
02x02 Rivalries

— Welcome! Ladies, gentlemen, small humans and people who just switched channels so their parents didn't see what they were watching – Deadpool says that last line directly to the camera that was filming it in the event's broadcast room, he being the official narrator – I'm Deadpool, your favorite advertiser; but now tell me, are you ready for the CHILD FIGHTING!?!?!?

Deadpool then stops for a few seconds, when he hears neither screams nor boos from the huge audience outside that completely filled the M.A stadium, the festival's headquarters. The mercenary hero then taps his microphone and realizes that it is muted. He then turns to the side and notices his narration partner, pressing a red button on the sound panel.

— And here the speaker is Matthew Murdock, the main commentator of the competition, I was invited with great affection by the faculty, and I hope you are all as excited as I am – Matthew says into his own microphone, invoking the most cheerful and persuasive voice of the famous lawyer, but quickly frowning as he leans back in his wheelchair, while the audience now screamed in animation. Fortunately, the cabin he was in was not being broadcast, so he still preserved his identity by being still completely injured.

— You had to be a mood killer? – Deadpool asks his colleague

— My second job here is to slow you down, do you know how many families with young children are watching this? – the blind hero asks as if it's obvious – besides, your heart starts to race so much before you say something silly that it's like you asked me to do this…

— But readers want the author to stay true to Deadpool's speeches, they hate your plausible context – Deadpool says sulky

— What are you talkin... – Daredevil tries to question him, but is stopped

— Shut up! – he says quickly and picks up the microphone when he notices movement in the arena / stadium – and here they come, the children who all expected CLASS 1-A !!!

And really, coming out first of one of the four entrances to the stadium from the rest areas were the 20 students from the first year of the heroes course. The crowd goes wild when it comes, quickly recognizing some familiar faces from the news a few days ago. But of course, it wasn't just at the stadium that people were going crazy;

— The one with the brown hair, he's my nephew – May says to her visits, the ladies of the street below who have arranged a snack with their grandchildren to watch the festival on TV - he will be the greatest hero in the world

— Uuuuuuuuuuu – the young children say as they turn to the screen and focus on the boy

— There are a lot of people, it's more intimidating than I thought ... - Peter says pulling the collar of his PE jumpsuit and looking at the large number of people and cameras watching them

— Yep... – Wanda says softly, also embarrassed and even a little intimidated by them

— But remember, we must not seek third party approval, we must recognize our own value ourselves - says Danny, looking little shaken by the situation they were in

— I KNOW YOU LOVE ME!!! - Gwen says waving to the audience while she sends kisses and makes the peace sign with her hands, smiling and jumping as she walks

— But it's not just the protagonists that a story is written! - Deadpool continues - now it comes, still from the heroe's course; CLASS 1-B !!!

Soon after the last students of 1-A left after the same passage the students of 1-B; 20 students also on the hero course, as powerful and skilled as 1-A, since the selection method for the classes was random, not based on grades. Like 1-A, 1-B was also home to boys and girls with the most diverse appearances and ethnicities, but leading the group was a specific girl. A tall and slender girl with slightly wavy blond hair that reached up to her armpits, she had fair skin, a small nose, thin lips and piercing blue eyes, her countenance was serious and determined as she walked, it was not for nothing, those knowledgeable recognized her as the granddaughter of one of the first heroes in history.

— And now, to be effective, the author will only quote people who matter from the classes; C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K - says Deadpool again while the rest of the students left the other entrances;

Through one of the openings, the C, D and E. Of the General Studies; who received the most varied education, both for those who wanted to enter the course of heroes, as the brunette with colored eyes who followed, separated from the rest of his colleagues, and for those who considered a university degree in the future, which it was generally the plan of the students in this class, too unmotivated to still cherish the dream of being heroes.

