
Bodybuilding Harem, Do you lift sister? (R18-Crossover)

Bodybuilding, Harem, Sex, Crime. A man from Earth is reborn into a fighting and hentai world's massive crossover. As an OC from KOF, Terry and Andy Bogard's youngest brother, to be specific. If I had to describe what I want to do with this, let's say it's Nostalgia+Hentai Harem. You'll get characters from Hentai parodies, old Arcade games, Tekken, HSD, Baki, GOHS, Streetfighter, Streets of Rage, KOF, etc. XX Warning: This is mostly a slice of life. The gym/bodybuilding stuff won't start before chapter 30. -- Update Schedule: Not good, Not fixed (I write this to relax) XX Tags: Netori, (No ntr), Corruption, Mindbreak, Incest, Mothers, Milfs, Brainless, Crossover, Harem, Gender-bending, Hentai-babes, Hentai-world rules, Hentai-logic X Shoutouts to the legend who inspired this/*ThighsSeeker* And his novel/ "A Superhero Harem? Their love makes me stronger (MHA, OPM, Naruto, OP)" XX Current Cover pic- Sotcho (Artist)

Sennengoroshi · Video Games
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33 Chs

Chapter 14

When John's new GILF-girlfriend returned to her dear daughter and granddaughters with a catwalk that would make him lose his mind days later, the latter returned to school.

This time, he didn't take the underground subway.

His superior healing factor made the run back toward the public institute a breeze. The regeneration kicked in each time he got tired, without even needing to actively heal himself. Refurbishing his stamina and invigorating his cells when it did.

The young man's strength wasn't as good as his defensive abilities now. But after he returned, he understood how strong he could get. He was the perfect training machine. One that could break his body repeatedly to reshape it as he wished.

'So I'm chad reincarnated…That's cool as fuck…' Entering back the gates of the high school, John smiled happily and thought. He had no idea that what he thought was a fun joke was very literal…


Rumors traveled fast in this world,

*Shoving-door-open sound*

"Mm?? Eh…Oh, it's you, mister Bogard, or should I refer to you as mister Howard from now on? Please go and take your seat; the class hasn't started for too long…." When John entered, seeing him, the teacher, a brown-haired man in his thirties who wore a black necktie, said. A little too politely, considering that his student was late.

John nodded, not feeling like correcting the surname used. It wasn't important, and Geese's surname was also a layer of protection over his family…Even if not from Balalaika.

That, though, could change with the help of her mother, Alcina.

When John sat at his seat, Ghislaine, who sat close to him, whispered to ask:

"Where were you?"

"I had an errand to run. Thanks for the worry." John replied with a smile. Unlike old John, he could clearly recognize and tell the nature of his relationship with the cat-girl.

Childhood friends…In hentai worlds, those had to be claimed quickly before anything revolting could happen.

Not that anyone could ntr him, though, with his anti-ntr abilities.

"Who said I was worried?" Ghislaine frowned and said. A tsundere side showing.

"You weren't? That's sad; I was thinking so much about you…." John approached his head and whispered back.

"..." The girl blushed, making her very tanned skin glow with a new and not less beautiful color.


At lunchbreak, Bluemary, who looked at John's back throughout the class, couldn't endure it anymore. She walked over to him and said:

"Don't you think it's time we talk?"

"Alright. Let's have lunch." John wasn't cruel enough to continue ignoring his only blonde sister. Turning towards the Dedoldia twins who walked with him, he said, "You want me to introduce you? These are my childhood friends, Ghislaine and Baiken. They're twins. Imperfect ones."

"...Nice to meet." Bluemary, looking for new friends besides a talk with her new brother, relaxed a bit and said.

"Same to you," Ghislaine said not coldly or warmly. Her gaze, however, was scanning Bluemary.

"Haha, I'm friends with a rich girl now. Who would have thought…" Baiken, who didn't watch her mouth, unlike her older twin, directly said what she thought. "...Also, you're so beautiful. No wonder why John is such a hunk. Your dad must be handsome."

"Baiken…" Ghislaine reminded.

"What?" The pink-haired humanoid with cat traits said. Despite her normal ears and different behavior, she was as cute as her sister.

"Hahahaa…" Seeing her act, Bluemary couldn't help but laugh. "...I don't mind at all. Let's be friends starting today, okay?

"SURrree!" Baiken yelled. Causing more people to look over at their good-looking little group.

"What are you guys talking about?" Paul, who was going to get lunch too, approached and asked curiously.

"Nothing that concerns you. Let's go, girls." John looked at his old pal with a sneer and answered.

"..." Watching the group leave without him, Paul, who kept his hands in his pocket to act cool, gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.


Not looking back twice, John left the frowning and most likely annoyed Paul behind.

The twins, who generally didn't take sides, still got along better and spent more time with the Bogard since childhood. They naturally followed after, especially because they were vastly more attracted to him.

For a reason tough to pinpoint and which had little to do with his influential dad's reveal, the fact was much more true that morning.

Ghislaine had long been in love with her childhood friend though she tried to hide it. Baiken just found him hotter and manlier than before. Which made her curious.

Paul was still scowling when someone also from their classroom approached him and said shyly:

"I made an extra lunchbox if you want one, Paul…."

