
BLOODY REVENGE: Journey to the Seven Kingdoms

A belief of ancient past that when the chosen ones of the seven kingdoms will appear and fight together against the dark lord Asmodeus, humanity will again see the dawn of a new era. A prodigy will arise from the ashes and will lead this team of seven wonders who will protect all lives from the clutch of the Evil Warlord and his savage minions, and peace will again prevail across the green medieval lands. Join this Epic Journey of our Hero, an ordinary warrior, who will travel through seas, deserts and dark forests to find his companions and find his way to the top to bring an end to the darkness and doom. For his peace only resides in the bloody retaliation and saving humanity. Few lines from the novel: "My existence is nothing except my retribution. No peace will prevail in these medieval lands for me until I bathe in my enemy's blood," Flax's eyes looked bloody with boiling rage. "I took an oath, didn't I? I will follow you till my last breath, this body shall perish, destruction shall cease my every part but I will never stop loving you…" A drop of tear fell from Tiana's eyes, on the cracked soil. "For the moon has blessed you Flax, your body might break apart but victory will be yours!" Fiona smiled looking at Flax's distressed face.

Disaster_Engineer · Fantasy
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7 Chs

06.The Changed Heart

As the day breaks Tiana wakes up from a loud commotion just outside the door of her chamber she grabs a dagger prepared to attack any incoming adversaries that come inside. She silently hides behind the door as she could hear someone opening the door slowly her heart races with each passing moment it left like decades as her sweaty palms struggle to hold on to her dagger as she remembers the previous night "the Attack, the cry of elven soldiers the blood of innocents splattering everywhere, those horrible demons slashing and gutting everyone in the banquet hall those images flashed before her eyes and it was the moment the door opened and she composed her grief on reality and With a Swift's motion, Tiana gets behind the unknown figure puts the dagger on that person's neck as she was about to plunge the dagger on that unknown figure but sees that it doesn't look like a demon but its face was covered with some kind of mask. Tiana then speaks in a demanding voice "State your business why are you here or die?" the person replies," I am here to tell you that it's time to go Princess". Tiana instantly recognizes the voice of the masked person.

"Flax?" Tiana lowers her dagger," what you doing here?, and why are you dressed like a lowly thief? I almost killed you right now", Flax takes off his hood and turns around " This is an ideal attire for where we go...ing, aren't you looking ravishing princess? and I hope you are not going to the dark forest like that not that I will mind it " Flax looked at Tiana's slender body he couldn't take his eyes off her . at that moment Tiana's Eyes Widens And her cheeks started to turn red as she realized that she wasn't wearing anything at all under her partially open nightgown She quickly turns around showing her back to Flax as she speaks in a shivering voice" It's not my fault that I was startled by you like this I thought you were one of those demon's minions and YOU...." her Voice suddenly changed from a soft meek tone to a mixture of blush and anger" How Dare you Enter a Girl's room without knocking? where are your manners? is that how you treat other girls?".

Flax Chuckles while bowing down like a gentleman mocking her a bit" Forgive me My lady The streets were never kind enough to me for as to me become a gentleman or sort " Tiana Faces at Flax tying her nightgown properly when she saw Moon behind him snarling at her ". Tiana exchanges a look with moon whilst grabbing the clothes from Flax and without a second glance speaks to Flax " You are going to stand here like a pervert as I change? or you gonna wait outside like a gentleman?"

Flax smiles with his hand scratching his head " Oh yeah I am sorry Princess" as he leaves the room. Moon Rushes to Flax and hides behind him when She saw Esther and his father the king of Elves approaching Flax Esther was adorned in Fine Elvish Archer garb and behind him was his father who was clearly in Emotional distress as he lost his eldest to an ambush last night and now his youngest whom he loved the most has to embark a dangerous journey and when he tried to protect from the destiny that Esther was supposed to fulfill was coming to life. The King Who didn't even get to mourn his elder properly was now about to apart with his youngest broke his heart but deep down he knew Esther was ready he always was but he tried to change the destiny that was made for Esther. In a mournful yet firmed voice, the king says" Esther My son I Have lost My eldest son and you have lost your beloved brother and I know I don't deserve this forgiveness for the sin I have done against the moon goddess but if you could Forgive me and your brother for Keeping your Destiny a secret from you it will give his soul peace. Your brother and I only wanted to protect you But we...." Esther interrupts his father angrily," I don't need your Sympathy or protection neither you have my forgiveness if it wasn't for you my brother would still be alive here with me I didn't just lose a brother I lost a friend. I don't know what my destiny holds but all I know now is vengeance for my brother's death".

Everyone in the hall can Esther can see the bloodlust in Esther's eyes that he had at that moment but no one dared to say anything to him. The silence only broke when Tiana hastily entered the hall with no knowledge of what was going on there and says" I am ready Flax is it time to go? What's Going on?'' Her Voice fells silent remembering the ambush they suffered last night "Yes it is time to go." Esther Speaks up as he walks toward the Door holding his now late brother's bow. Flax Silently followed behind him holding the hands of Moon behind him the princess gives a silent not saying anything waved goodbye to the elven king" Take Care uncle We will Keep Esther safe".