
02x01 The Sports Festival

In the Murray Hill neighborhood, near Queens, west of Manhattan, a gentleman received a letter from someone he hadn't seen in a long time. The writer was not very fond of your demands on the means of communicating, but from time to time it was a good thing to make the preferences of those who saved your life.

The tall, fair-skinned man with a gray beard only on the tip of his chin, with hair only wrapped around his head close to his ears, sits cross-legged on one of the mattresses in his living room, leaving his cup of tea in the small coffee table, he takes the reading glasses from his jacket and focuses on reading the letter;

"Greetings, how are you doing, old man? ..." The 'old man' read in Tony's voice "I hope everything is fine. Time goes by doesn't it? We haven't spoken for some years; all the work has kept me busy, but don't worry, I'm really enjoying life, as you taught me. Since you probably still don't watch TV, you shouldn't know, but I accepted a teaching position at M.A, I know, I know, Tony teaching seems a long way away, doesn't it? Teaching the future generation of heroes and blah blah blah, I look like Rogers.

But one thing I wanted to tell you about is the Arc project. So; he ended. The plan was to make it possible for an individual to be able to produce energy from the reactor; but the projects ended when there was an escape, a spider escaped and stung a boy, a boy without Quirk.

But calm down! Nothing serious happened, but the boy gained powers; won a Quirk. I then started to train him, he is a kind, courageous and strong-willed boy, who became a dedicated student at MA. Even with certain problems, he always finds clever ways to overcome obstacles, he is quite creative, and I feel that he will become a great hero one day.

I feel like I'm going to need your help sooner than I think, so I'm writing this here, so please make sure I don't have to find another last-minute tutor.

Sincerely, T. Stark, The Iron Man "

— So Stark is training a disciple - he says when he finishes reading the letter, leaving it on the table and taking his cup of tea and having a drink

"The school closed the day after the League of Villains attack on EDR. I think they wanted us to have a break, but it was hard to relax. And the other day, they sent us an email with a warning, we should be paired up to go to school, for security reasons… "

— Peter! You'll be late! - May says knocking on the door of his nephew's room, but not hearing any answer - Peter !!! - she hits harder, just to hear a grunt inside - I told you not to stay late at that forum about heroes! - Another growl, even louder is heard and May gives up and goes back to the kitchen, regretting a little that she chose that day to make Peter's favorite pancakes.

May then returns to the kitchen, finishing heating the pan for the pancakes; putting a certain amount of dough, she takes the spatula to make the pancakes until she hears the bell ring; quickly lowering the fire and heading towards the door, which opens and is faced with a surprise

— Good morning Mrs. Parker, I'm Wanda Maximoff, Peter's partner for the walk to school - the brunette says smiling with her fluffy cheeks and red bow

— Ah, so you're the famous Wanda that Peter talks about so much - the older one says making the poor girl blush without knowing what to say - please come in, I'm making pancakes - she says giving space to the youngest, who enters the residence Parker

— Your house is very beautiful Mrs. Parker - the girl says politely

— Ah, you are very kind - May says coming back to the stove and pancakes - but please call me May, Mrs. makes me feel old - she says in a funny way to the girl who just shyly agrees - if you want , Peter's room is the second door on the left in the hall

— Okay, thanks - she says immediately heading to the boy's room to see if he was already awake; apart from some of the more rigid colleagues, Peter also didn't like being late

Heading to the door, which was obvious from the Iron Man-style wooden sign and the name 'Peter', the girl knocks softly, but what she didn't expect was that as soon as she knocked, the door opens quickly and a Peter with messy hair and eyes still slightly closed appears

— I already understood May, I'm on my way, I'm finishing changing and… - then he can get used to the light enough to see who was really in front of him - Wanda? What are you doing here… ah! Yeah, the pairs for school, I just need to finish changing and I'll be right there, okay?

