
BNHA / MHA : The Musketeer Hero

When a random John Doe wakes up in a popular fictional world where currently most of its population has developed superpowers called "Quirks", of which allowed the rise of heroes and villains. He finds himself reborn as someone who eventually will have the ability to mimic the quirks of others. This gives him the potential to be the most versatile hero ever in existence, due to the fact that he can have multiple powers at any point and can always copy more. Deciding to prove that the one who was once considered a joke character will have the last laugh and take his place as the joker of the deck. Getting stronger on his own, while still taking every chance he is presented. Might not be one for the path of nobleness, but he will follow it nonetheless. Mimicking our idols isn't enough. You have to aim above and go beyond PLUS ULTRA! And as the chivalrous swordsmen who fight for justice once said: UNUS PRO OMNIBUS, OMNES PRO UNO! AU. Harem. +18 just to be safe. *eventually synopsis might change to a less lame one ... tags may change as well. Disclaimer, this is a fan-fic, so credit goes to original authors. And this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I don't claim ownership over the Cover Photo.

Daichi_TBR193 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Call to adventure

Aldera Junior High

During class, after the first teacher ended his lesson, professor Burondo began to talk to his students about something he considered important to remark.

"So, as third-year students, it's time to start thinking seriously about your future and what you wanna do with your lives."

He said while erasing the blackboard and sitting in his chair.

"I could pass out some career aptitude tests but... " He caught the said test in his hands but made a pause, hinting to all his students what his next words were going to be.

"why bother? Ha! I know you all want to go to the hero track!" He declared, by doing so he threw all the tests up in the air.

The class began to cheer while they exposed their superpowers.

"Yes yes, you've got some impressive quirks. But no power usage allowed in school! Get a hold of yourselves." The teacher warned in a friendly manner.

But then suddenly.

"Hey teach! Don't let me in with this bunch of losers! I'm the real deal, but these guys will be lucky to end up as sidekicks for some buster d-lister. Heh." Said Bakugou with the smuggest face one could ever display.

All the students began to shout out in disapproval to his statement.

"Let's go, I will take you all on!" Bakugou arrogantly answered the angry crowd of students.

"Huh. You've got impressive test results. Maybe you will get into UA high." Teacher Burondo said after ignoring his student antics.

The students were shocked about the notion of Bakugou applying to the most prestigious school. Reaching rank 1 among other schools in all the nation, and obviously having a ridiculous high acceptance grade.

Hearing everyone's remarks about UA, Bakugou suddenly jolted from his chair and stood on his desk.

"That's exactly why it is the only place worthy of me! I've aced all of the mock tests. I'm the only in this school who stands a chance of getting in. I will end up more popular than all might himself. And be the richest hero of all time. People all across the world would know who I am! And it all starts with UA high!" He declared.

But the teacher found out something more in his documents. "Oh yeah, Monoma and Midoriya, don't you wanna go to UA too?"

For a moment everyone stood still in surprise.

But then the class began to cheer for the most popular student in school, completely ignoring that a quirkless was applying as well.

But not everyone was happy with the unexpected news.

Bakugou launched from his desk and shouted. "Grrrrrrrr!"


Bakugo punched my desk without using his quirk.

He was still controlling himself in front of whom had continuously been able to make him get a warning from school and even caused him to be suspended once.

"Listen up thief! You are even worse than that inutile quirkless, you crappy xeroxer!"

He insulted me, but I just kept calmly seated with my eyes half opened.

"You really are stupid enough that you think they will let someone like you enter when they could have someone like me?!"

He continued his rant.

But I was not gonna keep quiet.

"You've got it all wrong. I'm not competing with you, I just want the best education to become someone that can save and inspire everyone." I said, mimicking the posture and tone from a famous dramatic actor in his motivational speech.

*I watched him in a movie last week by the way.

Not surprisingly, the class began to applaud my noble goal.

Saying words of encouragement and praising my heroic effort.

But Bakugou wasn't buying any of it.

"You will never be able to hang with the best! You cheating moron will simply steal someone else's place! Selfish villain! The school is already so crappy, do you really wanna shame it more by becoming a criminal?!" He slandered me.

That was enough!