The Support Department's F, G and H classes came fron another direction, the department that Tony Stark was part of before becoming a hero and which is home to the most promising child minds for building support equipment for heroes. A certain brunette was very excited by the event, being very fond of the work of Iron Man; she was not a very tall girl, with dark skin, thicker lips, a flattened nose and generally rather wavy brown hair, but who was now bound by a red and gold helmet, similar to that Iron Man himself used, but that left her face showing, covering only the side and the back.

Finally, from the last access to the stadium, classes I, J and K, Department of Finance, and those less interested in that event; let's face it, the heroes department used the event to show up and be able to be called on to intern with some famous hero, the general studies could use the chance to be promoted to the heroes course and the support classes could show their inventions to famous heroes and businessmen in that industry who also watched; while the finance class didn't have much to show for it, at best, to be lucky enough to find a hero who wants to open an agency or someone in charge of bureaucratic tasks at an agency so they could have a chat, but that was a chance in a million.

— And so they are not important! - says Deadpool to the reader, and soon turns to the people who watched - now I humbly pass the word to our field advertiser; our dearest teacher, Emma Frost, the White Queen!

All 220 students from the eleven classes then went to a small white platform that was on the side of the demarcated area in the center of the stadium; where the field announcer and judge would stay, the telepathic heroine Emma Frost.

The History of Modern Art teacher, from both the heroes and General Studies courses, was on such a platform. The beautiful heroine was standing waiting for the students to approach; her slightly wavy and shiny blond hair fell over her shoulders, her thin face was marked by makeup in her eyes and the silver lipstick on her lips. Her curvaceous body enchanted and also envied many of the people present, especially when highlighted by her uniform. The white corset hugged her waist and bust, the cloak attached to the sides went to her feet, but left her shoulders out, her arms were covered in white gloves, and her pants and boots were the same color, just like the necklace around her neck. However, her countenance was serious, she was a very strict teacher, who even managed to deceive students at times with a more meek way, she was not affected by anything, not even by her old heroine name that Deadpool had insisted on using;

— Is Mrs. Frost's uniform really suitable for this event? - comments Amadeus, embarrassed trying not to face his teacher's body

— I don't know what is more intimidating, her body or her face - says Pietro blushing

— No objections ... - Kei comments as he quickly changed his focus from the paper and pencil in his hands and the image of his teacher

— Silence! - in a strong warning, the heroine is able to silence all students and spectators at the same time; it is clear that she had used telepathic help to have more effect, but no one needed to know that - please, representatives of classes B and A, come up for the opening speech.

A shiver went down the spine of all the students in 1-A, while the representatives of the heroes' classes went over to the microphone that was next to the teacher. Peter lets out a sigh of relief; having already watched the festival on television several times, he knew that there was a chance that the speech nominee would be the one who had won first in the practical exam of the Admission Exam, which in their case would be Flash, but he was happy to know that Azari was responsible for this.

Signing politely to his companion, Azari offers the blonde who had conducted class 1-B the microphone so that she can speak first, trying to smooth things over like the good diplomat he was.

— Good morning, dear colleagues and spectators! As a representative of 1-B, I would just like to express how grateful we are that you are watching us - she says looking at the audience in the stands, but then turning to the other students, specifically those in class 1-A - and I would like to remind you that no matter what happened in the past, everyone here has a chance to show their potential, and that we should not be intimidated by the opponent. Thank you! - she says and soon turns away from the microphone to the sound of applause, now giving space to Azari

—... – Azari uses a little time to reflect on what he was going to say, he even had a prepared speech, but he thought he needed to change it. The opponent's speech was obvious, even if somewhat masked, its meaning was simple; "It doesn't matter that you faced villains, we will go with everything", so he takes a deep breath before speaking - On behalf of 1-A, we also thank you for watching and cheering us, and we wish all our colleagues, good luck and that we can give our best in this festival! Thanks! - he says ending with Wakanda's greeting, walking away and going down, being fired by a round of applause