— Ah… I… en… - the girl couldn't even formulate a word and was extremely red

— Are you okay? You look a little red ... - the boy says not quite understanding what was happening; until he realizes that the brunette's eyes were not on his face, but were a little lower, and looking down, he realizes: he was shirtless.

It was the first time that Wanda had seen a shirtless boy who was not Pietro, and not just because the boy was shirtless, ashamed of her, but simply by staring at the boy's impressively muscular body, a defined chest and abdomen, a Immediate heat tinted her face. And looking back at the boy, she can see that he was also red and the two soon parted;

— IAPOLOGIZEFORTHATISWEARIHADN'TREALIZED!!! - the boy says while closing the door

— SORRYFORLOOKINGIDIDNOTINTENT!!! - the girl also says when walking away from the door and returning to the kitchen

Both Peter and Wanda were now walking towards 75th Avenue Station, which made for good walking blocks; since they had agreed to meet Danny and Gwen, who came from Harlem, at a bakery on 6th Avenue. Both said nothing during the walk, both of them with slightly red cheeks due to the shame of the events that had occurred earlier; but Peter tried to say something anyway, he couldn't get through the day without talking to his best friend;

— I heard from some people that you managed to prevent the red villain from reaching your brother - says the brunette to his friend, who blushes even more for the compliment

—It was no big deal, I just levitated him a little, Kamala who managed to catch him - she says embarrassed and scratching the back of her neck - I spent a lot of energy on that, thankfully he was distracted

— What do you mean? - asks Peter, not hiding his curiosity and admiration for meeting new Quirks, he knew other heroes with telekinetic powers, but he felt that Wanda's were a little different

— Well ... my Quirk, 'Hex' allows me to distort natural energy - she says activating and creating the small, pulsating sphere of red energy - I usually distort the energy around objects, but the energy around people or animals it's too chaotic ...

— How so? - Peter asks quickly taking from his backpack his notebook and a pencil to write down, the girl seemed not to notice

— How can I explain? Ah! Do you know when you're not paying attention and someone pushes you and you fall? - Peter knew very well what it felt like, but he let the brunette continue, it was a rhetorical question after all - but what if you know the person is coming to push you?

— I try to deflect or stand firm so I don't fall - Peter says scratching his chin with his pencil

—Exactly! - she says excitedly - the same thing happens when I try to control someone's vital energy, if she doesn't notice it gets easier, but if she does, it becomes a battle of those who have more willpower and ... - she looks at the colleague, only to find him writing furiously in his notebook, she swore that the tip of the pencil was about to catch fire

— Ah, sorry for not asking permission - the boy says when he sees the red eyes staring at him in a curious way - is that I always write down everything I can about Quirks, it's something I've done since I was little

— Hehe, it's no wonder then that you know so much - she says smiling and coming back to look ahead when walking - every moment reminds me of how amazing you are ... - she says this part in a whisper

— What? – he asks

— Nothing! - she says loudly and gets more flushed, and accelerating to stay a few meters in front of the boy

They soon reach the station and board the bus; fortunately M.A's student IDs gave them free access to buses and subways, so they easily boarded. During the forty-five minute drive to the bakery on Sixth Avenue, the students heard people talking about the news, which had as main news the attack by the League of Villains on EDR and the involvement of first-year students. Fortunately, because they were without their hero uniforms, they were not recognized.

The bus then stops in front of Bakery Magnolia, and there were the two blonds, Gwen and Danny, waiting for their friends, but with them, an unexpected person, but by no means unwanted was found;

— What's up Luke? - Peter says as he gets off the bus and comes face to face with the tall brunette next to Danny and Gwen, greeting him with a little pout

— What's up guys? - he says smiling - I was buying some donuts when these two came in and said they were waiting for you two

— We found out that he lives in Harlem too - says Danny after greeting his friends

— Now our cult has won another one, HAHAHAHAHA !!! - Gwen laughs evily

— Is she okay? - asks Luke

— You get used to it - the other three say at the same time

— But are you alone Luke? - asks Wanda - shouldn't we all be with a partner?

