
Blue Draze Territory

Zein,a prodigy in the art of combat and the hated last born of the Duke of Marasavinia,is finally dubbed as a knight by lord Vanderbilt ending his training on knighthood. His father rewards him with the Blue Draze Territory as his fief. A territory that no man in his rational mind would accept. The territory borders a forest but the harsh weather conditions,the rampaging beast,the pillaging by outlanders and bandits,the high population of refugees and the greedy Lord's who mined it's resources made it a red zone area. Zein didn't care as he just wanted to be far from the hypocrisy he called home. But what he didn't know was that his elder brothers had schemed on him. His food was poisoned.... Will he survive....... «DING!» «Athor's Note: You have received a Quest» «Quest: Will Zein survive....» Read to discover whether Zein's survives and his payback. Penalty:..??? Rewards:..?? {Side Note:Also your comments, reviews, power stones and gifts are welcomed.} Want to read more of my novels.....? Check out..... Heavens Clan {Legacy Land} Realm Sovereign Kindly add them to your library.....(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)

Fer_Desz · Urban
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Golden finger and a tiny spatial ring....

Zein summoned his status panel and navigated towards the quest panel. He searched for a specific completed quest and chose to view it....


«You have killed a Grade D/C warrior.... »

«You have received 300 EXP....»

«EXP to level up has reached maximum....»

«You have leveled up...Lvl.4(50/550)»

«You have received 10 Status Points....»

«You have received 3 Skill Points....»


«Loot has condensed.....»


{YES} {NO}

Zein mentally chose {YES} and Torry's body turned into mots of light.....


«You have received....{Veterans Armour Set}×1,{Talent Sphere}×1,{Spatial Ring}×1

The three loot appeared before Zein as a thought crossed his mind....

"I should have stripped him fast...."

He thought as he picked up the armour as to inspect it...

"Next time....I shall strip them first..."

He swore as he activated his inspect skill.....

«Veteran's Bronze Head Guard»

DEF: +10

VIT: +5

«Veteran's Bronze Chest Guard»

DEF: +10

STR: +5

«Veteran's Spaulders»

DEF: +10

STR: +5

«Veteran's Bronze Leather Waist Belt»

DEF: +5

VIT: +5

«Veteran's Bronze Leggings»

DEF: +10

AGY: +5

«Veteran's Bronze Leather Boots»

DEF: +10

AGY: +5

Zein had to just whistle at the armour stats....

"This is a good armour, unlucky for me....it's a warrior's armour and am a night..."

Zein thought as he put it aside....

"I would have gifted it to Reign but I want him to start Knight's training....I think I should hold on to it and gift it to the other warriors later on...."

He murmured to himself as he put it aside.

"If Torry had been clad in this Veteran Bronze armor set and not in the usual common cotton robe, it would have been had for me kill him...."

Zein then picked up his second loot and inspected it....

«Tiny Spatial Ring: A ring forged from spatial ores and minerals....can store non-living items in it.....Storage Capacity=(10×10×10)m»


Zein cursed..... firstly because tiny wasn't tiny and secondly the price of tiny was more than 5000 Gold Coins....that was 5 Spirit Crystals.....or rather 500,000 Silver Coins....that was equal to 50,000,000 Copper Coins.

Even he,the last son of a Duke,a knight and now a Lord with his fief didn't have 50,000,000 Copper Coins on him....yes here was a grade C corpse gifting him so much wealth.

"What if I kill Paul and Reign....they are both grade B....."

A moment thought passed through his mind but he quickly pushed it out.

"You call a thousand metres cubic a tiny space.....I wonder how high your standards are....?"

After seeing this, Zein couldn't wait to inspect his third and final loot....

«Talent Sphere: Absorb it to gain a random talent»

"F*ck me sideways.... ain't this a cheat...."

He breathed in and out a couple of times before calming down....

"Don't be over excited...."

Zein said to himself....

"It may be a trash talent...."

He said as he mentally willed to absorb the sphere.....


«You have chosen to absorb the {Talent Sphere}...»

A spin wheel appeared in front of his eyes and began spinning fast that all he could see was just a blur....a couple of seconds later....it stopped abruptly and the needle was pointing at section with a golden finger on it.

White light entered his eyes a system notification rang in his mind.


«You have received a random talent....{Golden Finger}....»


«You have fully awakened your innate talent....{Intellectual}....»

" Golden finger..... is this what I think it is...?"

He wondered as he summoned his status panel...

"And what about this innate {intellectual} talent.....?"

He pondered as he took in the new appearance of his status panel....

«Status Panel»

Name : Zein

Age : 21

Class: Knight

Occupation: None

Title : Lord of Blue Draze

Territory : Blue Draze

Talent :«Intelectual»,«Golden Finger»

Level : 5(0/700)

HP :180/180

MP :160/160

STR :23

AGY : 19

INT : 16

VIT :18

Free Attribute Points : 40

Skill Points : 12

EQUIPMENT: Common Cotton Rob, Common Leather Sandals

LIFESTYLE SKILLS : «Inspect» Lvl.1 «Harvest» Lvl.1 «Horsemanship» (Master) «Tracking» (Master) «Swimming» (Advance) «Dancing» (Advance) «Composing» (Advance) «Flattery» (Intermediate) «Cooking» (Advance)


MARTIAL TECHNIQUE: «Art of the Fist» (Master)

«Spider Dance» (Master)

WEAPON TECHNIQUE: «Sword» (Mastered) «Lance» (Master) «Mace» (Master) «Longbow» (Master) «Crossbow» (Advance) «Spear» (Advance) «Flying Dagger» (Advance)

"There you are...."

Zein said as he mentally clicked on his newly awakened talent....



A talent that accelerates ones learning process by folds... continue learning to raise it's grade.


"A Grade S potential talent ....am I not dope...."

Zein thought as he quickly pressed on the second newly obtained talent....

«Golden Finger»

Grade: F/SSS+


When the soldier sent to clean up the bloody mess in the Lord's tent arrived at the tents entrance....he stood there waiting for the Lord to grant him permission to enter....

"My Lord....this lowly one requests for permission to enter and clean up the Lord's tent as ordered by his superior....."

A minute passed.....then two minutes passed.....three minutes went by.....four minutes went by and the soldier thought the Lord hadn't heard him but he chose to wait a little longer before requesting entry.

Ten minutes later....he repeated his early request.....

"My Lord....this lowly one requests for permission to enter and clean up the Lord's tent as ordered by his superior....."

And like before,he waited and waited and waited as he feared that the Lord might be too busy and him interrupting may lead to dire consequences....

"Maybe the Lord is undergoing a breakthrough....."

When this thought crossed his mind.....he quickly turned and held his sword hilt....his face was serious and scary as he swore to guard his Lord until he was over with his breakthrough....

"Nobody will disturb my Lord....."

Little didn't he know the Lord he was guarding wasn't undergoing a breakthrough but had lost conscious when he read the «Golden Finger».

It wasn't until two hours later that he woke up.

It had to be known that his....or rather Zein the Knight had a Grade S potential talent and had only advanced to Grade C and was already among the creme.

Not even the nine emperor's had a Grade SSS potential body or talent.... leave alone a Grade SSS+.

Zein noticed the soldier guarding outside and chose to ignore him first.....

He summoned his status panel and clicked at the talent once more....

This time,he had brazed himself...

Kindly if you are not reading this on webnovel, know you are reading a pirated copy and doing so undermines the author's efforts.

Also comments, reviews and power stones are a great welcome.

Before I forget, check on my other books....

Heavens Clan {Legacy Land}

Realm Sovereign

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