
Blue Lock: I'm Kira Ryosuke

With a blink of an eye, a certain otaku in front of his computer screen watching the new anime Blue Lock found himself transported to another world. He became Kira Ryosuke, the precious gem of the football world, who had just defeated the original male protagonist in the county preliminaries. In the original story of Blue Lock, he was eliminated in the first round of the hide-and-seek game, but he was actually a strong guy. Looking at the reporters in front of him blabbering nonsense, Kira Ryosuke couldn't help but curl his lips. "The precious gem of the Sakura Country football world?" Kira Ryosuke glanced at sports anime and football manga, but he wasn't particularly interested in playing football himself. Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to travel to a different world as a copyist? Just as Kira Ryosuke was contemplating whether to become a manga artist or a novelist, whether to start with copying Demon Slayer or writing Sword Art Online, a golden finger arrived! "Ding! Congratulations, host, on obtaining the [Football Competition · Super God Skill System]!" "A gift package for newcomers is automatically opened. Congratulations, host, on obtaining [Football Competition · Thunder Breathing] and [Football Competition · Thunder Breathing · Forms One to Seven]!" ------- This is a Translation ------- Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/HIT_ME_NOVEL

HIT_ME_IF_YOU_CAN · Anime & Comics
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103 Chs

Chapter 82: U20 Team, Assemble!

A week had already passed.

The second round of selections in the Blue lock had also come to an end, and the seven teams were gathering in the hall according to the order of completion.

The first to arrive and wait in the hall were Nagi and his comrades.

Under the leadership of Kira, they had completed the second round of selections at the fastest speed, finishing a full two days ahead of the second team.

"It's been a week and Kira hasn't come back. Where did he go?"

Meguru held his head and asked in confusion.

"I don't know. I don't have a phone, so it's inconvenient to ask. Nagi, don't you have a phone? Send a message to Kira and ask."

Ikki turned his head and looked at Nagi.

"Oh, I actually never saved Kira's number."

Nagi shrugged his shoulders.

"What's the use of having a phone, you useless guy!"

Rensuke complained helplessly.

"To play games," Nagi blurted out without a second thought. "And we usually talk face to face, so we don't need phones."

Just then, the doors opened, and the other teams that had completed the selections began to enter.

The second team to enter was Rin and his team.

In Rin's gaze, there was a mix of arrogance and anger. He was eager to seek revenge against Kira.

But at first glance, he didn't see Kira, and his eyes were filled with confusion.

The other teams entered one by one. Shoei and Reo successfully broke through in the fourth team, just like Yoichi and Hyoma in the seventh team.

Yoichi had once again challenged Rin but still failed. Zantetsu was taken away, However, Yoichi and the others managed to successfully complete the second round of selections afterward.

Upon seeing Meguru and the others, Yoichi immediately walked up to greet them.

"Meguru! You've indeed advanced ahead, but... where's Kira?"

Yoichi also noticed that their team only had four members, with Kira absent.

"We're not sure either. Kira used his goal points to exchange for the opportunity to go out, but he hasn't returned. Ego only mentioned that Kira had important matters to attend to, but he'll definitely be back later."

Meguru replied.


Yoichi nodded thoughtfully. Then, as if remembering something, he continued to ask,

"Did you also play against Loki and the others?"


"Exactly. Every team had to compete against players of that caliber. The Blue lock is truly amazing. What was the final score?"

Yoichi asked curiously. Although he had given his all, the gap in strength was too vast, and they were easily defeated by the World Team with a score of 5-0.

"We didn't finish the match. It was forcibly stopped, but the final score seemed to be 2-1. We were in the lead!"

As they talked about this topic, Meguru seemed to get excited.

"It's a pity you weren't there. You didn't witness the incredible scene! Kira and Loki had a 1v1 showdown, and Kira even successfully defended against him!"

"Kira defended against Loki!"

Yoichi was stunned. He had witnessed Loki's incredible speed, which was beyond his imagination.

And Kira even managed to defend against him?!

"Kira truly deserves praise!"

Yoichi couldn't help but admire.

Not only that, but he also realized in his heart that the gap between him and Kira was growing larger.

He must strive to catch up to Kira's footsteps!

Meanwhile, not far away, Rin had just overheard their conversation and clenched his lips tightly.

Even when he faced the World team in the match, despite giving his all, the significant gap in strength couldn't be bridged.

Loki effortlessly tore through their defense, and Rin couldn't handle it at all.

But just now, he heard that Kira successfully defended against Loki, which infuriated his.

Why could Kira achieve it while he couldn't?

he must defeat Kira, he must!

This guy must be defeated by his!

he vowed in his heart.

Just as more than thirty people flooded into the hall, a massive screen lit up.

"Promising talents, I have some special news for you."

Ego appeared on the screen, pushing his glasses up and slowly speaking, capturing everyone's attention.

"You might be wondering why. It's because your football careers are about to become worthless garbage, eradicated along with the Blue lock project."

As Ego's words resounded, everyone was filled with astonishment.

"But before that, I must say, well done. The battles against the world-team players were irreplaceable defeats, but some of you didn't lose."

Ego's words once again left the players below dumbfounded.

"Someone can compete with those world superstars?"

Most of the people present didn't recognize Kira and were unaware of his abilities.

Only Meguru and the others who were directly involved, as well as Yoichi and the others who had just heard about it, knew the true situation.

"I originally planned to let the remaining teams fight each other until there were only five pe..."

"But the plan has changed. It seems that the big figures in the football world want to crush the Blue lock project immediately, no matter what."

"Therefore, the next three selections will determine the survival of our Blue lock. The U20 representatives will have a special match against the Blue lock selection players. If we win this match, we can forcefully seize the U20 representative qualification!"

As soon as these words were spoken, it created a bigger explosion than any previous news.