— Well…

Before the boy could give his colleagues any kind of explanation, something approaches them at high speed and stops, producing an air wave that shakes their hair and makes them close their eyes; to finally open them and come across another colleague

— The human rocket "Nova"! Savior of kittens in trees - young Sam says to his colleagues while doing poses as if trying to show the muscles he didn't have. He was wearing his school uniform and had his backpack on his back, but he had his special helmet on his head. However, he soon realizes the female presence and changes his strategy, removing his helmet and going towards the newly arrived brunette - M'lady, would you give me the honor of yours ...

But before the lightning flirt could approach Wanda, he is lifted off the floor by Luke, who was holding him by his uniform and lifting him with one arm, without seeming to be making much effort;

— Ok, that's enough - he says to the goose-haired boy

—Do I weigh anything for you? - the boy asks sarcastically

— No - Luke says smiling - it's like holding a handful of grapes - he says letting go and the boy putting his helmet in his backpack and walking away - sorry for him, we are childhood friends; our parents met during the army and the two families are very friendly

— No problem ... - Peter says and Wanda agrees, both seeing Sam trying to show his muscles (which only appeared due to lack of fat, not because they were developed) to Gwen, but the girl herself showing that her muscles were bigger. Peter didn't comment, but he knew exactly what it was like to have a hard-to-deal friend, if he could call Flash a friend.

The six then board another bus, and after another trip, this time of less than fifteen minutes, the children meet again in the majestic M.A, fortunately without any paparazzi at the entrance to disturb them. And when the three pairs arrive in the room, the news from last night is what occupies the conversations of students in class 1-A.

—And you guys, did you manage to watch the news? - Kamala asks colleagues - I only got to see it this morning ...

— I saw it, it even gave a taste of fame, as if we were celebrities - says Pietro

— Fame is not as cool as it looks, enjoy it while you don't know where you live - says Nico in a more pessimistic tone

— I think it depends on the fame you are creating - says Seol while scratching her chin, since she knew exactly how the situation was described by the goth, but also the animation expressed by the speedster

— Or the fame of those close to you ... - remarks Reyes in a low voice, being only his neighbor Laura listening, but the brunette said nothing

— But after everything we've been through, it's kind of crazy to think about it - comments Amadeus

— Yeah, imagine if the professionals hadn't shown up ... Ouch! - Sam comments when placing his things on his desk No. 1 and then complains when feeling that he had been hit by a small ball of paper

— DON'T SAY IT OUT LOUD! - comments Kei in a frightened way - I still have nightmares just thinking ... - the designer says doodling random things in his notebook

— Oh shut up! - Flash complains angrily to the short boy, and scaring Peter in the process because of how loud his voice was

— The only cool thing was seeing Iron Man send that robot flying - says Tandy and having his companion Tyrone just nodding

— Everyone stop talking and sit down! The class is about to start - says Azari, playing his role of representative by being a walking alarm for the classes, by having warned everyone at the exact moment that the clock gave the time

— Oh, we're all seated already - comments Amadeus

— Yeah man, you're the only one still standing - says Sam as he then appreciates Azari's face of defeat, as the boy walks to his desk, muttering something to himself

— Hey, Wanda - Gwen says turning around to talk to her friend, even with Amadeus among them - who do you think is going to teach us today?

— You want me to make room ... - Amadeus tries to speak, but is cut off by the other girl in the conversation

— I don't know ... Mr. Murdock is still in the hospital ... - she says putting her finger on her chin, thoughtfully, until the class door opens to answer any questions

— Good morning class ... - they hear the unmistakable voice of the blind hero and class teacher, but his situation was not easy; he wore sweatpants, a loose shirt and sneakers, but that was not the strangest thing. He was in a wheelchair, with both arms bandaged, one in a sling, and the other looser so that he could control the wheelchair automatically, he had some stitches on his face, but most of the dressings must have been hidden by clothes

— Mr. Murdock, what are you doing here? - asks the class in unison

— I have already recovered from worse injuries, the most important thing is that we do not delay the curriculum, since your fight is not over yet ...