"You are wrong! My quirk doesn't allow me to steal anything! You can ask anyone I've met, do they have lost their quirks? Of course not! I'm actually the only one, between both of us, that is capable of sympathizing with each and everyone of the amazing people fighting their own battles every single day in this class! But you..."

I made a dramatic pause in my speech to make sure everybody was paying attention to me.

Yeah, now was my time to rant at him.

But I was still impersonating the actor I previously mentioned, just to be sure.

"You have always been bullying people and crushing their dreams. You beat them, you literally steal from them, all the while abusing your powerful quirk. But I tell you, we can see you scoffing and making fun of us, we see you for what you really are...a Villain. As an aspiring hero, I will never forgive you... but you have the moral obligation to change your way of treating others!" I proclaimed, emphasizing the fact I somehow still cared for him.

But this was the last straw needed to push him to do something dumb.

He actually grabbed me by my collar and shouted to my face.

"Huh. What the fuck you are saying you dumb thief?! "

As everyone ranted against his actions I simply stated calmly but clearly to everyone in the classroom.

"Teacher, restrain classmate Bakugou! Or I will evoque my right of self defense and defend myself without holding back!" I informed teacher Burondo.

This pissed Bakugo even more, but he wasn't crazy enough to act after the teacher rushed to restrict him.

I looked at Midoriya, and after seeing his awed look I simply nod with a sympathetic expression.

Anyway, the class continued without more confusion, but the climate among the students was still palpable.

I admit, I did lose my temper with mister "Lord Explosion Murder".

But I would be lying if I said it didn't make me feel better.

'Well, would you look at that. I've literally canceled my fifteen years old classmate. How far have I fallen. But now I see why people used to do it in my previous life, it gives you a hell of a sensation of power over others.' I mentally remarked.

After class, I put away my stuff from school in my bag and left while saying goodbyes to my friends.

But I was just pretending to leave, I did eventually notice Bakugo and his gang returning to face Izuko Mydoria.

I see.

He does vent his frustrations on his 'Deku'.

At least I've not ruined my plan. That's a relief.

Can't believe I almost botched my grand plan so close to the finish line.

Back to where I was.

After waiting for my cue, I made my move.

"...don't even think of applying. Or else!" I heard Bakugo saying and cleared my throat loudly.

The gang and the nerd simultaneously turned their heads to me.

"What do you want?!" The gang's leader asked, very annoyed, but still holding himself while dealing with me.

"You really are pathetic, you're so afraid of not entering UA that you wanted to make sure classmate Mydoriya wouldn't surpass you!" I provoked him for god knows how many times since I reincarnated.

"Tch! That's none of your damn business, thief! There's no teacher to save you now, scram!" He tried to intimidate me, but was clearly deactivating his quirk while releasing Midoriya.

"Are you sure? Do you think I'm not capable of fighting you? And even if I don't, will you risk it?" I dared him.

We stared at each other for a few seconds, while everyone else was getting worried.

But predictably he responded. "Tch! Come on guys, don't wanna waste anymore time around these losers!"

He began to leave, walking just like a stereotypical japanese delinquent would.

But before the other guys followed him I interjected.

"Yubi... Tsubasa! I don't expect much from the hothead, but you guys should apologize to classmate Midoriya. What would your parents think of you bothering other students?"

I heard Bakugo cursing before leaving the room.

But the other boys stopped in their tracks and responded with an apologetic look.

"Neito my friend, you know we were just fooling around don't you? ...Ah... sorry for everything Midoriya!" Said Dumble Dee.

"Yes, we were just joking!" Said Dumble Dum, but after seeing my stare he continued. "I am sorry Midoriya!"

But before leaving, he looked at me again and bowed a little too much for my liking though.

"Thanks Monoma, for helping me with my English homework!"

I nodded and they both left.

When I turned myself to the green haired nerd, I saw him squirm meekly under my stare.

"Th...thank you so much for helping me!" He shouted while bowing multiple times.

'What with all this bowing? Not that I hate it. It's just weird.' I thought.

I raised my hand a little in a gesture to make him relax and responded. "You don't need to thank me, I just did what I thought was right. Sorry for taking so long though. Did they hurt you somehow?"

Hearing my question he glimpsed at the window for a brief moment but answered. "Don't worry, I'm fine!"

