
BNHA: The Rise of The Yakuza

A working man just starting work gets murdered by his loved one. He regrets and looks back at life. He is then reincarnated. Though not meeting god, he will fulfill what he wants in this life. The Yakuza will Rise once more, just like how a Koi rises to become a Dragon. ------------------------------------ Hi guys Author here, I am not that good at writing as I am doing it ever since my birthday on June 3rd I decided to write almost every day. Though my skill in writing right now is not good I hope to improve. The picture shown as the cover is not what I drew. I don't own any of BNHA.

magmabeam · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs



There was now an investigation on what happened at the crime scene. 5 men stuck on a wall with their arms together held on top by a knife. As the cops were securing the scene detectives finally came to the crime scene.

Then they saw one of the most famous detectives in Tokyo. The man built his reputation over the 10 years in the force. Solving murders and mysteries throughout the city. He came in with his partner an unnoticeable small woman.

He quickly got a look at the crime scene. This wasn't a murder, it was a massacre though at first, it looks like a fight had happened but right after it seems the victims were beaten. He could only estimate that there is one culprit.

He then saw a trail of blood escaping onto traffic. As he tracked it he saw the bloody handprints on the wall. Just what the hell had happened here?

"I'm way too old for this shit"

He huffed and went towards his partner.

"Detective Tashigi go tell Forensics to get over here and analyze this blood."

"Yes, sir Senior Detective Kaito!"

He looked around the area and looked at the bodies. The cuts were messy and it seemed blood on both sides were mixed. Though the finishing blow was just cuts toward the throat. Our killer here wasn't a professional but had enough manpower to do all this.

He checked the victim's pockets and found something peculiar. He found fake ID's on their wallets he saw the knives stuck onto the hands of the victims. He made sure to check off the number of tests they had to do.

"Alright DNA check, fingerprint check, hair check."

Right as he was about to check for more clues, his partner came back.

"Sir! We got the results of the blood test the only lead we got is an 11-year old that went missing a year ago."

Kaito checked the report and was confused. What was a missing kid doing here? There was news in the station about the story of a kid in an Orphanage running away. We questioned around and it seemed no workers or friends expected the kid to book it.

Sightings of the kid were found at a bus station but no one else knew where the kid had gone. The search is still on but not apprehended because there is barely any sightings of the kid. The reasons could be many, but one theory I came up with is that the kid got hypnotized and kidnapped.

This made sense since the kid had no problem staying inside the Orphanage, the workers and kids liked him equally. Though one thing was strange. Before all the kids liked him the kid used to be a living mute. No one talked or did anything to him it was as if somebody had taken the kid's body right afterword.


"Yeah senior you got anything?"

"My guess is the kid was brought here to lure in these guys, and then someone came and cleaned up."

"Senior before trying to say that the kid is an accomplice how about we go ask some of the shop owners or people around the crime scene?"


Looking around they saw that some windows were open on the sides of the buildings. At least 5 openings. Surrounding the middle, as if ganging up on the person.

"Let's go ask the owners of these buildings."

They walked towards the entrances of the buildings and questioned one of the store owners. As they walk in they see a counter with an old man with glasses that is bald on the desk. They walk in front of the counter and quickly flash their badge and reason for being here.

"Have you seen anyone going up those stairs?"

Kaito pointed towards the stairs that reached towards the window follow it.

"Ah yes I saw a scuffed lookin' fellow running as if they were chasing somebody going up. I was gonna go and kick them out and I find that they disappeared. After a while, I went up to close the window and found 5 bodies outside! Scary stuff"

"You said chasing right? Who were they chasing?"

"Not anyone that I know of, to be honest."

"Alright, thank you for your cooperation."

"Ah yes have a good time Investigator"

They quickly got more information from the interviews of the stores surrounding the dead-end alley. It was mostly the same as if all of these 5 people came rushing chasing a certain somebody.

The odd question was how the murderer got there. All stores say only one person went towards the window. Then the thought came.

"The roof huh"

The murderer must've landed from the store upfront into the ground. It would be hard to figure out where the chase began. The detectives went up to the roofs and checked the ledges of the building. Through time they found hair DNA.

After a quick DNA test, they found out it was the kid's DNA. Then they got the DNA for the weapons. It matched up. The kid murdered these 5 individuals, Kaito checked on the kid's file and saw the record of the kid. He saw the silent smart type in the kid. The kid had aced most of the tests and was actually just silent rather than dangerous.

Minding that he now had to figure out where the culprit was. The trail of blood ends on the highway... The kid died by traffic? They would have gotten a call about it.

"Tch, send the info to HQ"

Kaito was pissed as this incident just didn't make any sense. It was just like that case 10 years ago. The deepest they got in terms of investigating was the nurse being murdered by Yakuza. The murder weapon was found in a garbage bag filled with the nurse's blood.

They had the DNA of the suspect and interrogated them, but they wouldn't budge. Then all of the sudden the evidence disappeared and the case closed for some reason. He attempted to bring the case back up but it seemed the Chief didn't want any of it.

All of a sudden he got some tapping on his shoulder. His face turned towards the direction and found a guy with long messy hair with a lot of bandages on his neck.


"Got the call already, and found some clues."

"You did?"

"Culprit jumped onto a moving truck and jumped out in an unknown time. Traces of blood are on the truck though."

"Get some rest or go for some villains I think we got this."

"Alright Kaito, give me some info if you guys find something."

Eraserhead quickly zipped through the air and night out of sight of anyone. The whole station had the culprits face now and were searching almost everywhere on the cameras. The strange thing is nothing has come up other than a kid getting on a bus.

Informants were clueless when they asked about the name of the kid as they kept searching for the name "Akagi". It was odd as none of them have heard of the name at all or no relevance to them at all. Kaito and the rest of the team got back to the station and were now at the autopsy table in the forensic department.

They walked into the room thinking of how they could solve the case. In the room was one of the bodies, it had cut almost everywhere at the top and some at the bottom. Though the ones at the top side of the body were messier, the bottom was more aimed towards disabling movement.

There was only one clean-cut on one of the victims. The first body was confirmed to be a death from the middle of a battle and wasn't knocked out. The second was also the same but the cuts were sharp and filled with bloodlust. Then the third and fourth were more of the same but something was odd, they were actually knocked out and killed after the fight the same with the fifth.

The one with a clean-cut was the 5th one. It was directly on the neck, clean cuts towards the ligaments on the legs, and avoidance of vital organs on the top. Kaito quickly got his phone out and called Eraserhead and informed him of the situation with the autopsy.

He got done with the call he went home.

Eraserhead as well got done with the call as he was on top of a rooftop of the same crime that took place. As he was about to get done with patrolling he saw something odd. As the bodies were removed from the crime scene he had found something vital. He saw slips of notes covered on the ground under the bodies.

There he found the words written in with visceral handwriting.

"Government Pigs."

heh have a good read :d

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