— Our fight ...? - Flash question

— Do not tell me? - adds Peter

— Oh no! No more villains for the love of all that is sacred! - Kei despairs

— The M.A sports festival is about to start - ends the teacher

—Oh yes! It's time to show ... - Pietro starts, but Danny puts his hand on his head and makes him stop talking

— Are you sure it's a good idea professor? - asks the blonde

— Couldn't the villains use this to attack us when we're all in the same place? - Asks Ava as she sits in the front row

—Apparently the administration thinks this is a good way to show that we have everything under control - he says, sighing tiredly - I admit I am not the biggest supporter of the idea, but the festival is a great opportunity for all MA students, even I agree which is not something that we can cancel because of some villains

This was something that the whole class could not dispute, being everyone, and wanting to become a hero, enthusiastic about the big event; In the past, fans of sports competitions focused on world events such as the Olympics or the World Cup, but with the emergence of Quirks, these competitions have diminished until they become obsolete, being replaced by sports festivals of high school students with hero courses, and MA being the largest and most famous school in the world, was the main focus of sports and competition fans

— Besides that we will be assisted by several professionals and we can be recruited - says Laura with a killer look in the eyes

— True, many after graduating, they join some agency and become partners of professionals, wanting or not it is something very important - says Pietro

— Who knew that your hollow head would have any useful information - zoa Flash

— That's it; one chance a year, three chances in life - explains Professor Murdock - no aspiring hero can afford to miss such an opportunity. I hope nothing less than the best of each, do you understand?

—Yes sir!

— The, class dismised.

Leaving the classroom, Professor Piotr leaves the room, freeing students for lunch, but they were still talking about the long-awaited sports festival;

— Oh man I'm so excited - says Pietro to friends at the front of the room - I'm vibrating with energy - he says literally vibrating at his super speed

— Calm down little guy - says Luke putting his hand on Pietro's shoulder, making him stop - we're all excited, for sure

— It's our moment to shine, without pun foreseen - Tandy says that last part to friend Tyrone

— That's why we're here - the brunette says to his blonde friend, giving a little smile because of the unintentional joke she made

— You are lucky Amadeus - Nico starts by being next to his classmate, and listening to the conversation of others while the boy organized his table after class - Quirks like yours are always good at these events, you will certainly stand out

—Yeah, but what I really want to show is how useful I can be with my brain, more than with my muscles - he says remembering his uncle's fame early in his career

— I certainly don't need to worry - says Sam, trying to talk to everyone, but in the end just talking more to himself - when it comes to being flashy, I call attention even standing still, don't you think? - he asks the colleague next to him

— I am Groot - the young alien says as he erases the slate, and wishing that his partner would do the same ...

—Wow, this is insane; everyone here is so excited for the festival ... - says peter as he watches the various groups of conversations about the event by the class

— You shouldn't be anxious about tomorrow, because there is today, and he needs your full attention - says Danny as he puts his things away for lunch

— BORING!!! - Gwen shouts next to her friend, which scares him a little and he gives her a sulky look while she giggles

—Peter ... Danny ... Gwen - they hear Wanda's voice, but it was lower and more serious than usual - let's do our best at the festival

The group turns to find a Wanda, with closed fists and slightly stooped, and with a murderous aura around, as if she is ready to take over the world.

— Wanda, are you okay? - asks Peter worried

— Nobody cares what I said? - asks Danny, referring to his teaching about enjoying today

—...- Kei was one who was quiet while watching the once cute and shy brunette with a menacing air never seen before, and concentrated to try to get some inspiration in that scene so exotic for an illustration. Gwen seeing this, quickly looks for something in her pink backpack full of stickers and finds a lamp; quickly screwing it over the boy's head and lighting it up, giving him an idea - Yandere Wanda! - he says excitedly, without realizing what had happened and starts drawing, Gwen was satisfied with her work

With the quartet heading towards the cafeteria, Peter then remembers something he had wanted to ask Wanda for some time;

— Hey, Wanda? – the boy asks

— Yes?