The Blue lock players would compete against the U20 representatives, and if they won, they could directly replace them.

The opponents were undoubtedly incredibly powerful.

"I never expected them to agree to these conditions..."

Raichi Jingo, who had also passed the selections, couldn't help but gulp nervously.

Although there were many talented young players within the Blue lock, they were just ordinary high school players before, with a vast difference compared to true professional players. Most of them were unknown players who only gained a fresh start after entering the Blue lock.

"Because they don't think they'll lose at all. After all, the opponents are a group of high school students cobbled together from the top 300 players. And when they heard that our team consists entirely of forwards, they readily agreed to the match."

Ego said so, aiming to stimulate these players and ignite their competitive spirit.

"Their plan is to annihilate the Blue lock while using this match as a gimmick to attract spectators and make a huge profit, making us the losers to be mocked. How do you feel about that? Do you feel any sense of resentment or nervousness? But I firmly believe that you are capable enough to completely revolutionize the football world of this country."

"However... in order to secure a 100% victory, the enemy is also making arrangements. Your opponents, in addition to the current U20 representative players, will have two more persons."

"Itoshi Sae."

"Itoshi Sae!"

Yoichi couldn't help but exclaim in astonishment. Everyone present had heard of this young midfield genius.

At the same time, he was the incredibly powerful older brother of Rin.

He turned his head and looked over, seeing Rin's expression becoming unusually serious. he clenched his fist, his gaze filled with determination.

Defeating Sae was everything to his in football.

And this match was Rin's best opportunity to defeat Sae, allowing all the spectators present to witness the moment he defeated his brother.

"And who is the other person?"

At that moment, Meguru couldn't help but ask eagerly.

"The other person is a player designated by Sae. He chose this player as his teammate, and that is the fundamental reason for his participation in this match."

Ego's gaze carried a hint of deep meaning.

"And this person is a member of the Blue lock."


In an instant, Meguru, Yoichi, and Rin already knew the answer upon hearing Ego's words.

"Kira Ryosuke. Many of you should have seen him or competed against him."

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Ego's mouth.

"Kira Ryosuke, that name sounds familiar!"

"Isn't he the guy who had a conflict with Rin before?"

Others whispered to each other in hushed voices.

And at this very moment, Rin's face was full of shadows, and an overwhelming anger was spreading from the depths of his heart.

He already considered Kira as his archenemy, but he never expected that his brother would designate Kira as his teammate.

Beneath the anger was an endless hatred towards Kira and Sae.

Both of them, who must be defeated, would become his next enemies.

"Take them down! Take them both down!"

Rin's knuckles cracked with a resounding sound, deeply embedded in his palm.

Not only that, a terrifying killing intent emanated from him, causing others to not dare approach recklessly.

"Sae has abandoned you and chosen Kira. Do you know why?"

Immediately, Ego placed a stack of documents on the screen, containing the evaluations of Kira by the World team, the top five global football stars.

Those five world-class players spared praise for Kira.

Others also realized who Ego was referring to when he mentioned someone who could compete with world superstars.

"Originally, Kira was the ace player I designated, the absolute core of the Blue lock, to compete against the U20. But due to the intentions of Sae and the higher-ups, I had to let Kira join them. Without Kira, Sae wouldn't participate in the match, rendering the game impossible to proceed, and we would lose our only chance to prove ourselves."

Upon hearing these words, Rin's emotions grew even more intense. He bit his lip until it bled, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Meanwhile, Yoichi was incredibly surprised.

He never expected that one day he would become an enemy of Kira in such a situation.

Yoichi's emotions were somewhat complicated, but they were quickly engulfed by an inexplicable excitement.

Although Yoichi considered Kira as his friend, deep down, he also desired an opportunity to compete against him.

He had already made up his mind to work hard and catch up to Kira's footsteps.

And surpass him!

At this moment, Yoichi had a thought, an intense desire to 'Devour' Kira's talent.

"A chance for revenge!"

Meguru's face also showed an excited expression.

"Are we going to face off against Kira? I want to win, I must win."

Nagi spoke slowly.

For them, Kira was not only their friend but also their competitor.

Almost every one of them saw Kira as the target they had to chase after.

"Just as expected."

A smile appeared on Ego's face. The news of being enemies with Kira further ignited the fighting spirit of the Blue lock members.

The sense of challenge was the prerequisite for creating miracles.

"I have to admit, you've done well, Kira," Ego murmured to himself.


At the same time, at the U20 training camp,

A middle-aged man named Houichi Yasumori was also introducing the team members to the information about the upcoming match.

He was the temporary coach designated by Buratsuta Hirotoshi.

"This is the general information about the match, and this person here is the highly anticipated genius player, Itoshi Sae!"

Yasumori said excitedly, pointing towards the entrance. Sae walked in with a cold expression.

"Hey, it's Itoshi Sae!"

"I get to play alongside him?"

"So cool."

Even within the U20 team, there were fans of Sae.

"Could the player Sae say a few words to boost morale?"

Yasumori had a flattering smile on his face, while Sae spoke impatiently:

"Well, be grateful that you get to play with me. I have no interest in any of you, but you probably won't get a second chance in your lives. Work hard and don't annoy me. That's it."

Absolute arrogance. Even as a member of the U20 team, Sae didn't pay them the slightest bit of attention.

"Don't look down on people, you genius!"

some players were extremely dissatisfied with Sae's arrogant attitude, and the atmosphere became tense all of a sudden.

"Um, we also have a second player who will represent the U20 in this match. He was also a member of the Blue lock before."

Seeing the growing anger and tension, Yasumori had no choice but to forcefully change the topic and looked towards the entrance.

A figure appeared at the entrance, and Sae slightly turned his head, directing his gaze at that person.

"Kira Ryosuke."

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