...Hello Ms Li may I take your time?" Dan asked.Infront of him is just a gorgeous person.Long silky black hair with black eyes along side with a glasses.Yes.Glasses.The best invention of all time.She looks rather tall around 175-180 cm. (A/N:Yes please use asian standard)

"Ah yes student,how can I help you?" She then replied."Yes,my name is Danish Cowwart and this is my first day here.I was told to inform you about my attendance" Dan said with trying to give an expression of a normal transferred student.Yes with a fake smile.

"New student? On early year? That's new here" she was quite surprised to see new student on early school phase since it was quite rare to see student exchange right 1 month after the school opened.

"Yes" Dan said without changing his expression.

"Okay let me show you your class since you might not know where the current class is" She stand up before asking."Which class you took? Technology inventoring or computer science?" (A/N:Well it's actually Computer Science or Lab subject but I changed it :v)

"Technology inventoring" Dan replied

"Good follow me"

After walking around for a while,she showed me various place around before arriving to a lab."This is where your subject class will be.Wait for a minute" She said before leaving me outside of the lab like an idiot staring blankly over the white wall questioning my existence that are nothing beside a wall that represent "nothing" very well.After around a minute she came back with another teacher beside her.It's obvious since you can literally see "Teacher Ray" on his tag.That give Dan very uncomfortable vibe for some reason.

"This will be your subject's teacher just call him Sir Ray.I'll be leaving you here to him.I need to continue my works.Just inform me if you wanna ask anything" She said as she introduced the new character beside her.Sir Ray had a body consist of people who are near their 30's thin beard,quite built up body,185++ cm tall.

Ms Li then left Dan with the new character alone."Here come in.Don't be shy.There's nothing to be scared of" He said while giving a smile that creeped Dan out deep inside.After going inside the lab Dan got all the attention of almost all the students beside some that are doing their own work without caring about anything.

"Okay class we have a new student here.Hey come introduced yourself to the class" He announced then whispered to Dan.

I let out a long sigh before introducing myself "My name is Danish Cowwart.Just call me Dan.12 years and 3 month old.I would be pleased if you do so.Please take care of me" Dan keep his face with a fake smile that are as fake as a smile could be.

The class greeted Dan with applause.He felt he wanted to die at anytime."Good you can sit there Dan" Sir Ray said while pointing his finger to sit beside a boy that didn't join during the "attention giving to a new student" time.

Dan went to the sit and tried to blend in and be as less attention attractor as possible.It's not like it worked out or it isn't.It's just everyone is minding their own business.Paying attention to the lesson, writing on their note books, playing rubik's cube etc.

Some still asked him questions like "where are you from?" or "Which school are you from?" and so on.Dan keep answering the question up to his best capabilities.He felt like he just did 2 day worth of effort just by answering them.

After the class everyone went to their class.Dan went to the class with a new people he just met.They belonged to the same class,Class 1A-2.

The next subject is starting.Science class.He met more different people from the class but decided to let his thoughts off first after the class.

This time he met the untobeknownst for him.He will met his 2 new friends that pretty changed his life.


(A/N: Right so... I changed Kaori's character.... a lot... so might as well think that she is just an OC inspired by the Heroine of Shigatsu WA Kimi no Uso/Your Lie in April anime... yeah I quite fond of her so I wanted to add her in this little series of mine)

I just wanna do anything and that anything is what I did.I did did the thing wanna do and that is the anything that I did...

-10 brain cells

NewLeafcreators' thoughts