— Why did you decide to come to M.A? Why do you want to be a professional heroine? - he asks. Everyone there had already said at some point: Peter dreamed of being a hero like Iron Man, who saves everyone with a smile, Danny wanted to prove his worth to Orson and also wanted to make the most of his skills to save, and Gwen simply wanted to become a hero because it's not like she has another option in a world like that, whatever she wanted to say, but Wanda's response was something that surprised the three

— Money? Do you want to become a hero to get rich? - Peter asks a little ecstatic and for while the brunette scratched the back of the head in embarrassment

— If we're going straight to the root then yes - she says embarrassed - I know, it's nothing heroic or honorable, but I hope you don't think less of me - it was the first time that Wanda said that to anyone, and she feared that her friends do not accept her anymore...

— Of course not - says Danny in his serene and calm way of speaking - you seek a livelihood so that you have comfort, and you will do it while helping others, it is as admirable as our motives

— True - says Peter, while Gwen just nods - it's just a little surprising

—... look, it's just that ... - Wanda starts, but stops. That was something she had never told any of her friends during elementary school, but those three had become such good friends in such a short time, she knew she could trust them - the deal is; we don't have much money ...

"My mom and dad met in elementary school and met here at M.A, when they started dating, until the unexpected happened, at the age of 16, my mother became pregnant with twins; me and Pietro. And things couldn't get any worse, my grandparents threw my mother out of the house and my father disappeared after receiving the news, she had to drop out of school and the dream of becoming a hero to take care of both of us, my paternal grandfather was the the only one who helped her, until he died a few years ago. My mother now works two jobs to keep us; she always did everything for us, and all I wanted was to be able to help her"

— I will become a professional, I will contract with a good agency and I will earn a lot of money - she says, squeezing the hem of her uniform and facing her three friends with a determination never seen before - so I will be able to make my mother live an easy life!

For a few seconds, the three are even ecstatic by the words and determination of the brunette, who still stared at them with red eyes, which now radiated determination and focus.

— WAAAAAAAAA !!! - Gwen can't contain her tears and releases the two floods while running the short distance and holds her friend in a hug to break ribs, who just smiles in shame and tries to calm the blonde

Danny simply smiles and approaches the pair, putting his hands on Wanda's shoulder, comforting her by saying that her goal was the most heroic there could be, and she just smiles gratefully. While Peter remains static;

"She is not here for some kind of hero fantasy, she is more down to earth and focused on reality than any of us ..." he thinks, starting to see the brunette with another type of look, that of admiration

— Young Parker! Is here ... - Iron Man in his armor appears at the corner of corridors, flying, but before he can say anything, he is interrupted by an inconsolable Gwen;

— WAAAAAAAH – she says throwing herself from Wanda to the hero and hugging the armor while rubbing her cheek where the hero's torso should be - life is so unfair ...

—Yeah, I know, I know ... - the professional says, patting the girl on the back, while Danny approached the two and removed her from the hero while apologizing, and she then clung to her friend like a sloth in a tree - so, I wonder if I can borrow Parker for lunch? - the hero asks the group

The brunette looks at both Wanda and Danny for a moment, since Gwen was babbling something, but it was impossible to understand, both friends agree and Peter then leaves with the hero for the teachers' room.

— Any idea why Iron Man wants to talk to Peter? - says Wanda looking back, to the corridor that Peter had been with Iron Man

— I heard that Peter helped him in the fight, maybe to thank him or to scold him ... - Danny says thoughtfully while carrying Gwen in his lap, who is now dozing

— Chosen ... heir ... spoiler ... zzzzzzz - the girl says snoring softly in Danny's chest while mumbling some nonsense

As they walked to the cafeteria, a certain colleague with black hair, but with a white piece at the end, listened to what they had to say, and wondered what Iron Man wanted with Parker...

