
Blue Lock: I'm Kira Ryosuke

With a blink of an eye, a certain otaku in front of his computer screen watching the new anime Blue Lock found himself transported to another world. He became Kira Ryosuke, the precious gem of the football world, who had just defeated the original male protagonist in the county preliminaries. In the original story of Blue Lock, he was eliminated in the first round of the hide-and-seek game, but he was actually a strong guy. Looking at the reporters in front of him blabbering nonsense, Kira Ryosuke couldn't help but curl his lips. "The precious gem of the Sakura Country football world?" Kira Ryosuke glanced at sports anime and football manga, but he wasn't particularly interested in playing football himself. Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to travel to a different world as a copyist? Just as Kira Ryosuke was contemplating whether to become a manga artist or a novelist, whether to start with copying Demon Slayer or writing Sword Art Online, a golden finger arrived! "Ding! Congratulations, host, on obtaining the [Football Competition · Super God Skill System]!" "A gift package for newcomers is automatically opened. Congratulations, host, on obtaining [Football Competition · Thunder Breathing] and [Football Competition · Thunder Breathing · Forms One to Seven]!" ------- This is a Translation ------- Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/HIT_ME_NOVEL

HIT_ME_IF_YOU_CAN · Anime & Comics
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103 Chs

Chapter 81: Let's Wait And See

In the evening, the members of Seirin, along with Kira, went to a nearby barbecue restaurant to celebrate their victory.

"We've finally made it to the finals! Thanks to Teppei's performance and Coach Riko's tactics!"

"Hahaha, it's not just my merit. It's the result of everyone's hard work! And thanks to Kira! Without him, it would have been really dangerous."

The group celebrated joyfully, and Kira sat among them, joining in the celebration.

He had just received a message from Kagetora. Under the pressure of public opinion on the internet, Kirisaki Daiichi had no choice but to issue an apology. However, their school's basketball team's reputation had already been completely tarnished.

Moreover, due to the severity of the matter, the Basketball Association had to intervene and investigate. If it was revealed that intentionally injuring opponents was part of their tactics, Kirisaki Daiichi would face not only suspension but also the possibility of being disqualified from future competitions.

On the Seirin side, they successfully reached the national finals, and Teppei remained uninjured. The entire team was on a winning streak, with the potential to soar to new heights.

Each of them possessed immeasurable possibilities.

"Kira, ah..."

At this moment, Riko sat beside Kira, picking up a piece of cooked meat with one hand and holding it out towards him. Her other hand supported it from below as she fed the meat to Kira.

Her body leaned slightly, her shoulder resting against Kira's side, and a smile of happiness never leaving her face.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't flaunt your affection so openly! Aren't you even trying to hide it now?!"

"I envy you so much, so much, so much!!!"

"Damn it, the stench of romance. This barbecue doesn't taste good anymore!"

At this moment, Kira's heart was filled with mixed emotions. This was the first time he had eaten regular food from Riko's hand.

At least it was well-cooked.

At that moment, the table on which Kira had placed his phone vibrated slightly, indicating a message from someone.

Kira picked up his phone, and his eyes were greeted with a long string of English text.

The sender was none other than Loki, and the general content was that the management of his club was very interested in Kira. They wanted him to join their league and proceeded to introduce various benefits and incentives offered by their club. The information seemed to be flooding in.

In other words, they were openly attempting to recruit him.

After their previous encounter, Loki had witnessed Kira's formidable strength and didn't want to miss out on having him on their team.

It wasn't just Loki either. Just yesterday, Luna had also sent a similar message, inviting Kira to their club's youth training camp.

While the offers were enticing, Kira didn't have any immediate plans to go abroad.

"It's all in English. Who is it from?" Riko glanced at the message content and asked in confusion.


"Loki? What a strange name. Is he a foreigner?" Junpei asked, puzzled, from the side.

"Yeah, Julian Loki, he's French," Kira replied.

