
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Dragons And The End Of Fairy Tail

The two dragons slammed into each other and sent each other to the ground. They quickly got the feet and launched back into the air. Drake flew straight for Acnologia and began to spin like a drill. Acnologia held his hands out and caught the spinning Drake before punching him in the jaw. Drake twisted his body and slammed his wing into Acnologia's side. Mard Geer looked on in awe at the fact that someone was rivaling Acnologia. They locked hands and began to charge breath attacks when they were knocked away each other. They turned to see who had interfered and saw Igneel smirking at them.

"Stay out of this dragon." Both of them said in unison. That was when Drake suddenly reverted back to his human form and fell to the ground. He felt like his entire body was pulsing when a black and red dragon landed in front of him.

"You have grown quite strong Drake." Enve said and Drake couldn't find his voice as he looked at his mom, "Allow us to finish our fight."

"I can take him!" Drake said as he stood up, "Let me fight!"

"Drake he was only toying with you." Enve explained as Mira grabbed his hand, "You seem to have a good life. Make sure you're alive to experience it."

"Drake let them handle this." Mira told him with pleading eyes and he finally realized where he was. He had landed right outside of the ruins of their guildhall. He nodded to Enve before holding Mira close to him.

"I'm sorry Mira." Drake told her as they watched Enve fly towards Igneel and Acnologia, "I won't do that again."

"You better not." She told him with a smile. They watched the dragons fight before Acnologia killed them both but not without them taking his arm with them. Drake hit his knees and Mira quickly hugged him tight. Drake watched Natsu flying down from Igneel and saw him land where the man he was fighting before was.

"I'm going to help Natsu end this." Drake said as he put his hand on arm. She let him go and nodded before he flew straight for Mard Geer. He was so focused on Natsu that he wasn't paying attention to Drake until a foot hit him in the face. Mard Geer slid back and glared at Drake when Natsu hit him with an Iron Fist. He hit Natsu and sent him flying towards Drake, who caught him and set him down.

"The only thing Mard Geer currently regards as obstacles are the dragons not you." He told them as he sent vines straight for them. Drake ran his hand along the ground and his magic exploded from the ground, burning away the vines and taking Mard by surprise. Natsu rushed through the smoke and knocked Mard across the area. Drake appeared next to him and kicked him into the air.

"BLOOD DRAGON'S ROAR/FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!" They yelled in unison and their flames imploded on impact before exploding and send Mard crashing to the ground. Mard Geer stood up and saw the smug looks on their faces.

"Mard Geer has recalled a feeling he forgot long ago. Fury." He told Drake and Natsu but their response were their feet in his gut.

"We really don't give a fuck." Drake told Mard when he suddenly sent giant vines at them and he sat down on his large chair.

"Mard Geer has yet to try." He told them with a maniacal smile before they burned through his vines and rocketed straight for him. They hit Mard but were both blown away from him. They slid on their feet and saw a giant plant in front of them. It suddenly froze and Natsu's scarf was dropped on his neck.

"I've come to defeat you." Grey told Mard with rage filled eyes, "I am a Devil Slayer."

"About time you showed up Grey." Drake told him with a laugh before the three of them returned their gaze to Mard, "Let's show him how Fairy Tail does things."

"I'm all fired up now!" Natsu said as he punched his palm with fire covering his forearms.

"Fairy Tail definitely taught us a lesson." Sting said from behind them and they looked at him and Rogue with confusion written on their faces.

"How long have you been here?" Drake asked before being hit across the area by Jiemma, "You really want me to kick your ass that badly?"

"We'll handle him you guys focus on Mard Geer." Sting told them and Drake nodded before appearing next to Jiemma. He kicked him past Sting and Rogue and they quickly followed after him. They turned back to Mard, who had transformed, and got ready to continue their fight.

"My true name is Mard Geer Tartaros. You can call me-" Mard was cut off by Drake's clawed hand slamming into his face. He fell to the ground and looked up at Drake, who had also transformed into his form from Tenrou, in complete surprise.

"Did you forget who you were fighting asshole?" Grey asked with a smug grin, "It's about time we put you down for good."

"Know your place filthy humans!" Mard yelled as vines shot towards them. The vines were frozen, burned and torn to shreds. Mard suddenly rushed Grey and Natsu and dragged them along the ground by their heads. He floated while holding them and they began to punch him in the face multiple times. Drake rocketed into Mard and forced him to let go of Natsu and Grey before appearing above him.

"Blood Dragon's Iron Fist!" Drake yelled as he punched Mard into the ground. Drake landed next to Natsu and Grey when the ground under them began to crack.

"Memento Mori!" Mard said as a giant pillar dark energy consumed them and exploded, "Eternally become nothing."

"Grey!" Drake and Natsu yelled as Grey fell to the ground after absorbing the blow for them. Drake and Natsu hadnt come out unscathed and Drake was back in his normal form.

"Insolen-" Mard tried to say as Drake and Natsu slammed their fists into his face.

"SHUT UP!" Natsu yelled before they kicked him into the air. They chased after Mard but he caught them by their faces and began to bring them back to the ground. Mard saw Grey smirking at him and Natsu and Drake punched him in his jaw. He let them go as a arrow of pink ice pierced his chest and exploded into a bigger shard of ice. Mard fell out of his transformation as he was defeated and the three grinned at each other. Grey and Natsu began to argue over the Book of E.N.D. when the ground began to shake.

"Don't tell me Face has activated!" Natsu yelled and Drake launched into the distance. He turned into a dragon and began to destroy the Face bombs by crashing through them. He saw four other dragons doing the same.

"IT'S NOT OVER DAMMIT!" Drake yelled as he destroyed another bomb and began to charge the last of his magic into his hands, "BLOOD DRAGON SACRED ART: BLOOD PIERCER!"

"Human!" Grandeeney yelled as Drake began to fall from the sky in his human form. Drake opened his eyes slowly and saw that he was in his bed. He got out of bed and stumbled towards the door. Mira came in as he reached the door and helped him stand up straight.

"What happened? Where's Enve?" Drake asked her and saw sadness fill her eyes. Her eyes told him and he hit his knees. She sat down and ran her hand through his hair as he cried into her chest.

"Enve said not to grieve for her and get stronger so you can continue to walk down your path." Mira told him as he sobs quieted down. He wiped his eyes and she helped him back to the bed.

"What about everyone else?" Drake asked her as she laid next to him.

"Master has disbanded Fairy Tail in order to protect us from something. He wouldn't say what it was but he was serious." Mira explained and Drake silently looked at the ceiling. He rolled on his side and looked into Mira's eyes. She rest her head against his and they slowly fell asleep.