
BLOODY REVENGE: Journey to the Seven Kingdoms

A belief of ancient past that when the chosen ones of the seven kingdoms will appear and fight together against the dark lord Asmodeus, humanity will again see the dawn of a new era. A prodigy will arise from the ashes and will lead this team of seven wonders who will protect all lives from the clutch of the Evil Warlord and his savage minions, and peace will again prevail across the green medieval lands. Join this Epic Journey of our Hero, an ordinary warrior, who will travel through seas, deserts and dark forests to find his companions and find his way to the top to bring an end to the darkness and doom. For his peace only resides in the bloody retaliation and saving humanity. Few lines from the novel: "My existence is nothing except my retribution. No peace will prevail in these medieval lands for me until I bathe in my enemy's blood," Flax's eyes looked bloody with boiling rage. "I took an oath, didn't I? I will follow you till my last breath, this body shall perish, destruction shall cease my every part but I will never stop loving you…" A drop of tear fell from Tiana's eyes, on the cracked soil. "For the moon has blessed you Flax, your body might break apart but victory will be yours!" Fiona smiled looking at Flax's distressed face.

Disaster_Engineer · Fantasy
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7 Chs

05. The Blood of Kin

Epoch 01: The Blood of Kin

Chapter 05: Rage & Revenge

"No, it can't be!" Esther couldn't believe his own eyes. He fell kneeling on the ground in shock. Every direction he looked burned with fire. Dead bodies of elves were lying around near the castle entrance. There was a rotten smell lingering in the air.

"Esther look for your father and I'll look for Tiana and Moon!" Falx said getting down from the horse taking out his sword,

"More the black troops are coming from the north! We can't waste time. Gather everyone you can!"

"Prince Esther!" Falx screamed his name, "Get yourself together!"

Esther looked at Falx and nodded. He swiftly ran to the entrance of the castle clearing his way by killing the dark soldiers. His mind was still numb wondering what curse arose upon them that they had to face such fate. Falx gathered a few elf warriors at the castle's entrance and continued to fight the black troops. It was like a never-ending cycle. They kept coming and coming without any end.

Falx knew if he moved from here they'll burn down the castle itself. He couldn't let that happen. His past flashed in front of his eyes as he fought and killed the dark troop mercilessly. He remembers how he saw his house burning right in front of his eyes. How his family was slaughtered when he hid himself to save his life.

He can't let history repeat itself. He pierced every soldiers' heart and cut their heads off that crossed his path. He couldn't control his rage. Maybe at the end of this persistent struggle, he'll finally find his true enemy, Amarok, the wolf from Greenland.

Will he?

Questions keep emerging in his mind as he slays the last enemy in sight. But where is Amarok?

"Amarok, where is he?" He wielded his sword in front of the dark troop soldier lying on the ground. It seemed that he was still alive!

"Where is he?" Falx was fuming in anger and he stabs the soldier's shoulder, "Speak now you worthless creature!" The soldier coughed out blood as he opened his mouth to speak but couldn't talk.

"TELL ME! Speak now! Speak!" He howled in anger but soon Falx realised that the soldier was dead. "No no why? WHY?" Falx felt like he was losing his sanity. He took his sword and kept jabbing the soldier's face, "Why did you die? Why?" He growled in anger.

Blood spattered everywhere. His face, his clothes everything was stained in blood. But it was hard for him to stop. He felt like ending himself.

"Falx!" A voice called him from behind. It felt known to him. He looked behind and saw Tiana.

It took a moment for Tiana to recognise his blood-covered face. "It's over now! Please stop!" She said softly.

She never saw this look on Falx's face. This is also the first time she was actually afraid to approach him. But she did.

Tiana came close and held Falx's hand. "Let's go inside Falx. There's nothing here!" She took Falx's bloody hand in hers and took him inside the castle.

Falx didn't feel any anger anymore. He was calm. More calm than usual. He also never saw the princess so vulnerable yet he was glad that she was safe.

When they reached the throne room, he saw Aron lying in Esther's arms. Esther hid his face in his brother's chest. His long white hair covered Aron's bloody chest.

Esther wept silently holding him close.

"Aron died saving us…" Tiana's voice almost cracked at the end. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she covered her face. King Aamon was sitting silently near his eldest son's dead body without moving an inch.

"How did this happen?" Falx was heartbroken at his sudden death. The friend he thought will accompany him on this journey was gone forever. He couldn't believe such a nice soul just withered away from his world.

"A spear pierced through his chest when he was fighting to keep the dark soldiers away from the throne room. He died instantly…" Tiana replied crying.

Falx sat down near Aron's cold dead body.

"Revenge!" A word escaped his mouth in a hushed tone but it felt like it reached Esther's ears. He looked at Falx with eyes full of tears.

"Yes, revenge!" He whispered back, "We need revenge!"

"He wasn't the chosen one… He never was… This is my fault. I killed my own son!" King Aamon sobbed.

"What do you mean?" Falx asked Aamon and looked back at Tiana.

"Aron wasn't the chosen one, Falx. It was Esther, always have been!" Tiana said, wiping her tears.

"This was the fury of the Moon Queen. She took him away from us! It's my fault!" King Aamon mumbled staring at a distance.

"How did you know?" Falx asked Tiana.

"I didn't...I just found out that he didn't have the mark!" Tiana sat down beside Falx and showed him a mark on her right wrist that he never noticed before. It was a mark of a glowing half-moon. It started glowing as soon she touched Falx's hand.

"I noticed that my mark glows each time I come in contact with you. This is a sign that you are the chosen one. All the seven chosen ones will also carry such a mark in different places on their body. But Aron didn't have any on his body but Esther does!" Tiana explained.

