
BNHA: Accelerator The Strongest Hero

**This is a translation** Synopsis: Accelerator: My name is Accelerator, I am the ultimate high school villain! I would rather die than become a hero! When this world falls apart, I will stand up. With violence against violence, I am the world's shield. // You can read 10 advanced chapters at my patreon.com/YeyeQiu

Yeye_Qiu · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs

Chapter 35: Prove it to me.

The education system of U.A. High School deviates from the norm, this is a common rumor in the world, but how abnormal the education process actually is, only the graduates of U.A. know, and they naturally won't talk about it, so it has always been a mystery.

On the wide playground of U.A. High School, apart from Accelerator, the other students seemed to be at a loss, after all, such an arrangement is completely different from the school process they have been used to for many years.

On the first day of school, the imminent challenger's battle was stopped at the last moment by the homeroom teacher Aizawa Shouta who entered the class, and he informed the students of the course arrangement, asking everyone to put on the blue and white training suit of U.A. High School.

"Quirk control test?!"

The classmates of Accelerator's Class A seemed to be surprised by the arrangement of the homeroom teacher.

"What about the entrance ceremony? What about the school introduction?"

Uraraka Ochako, who had met once in the practical test, asked the homeroom teacher the voice of everyone.

"If you want to be a hero, there is no time to participate in such leisurely activities."

Aizawa Shouta, the homeroom teacher of Class A, lazily said something unexpectedly reasonable.

Accelerator thinks this kind of education method is somewhat reasonable, and it quite suits his taste. After all, professional heroes are supposed to do things that ordinary people can't do. As the most outstanding school for hero training in District 11, it still has some stuff.

As for what happens next, let him wait and see.

"Everyone uses Quirk to complete the physical test."

The first to appear was the self-proclaimed Bakugo Katsuki, who needed to throw a specially made baseball using Quirk.

"Hurry up, give it your all."

Seeing Bakugo dragging his feet, the homeroom teacher lazily urged him.

He calmly did a set of brief body stretching exercises, and after adjusting his body's state.

"Well then, I won't be polite."

Bakugo said without forgetting to glare back at Accelerator, who was the farthest to the left in the crowd, but Accelerator didn't care about him at all, but was thinking about something.

Damn, this guy who looks down on people.

"Let this prove that I am the strongest!"

Bakugo Katsuki posed like a star baseball pitcher preparing to pitch, his body slightly leaning forward, his left foot raised high, his right hand swung out like a whip in the next instant, the whole set of movements flowing like water, and he didn't forget to use his own Quirk Explosion, adding the explosion's shock wave to the power of the specially made baseball.


Bang! The explosion's red fire flashed, and the baseball flew into the sky at an astonishing speed.

Accelerator saw very clearly, Bakugo's way of throwing the baseball is more like using Quirk Todoroki to send the baseball to the sky, it's really a rough use that is unbearable to watch.

It's simply a waste of resources.

Not to mention the degree and precision of Quirk control compared to Endeavor, a professional hero (almost level 5), even compared to ordinary powerful people (level 4) in the academy city, it's a bit inferior.

If you can control Quirk to convert the explosive force into propulsion force to concentrate it on one point, and don't forget to accurately control the destructive power of the explosion, that's what it means to use the ability excellently.

Even the prototypes of those guys in Tokiwadai are said to have reached the extreme in this regard, Bakugo Katsuki's level can actually be called a genius?

He believes that the middle generation of the other world has indeed been too peaceful for too long, and the combat power and generation gap are too serious.

Compared with the current top professional heroes, it's really too far behind. (In fact, Accelerator in the other world has not been in contact with too many professional heroes below the top, let alone the middle-level professional heroes.)

"First of all, you need to know where your limit is."

"That is a reasonable means to build the foundation of a hero."

After watching Bakugo Katsuki's performance, Aizawa Shouta, the homeroom teacher of Class A, showed the actual distance of the baseball reaction to the other students of Class A directly with the tester in his hand without expression, most students were surprised at such a terrifying result.

"735 meters... Is there a mistake?"

Kaminari Denki found Bakugo's amazing performance unbelievable.

