
Blue Draze Territory

Zein,a prodigy in the art of combat and the hated last born of the Duke of Marasavinia,is finally dubbed as a knight by lord Vanderbilt ending his training on knighthood. His father rewards him with the Blue Draze Territory as his fief. A territory that no man in his rational mind would accept. The territory borders a forest but the harsh weather conditions,the rampaging beast,the pillaging by outlanders and bandits,the high population of refugees and the greedy Lord's who mined it's resources made it a red zone area. Zein didn't care as he just wanted to be far from the hypocrisy he called home. But what he didn't know was that his elder brothers had schemed on him. His food was poisoned.... Will he survive....... «DING!» «Athor's Note: You have received a Quest» «Quest: Will Zein survive....» Read to discover whether Zein's survives and his payback. Penalty:..??? Rewards:..?? {Side Note:Also your comments, reviews, power stones and gifts are welcomed.} Want to read more of my novels.....? Check out..... Heavens Clan {Legacy Land} Realm Sovereign Kindly add them to your library.....(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)

Fer_Desz · Urban
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Loyal to death...


«You have killed a Grade D/C warrior.... »

«You have received 300 EXP....»

«EXP to level up has reached maximum....»

«You have leveled up...Lvl.4(50/550)»

«You have received 10 Status Points....»

«You have received 3 Skill Points....»


«Loot has condensed.....»


{YES} {NO}


«System Alert: Emergency Quest Kill the Imposter has been completed....»

«QUEST: Kill the Imposter »

You have discovered the imposter among your subordinate...Torry... and killed

Duration: -

Reward: 500 EXP, 1000 Silver Coins


«A thousand silver coins have been deposited to your account....»


«EXP to level up has reached maximum....»

«You have leveled up...Lvl.5(0/700)»

«You have received 10 Status Points....»

«You have received 3 Skill Points....»

Zein looked at all the pop ups and exclaimed inwardly...

He knew that his three subordinate would need an explanation so he looked them straight in their eyes and released some of his battle aura.....am sorry you had to see that but Torry had to die....he was an imposter sent to poison my food.....

His Knight's battle aura intimidated them and they all quickly kneeled, Reign had been to numerous battlefields and was used to Knight's battle aura but he to felt intimidated....he quickly bowed and swore his undying loyalty to his Lord.

"My Lord,I Reign swore never to betray but remain loyal to my Lord....In this life and the next....I PLEDGE MY UNDYING LOYALTY...."

Reign instinct told him that only greatness awaited him if he pledged his undying loyalty to his Lord....and so he did without thinking twice since he had earlier on learnt that his instincts were never wrong.

It wasn't once or twice that he had met fortune and avoided death in battle fields because of his instincts.

Seeing this...the assassin chef,Vicky,bowed to and pledged her undying loyalty to the Lord,as she knew if she didn't.....the lord may have doubts about her since she was the one in charge of cooking all their meals.

"My Lord,I Vicky swore never to betray but remain loyal to my Lord....In this life and the next....I PLEDGE MY UNDYING LOYALTY...."

Zein looked at them in bewilderment but in reality,he was looking at the two notifications that popped up after they pledged their loyalty....


«Your subordinate.... Reign....has pledged his undying loyalty to you...»

«He can never betray you.....he is even willing to die for you....»


{YES} {NO}


«Your subordinate.... Vicky....has pledged his undying loyalty to you...»

«She can never betray you.....she is even willing to die for you....»


{YES} {NO}

Zein was about to press yes when Paul spoke up..... though in a stuttering voice...

"My Lord....since I became a page at your father's household, I have always heard of your name been mentioned by the ladies of your house and from the stories told by the traveling jesters.....and even your brothers who were jealous of your talents....and wanted nothing else but to see you dead...."

Everyone turned to look at him and the nervousness he felt multiplied by ten folds but he still went on after gulping a mouthful of saliva....

"I was awed by your talents and achievement that I vowed to work hard.... though I knew with my potential I couldn't surpass his Lordship....I still worked hard since my biggest dream was to grow stronger,wiser and faster as to prove my worthy to his Lordship so he could let me serve him..... that's why I applied to become your squire, even though the ladies of your household objected....you scheming brothers allowed it....."

"Those idiots.....!"

Zein cursed as he rose and parted the young lad....

"Paul....you still have alot to learn...."

When Paul's and the other two, who had been touched by his willingness to devote his life in service of his Lordship despite his potential being a grade B, their faces fell.

Zein looked at their crestfallen faces and smiled....

"You should have stayed at my father's household until you had graduated as a squire.... because I doubt wether there will be any knights in the Blue Draze Territory.....but luckily for you....I was a such a good page that I would surpass most of those noble ladies and dames....."

Zein smiled as he watched the faces of the three morph from crestfallen, to confusion then to joy as they all took in the latter part of his short speech,digested it and later absorbed the meaning in it.....

Paul know towed a dozen of time as he thanked Zein for accepting him.....

Zein could see that he was fighting back his joyful tears as pledged his loyalty to him.....


«Your subordinate.... Paul....has pledged his undying loyalty to you...»

«He can never betray you.....he is even willing to die for you....»


{YES} {NO}

Zein mentally chose {YES} on all the three.

,"Apart from conducting your duties as an esquire....you shall be my butler to..."

Zein said as he looked Paul straight in the eye....He then dismissed him since he could see that the young man was too overjoyed to even respond.

He next looked at Vicky...and a shiver ran down her spine ...

"After our arrival in town....you are going to be my personal cook..."

Vicky bowed and thanked his Lordship before she was dismissed... she wondered wether the position awarded to her by the was a reward or punishment....or a test to test her loyalty.

She vowed to experiment more with different ingredients and cooking styles as to raise her grade as to cook the best food for his Lordship.

There were two people left in the Lord's tent....

Reign felt a bit nervous now that he was left all alone with the Lord gaze upon him.....he had also early on noticed the four weak fluctuations waves that his Lordship released.

He pondered on wether the Lord had undergone a break through well talking to them bus as quickly as he thought about it,he dismissed that idea since it was impossible given the conditions and environment they were in.


Zein called out....

"Yes my Lord....."

"From today henceforth....you should join Paul in his Knight's training...."

Reign mouth fell as he mentally hugged and kissed his instincts....

"Thank you my Lord for your magnanimous towards this lowly subject...."

Reign said as he came back to his senses while know towing.

"Don't worry about your equipments....I shall get some to forge them for you."

Zein said as he dismissed him....

"Get someone to clean this mess....and let it be known that all traitors shall die by my hands...."

His last sentence sent a cold shiver down Reign's back. He swore to warn his squad as he didn't want to see any dying for betraying his Lordship

Kindly if you are not reading this on webnovel, know you are reading a pirated copy and doing so undermines the author's efforts.

Also comments, reviews and power stones are a great welcome.

Before I forget, check on my other books..

Heavens Clan {Legacy Land}

Realm Sovereign

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