

Silence filled the air as none of them spoke a word. Yi Mian was grateful for it since she bulldozed the whole wedding by herself. She brought the margarita to her lips and sipped on it. Her eyes swept down at her margarita and caught sight of her wedding ring. The emerald carved intricately was a pretty little thing. Not only did it complement the platinum base, it also resembled Duan Jing's beautiful eyes. It brought an unintended smile to her lips. She finally married the person of her dreams.

As soon as her father posed the option of marrying to inherit the company, she decided to kill two birds with one stone. She would be able to inherit the company and marry the person she loves. Hence, the hasty wedding that shocked the world.

She was sure that the public was skeptical of this wedding being a political one. Maybe some insider source already revealed that their marriage was, in fact, a contract. She didn't care, really. All she wanted was to tie Duan Jing down to her. It's true that his chain was long enough for him to play around with that tramp, but he had a certain distance he could go with his collar. Unless she agreed to walking him, he wouldn't be able wander off.

That was exactly what Yi Mian needed. She wanted him under her eyes. But with his loyalty to Dui Ming, Yi Mian was sure he wouldn't wander off too much, even though Yi Mian preferred for him to stay by her side.

"Are you tired?" Duan Jing's question took her by surprise.

Yi Mian was confused on whether he was concerned about her, but recalling the earlier event, she marked it off as guilt.

He was really asking to get teased, ah. Yi Mian's lips curved up into a smirk, "Worried about me, Mister I'm-26-and-i-don't-know-how-to-kiss."

Duan Jing's baffled look caused Yi Mian to laugh her guts.

With him, she always forgot her worries about getting an episode. To him she wasn't the sharp tongued heiress Lan Yi Mian, she was just the sharp tongued bestfriend of his sister. It wasn't any better but she was obliged to be an heiress to the people who thought of her as an heiress, however, to him she was just his sister's best friend. It was inevitable to fall in love with him.

"I can kiss!" Duan Jing exclaimed, looking a little offended. Yi Mian raised an eyebrow at him, not believing he could. The intimacy level between Dui Ming and Duan Jing was somewhere in the regions of 'puppy love'. That's why she trusted Duan Jing enough to let him wander off with the tramp.

"Oh yeah? Why don't you demonstrate it to me? I have a lot of experience in kissing. I can grade you, if you want to." Yi Mian teased the flushed Duan Jing. He opened his mouth to retort back, but ended up not saying it. Yi Mian burst out laughing at the opened mouth Duan Jing.

He looked like a goldfish, eh.

"Are you a goldfish that cannot kiss now?" Yi Mian taunted through her fit of laughs. Duan Jing's face soured as he averted his gaze, ignoring Yi Mian to get his anger across.

Yi Mian preferred if he pouted to show his anger, but being ignoring her was fine too. It was quite uncute though.

The atmosphere was silent for a few minutes, but Yi Mian's lips betrayed her again as she cracked up into snickers. In her defence, it wasn't everyday you see the president of one of the leading companies looking like a goldfish.

Duan Jing wanted to be indignant, but he couldn't seeing her laugh. Weddings between heirs, heiress or any public figures was similar to a business deal. They had to smile at everyone and take their 'blessings'. The blessings were actually their ulterior motive of wanting to be business partners. He was sure Yi Mian was as tired as him, that's why it was comforting seeing her laugh. After all, this was one of the kids he watched grow up.

"How uncute!" Duan Jing heard Yi Mian exclaim, then he felt a pair of soft hands pinch his cheeks. Duan Jing was forced to look up at Yi Mian. Seeing his squished face Yi Mian giggled.

Duan Jing was unsure whether he watched her grow up or whether she watched him grow up. He was being treated like a temperamental child throwing a tantrum.

"Let go, Yi Mian." He tried to conceal the desperation in his voice but he ended up just sounding flat and commanding. Yi Mian's eye twitched subtlety. Did he think she was one of his employees?

"You dare use that tone with me?" Yi Mian snarled pretentiously. Even though she despised being told what to do, she just couldn't get angry at him. Especially when he looked like mochi icecream in her hands.

She squeezed his cheeks even harder and watched his soft cheeks grow redder, she felt her heart melt into a puddle of goo. How was a grown, 26 year old man so cute? She let go of his poor cheeks and ruffled his soft black hair.

Duan Jing frowned at her messing up his hair. He usually didn't care about how he looked, but he was going to meet Dui Ming later, so he had to look his best.

"Ah right, Kirihu drop me off at my apartment. I have something I have to take." Yi Mian remembered her plan of going home to take her medication. She did realize that going to her apartment right on the day of her wedding would be questioned, but it was better than having an episode infront of Duan Jing or the public. She knew she should've transferred her medication to Duan Jing's house, but the thought of him founding out about her disorder scared her.

"I will be spending the night with Dui Ming." Duan Jing muttered guiltily, but seeing Yi Mian's impassive face, he felt even guiltier. But Dui Ming was his priority. He was loyal like that.

The secretary, also their driver, Kirihu mumbled a yes. It wouldn't be unusual for Duan Jing's lefthand to know about their contract.

Kirihu, who listened to their conversation, found both of them extremely stupid. But he didn't dare say that out loud; he has seen people that displeased Yi Mian and Duan Jing disappear mysteriously, and he didn't want to added to the list of people that disappeared mysteriously.