— I'll tell you something, that fight with the big robot wasn't easy ... - says the hero to Peter while filling two plastic cups with coffee - the excessive use of the armor made me only able to use it for more or less an hour and a half a day - the hero says as he sat on the sofa in front of the boy who sat on a chair

— I'm sorry ... - the boy starts to say, but is interrupted by the hero

— You don't even think - the hero says looking at him with those tired eyes - not all the problems in the world have to do with you; I know you try to help every moment, but this is not healthy, you can trust me, I know. Coffee?

— Ah, yes, thanks ... - the boy says accepting the hot drink, but leaving it on the table while the hero turned his glass at once

— But I called you here because I wanted to talk about the festival - the hero says getting up and going to the window, watching the city outside - I will tell you the truth, the time for my retirement is coming faster than I thought

— No way ... - Peter says a little sad

—Yes, and this festival is your chance to present yourself - he says turning to Peter and the same raising his head to face the hero - being a symbol of peace is more than having powers or a cool uniform, it's about showing people who you are, and make them feel safe...

"This festival will be watched all over the world, it is the chance that everyone has to observe the next generation of heroes, and you need to use every moment to show what it came for, both in the initial activities and in the fights later"

— You know what I'm talking about right? - the hero asks, for a second afraid that the boy is not understanding anything

— Ah yes! - the boy answers - the four classes of the courses; heroes, administration, support and general studies are divided for years and face each other in preliminary competitions until the fights that lead to the final

— Okay, that was a good summary - the hero says scratching his cheek - but remember, the most important thing is the mentality; there are two types of heroes, those who aim at the top and those who are satisfied to be further down, there is no problem with either thought, but don't expect to win if your mind is not on that, kiddo I want you to feel the same way you did when cleaning the beach, understood

— Yes sir! - Peter says with conviction, ready for whatever comes his way

It was just after three in the afternoon; which meant the end of the day's classes, everyone was ready to go home or do something out of school with friends, but for first year A, this was not being as easy as it should have been;

— Ah ... why are you here? - asks the Wanda girl to the crowd standing outside; that occupied the entire corridor, taking out a small area right after the door

None of those faces were recognized by the students; maybe one or the other that they had already seen from the entrance or in the cafeteria, but were not known, definitely

— Do you, by any chance, have anything you want with our class? - the Azari room representative politely asks the crowd

—Yeah, why are you blocking our way? - Kei asks people - I will not be held hostage in this game!

— They are scouting the opponent, idiots - says Flash walking towards the door without showing any emotion - we survived an attack of villains, they want to see what they will have to deal with at the festival - until he stops right in front of the crowd - now that you've seen the face of a future professional hero, get out of my way! - he says nervous and ignoring the warnings of his colleagues behind him

— Now, now, if it's not the famous Class 1-A, should I be impressed? - a boy starts moving from behind the crowd, getting space and passing until he gets in front of the class door, and consequently in front of Flash - in theory you are the closest to becoming heroes, but I can only see one babbling babbler in front of me - he says without changing his reaction, not even when he saw the worried faces of the other students when he said that

The boy himself must have been a little shorter than Flash, but he wasn't intimidated by it, and he was thinner too. His hair was short and brown, well combed, his skin was clear and even a little pale, but what really caught his eye were his eyes; the left was green and the right blue, and they both looked at Flash while the brunette stared back.

— Watching the opponent you say ... - he continues - yes, maybe some of my colleagues are actually doing this, but not me; I came to give friendly advice, I didn't pass the Practical Test the first time for the heroes course, as they only seem to consider Quirks good in direct combat, a little disappointing, but by no means unexpected. But this was not my last chance; if any of us do well at the sports festival, teachers can choose us to send us to the heroes course, and with that they would have to make space, expelling someone from your class. So take that advice; if you don't do your best i will steal your spot right under your nose; consider this a declaration of war ...

