
Body Parts Strewn About

First thing I'll ever write. Making it up as I go. Hopefully you all have good imaginations because you'll need it. Now watch as I string this together.

TheOneTheyIgnore · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Ch.7 Mortua Terra

A few hours later...

"Do you think he's okay?" George asked Val with a blush as he looked at Arthur who was currently in the corner of what appears to be a rotting brown but stable wooden hut, shaking in terror.

"Besides being a little shaken up from what he's heard, he is perfectly fine" A drawn out lazy feminine voice nearby replied.

Arthur, besides being horrifically traumatized from the earlier unmentionable experience, is perfectly fine! physically that is.

At the moment, Arthur is currently looking at some kind of white words gray pop up that has appeared to have taken up the entirety of his vision.

[Congratulations! You have experienced your first! traumatizing! event!]

<You have been inflicted with immobilizing fear!> (Movement speed has been temporarily reduced by 50%! {14 minutes 15 seconds of 30 minutes remaining}

[Congratulations! Title earned! =I'm experienced in fear!= has been acquired!]

<Effect: Hostile creatures find your location easier and lower their guard against you! <May also cause them to pity you, who knows what can happen!>


"Well, that's a first" Arthur said quietly as the pop up faded away and sight returned to him once more, finally giving him a chance to look towards the voices what caused the current situation, only to be even more freaked out.

The first one to enter his sight was an unusually short and well-built headless dwarf with arms more than half his height, who's head was in his hands, long bearded and long braided hair covered a statue like head.

The next one to enter his sight was a tall lanky pale woman with bloody claw-like hands and disheveled short gray hair.