"Father you told me...it was a birthmark…" Esther yelled, "It was all a lie then?"

"I never expected you to be the chosen one. Your brother was the most suitable suitor for this honour. But I didn't know that fate would make us face such a brutal incident!" Aamon replied looking at Esther, begging him for forgiveness, "Forgive me son...please forgive me….I beg of you!"

Esther tore the cloth off of his right arm, a blue half-moon mark was also there. "This is the mark of the Moon Queen? The reason my brother died?" He took out a knife. "Then I don't want it!"

Tiana ran to him and held his hand, stopping him from injuring himself.

"Please come back to your senses. It's not something that you can run from Esther, it's embedded in your body and mind. It's a sacred duty we need to fulfil please!" Tiana exclaimed.

"I'm not gonna fight for any Moon Queen. If I'm going to fight, it will be to avenge my brother Tiana. Not for some prodigy. Ask Falx yourself why he is fighting. The chosen one will give you his answer yourself!" Esther screamed, throwing the knife away, "Now leave us alone, please. I wanna stay with my brother."

"As you wish…" Flax stands up and holds Tiana's hand, "We should give them some time…"

Tiana nods looking at Flax.

"Will you treat my wound for me? I don't think I can reach my back in this state." Tiana replied, "Alright!"

They silently walk to a chamber and Tiana brings a fresh set of towels, water and bandages.

"Moon…?" Falx asked, concerned about her.

"She's safe. Can you take off your armour?" Tiana said after wiping the wounds on Falx's hands.

"Yeah…" Falx lets out a sigh after taking off his armour, "About what Esther said…"

"Don't worry about that. We all have our reasons to fight. But I know you won't leave us Falx. You can be mischievous at times but not a coward. The way you fought today...I can't thank you enough…" Tiana said, wiping the blood from Falx's back. There was a long wound on his back. A sword definitely cut through his armour and wounded him. Falx flinched as Tiana ran her fingers on it.

"Hey, someone's having fun touching my back!" Falx tried to make Tiana smile by lighting up the mood but she didn't smile.

"Tiana…!" Falx held her hand and made her sit beside him, "It's not your failure Tiana. I know you fought valiantly today. But it was fate and we are nothing but a tool in the hands of fate. So I want you to be…" Tiana started crying before Falx could continue. He hugged her, caressing her head, "It's ok princess… You did enough and showed relentless bravery. Only if I arrived a bit early…" Tiana stopped Falx by putting a finger on his mouth, "Don't say that, please…"

"Tiana…!" Flax couldn't look away from Tiana's teary eyes. He never thought he will see her in this state and he never wants to. He realised he needs to be more powerful.

"Your mark is beautiful…" Tiana smiled a bit.

"My mark?" Falx felt a bit flustered.

"Yeah, it's on your back, Falx! I just saw it. It's like a full moon. Very beautiful…" Tiana explained.

"Well I don't know about any mark but I'm just glad it made you smile," Falx smiled looking at Tiana's face.

"Falx!" A sweet voice from behind distracted Falx suddenly. He looked behind and saw a young lady, about Tiana's age, walking towards him. Her silver-white hair and porcelain white skin surprised Falx.

Is she even human? She had a mark on her forehead, in the middle of her eyebrows. A blue half-moon mark, just like Tiana's hand.

Her slender body rested near Falx's legs as if a feather fell and touched his skin.

He immediately stood up shocked by her, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" He inquired.

"I'm Moon, Falx! Don't you know me…" She talked as if she was about to cry.

"You've awakened?" Tiana gasped in surprise.

"What's happening here?" Falx was clueless.

"This is the final form of Moon. Her powers have awakened. She is not confined to her small body anymore…." Tiana said looking at her, "You're very beautiful…"

"This is the little girl?" Falx still couldn't believe his eyes.

"No, I'm old enough to carry your child Falx!" Moon held Falx's hand and caressed her cheeks.

"Woah, slow down there!" Flax was speechless at Moon's behaviour.

"We're destined to be together, Falx!" Moon said, pouting.

"There was no such thing like that! You're only here as a guide and to help just like all of the seven chosen ones!" Tiana seemed to be fuming in anger.

"Falx, believe me...please. Tiana doesn't know everything!" Moon softly said holding Falx's hand.

"I would like my hand back Moon if you can kindly…" Flax moved his hand from Moon and asked Tiana to bandage his back.

"Moon Queen or Moon, please keep your distance miss. Such reckless behaviour doesn't isn't suitable for a lady!" Flax said, sitting down.

"But…!" Moon was about to say something but she stopped. Then she said fidgeting her hair, "I'll be waiting for you in my chamber. Please come visit me at night!"

"You!!" Tiana was about to say something but Falx stopped her then looked at Moon saying, "I'm in no mood for ridicule right now. Please return to your chamber! We lost a friend today. The loss can not be fulfilled by anything…"

"I...uh…sorry" she mumbled running away from Falx's chamber.

"She's so childish!" Tiana sighed.

"Because she is a child...It's weird to see her like this though. I never expected she would grow up in one day like that.

"What are we going to do now?" Tiana asked after the bandage on Falx's back.

"We are gonna travel to the next kingdom tomorrow! We can't delay anymore. The dark troops are slowly attacking us from all sides," Falx said looking through the window. It was nighttime now. There was a certain calmness in the weather. Falx closed his eyes for a second inhaling and then looked at Tiana, "I want your support to stay sane. Will you give me that princess?"

"I'm here for you, Falx. Victory will be ours. I believe it in my heart!" Tiana smiled.

"I hope for that as well. I want my revenge" Falx smiled back as a reply. He never felt an undying spirit looking at Tiana's face.