Nobody moved a muscle, all students of 1-A were impressed by the boy's audacious words. While the same and Flash fought a deadly battle with their eyes, each waiting for the other to retreat while facing each other deeply; the one on the hero course sulking while the General Studies boy chuckles, thinking what he could do in that situation with his Quirk, but giving up, it wasn't worth it. Such a moment of flying sparks is then interrupted by a voice from the left;

— Hey you! - a tall, muscular, white-skinned boy with blond hair stands out - I'm from class 1-B! We heard that you fought some villains, so I came to see if it was true! But you are a bunch of thugs, who think they're better than us! - he says loudly, probably talking to Flash more specifically

But while all the students were apprehensive that probably all the first year students hated them, Flash continues to sulk and then follows the corridor to leave; leaving the heterochromatic and the noisy blonde behind, the second looking a lot more shaken by that fact

— What's up? Won't you say anything? - asks the dark-haired boy while the blond continued to complain

— You don't matter - he says without even turning around - what matters is that I defeat you all - the boy says and walks back, leaving everyone behind

Peter watched the scene, while his classmates discussed the truth of Flash's words and the fact that he made everyone at school hate them; he then realizes how determined his ex-bully was, and he couldn't stay behind, everyone there had goals like him, none better or more honorable than another; but if he really wanted to triumph, he would have to put in mind everything he had struggled to be there, and not give up now, but get stronger and stronger.

"The M.A Sports Festival is in two weeks. Everything will be broadcast live on TV. There is no doubt that whoever impresses the audience the most will have a much better chance of becoming a professional hero one day. We have no way of knowing which games will be played until the exact moment, they can play anything for us, so we have to prepare for any possibility "

All students then divided into different locations during the weeks to carry out different training to improve their body and their Quirks;

Peter, thinking that the webs would not do much in an open arena, preferred to increase his endurance and strength with runs on Pier 4 and other more conventional exercises, in the comfort of his home.

Near the Danger Room, this time in the school grounds, Pietro tried to accelerate more and more in the open area in front, running at high speeds. Inside the danger room, Gwen and Sam used the obstacle courses; the girl in the land and the boy in the air. Gwen used her Quirk to create portals and escape traps along the way, while at the top, Sam swerved with his speed and blasted targets with his lasers, he even tried to show himself to Gwen, but she didn't notice and the boy hit with his face on one of the obstacles.

Using another area of ​​EDR, the duo Tandy and Tyrone trained; the girl invoking and throwing several daggers of light at her partner, who aimed to deflect, teleporting to various locations in the area.

Under the supervision of recovered Danger; Wanda and Kamala used EDR. The girl with telekinetic powers, tried to maintain concentration while levitating several debris at the same time, while the one with more physical powers used her Quirk to do long distance exercises; doing a bar on the side of a building, for example, by stretching and retracting her arms.

In the forest area outside the cafeteria, the two most "primitive" students met; Groot was already standard in the place, the nutrients of the soil and the Sun were perfect to train the stretching his arms and legs, and the hardening of such roots, a pity that his new training partner was a little noisy. Laura had set targets in the trees and timed the time it took to pierce them all, using her agility and sharp claws, unfortunately bothering Groot with her screams of fury.

Some others preferred more indoor areas, such as Luke and Flash, who used the school's gym. The one with brown skin doing a bench press with more than 100kg on each side, while the other worked out his legs on a machine, while having several tentacles of his Quirk doing other exercises.

The areas used in the entrance exam were also released to students; Amadeus was one of the students present, having his training a little unconventional; instead of smashing something, he preferred to train something else, so he carried two huge rocks on his back while jumping from building to building in the area, increasing the resistance and strength in his legs. Another student present was the Korean Seol, who used her Quirk to create ice ramps around the fictional city and skated through it with impressive agility.

