
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

The End And A New Beginning

"Master..." Mira said as tears fell down her face. Makarov looked around to see the ones he considered his children. They were all too happy to speak and Mira turned to look at Drake with a smile. Her smile disappeared instantly when she couldn't see him anywhere.

"Where did Drake go?!" Mira asked everyone but they were just as confused, "Wait, where are Laxus and Gajeel?!"

"Everyone spread out and find them!" Makarov ordered but they stopped when they heard a dragon's roar in the distance.

"Where?" Drake asked as before he saw Natsu fighting with Acnologia. They stopped when they felt Drake's power rise but he couldn't break free from his crystal prison. He roared like a dragon and woke the rest of the Slayers trapped there. Their prisons shattered and they all landed on their feet. Drake and Acnologia locked eyes and they both knew exactly what they wanted.

~I listened to Bully by Shinedown for this fight~

"I'll let the 'other' me deal with you because of our talk." Acnologja said and Drake disappeared. Drake was blinded by light and when his eyes adjusted he realized he was in the forest surrounding Magnolia. He heard the sounds of destruction and knew it was Acnologia. Drake transformed and flew towards Magnolia as fast as he could and as he got closer saw everyone struggling to take on Acnologia's dragon form. Mira and the others took cover as wind threatened to blow them away and saw Drake slam into Acnologia. Acnologia flew into the water and Drake turned to them.

"Those of you who can use Sealing Magic get together and prepare the strongest spell you can! Everyone else pour your magic into them to increase its power!" Drake ordered them and they quickly began to work, "We're going to seal him away if I can't bring him down!"

Acnologia roared as he shot out of the water and the two dragons began to fight above them. They both landed Iron Fists to the other's face and they were both knocked to the ground. Acnologia charged a breath attack but Drake stopped it by hitting Acnologia's jaw with his tail. Drake was punched and rolled on the ground as Acnologia flew high into the air. Drake recovered and saw Acnologia send magical projectiles towards them. They were countered by Drake's own and the sky was filled with massive explosions. They both launched breath attacks and when they collided the explosion they caused made the previous ones look like nothing.

"Is he going to be able to do it?!" Mira asked Makarov but he was too busy watching the fight. Drake stopped when heard a baby crying and saw Porlyusica holding Maya in the crowd of mages. Acnologia took that chance to hit Drake in the back and broke one of his wings. Drake fell to the ground close to the group and Acnologia landed on top of him. Drake hit him in the face with an Iron Fist and the two began to scramble for control on the ground. Drake head butted Acnologia and turned to the group.

"Do it!" Drake yelled before he was hit in his side and the scramble started again. Drake got on top of Acnologia and saw the magic circle appear under them. Acnologia seemed to notice as well and quickly got free of Drake's grasp. Drake bit into Acnologia's tail and yanked him back into the circle. His magic formed around his fist and he hit Acnologia as hard as he could several times but the dragon continued to struggle. Drake knew that if he tried to escape then Acnologia would be able to as well.

"Drake it's ready! Get out of there!" Mira yelled and Drake shook his head. Her eyes filled with tears and she tried to run over but was stopped by Grey and Erza.

"I won't be hone forever." Drake told her with a warm smile as the circle became a pillar of bright light but it looked like there wasn't enough power to seal them. Acnologia tried to get free again but was stopped when Drake slammed an Iron Fist into his face and the ground under his head cracked.

"Take the last remnants of our magic and finish this." Everyone heard Mavis say and she and Zeref appeared long enough for the magic circle's strength to increase exponentially. When the light faded neither Drake nor Acnologia could be seen or even felt. Tears filled everyone's eyes as they mourned for their friend. Mira couldn't hold back her sobs as Porlyusica walked over with a crying Maya.

"Drake may be gone but he left you with something precious." Porlyusica said as she handed Maya to her. The other Dragon Slayers suddenly reappeared and saw everyone crying.

"What's wrong? We won didn't we?" Natsu asked and they saw Mira crying loudly, "Where's Drake? WHERE'S DRAKE?!"

"He sacrificed himself to bring down Acnologia's dragon form." Makarov explained and the slayers couldn't believe what they had just heard. Natsu clenched his fists and yelled, making everyone look at him in surprise and see the seriousness on his face.

"What would Drake tell us right now?!" Natsu yelled and they looked at each other, "He would tell us to stand tall and move forward! Let's celebrate his victory and not mourn his sacrifice!"

"You're right Natsu." Mira said as she stood up and looked at Maya, "That was the kind of man Drake was."

"Let's do this the Fairy Tail way!" Makarov yelled and they wiped away their tears before yelling in agreement. All of Magnolia felt the pain of Drake's sacrifice and built a memorial for the man who saved them all. Even Maya seemed to notice her father's disappearance. Over the years Natsu and others had their own kids and Maya began to go on her own adventures.