"What's going on? It looks so interesting."

Ashido Mina clapped her hands, indicating that this test was very interesting.

"We can use our quirk as much as we can, as expectedf of U.A.!"

Some people praised.

The actual distance reflected by the specially made baseball is 735 meters. (Bakugo has self-trained after encountering Accelerator, so it is somewhat different from the original.)

Bakugo Katsuki's mouth corners slightly raised, somewhat proudly sweeping over Accelerator, Todoroki Shoto, and Iida Tenya.

See! This is my Bakugo Katsuki's strength! At this moment, I will defeat you one by one in U.A. with dignity! Tell everyone, only I am the strongest!

"It seems interesting... isn't it?"

Homeroom teacher Aizawa Shouta murmured in a voice only he could hear, looking at the restlessness shown by these students, this kind of youthful agitation that surged out without any reason, his mood became more and more depressed, he remembered the battles as a covert hero, remembered his deceased teacher, and many colleagues and comrades who fell in cruel battles whose faces he could not remember.

These so-called students are really unpleasant.

"Do you all want to spend these three years growing into heroes with this mentality?


"Then I will consider the person who is the last in the total score of the eight projects as having no potential and will be dropped out of school."

"How to treat students is our teacher's freedom."

Aizawa Shouta's face became more and more gloomy, he lifted up the messy black bangs under his bloodshot eyes and stared at his so-called students, with a sarcastic smile and his own invisible oppressive force, he intimidated all the students present.

"Welcome, this is U.A. High School Hero Department."

The words of the homeroom teacher are like a heavy bomb, blooming in everyone's heart.

"Drop out the last one?!"

"Isn't today still the first day of school?"

"No, even if it's not the first day, this is too unreasonable, isn't it?"

For such a reasonable question, homeroom teacher Aizawa expressed his opinion.

"Natural disasters, major accidents.. and the lurking malice that acts recklessly."

"Disasters that can come at any time and anywhere, this world is full of such unreasonableness."

"And the person who overthrows this crisis is a hero."

"In the next three years, U.A. High School will only bring you suffering without hesitation."

"Rush to the distant other side, Plus Ultra."

"Our world still needs more heroes."

Just when the students of Class A had different reactions and thousands of emotions.

Accelerator took a step forward, stood up ignoring the oppressive force from Aizawa Shouta, and casually expressed his opinion.

"Teacher, I think this test is meaningless."

As soon as these words came out, Bakugo Katsuki, who had performed well just now, instantly reached the peak of anger.

"What are you talking about?!"

If it were any other student in Class A, homeroom teacher Aizawa Shouta would make him pay the price for his momentary eloquence.

However, as one of the professional hero teachers who witnessed Accelerator's practical test and had high hopes for him, he was willing to give Accelerator the right to continue speaking.

"Bakugo Katsuki, you shut up first."

Aizawa Shouta glared at Bakugo Katsuki fiercely, the oppressive force that originally oppressed all the students was all transferred to Bakugo, even if he gritted his teeth and was very unwilling, there was not much he could do.

"Accelerator-kun, before I get angry, you'd better explain the reason for your words."


The words were not finished, but the meaning was very clear with his expression and eyes.

For a teacher like Aizawa Shouta, if there is something to be corrected, he will correct it, if there is something lacking, he will make up for it, he is not a pedantic person who doesn't understand flexibility.

"First of all, there are quite a few problems with the physical test that can use Quirk."

"You said before that because of the unified records set by the average standard in District 11 so far, it is unreasonable to prohibit the use of Quirk for physical testing before becoming a student of the Hero Department in a superhuman society, right?"

"So what?"

"Well, teacher, I also don't deny that this is the negligence of the Ministry of Education and Science in District 11."

"If such logic is established, then is it reasonable to simply use the Quirk?"

Aizawa Shouta squinted his eyes and slowly thought about the meaning of it, he still didn't think there was any problem.

"I don't think there is any logical problem, it's much more reasonable than before."

"The use of Quirk does not customize the plan according to the type of use, but simply and brutally uses the test method that is no different from the past, but can slightly add the rules of using Quirk without any substantial improvement."