"Oh, Julian Loki, " Junpei nodded, subconsciously thinking it was just an ordinary name. Suddenly, he froze, as if realizing something.

Not only him, but everyone present couldn't help but gaze at Kira with disbelief.

"Julian Loki?! The superstar of the French football league?!" Shun Izuki's voice trembled.

Although most of them didn't have much knowledge about football, they had all heard of the names of such sports world superstars. It could even be said that they were well-known.

"Yeah, it's him," Kira's tone remained calm.

"Is it true? How is that possible?!" Junpei found it hard to believe. While he knew that Kira had some local fame, comparing him to a global star like Loki...there was simply no comparison.

And yet, Loki had actually texted Kira first?!

"Kira, how do you know Loki?" Riko asked, clearly puzzled.

"I mentioned it the day before yesterday, didn't I? The Blue lock arranged for five foreign friends to compete against us, and that's when I exchanged contact information with them, including Leonardo Luna," Kira replied.

"You call them foreign friends?! Ah?" Riko extended her slender finger and lightly flicked Kira 's forehead.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Kira had already faced off against a global superstar? And he was in contact with him privately?!

Incredible, absolutely incredible!

At this moment, they didn't know what to say. In their eyes, Kira had become a being in a higher dimension.

Just then, Kira received another message.

It was from Ego.

Ego: Come to the headquarters of the Football Association tomorrow. There's something I need to discuss with you. Anri will come to pick you up.

Kira narrowed his eyes slightly.

At the same time, he quickly composed a sentence and sent it:

"No need to trouble Miss Anri this time... I'll come by myself."


The next day, at noon, Kira arrived at the headquarters of the Football Association as agreed. Ego was waiting for him in a room, with Anri standing beside him.

"Ah, you're here, Kira," Ego said, looking at Kira. He tilted his head slightly, gesturing for him to sit down.

"What's the matter, Mr. Ego? Did the vacation get shortened?" Kira asked, sitting next to Ego. However, he also speculated that it had something to do with the U20 team match.

"No, in a way, your vacation has actually been extended," Ego said slowly.

"Let me get straight to the point. I have organized a match that concerns the survival of the Blue lock. I will select a team from the remaining players in the Blue lock and have them compete against the U20 team in three weeks. If we win, we can replace them and qualify for the World Tournament. But if we lose, the entire Blue lock project will be destroyed."

"I see, it's truly a bold plan," Kira wasn't surprised. It was unfolding just as he had expected.

"Furthermore, you must have heard of Itoshi Sae, the genius midfielder and Itoshi Rin's older brother. He will also be representing the U20 team in the match. Not only that, he has requested that one player from the Blue lock join him."

"Who is it?" Kira asked, but it was more of a rhetorical question. He knew that in the original story, Sae selected Shido Ryusei, who had the wildest playing style and was difficult to control by others, as his teammate from the Blue lock.

Because Ryusei was like a demon on the field, only someone with the strong controlling ability of Sae could fully manipulate him and unleash his maximum potential.

In the original story, Ryusei didn't enter the field until the second half but immediately pushed the Blue lock into a desperate situation, nearly scoring a hat-trick.

If Ryusei could cooperate with Sae in the first half, the outcome of that match would be even more unpredictable.

However, Kira felt that something was off because the timing of Sae's teammate selection seemed to be mismatched.

"It's you," Ego said sincerely, both in his expression and tone.

Because only if Kira agreed to this request, Sae would be willing to participate, and Ego could get the approval of the Football Association President for this match.

He needed to create a bigger stage for the Blue lock.

"Huh? Me?" Kira was puzzled. This situation was beyond his expectations.

This meant that he would be teammates with members of the U20 team and become an enemy of the Blue lock.

For him, it wasn't a big deal, but Sae's personality was extremely vile, even surpassing his younger brother, Rin.

He was arrogantly dismissive of everyone.