Others, even with physical training, preferred to do them in the comfort of their homes. As was the case with martial artists; Ava, Azari and Danny, each training at the dojo they had access to; Danny and Ava at their respective parents' schools, and Azari using a private, highly technological training room developed by his aunt Shuri. Another one who trained in combat was young Reyes, but this one, away from home, mistreated an old punching bag in the basement of a church in Hell's Kitchen, which, although not his home, was just as familiar.

Finally, some others did not train their bodies, but their minds. Nico sat in her room with one of her mother's spell books open on her lap, reading and rereading several names and descriptions, trying to memorize the ones that seemed most useful. And Kei, in his room, on his big canvas, tried to find better and more comfortable methods of drawing; what were the drawings? I think that you can already imagine ...

"Days went by, training made time fly by. Before we knew it, it was the morning of the Festival ... "

Much of M.A's land area was occupied that Saturday morning; family, friends or simple fans of the event, which was much more than a simple school event, that was the new event for true sports fans. The main path leading to the school was lined with stalls selling food, drink, toys and even games for children, with prizes that included masks of the most famous heroes, etc.

Due to the recent attack by the villains, masked so as not to worry the visitors, there was now a huge reinforcement in security; with several heroes patrolling the site and a rigorous inspection for anyone in the media who tried to enter the event, which created a long line of workers from that area to enter the event.

While several people ate, had fun and went to the arena for the event, the classes were already separated into specific rest rooms; as in class 1-A, where all twenty students were preparing for what was to come;

— Ah, I was hoping I could wear my uniform ... - says Gwen tearfully while looking at the red gym outfita

— The best battle takes place on a plain, where none of the armies has a prior advantage - says Danny to his friend, who despite knowing him for years, still couldn't decipher what he was saying, but after seeing Gwen's confused face, the boy sighs and changes the words - the heroes' course is the only one with uniforms, as we will be facing the other courses would also be unfair to them

— I'm even nervous about what they can throw at us - says Luke to his friends

— Anyway, we have to face the challenge head on - says Tyrone

— You said it - Tandy replies leaning against the wall

— Attention class 1-A! - Representative Azari, the only one who was outside, says when he opens the door - be prepared, we are about to enter!

— Our Father in heaven ... - Kei starts to pray, but in the middle he confused the words and got confused

— Araña! – Reyes calls the boy who took a deep breath, and is impressed to see the quiet boy calling him and approaching

—Ah, Reyes, what's up? - Peter asks staring at the boy who was taller than him, and is startled to think that maybe it was the first time that Reyes spoke to him directly

— Evaluating in an objective way I can say that I am better than you - he says dryly, not caring that everyone was staring at him now

— Ah, right ... - Peter didn't know what he was getting at, it was obvious that he was better, there was no doubt ...

— But for some reason, Iron Man is watching you - bingo; for not knowing what it was really about, Reyes should be thinking that hero number 1 saw more potential in Peter than in the others, at least that's what the brunette deduces - so just know that I will defeat you

— Wow, what is with the declaration of war? - asks Sam

— Ok, ok, we don't need to start the day with threats, do we? - asks Amadeus, placing himself between the two and putting a hand on each other's shoulder - why don't we forget that and ...

— You speak as if we are here to be friends - Reyes says dryly as he pushes the big Asian's hand - but we are not, this is not a cooperation job, it is a competition to show who is the best - he says and walks away

— You're right - Peter says a little louder, which makes the other boy stop and turn around - you're probably a lot better and have a lot more potential than all of us here

— Oh, Peter, don't you think you're being a bit harsh ... - Amadeus tries again to calm the situation, but in vain

— We will all have to fight, since all the other courses will come towards us in full force - he says determined - you may even want to defeat me, but I won't fall without a fight, and you can bet I'm aiming for the top too ...

— So, may the best win ... - Reyes finishes, still staring at the shortest boy, and everyone watches the staring competition until they hear the voice in the main advertiser of the competition;