
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Fight For The Strauss Sisters

"The fuck do you mean I have a second fight today?!" Drake asked Makarov with a dumb founded face, "Who asked me to fight?!

"A man named Bacchus wants you to fight him and another of his guildmates along side Elfman." Makarov told him and Drake sighed and began to walk towards the arena entrance. He didn't know what Bacchus wanted but he had a feeling it was going to piss him off. Drake met up with Elfman and he shrugged at Drake's confused face. They heard the announcer call them out and gave each other one last look before walking out.

"So that's Bacchus?" Elfman asked as he and Drake looked at Bacchus and Rocker.

"I guess so but what I want to know is what the hell he wants from us." Drake told him and Bacchus gave them a wicked smile.

"I want to make a deal with you." Bacchus told the two men in front of him, "If I win then I want you to loan me those two Strauss girls for a night."

"I'll tear you apa-" Elfman was cut off by Drake's sudden increase of murderous intent and his blood ran cold as he saw the look on his face. Even Bacchus realized the mistake he made as Drake's power rose dramatically but he knew it was too late to back down.

"You challenged me to a fight to try and take my Mira?" Drake asked as his scales covered his arms, "Sorry buddy but she's been taken for eight years."

"Let the match begin!" The announcer yelled and in the blink of an eye Bacchus flew backwards. Drake slowly walked towards him and Rocker dropped in front of him with his arm spinning like a drill. Drake backhanded him towards Elfman and continued his march. Bacchus stood up and hit Drake in the chest but only he got hurt. Drake slapped his Bacchus's arm away as he swung for his face and delivered a blow to his jaw. Bacchus stumbled back and glared at Drake.

"How are you reading my moves?" Bacchus asked him and Drake gave him a wicked grin.

"Because you're too weak to be fighting me." Drake told him as he kicked Bacchus in his chest. He grabbed Bacchus by his ankle as he flew away and slammed him into the ground. Drake threw Bacchus away from him and crossed his arms. Bacchus stood back up and began to drink from a gourd he had on his side.

"There's no way you're that much stronger than me!" Bacchus yelled and Drake began to laugh at him like he was a fool, "What's so damn funny?!"

"I'm beating you without using my magic and I'm wounded from my fight earlier. Do you really think you hold a candle light to me?" Drake said as he pointed towards Elfman and Rocker, "Even your buddy couldn't handle Elfman. You lost this fight the moment you tried to make a bet for our family."

"We'll see about that!" Bacchus yelled as he rushed Drake with a flurry of random hits that Drake was dodging no problem. Drake flicked Bacchus on his forehead and sent him rolling along the ground.

"I'll accept your bet if you agree to what we want." Drake told Bacchus as Elfman walked behind him, "Be a man and accept what you proposed."

"Alright. What is it you want?" Bacchus asked him with a smug grin as he stood up, "I'll agree to whatever."

"If we win then the name of your guild will be changed to Quatro Puppy for the rest of the games." Elfman told him as he grabbed Bacchus by his head from behind. He looked over his shoulder with wide eyes as Elfman cocked his arm back. He punched Bacchus in the back as he let him go and he flew straight for Drake.

"They're making complete fools out of those two!" Erza said as she watched Drake and Elfman knock Bacchus back and forth like a ball, "When did Elfman become so strong?!"

"The three of us trained with Drake nonstop for three months so of course we'd be a lot stronger than before." Mira explained as she calmly watched her brother and boyfriend punish the man that tried to claim her and Lisanna for a night. Elfman transformed into Weretiger and they both appeared next to Bacchus as he was flying right above Rocker. They punched him in the stomach and slammed him into Rocker. Dust filled the arena from the impact and when it cleared Drake and Elfman were the clear winners.

"You've come a long way Elfman." Drake told him as they walked back to the other Fairy Tail members. Elfman laughed and looked at him with a grin.

"I could say the same thing for you." Elfman said and Drake started to laugh. Mira hugged him as they stepped out the arena and Drake smiled at her. Elfman and Lisanna smiled at the couple as they walked towards their waiting area.