

Yi Mian softly sat down on the cozy, black sofa. Her slender, shapely fingers caressed the smooth material for while before digging her nails into the sofa.

Yi Mian, since young, had a very a short temper. But, as she grew up, she found out it was a mental illness called 'Intermittent Explosive Disorder' or, in short, IED. Only a handful of people knew about her mental illness, and they were aware of the fact that she has been to therapy for more than a decade.

She took a deep breath and exhaled softly, just like her therapist drilled into her mind. She imagined a pond brimming with koi fish, then she imagined a little girl feeding the koi fish.

The harmonious image was in her mind for a few minutes, until Yi Mian decided that her episode was under control, or rather dormant until something minor makes her angry again.

Yi Mian frowned, her face displeased and annoyed. The wedding kept her so busy that she forget to drink her medication. At least those little pills kept her from getting irritated at minor things, at least until she gets home to destroy every vase.

She was very tired these days; her wedding dress was designed and stitched by her very own hands, she probably slept ten hours in total the whole week. Taking into consideration that it was already Saturday, she should get some sleep.

She laid down on the sofa and intertwined her fingers on top of her chest. The gentle light of the chandelier seemed to lure her into the sweet hands of sleep. Her eyes slowly drooped into a long wanted slumber.

"Yi Mian, wake up." She heard a voice whisper softly. She groaned, raising a hand to pinch the speaker's face.

"Yi Mian, what are you doing?" The voice sound panicked, but it was still a whisper. Yi Mian stirred a little and difficulty opened her eyes. She saw Duan Jing's face being cupped by a hand, but looking closely at it, she realized it was her own hand and let go.

Duan Jing stared at the dazed girl infront him and wanted to laugh. Who would've thought the informidable heiress Lan Yi Mian took a few minutes to understand what's happening after a nap.

"Are you going to live here?" He had completely forgotten about his anger earlier and teased her. Yi Mian looked at him blankly and nodded, still not composed. Duan Jing contained a chuckle knowing he would get hell later if he laughed.

"I'll wait outside. Freshen up yourself, okay?" Yi Mian had the same blank look on her face, Duan Jing's face cracked into a teensy smile. He stood up from his previous uncomfortable crouching stance, and walked into the hallway.

Yi Mian blinked and blinked once again. She was kind of confused; she remembered that she was greeting the guests and she left to find… Duan Jing? He was in the lounge with that tramp and so she was going to have another episode.

Yi Mian scowled having recollected the scene from earlier.

Duan Jing really took advantage of that hateful clause.

Once her hands started trembling, Yi Mian decided that she was thinking of that scene too much. She already knew Duan Jing was sneaking off with Dui Ming, what was she getting at for?

A part of you thought he wouldn't start his extra-marital affairs this early, didn't you?

That's right, he disrespected you. You love him, yes, but that doesn't give him any right to disrespect you. He should die. Kill him.

Yi Mian dismissed all the whispers trying to swerve her into the path of crime. She can't give into these voices right now. Not ever. She would be a criminal.

Calming herself down, Yi Mian walked out of the lounge. The first thing she saw was Duan Jing looking down at his Rolex to check the time.

"Axel." She called out to him. Duan Jing looked up and looked eyes with her. Yi Mian found Duan Jing's emerald gem-like eyes really beautiful. So beautiful that she wanted to take them out and secure them in a box.

"Let's go?" Duan Jing asked, almost questioning why she was staring at him so intensely. Yi Mian nodded absentmindedly, while Duan Jing shrugged off her weird behaviour, marking it off as her being sleepy. Yi Mian turned around and started walking back to the reception hall.

Duan Jing followed behind her. He stared at her perfect posture; her strides were long and elegant, her pale bony shoulders wasn't slumped even a little bit. Duan Jing couldn't recognize who this woman was anymore. She had grown up from the little girl with a sharp tongue to someone who could kiss really well. Even though they weren't close as children, Duan Jing, who was 2 years older than her, wondered where he went wrong in raising her up. Maybe it was the American air that changed her.

Duan Jing hadn't noticed they had already reached the hall, until he saw Yi Mian waiting for him with her hand wrapped the door knob to the hall. He nodded at her and she opened the door.

Hundreds and hundreds of people stared at them. Yi Mian's indifferent face was similar to his own. They walked down the aisle readied up for them to exit the reception hall.

The dazzling flash from the cameras made Yi Mian irritated. She wasn't sure if this was the minor thing that would make her have an episode, but she couldn't risk being in public when she wasn't 100 percent sure if she was going to have an episode. But thanks to her miraculous luck, they were going home.

She was sure Duan Jing would go straight to the villa he bought for Dui Ming and spend the night with her. She could go back to her apartment, and take her medicine. Hopefully, she wouldn't have an episode.

Yi Mian's train of thought was cut off once she saw the familiar limousine with Duan Jing's secretary standing next to it.

The secretary opened the door for them, Yi Mian got in the limousine and Duan Jing followed the suit. She sat down on the red, velvet seat and took the margarita on the bar. She sipped on it and waited for the vehicle to start moving.

You guys can get updates faster on scribbehub, my name is Kalesterine there too.

I'm writing another book called Quick Transmigration : Why Do I Die Everytime on that site, I will not be posting it here. I hope you guys check it out.

my schedule is 2 chapters for the weekend.

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