
Bokutachi no Journey

Dan:" Aye how y'all doin' " Tgl:" not good " Kuro-san:" great " Dan:" Good " Dan:" Wanna play game? " Tgl:" Nah " Kuro-san:" What game? " Dan:" Actually it's not game but.. " *Link* Kuro-san:" The h is that? " *smirk* Dan: "Adventure" _______________________________________________________ It's my first ever fanfic and novel.Having fun in life,what a bliss.It's about a group of teens with dimensional group....well you know the rest.I just wanna write this out of urge to troll my friend.I'm doing this for fun...don't even think about good quality content but hey try come stay for a min :v. English isn't my first language.I'm still learning,it can be unbearable.(My writing sucks) Disclaimer 1:I do not own any character beside Original Character be it from anime or games,power and abilities I do not own them all shall be credited later Disclaimer 2:I do not own the cover.I found it randomly on Google.

NewLeaf · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 5:-Might,friends

{None's POV}

Dan put the can back to the table and deactivate the tattoo power.He took his phone beside the diamond can he just put before and open the N.S chat group

-N.S Chat Group-

Dan:"Ayyeeee I'm richhhhhhhhhajjskdwbdobzkks"

Tgl:"Shut the F up"

Kuro-San:"Yea F you"

Dan:"Aye relax,I can make a fortune for my next 7 generation"


Dan:"Remember my rewards"




Dan:"It's my Taboo Tattoo"

Kuro-San:"Oh yea the tattoo...what is it again?"

Dan:"Tattoo bla bla bla you get power bla bla trigger bla bla"

Tgl:"That's annoying af"


Kuro-San:"So what about that "supplies for my next seed generations" thing?"

Dan:"I can turn any minerals any minerals that I wanted"

Kuro-San:"Can you make vibranium?"



Dan then rushed to take the diamond can on the table and activate his power again.'Dammit I was making that chant for a joke.Now I can't go back....can I not say it loudly?' He thought.Not that he didn't like the chant but the fact that you need to say it out is not his thing....in some circumstances that is.He try to spell the chant inside his mind with a response of feeling the exact same feeling he got after activating the tattoo for the first time.'Yoshh I can!' he joyed.

'Now....let it flow' the diamond can start to change its form to a visibly dark matter.After couple of seconds blueish and purplish properties can be seen glowing around it.'Wait I need to cover it with something....glass would do' Dan never dealt with vibranium so he thought of having a bit of safety is okay.'Oh wait I'm the Emperor right? So I shouldn't get harmed by my own creation right?' with that thought in mind Dan still created a sort of glass barrier to see the vibranium.

'What a pretty colour.... pretty....remind me of Kaori...'


'No no I still can call her later'

-N.S Chat Group-

Kuro-San:"So how is it with your delusional mind of having a thought of making vibranium?"

Dan:"*Send jpg*"


Tgl:"BullShiet live now let us see it"

Dan then proceed to make a live on the group.During the 6 days after they got the weekly task they found lots of features in it and one of it being a live stream with realistic views.They can't understand how can it be so realistic but well.... it's a good thing.And one of the thing that shocked them also was when nobody can see the N.S chat group.They even let outer person to type the keyboard of the group but the person said that there's nothing to type to begin with.It's all just a blank white screen.

[*Ding! Dan is currently doing a live stream]

"So how is it,didn't believe me? it's a vibranium can on your face." Dan said while showing the vibranium in front of the phone camera.



"I might as well make mjolnir" Dan said

Kuro-San:"I can't keep up with logic nowadays.They keep falling apart"

Tgl:"You've been living in luxury eh? Dan"



[*Ding! Live broadcast has stopped.The record will be on the live stream record list]

Dan suddenly got a shiver when read Tgl's statement but decide to let it off for now.He change the vibranium back to normal aluminum can and put it back on the table and went to the group to ask casual thing.

Dan:"How about your task?"



Dan:"Great Imma continue my meditation progress"

{Dan's POV}

I went back to the lotus sitting posture but my mind is filled with a lot of thoughts and decided to call the meditation off.I then remember that I haven't call Kaori for a week and decide to call her.Kaori is my childhood friend from 6 years old.She has a brown straight hair which fit perfectly with her brown eyes.Her addiction towards playing violin make her really good at playing it and she is very talented.She often joined in various violin competition.I would always listen to her playing violin whenever she brought violin here to play.She moved here due to her father work.But now we are going to different school.She went to the girls only school while me here just a normal school but this lead me to this 2 friends of mine.K and Tgl.But I would at least contact her from time to time.

Beside Kaori I don't think there's anyone understand me much even my ex best friend.We were living in different world.But now I met them I can show the least bit of myself openly much more.

Kaori just went back from a vacation yesterday so I don't want to bother her by calling her right after the long flight.She have been visiting her grandparents house in Japan during the vacation.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Hello this is Miyazono" a feminine voice came in and I know that it is Kaori.

"Hey why don't you read the name who's calling you?"

"Hehe~it's Dan.Wanna hear my story during my vacation?"

'I don't even have a chance to ask her how is she doing but she already start the topic fast.She sound energetic though.Seems like she is fine'

"Yeah sure"

Her usual energetic voice would always make me smile so I would just let her say whatever she wanted and keep listening to it.

"You see.....

After all the talks about her in Japan makes me really wanna go there myself.Maybe one day.

"So what are you doing these days when I was on my vacation,Dan?" Kaori Asked

"Me? Well... it's complicated so why don't you come play at my house and I'll tell you what I've been experiencing during these days?"

"Hmm? Sure! How about tommorow I still need to do some things"

"Oh okay then come at 10 a.m. tommorow."

"Fine,see you later tommorow Dan!"

"See you"

*beep* *beep* *beep*

"Seems like I need to prepare something tommorow.....well I got to meet Kaori again so that's fine I guess?"


(A/N:I cringed so hard at this....Yes I add a new character from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso,Kaori Miyazono.It will be a very big change and also a character development for Dan later on.I shall enjoy the future.I also changed her appearance a bit... probably)

Muahaha my friend will cringed if he know that I put Kaori here....I did this for her sake and mine...her for not dying....me for not making her to go to such fate and not making me sad again :(.

NewLeafcreators' thoughts