— Okay, let's go with our schedule - says the teacher, as soon as the representatives leave the stage, without giving the students time to rest - we will now find out what the first activity will be - she says seriously while a holographic screen with a roulette appears behind it, which then stops and indicates the activity to students;

"Obstacle Course"

— Very well - starts the teacher - all students will participate in this activity, a 4 km run around the stadium, you will leave and arrive through the same portal. The only rule is; do not leave the course, other than that all students can do whatever they want. So, please go to the exit;

Quickly and efficiently, all students positioned themselves at the mouth of the only exit that directly connected the stadium to the outside. The opening should have been about 10 meters high, and had three green lights on like those of car racing, when the three went out the race started, but it was not so wide, with approximately five meters in length, like this, the students either squeezed into the entrance or stayed further back, all depending on the strategy of each one, since certainly it would not be possible for everyone to pass at the same time.

Young Parker was in the middle of the crowd, trying his best to get close to the exit, and until the lights went out, he was thinking about everything he had to do; this was his chance to introduce himself to the world, he needed to be smart about using his powers to do well in the situations that would follow and to be able to show his potential as a future hero.

The first light goes out

He hoped Aunt May was watching

The second light goes out

He hoped that Mr. Stark was seeing him

The last light goes out

He wished Uncle Ben could see him now ...

— START !!! - the teacher starts the competition

If the students felt that the confusion that occurred in the canteen during the reporters' invasion had been a chaos of proportion of Mufasa's killer buffalo herd, their parameters had just changed at that time. All of the more than two hundred students ran, pushed and squeezed themselves in hopes of crossing the stadium portal to the outside as quickly as possible, each trying to make the best use of their skills.

"— And look how they squeeze into that tight space! That's exactly how it happened when I ... - Deadpool's audio is then muted in that last part - Oh yeah? Then you comment! Boring!" he probably says to his narration partner

"— Many cannot see the first obstacle - Mr. Murdock takes the floor - but the way out is one of the most important moments "

"Of course" Peter thinks to himself "Whoever gets out of here first will have a huge advantage in the race, when they get to the open space first, I need to do something!" then, the brunette quickly remembers the situation during the reporters' invasion, and quickly draws up a plan; Squeezing through the people, he advances until he reaches the nearest wall, placing his hands on the concrete, he starts to propel himself upwards, with the goal of climbing the wall with his hands and getting out of there faster, he was almost leaving the ground, when his plans fail with the temperature drop.

Everyone is surprised when the air is quickly cooled and a layer of ice appears from the ground, which starts to trap the feet of all runners. Peter was almost managing to climb the wall, now having one of his feet frozen and stuck to the floor, until he noticed a figure passing nimbly through everyone until it left the tight tunnel;

— 미안 해요 (Mian haeyo)!!! –Korean Seol says invoking her nationality a little by apologizing in her mother tongue and running out, with the freezing trail covering the outlines of the exit as it spreads and still accompanying it creating a layer of ice on top of the dirt floor and concrete, while she had now created roller blades in her sneakers and was skating away at high speed

— Seol... – one who was less affected by the freeze was young Reyes, due to the latent functions of his Quirk, the ice barely reached his feet and soon melted. Irritated, he then runs outside, lightly melting the ice he passed until he was outside, running with his feet through the ice layer and making him step on solid ground.

But he was not the only one to have managed to break free and start running. Flash used his Quirk that "ate" the ice at his feet, Sam, putting on his helmet, produced enough energy to melt the ice and break free, but not wanting to spend all his energy, he was content to just escape from the ice and run. Some others who contained increased strength managed to get out too, like Luke and Amadeus, or even Kei now mounted on Fireclaw, the two-meter humanoid tiger with literal flaming claws sticking out of the back of his hands.

