

This novel is about a skilled fighter and assassin who studied to be a belly dancer and concubine in the king palace She was payed by the king to kill the king of Persia Now she changed the plan to her favour

Sharonpeace · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Going to persia


"How about you play the role of my wife and queen and then I won't have to remove your head"

Staring at his red eyes, I could tell he meant it, wait did he just say I should be his wife and queen?, certainly I'm having issues with my ear or I'm in a dream i said hitting my

foot together to make sure I'm clearly not dreaming, hmm it's too good to be true

' Just like the serpent deceiving eve , in this situation, right now I'm the eve he is the serpent and we are both in a garden, in a ball themed garden of Eden '

It can't just be this simple there's something more to it, being a queen doesn't looks too bad but wife? I don't like the sound of that, staying with a man forever who only sees you as a tool for bearing kids. You have no choice Shara your life is greatly important, I got to lay low for now when the time comes for having kids i will run away or perhaps find an effective way to get rid of him, i can't be tied to a man i need to explore the world while I'm young not bearing kids

"Fine, it's a win win for me, too bad for you"

"And why is that bluebell?"

Standing so close to me , I could feel his breath on my face and his voice enticing me to sin

" Mm, be be because I get to be queen and you on the other hand won't be having peace, you just got yourself a troublesome wife king Dragan" gosh Shara when did you start stammering

Putting his hands in his pocket and moving away from me , scattering the butterflies in my stomach, he walked away heading towards the hall

"Um where are you going" walking fast, trying to match up with his pace

"We should be going to your carriage not going back to the hall" I said pouting

With me walking behind him, he went straight to king Lincoln

"I thought you left given I didn't see you again at the hall" he said staring at king Dragan wandering if the poison has started having its way

"Not at all, I went for a walk I'm quite allergic to snakes ,I can't be with snakes in same hall I might kill them all

"And thank you for the gift king Lincoln, I must head back to my land"

Standing by the side , while king Dragan throw his venom, I couldn't stop admiring him if hell could be so beautiful like him then I don't mind going willingly

"You just got here king Dragan, my maids will prepare a place for you and your men to stay for the night "

"You should have known by now we Persian love traveling by night " standing up king Dragan said "Let's go "

"Yes my Lord, but I will like to take my things from my room first"

"Meet me at the stables when you're done "

he said leaving the hall

"Why weren't you able to do your job "

"I did my king, the poison has no effect on him "

"Or you are lying to me, I could kill you right now and find a replacement for king Dragan "

'ofcourse you could because I'm not important you only need me to do your dirty work '

" I won't lie to you my king it has no infect on him but I have a plan my lord "

"And what's that?"

" I heard Persia has the best poison and way of killing people even the strongest and mighty men

"When I get to Persia I will find a way to kill him"

"That's nice" and then you will be persecuted for killing the king and I won't have to pay someone to get rid of you, king Lincoln ll thought inwardly

"I like that, do the job clean I don't want any stains "

"I will but it will cost you my king "

"How much "

"Nine thousand gold my king, because I will be at risk, if he happens to die I will be suspected and probably be killed " I said trying to make it sound real so he wouldn't suspect anything

"As long you do the job "

"Go meet Jason and tell him I said to give you four thousand gold, the money will be completed once you have done it " king Lincoln ll said

"Yes my king " I bow to him

'what a fool you're king Lincoln. Not only did I get a nice offer, I'm leaving green valley with four thousand gold the moon goddess has decided to bless me today'


Luring my prey into submitting herself to me

"Drop that human, and let's go"

Turning around my prey jolt in fear, 'what a kill joy you are Dragan'

"My lord" the human bow to him

"You love your life don't you?"

"Yes my Lord"

"Then you wouldn't want to know Irene "

"I'm sorry my lord have mercy " she said bowing to Dragan before running away barely escaping death

"Has no one told you, you're a pain in the ass Drago" I said walking beside him going to the stable, where our horses are kept

"You are a pain in my ass Dan, have a thirst of your medicine"

"Scoffs, don't do that Drago, that was my prey , you're a demon you don't need blood to survive unlike me"

"Tell that to Irene "

"That's so unfair, you have mentioned her name fifteen times just in one night , it's not like I was flirting with her I just need to feed , I'm a f*cking vampire" i said whining like a child

"True but what happen to male?"

"Yuck they taste bland and you know that "

"No I don't, I'm not a blood sucking monster"

"Everyone knows you drink blood too, female one's precisely" I said hoping on my horse, turning around I could see Dragan still standing, this guy smells weird

"Dan is there are place we can get a carriage" Dragan asked

Why does he need a carriage, I don't get it

"I don't like to be the bearer of bad news but it seems you have forgotten that you are mateless which simply means you have no mate"

" But a wife"

"What" he isn't drunk is he ?

"Sorry my lord for keeping you waiting, I had to take my four thousand gold coins "

I saw a female walking towards Dragan

"Can you get in the horse by yourself?" King Dragan asked

"Yes, but this is a royal horse I can't be riding with you my lord, I just need another horse I can ride a horse myself " the female said

I stared at them dumbfounded, I am clearly going blind

I took my water jar from the side of my horse to wash my face, I need to make sure I'm not hallucinating

"There isn't any horse left, you have to ride with me or you could ride with Dan" he said pointing at me making the female turn around, with the surprise in her eyes she hadn't noticed I was there

"Sure, he's kind of slender I don't think he will be able to ride the horse so I will be the one to ride the horse while he stays at my back " the very annoying female said coming to me

"Don't you dare, i never said I was in need of mistress, go meet Drago" I said leading my horse away from the stable leaving Dragan with his wife (yuck)

"I have no choice but to ride with you my lord, your younger brother wouldn't let me ride his horse"

(Scoff) Younger brother indeed, I could murder her right now I bet her blood will be disgusting, I don't like this at all for all I know just a sight of a woman disgust Dragan a lot

But that's not what I'm seeing right now , now I see why he smells weird.

oh gosh I'm not gonna like this , I've never hate women through out my years of living on earth and hell, she will have to be the first

Actually her voice sounds familiar

please you all should leave a comment

I'm sorry for the late update Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Sharonpeacecreators' thoughts