Of course, he had the right to be arrogant. Even Rin, who was considered the technical ceiling of the Blue lock, couldn't come close to his brother's abilities.

When Kira thought about teaming up with this devilish guy, he was about to refuse. However, Ego stood up and walked straight to Kira.

"This situation is beyond my expectations. I know it might be sudden for you, but this is my request. I'm requesting that you agree to the invitation and represent the U20 team in the match."

Ego was very sincere, both in his expression and tone.

Because only if Kira agreed to this request, would Sae be willing to participate, and Ego could persuade the Football Association President to approve this match.

He needed to create a bigger stage for the Blue lock.

"Well, since it's a request, Mr. Ego, please tell me the true situation, your real plan," Kira narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I know that Mr. Ego, you are concerned not only about the survival of the Blue lock but also about the future," Kira continued.

Ego adjusted his glasses and remained silent for a few seconds.

As Kira said, this match was only the first step in Ego's plan.

For the second step, he intended to take the Blue lock plan to the entire world.

"So, you need to listen carefully to what comes next..."

After contemplating for a moment, Ego ultimately revealed his entire plan to Kira, including the preparations to contact top clubs around the world for a five-league tournament.

If successful, the Blue lock plan would gain attention from the entire world.

"I see, Mr. Ego, your plan is truly comprehensive. Using this match as a springboard... However, all of this is also based on the condition that the Blue lock can win. If I represent the U20 team, I'm afraid your chances of winning will decrease."

"That's true, but as long as the match can take place, regardless of the outcome, I have already won. As long as the players of the Blue lock shine on the field, it will be enough."

Ego's expression was very serious, and from his usually deep and profound eyes, a radiance emerged.

"I firmly believe that the current Blue lock possesses the power to shake the football world in this country. And although you, Kira, are our opponent this time, I think the fact that 'Kira is the opponent' might give birth to more miracles. Moreover, this match can also validate whose philosophy is correct between the two of us."

As he spoke, Ego seemed to become somewhat excited and couldn't help but blurt out a bunch of strange remarks. But soon he quieted down, focusing his gaze through his glasses on Kira.

"Kira, what's your answer?"

"Well, since Mr. Ego put it that way, then I'll agree. It should be quite interesting to compete against the other guys from the Blue lock."

That's how Kira responded.

Although their philosophies didn't align, Kira still acknowledged Ego's efforts and serious attitude towards football. Although the Blue lock plan was incredibly crazy, it did indeed give countless unknown or disillusioned players a chance for rebirth.

"However, I have one condition," Kira added.

"What is it?"

"Terminate the resurrection matches you arranged."

Although Ego had just mentioned that he had arranged resurrection matches within the Blue lock, Kira knew that the resurrection system was far more brutal than the formal selections.

It was an absolute devastation to the body and mind. In the original work, Rensuke, who was eliminated, fought his way out of the resurrection matches but ended up seeming like a different person.

Now that Rensuke had successfully passed the selections, it meant that there would definitely be others who would have the same experience.

Even though Kira acknowledged Ego's attitude and dedication, there was one thing he couldn't agree with: his football philosophy.

"That's my condition for participating."

Ego fell silent for a moment, seemingly conflicted, but ultimately nodded.

"Fine, I agree."

Kira's participation was necessary, and he had no choice.

"If that's the case, then it's settled. The match will take place in three weeks. You can take these days to rest, consider it as an extended vacation. Next week, you and Sae will report to the U20 team. Before the next stage, you don't need to return to the Blue lock. If there's anything, I'll contact you again..."


Kira nodded.

"Let's see whose philosophy between the two of us can truly bring about the birth of miracles."

"I will make you, Mr. Ego, realize how wrong you are. I will completely defeat you on the field."

Kira replied with a smile.

From now on, Kira had become an Enemy of the Blue lock.

Although he had made many friends within the Blue lock, when it came to the competition, Kira would give it his all and never hold back.

That was his respect for the game and for other players.

"Let's wait and see."

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