'Hmmm. Still not decided to report on Bakugo's attacks? Well, okay then.'

"Glad to hear it! So, if you excuse me, but I need to get going. Please take care!" I concluded and left, this time for real.

'Need to wait until the right moment!'

"Thanks Monoma, you already are a great hero to me!" He said to me when I was already close to the door.

I simply gave him a thumbs up, barely turning my face so that he could see my smile.



Katsuki Bakugo POV

After class.

'That motherfucker thief will pay! I'll definitely be the only one to be accepted at UA.'

"Geez man, that was tough." Said Tsubasa with his dumb remarks.

"He seems to be letting all this hero stuff get to his head. I mean, c'mon man!" Added Yubi.

'Can't believe you cowards actually obeyed him and apologized to that useless nerd.' I thought, getting angry again just by thinking of it.

"He is just a fraud! Someone that has to copy the quirk of others is just trash!" I declared.

'Man I'm so pissed!' I thought again and kicked the shit out of some stupid trash in the ground.

"C'mon Bakugo, he just knows how to provoke you. Let's just ignore him."

Said ... I don't care who said what.

Just remembering that prick acting all high and mighty to everyone else in class is... infuriating.

"Someone gotta put him in his place."

I concluded while exploding my empty can of soda.

"I hate that bastard!"

My stupid friends began to laugh.

"Hey, I got an idea! We should go to the arcade, keep your mind of him you know?"

Tsubasa proposed.

"Fine." I accepted.

"Or we can sneak in the bar at the station! Pick up some ladies." Yubi suggested.

"I don't know, I'm not in the mood today." Tsubasa said a little worried.

Regardless, that stupid idiot...

"Idiot! If we get caught there is no way UA would let me in!" Grrr...

But both of them immediately flinched and pointed to some stupid shit behind me.

But when I turned my head I saw... a fucking giant slime?!



Neito Monoma POV


It's finally happening!

I can hear big explosions nearby.

A lot of smoke is rising up in the sky, blocking the sunlight to reach that specific block.

I can hear windows breaking, see people desperately running for their lives and fire consuming buildings' walls.

'Geez, is this what happened when Bakugou uses his quirk without holding back? Or is the slime somehow amplifying his power?' I pondered.

I was observing everything from a more safe location, behind the morbidly curious crown.

The generic heroes arrived, and they simply sucked.

I mean, there wasn't much they could do, but still. They are doing exactly what All Might will later consider not heroic. Not "risking their own lives to save others" or their images by failing.

And Bakugou? Well he was having the worst day of his life... until now I think.

I know I was harsh on him before, I after thinking better, I don't regret doing it.

But I didn't want him getting raped by a slime in public, while being the cause why no hero was able to aid him.

But I choose to follow my plan, hope I can at least make the best of this situation.

Regardless, All Might (or Small Might) just arrived, panting and sweating like a mad man.

I will just let him stress a little bit longer.

Wait, you might be thinking!

What about Izuku, ain't he gonna ruin my plan?

Don't worry...

I've killed him.


Just kidding, geez!

No, he is not dead.

Just running like crazy back to his house thinking his mom had an accident.

I know. That is extreme.

But I just can't afford having him stealing my thunder. Not now.


'Now!' I shout in my mind, taking off in a full sprint, reaching speeds barely superhumans.

I trained and copied a lot of physical movements.

Strengthened my body and watched record holders runners and parkours masters to perform my movements precisely without wasting my stamina.

I was so fast that everybody believed I was a professional hero for a few seconds.

When they began to realize I was just a very good looking high schooler, the shout out loud for me to stop and return to safety.

But I was having none of that.

When mister "rapist slime" noticed me, I was already kicking and punching the shit out of both of his slimy eyes.

All the while, mimicking All Might tone and pose as I remarked out loud.

"Sorry classmate Bakugou for taking so long in saving you."

The slime villain's focus weakened, as I expected, in need to remake his obliterated eyes.

As a result, Bakugou's mouth was released and he shouted back at me.


Taking my cue I said loudly. "I don't know.

I'm ashamed to confess that I would have waited for the pro-heroes to do their jobs. But my legs... they just started moving on their own."

Now, cherry on top.