"If the only rule is not to leave the course ... "Reyes thinks, as he sees the other students have managed to break free, and then takes two fingers to his lips, blowing a short, loud whistle, like the one they use to call an animal , and instantly an engine roar is heard in the distance. Until suddenly, everyone is surprised by one of the walls on the side of the course just after the exit has been blown up, forming a crater and a car driving alone crosses it and stops beside Reyes. The long, completely black car, in a more square and straight shape, modified with an engine out of the hood was a modified 1969 Dodge Charger, and was now known as Hell Charger, by its owner.

Stopping his run, Reyes soon gets into the car, sitting in the driver's seat, he shifts into third gear and stomps on the gas, ready to go.

— Where do you think you're going Ghosty !? - Flash asks angrily when he sees the boy get in the car; he then activates his Quirk more and tries to grow an arm so he can grab the car, but that was not possible.

With the exhaust literally spitting fire, the heat wave produced was enough to prevent Flash from reaching him, given his weakness to the fire. And that way Reyes starts at speed following the course of the race.

Even though Seol was at the advantage for being in the front, Reyes with his car quickly approached, and with him, further back, the other students who managed to escape the trap by the Korean, she certainly was not happy to have done that, but it was something necessary.

Soon afterwards, the two students are faced with something unexpected, both being students who entered by recommendation, they do not recognize the army of greenish robots ahead, which were the robots of the entrance exams; several of the smaller one, two and three point robots and two more in the huge zero point trap robots were, all together, the second obstacle of the competition.

Reyes brakes the car when observing the blocking of the machines, but Seol only increases the speed. Watching the robotic army she is unmoved, she was confident in her abilities now and knew she could overcome this challenge. She then proceeds to launch the blast of ice from her hands, forming a ramp that went over the robots, but she knew that the big guys were too high to go over, she needed to knock one over. Turning the ramp a little and facing one of the colossal robots, she stops creating the ramp and with that she launches at high speed towards the machine, and even in the air she howls;

— AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!- concentrating her Quirk close to herself, Seol then makes a huge ice sheet appear out of nowhere, as if forming a stalagmite in mere seconds, but of completely black ice, as if water with dye had been frozen and that pierces the robot, destroying his whole chest and structure and he starts to fall, without more energy, the girl then uses that moment, pushing herself on the tip of the ice spear she had created and jumping over the robot, and forming again the ramp, moving nimbly down the back of the falling mechanical monstrosity.

Reyes is amazed to see how much power the girl has just shown, to see the gigantic machine falling to the ground and raising a gust of wind and dust. He knew that now he couldn't stand still, looking in the rearview mirror and seeing the rest of the students approaching, he couldn't waste the advantage he had now, so he shifts the gear again, releases the handbrake and steps on the accelerator.

Quickly making a right turn, he heads to the ramp created by his opponent, hoping that even with the heat of the car, she does not melt immediately, she was the best chance to jump over this obstacle, certainly the most efficient way. Some of the robots try to stop him, but the speed of the Hell Charger keeps them out of his way as he heads towards the ice structure.

Climbing the ramp at high speed, he observes that if he were at a speed fast enough, he would be able to use the second landing ramp, so he demarcates the goal; being at "demonic speeds" the ramp ends and he is launched, but what he did not foresee was the giant robotic hand of the second largest robot blocking his path, trying to hit him in mid-flight. Reyes thinks about the different ways he could use himself to get rid of this problem, but he does; "My dear father is watching, I have to prove that I don't need him or his powers to be a hero"

He then tightens the steering wheel and concentrates, activating half of his Quirk and summoning iron chains from his back, which literally spring from his body and launch out the open windows, like living snakes. Controlling them mentally, he makes them cling to the carcass of the fallen robot and the other end to the hand of the robot that blocked his path, and with a single thought, they pull the iron giant, making his hand go down and giving free way to the car.

Reyes then lands on the other ice ramp, the car crashes and shakes a lot, but he holds on tight and continues the journey, following the ice rink formed by Seol and leaving the army of robots for his colleagues to take care of.