"Quirk is diverse, and the functions are naturally different. Some Quirks that are strong in certain aspects are destined to become unsatisfactory in some aspects. The unified standard can indeed simply and brutally screen talents, but after screening, there is no tailor-made special test, which is too unreasonable in terms of objectivity and logic."

"Although, I do agree with the philosophy you mentioned earlier, teacher."

When Accelerator said this, the image of All Might in the other world, who was maintaining the symbol of peace with his problematic body, appeared in his mind, as well as other heroes like Endeavor and many more who were striving to maintain social order, fighting against malice and the shadow of darkness, just as homeroom teacher Aizawa Shouta said, not only the preparation time for top heroes like Endeavor is not enough.

The same is true for all students who aspire to become professional heroes.

Peace has been maintained for too long, most people are immersed in it, even students who aspire to become professional heroes dare to forget the lurking malice and the cruelty of darkness, it's too happy and too sweet.

It is the happiness and composure of most classmates that Accelerator, who has always been walking with darkness, is somewhat dissatisfied.

Only when people truly face the abyss can they know the indescribable horror of the abyss of human nature, which is the malice in human nature.

"But this does not distinguish the testing Quirk, in my opinion, is a complete waste."

"Since time is running out, shouldn't we test and obtain data quickly and efficiently in a more accurate, systematic, objective, and efficient way?"

"Just take Bakugo Katsuki's ordinary Quirk throw for example."

"Using a specially made baseball with a high intensity that is not easy to be destroyed by Quirk, to a certain extent, it is impossible to test the student's control strength."

"There is no target object, naturally, it is impossible to test the accuracy of Quirk."

"Just a simple understanding of a general distance test to get a simple and brutal actual distance of rigid data, no analysis, no targeting, no strengthening, just to understand the simple Quirk limit? I must say this is completely unreasonable."

"Since time waits for no one, shouldn't we know what each person's Quirk needs, what is lacking, and how to progress?"

"If the tests of U.A. High School are all like this, I think there should be more diversified, customized, and modular considerations."

"The eight test methods used by those without Quirk in the past, just adding the results tested by Quirk, are ultimately too one-sided and narrow."

"Since Quirk is diverse, how can the test methods be so simple and brutal?"

"So I think this is meaningless."

Accelerator's heartfelt words made homeroom teacher Aizawa Shouta fall into thought and seemed a bit silent.

After a while, of course, the homeroom teacher thought it through.

"I understand what you mean, I will suggest to the principal teacher later, your suggestion makes some sense."


Homeroom teacher Aizawa Shouta changed the subject, his gaze burning on Accelerator.

"You have to prove your point in a practical way."

"My requirements are not high, since you have always been the first, then you should be able to get the first place in these eight projects, it's simple, right? If not, you can drop out."


For the homeroom teacher's request, it seems a bit excessive to many students in Class A, even the king of the first grade, Accelerator, it is impossible to suppress all the students in the class in all subjects in the other world, no one can be all-round.

The person who can do that has now become a legend, he is All Might.

Although they are all just enrolled in U.A. High School as hero volunteers, but for their unique Quirk and the obsession to become a professional hero, they all have their own pride without exception, just not as simple as Bakugo Katsuki's performance.

Accelerator looked around and found that everyone looked full of fighting spirit, this is the expression that hero volunteers should have.

"Since you said that the student with the last total score will be expelled."

"Then if I get all the first place in this meaningless eight-item test, then according to reason, can I make a reasonable request to you, teacher? This is not too much, right?"

Accelerator's red pupils were filled with a smile, his mouth corners slightly raised, he was not afraid to stare at the glasses of homeroom teacher Aizawa Shouta.

Homeroom teacher Aizawa Shouta showed an unprecedented smile, he was originally very interested in Accelerator.

Looking at the eager Accelerator, he hooked his finger at him, indicating that if you can do it, then show me.

If successful, I will naturally acknowledge you, it's that simple.

"Of course, provided that you can prove it to me."

"Then let's start without delay"


You can read 10 advanced chapters at my patreon.com/YeyeQiu