"Classmate Bakugou, I won't just stand here and watch you die!" I announced out loud while pressing my clenched right fist into my chest! Almost crying and definitely expecting to receive an oscar, if they were called like that in this world.

And with all my might, and taking advantage of Bakugou's last act of resistance, I was finally able to pull him off this shitty F-ranked villain's body.

The last explosion was actually greater than those before, and we were actually propelled a few meters from the slime.

As the villain rebuilt himself, I managed to land in after a mid air flip while still holding an unconscious Katsuki in my arms and then slowly laying him on the ground.

As I stood up, the slime was angrily towering over me more than a few meters.

Without hesitating, I continued with my public stunt.

Opening my arms as if in an attempt to shield a just rescued victim and proclaiming. "I don't care how powerful you might be, I won't let you harm anyone else... BECAUSE I AM HERE!!!"

And I dared to smile at his face.

At that, the villain launched his tendrils in a clear attempt to kill me.*

And then...


I felt the wind so strong and fast that I blinked for an instant, and when I opened my eyes.

There he was, the Symbol of Peace and Justice! Shielding me from the villain attack.

Well, I don't need to use my ace for plan B.

"I really am pathetic!" The number one hero announced.

I pretended surprise at his arrival by saying his name. "All Might?!"

"I thank you for helping me to keep following my own ideals!" He publicly thanked me while struggling to resist the shitty villain.

Preparing to give his finishing punch he shouted, while bleeding from his mouth, mid action. "Pro's are always risking their lives, that's the true testament of a hero!"

The villain said something I didn't care to pay attention to, and I heard.


And All Might punched the ever-living shit out of slimy, sending him to where appeared to be oblivion.

And it all resulted in a fuckind tronando, sending a strong push of wind all over the place.

After it passed, I saw a crouching All might slowly but surely standing up, while the weather changed from a hot sunny day to a rainy one.

I could seriously hear All Might's theming song as he raised his arm like a champion.

It's probably my eardrums hurting like hell.

But I like to see this as a heroic conclusion of the first step of my plan.

And after that, the other heroes collected all the remaining parts of the sludge.

And the villain went into police custody.

Surprisingly I was praised for my bravery and technical respect of the law by not ostensibly (or visually) using my quirk in heroic action.

Bakugou did not even want to look at my face, but he thanked me and left immediately.

Without spouting that "I was in no way better than him" stuff.

Anyways, as I knew All Might time was surely up, I just thanked him for saving my life and went home... did I forget to tell you that my parents don't live with me? Yeah, there's that.

As I was making my way to my house, a certain number one hero came dashing right in front of me.

"I'm here!" He announced.

"Wow, how lucky can I be to see the symbol of peace twice... in the same day?!" I said faking my fanboyism.

What? I do like him, but not that much!

"HaHaHaHa I wanted to tell you something!"

He then immediately returned to his weakened state, and though I faked surprise at this fact, I easily accepted everything he was saying.

Thanks to my sleepless night of watching movies with great acting, I pulled it off rather well.

He explained to me how important my actions were to him and said. "I had the impression that you were just a very skilled quirkinesses wannabe hero. But after learning of your quirk and knowing about how heroic you've been during your life... It remembered stories of great heroes and of how they became great. Most have one thing in common. Their bodies moved before they had a chance to think. Almost on their own... and today, that's what happened to you."

As if waiting for a dramatic pause he continued. "Young man, you too can become a hero!"

Am I hearing angelic vocals and trumpets?

No, damn! I need to go see a doctor.

Better yet I should become one...

But that is a tale for another time.

For now?

Now, my Hero's Journey begin!

Annnnnd cut!



*Hey there! Thanks for reading my work! I hope this chapter is of your liking. I tried getting done with the introduction arc. Sorry if you expected more of the MC past.

Any ideas for powers, adventure arcs and girls is more than welcomed. I might not use anything, but you will have my gratitude for trying.

If this chapter is a mess of grammatical errors, please wait that I'll promptly try to fix it. But for that I need your feedback.

I do recommend on Webnovel "A Naruto Fan ends up in BNHA" from mugen95. It's similar to my story but the author have already posted a lot of chapters. I really like it!

Thanks as always for your time, hope you have a fantastic day and please stay safe.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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