
Body Parts Strewn About

First thing I'll ever write. Making it up as I go. Hopefully you all have good imaginations because you'll need it. Now watch as I string this together.

TheOneTheyIgnore · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Ch.6 Lost in the emotions

"Hey, you think he's alive?" A muffled raspy male voice heard nearby asked.

"Alive?" after a moment, a muffled lazy feminine sounding voice was heard asking back.

After a few seconds a hard slap was heard, and a thud followed.

Pak! Thud!

The ground shook a little and creaking noise soon followed after.

'Am I underground?' A now not unconscious Arthur thought to himself after being disturbed by the vibrations in the darkness while listening to the muffled voices.

"Pick up your head and use it to think! Of course he is alive! If he wasn't we wouldn't be here now, would we!?" The lazy voice shouted at its companion in anger.

"..." No one talked, all that was heard was footsteps and a momentary quiet.

Then it came, a horrible, quiet sob.

"W-Why did you have to h-hit me? It's not my fault I like asking questions!" The raspy voice choked through tears asking loudly to its companion.

A moment of low sobs continued as footsteps were once again heard.

"I-I'm, I'm sorry George" The lazy voice apologized sounding sad. "I know you just wanted to ask that because you were bored, and I took it too far" The voice said with a sniff. "Things have been getting worse lately and I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you just because we couldn't deal with that monster" Another moment of quiet once again appeared amidst the sound of tears and male sobs.

a sniff was heard, the sound of sobbing ending and the sound of something being picked up came. 'Finally, those horrible sobs are over' Arthur thought to himself while feeling around. 'Am I in something? Feels like wood...' A thought came to Arthur after a few seconds. 'I'm in a coffin, aren't I?'

After letting the thought sink in the voices were heard talking again.

"It's fine Val, I know stuff has been rough on us, but we can't give in yet! I won't allow it!" George said to his companion with unexpected authority and dominance.

"Oh, George! I knew choosing to dig you out of that tomb was the right choice. I just feel bad we had to leave Timmy in there as a replacement for you" Val said with a sniff as the sounds of their footsteps came together.

'Please, god! someone change the channel! this drama is sickening!' Arthur shouted in his mind as he put his hands on the wood above him, not wanting to hear whatever this was.

"Val" a happy sounding raspy voice said. "George" a happy lazy sounding voice was heard saying.

'God, I'm going to throw up. someone get me out of her-' his thoughts were interrupted as the sound of lips meeting ensued. 'Wait, if I remember correctly, in dramas after an emotional scene happens, they usually start...' not willing to let the thought continue as he heard the sound of moans and clothe being ripped.

"No! Fuck! If you both are going to do that at least let me out far away from here!" Arthur screamed at the top of his lungs as the sounds continued.

"You can't torture me like this! I just got here!" He cried out in terror, banging on the wood as the sounds got louder and continued for what seemed like eternity.


Alternate Title = Stuck and Tortured