This was a girl, and she was called Zenith Latreia. She was a blonde with blue-shaded eyes and a figure still a little underdeveloped. She also tied her very cute hair in a bun.

Like John was with the Dedoldia twins, this girl had grown up around the Greyrat. From nursery to middle school, they had been together. But because of family work, her father had been forced to move from Central City in the recent past.

The only reason she was back was Paul. She begged her parents to attend university with him.

They didn't oppose her extensively since she had grown up, and both families knew each other. Paul was also talented and had already awakened his mutant gene. He would make for a suitable son-in-law for a family with a modest background.

"You didn't have to take the trouble, Zenith," Paul said before walking off, his back turned on her. Aware of the girl and her family's intentions, he behaved somewhat coldly. It wasn't like he disliked Zenith, but he was too young to consider marriage. He hadn't played around enough.

Even if he considered marriage very seriously, that would be with a girl with a superior background like the new transfer student.

But then again...Coming back to the previous subject, if he was just thinking about playing around or dating girls that he had his eye on, it wouldn't be with Zenith, either. It would be with those three around John, or others with bodies he found mature. More mature than Zenith's at least...

Contemplating why Ghislaine chose that dense guy John over him, Paul felt great envy again. More so when he recalled the guy's newly rich background.


"...Well, if you won't eat your stuffed bread, don't mind me swooping in, then." At the cafeteria, John said to his sister and grabbed something in her food tray.

After they grabbed lunch, he and his growing harem, even if incestuous, sat at a table under many's watchful eyes and whispers.

"You like it that much?" Seeing John stuffing himself with food, Ghislaine looked at him with a wry expression and asked.

"Yes, bread is my thing," John said honestly. In the past or next life, it was the case.

"Take mine too, then," Ghislaine said with a hidden competitive spirit.

Baiken was the only other person besides John who ate with appetite. When the young man nodded and took his childhood friend's bread as well, his sister cleared her throat and said:

"Earlier this morning, were you talking with dad? Did you meet him?"

Staring at her brother with her piercing blue eyes, Bluemary was finally asking what she had been curious about.

"Yeah. We went to meet your mom." John didn't lie and say. "I don't think she likes me very much."

"..." Bluemary's face went a little pale at his answer. Then she asked, "Did she say anything rude?"

"You seem to know her well." John smiled and answered.

Bluemary sighed and said:

"Let me apologize for her then. She's not doing that because she's a bad person. It's just…"

John, who understood her thoughts, finished the sentence for her:

"It's just that she has to deal with your dad's new bastards every now and then, right? Don't worry about it; I'm not offended."

When he said to Bluemary, he didn't expose his deep thoughts. Or the girl's mother, for that matter…That woman probably killed Geese's newborns each year if they were boys, and she found out.


This time, when John spoke, it wasn't just his sister that remained quiet. The atmosphere turned a bit awkward.

Someone tapped his back from behind when he thought of changing the mood.

"Mm?" Turning, John was confused. "...Oh, it's you, teacher Mizuki…."

That was until he saw who hit him.

"Haha, yes, it's me, kid! I learned about you this morning, and I have to say I was surprised! I didn't think you had such a hidden background!" Someone replied.

The person was a tall woman with a muscular yet curvy body and purple eyes. Her long dark orange hair was tied in a high ponytail with a scrunchie, and she had a band-aid on the left side of her face. She also wore gold earrings and a tight blue spandex top with a single stripe on each side. To top all this, she wore three medals around her neck.

She was John's P.E. teacher. And he and she got along quite well since they discovered a common interest one day. One he wished his predecessor didn't have…

Before John could say something, the energetic woman who seemed to have gotten a good sweat outside looked over at Bluemary. Then she inquired curiously:

"Is that THE sister?"

"Teacher, don't embarrass me here, please…." John begged.

Ghislaine was looking at a new threat, one she was already familiar with, when Bluemary frowned, asking:

"John, who's she?"

Before John could speak again, Mizuki ignored Bluemary for a moment to say:

"How am I embarrassing you saying hi?"

Then she continued toward John's sister:

"I'm these three kids' P.E. teacher, Mizuki Homura. Bluemary, right? Haha, you're also in my class, I guess."

"Haah, yes…Nice to meet you, teacher." Feeling the excess energy coming off from Mizuki, Bluemary replied slowly.


After lunch and the random encounter with the sweating and vibrant Mizuki, John returned to class.

From the memories, it seemed that woman, though sexy and unmarried, scared his predecessor. And the reason was a little bothering and ridiculous at the same time.

She caught John during break one day, fapping to lesbian porn in an empty PE-warehouse. A type of porn which she apparently also watched and enjoyed. Greatly…

John, who couldn't take advantage of the situation because the woman was lesbian, grew a strange friendship with her. One mutually beneficial and very cultured.

Basically, John was exchanging sauce with her every now and then.

When John returned to class, she sent him a link to a lesbian porn vid on his phone. One accompanied by a perverted emoticon.


Done watching the video furtively…By the time classes ended and he went home, John finally realized that he was definitely the hentai protagonist of this world.

'I wish I had such lucky accidents in my previous life….She's lesbian, but this is a hentai world, after all. I can definitely get in her pants.' A little envious of himself, which was odd, John thought as he left the school gates.

Returning home, he was planning to meet with Terry immediately if he was home. They had serious stuff to do.