
Boku No Hero : The Quirkless Hero

Welcome to my first novel! This is a fun project for me, so I won't be releasing chapters on a regular schedule—school keeps me pretty busy. Please bear with me as this story unfolds slowly. Just a heads-up, the cover image isn't mine. Thanks for your patience and understanding as I embark on this creative journey! (Also, I want to be transparent: an AI is helping me write this story. I'm not the best at writing, and I'm doing this purely for fun, so I don't mind if it doesn't turn out perfect. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy creating it!) WARNING : 1. Might Have No Romance 2. Slow Paced 3. Bad Grammar 4. This Novel Might Contains Of Explicit Violence And Gore 5. This Novel Most Relying On Chat GPT 6. I Often Remaking The Chapter So The One Who Comment On The Story Always Get Removed (Sorry) 7. Genre Might Be Changed (Maybe) Synopsis : John Hammer was a genius dirty fighter, devoid of honor and shame. His relentless pursuit of strength drove him to push his body to its limits, even to the point of overworking himself and nearly succumbing to death. Unfazed by fainting spells or severe injuries, he trained tirelessly, even in his sleep, with the singular goal of becoming the strongest in the world. Remarkably, he possessed the uncanny ability to continue training and fighting even while unconscious, a testament to his unwavering determination. However, John's insatiable thirst for power led him down a dark path. Succumbing to the allure of steroids, he sought to enhance his abilities artificially, ultimately meeting an untimely demise from an overdose. Reborn in the My Hero Academia universe as Sato Kenji, John awakens to a world where superpowers, known as "quirks," reign supreme. Despite being born quirkless, Kenji's indomitable spirit and combat prowess from his previous life remain unscathed. Determined to forge a new path free from the shackles of substance abuse, he vows never to tread that dangerous path again. Kenji's journey is one of resilience, determination, and the unwavering pursuit of greatness in a society that idolizes superhuman abilities. Through sheer willpower and unrelenting effort, he confronts numerous challenges, serving as a guiding light for other quirkless individuals. His odyssey becomes a beacon of hope, illustrating that true strength emanates from within and that anyone, regardless of their inherent abilities, can emerge as a hero.

Phantonim · Anime & Comics
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Becoming Quirkless

When John retired, he spent countless hours watching anime while training, lifting dumbbells, squatting, and doing Invisibile Chair Sits. His favorite anime was "Boku no Hero Academia," a story about a boy with no powers striving to become a hero. Though initially disappointed when the protagonist did gain powers, John remained hooked by the engaging storyline. He often joked that if he were reincarnated in that world as Quirkless, he'd confidently declare he could still become a hero, knowing such things only happened in fantasy.

As baby Kenji, he thought, "Is this a coincidence? I hope I still get a Quirk."

Four years passed, and Kenji was now four years old.

One peaceful morning, his mother, Asami, started shaking him gently. "Wake up, my son. We're going to the hospital to check your Quirk."

Kenji pretended to be asleep, thinking, "I cannot believe this is happening. I am so excited. I wonder what kind of power I will have."

Asami, thinking Kenji was still asleep, roared like a tiger, startling him awake.

Smiling, Asami said, "You finally woke up! Come on, I prepared your favorite PBJB (Peanut Butter Jelly Banana) sandwich."

(Asami's Quirk, Animal Sound Mimic, allowed her to mimic any animal sound but not human voices.)

Kenji thought, "Man, that was a loud roar. It almost sounded like a real tiger."

He went to the dining room to eat his sandwich and drink his milk. Wanting his milk cold, he asked his dad, Kenzo.

"Dad, can you make my drink cold?" Kenji asked kindly.

"Sure, anything for you, my son," Kenzo said, then breathed a cold breath over Kenji's glass of milk, cooling it down.

(Kenzo's Quirk, Cold Breath, allowed him to breathe cold air, though it wasn't very powerful).

"Thanks, Dad," Kenji said, drinking the milk. "Cold drinks always make me feel more refreshed. I wonder if my Quirk will be inherited from my parents."

Asami said, "After you finish your breakfast, let's get you ready for a bath."

Kenji protested, "Oh, come on, Mom! I can take a bath on my own," feeling embarrassed.

Asami chuckled, "You're still too young for that, my cute boy."

After his bath, Kenji reluctantly donned his clothes, thinking, "This is so embarrassing," but he understood it was necessary despite his inner maturity that far exceeded his 4-year-old body. His mother patiently assisted him with his clothes, her actions a reminder of her love and support as he navigated the challenges of his young age.

Asami said, "Now let's go to check your Quirk. Get ready, sweetheart. prepare the car."

Kenzo responded, "All right, sweetheart."

They arrived at the hospital, where Kenji nervously observed Dr. Tsubasa, known by his real name Kyudai Garaki, a doctor with a rumored double personality. On the outside, he projected kindness, but Kenji already know the feeling that beneath that façade lurked a sadistic mad scientist. As the doctor examined him, Kenji's expression betrayed a mixture of wariness and distrust. He silently hoped that he wouldn't manifest an overpowering quirk too early, fearing the attention it might draw, especially from someone as notorious as All For One. Despite his unease, he tried to push these thoughts aside as the doctor delivered what would turn out to be shocking news.

"I apologize, Mr. Kenzo and Ms. Asami, but it appears your son is Quirkless," the doctor said, explaining that Kenji had an additional toe joint, a trait observed in Quirkless individuals (the same reason as Midoriya).

Kenzo and Asami were visibly shocked by the news. Kenji, though slightly taken aback himself, thought, "Is this some kind of karma for a joke I made in a past life? Damn, I can be such an idiot sometimes. Or could it be that the doctor somehow stole my quirk during the examination? No, that's impossible. But whatever the reason, this wasn't just a joke. I'm determined to become a hero by any means necessary, even without a superpower." Kenji's body trembled with resolve, his mind racing with determination. Seeing his trembling, his parents worried he might cry at the thought of not being able to fulfill his dream of becoming a hero.

Asami hugged Kenji. "I'm so sorry, Kenji. I am so sorry," she said. Kenzo, looking sad, added, "Don't worry, son. We still love you no matter what. Even if you're Quirkless, you can find a different path."

Kenji stepped back from his mother's embrace and said, "It's okay, Mom and Dad. I've made a resolve, and I won't let it down. I will still try to become a hero, even if I'm Quirkless. There is still hope. I will train and study hard, and I will prove it to the world, i will become the first strongest quirkless hero" he declared with determination.

Kenzo and Asami looked at Kenji, surprised, then smiled. Kenzo said, "You are a strong boy, Kenji. I will be rooting for you and supporting whatever you choose."

Asami, tears in her eyes, smiled and said, "I'm so glad you're not saddened by being Quirkless. You still haven't given up on your dream. I couldn't stop you with that look, even if I wanted to. I'm so proud to be your mother."

Kenji and his parents went home, filled with a sense of purpose and hope for the future.