
Bloody Fairy (First Version and Dropped)

Fairy Tail's very own Blood Dragon Slayer.

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


"Natsu where are you going?" Drake asked as they passed each other on the dark street, "You look pissed off."

"Just paying Sabertooth a little visit." Natsu told him as he continued walking. Drake grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Why?" Drake asked him as they locked eyes, "What did they do?"

"They kicked out Yukino just because she lost her match. According to her their guild master humiliated her and her remove her guild's emblem herself." Natsu explained and Drake let him go.

~Sabertooth HQ~

"One loss and you're out?" Natsu asked the guildmaster as he and Drake stepped through the hole where the door used to be.

"Those are some pretty harsh rules old man." Drake told him as a Sabertooth member attacked them only to be slammed into the ground, "Let's see if you play by them."

"You two have spirit but spirit on-" He was cut off by Natsu and Drake kicking his gut. He tried to retaliate but his fist was caught by Drake and he was pushed back with ease. Every Sabertooth member looked on with wide eyes as Natsu and Drake's magic formed around their arms. When the smoke from their attacks cleared Minerva was between them and the guildmaster. Both Dragon Slayer's were in shock as she was holding Reckless and Happy.

"If you two act like adults then we can forget about this." Minerva told them with a smug grin, "I would hate to hurt these pretty kitties."

"Fine." Drake told her through gritted teeth and she let them go. Drake and Natsu walked out of Sabertooth's HQ and went back to their own.

Later That Night:

"You two attacked Sabertooth?!" Erza asked after Drake explained to Mira where he had been. Drake opened his mouth to say something but Mira hit the top of his head and shut him up.

"You need to think before you act!" Mira scolded him before giving him a hug, "If something had happened to you guys then we wouldn't have known."

"I'm sorry but we just couldn't let what they did to Yukino go." Drake explained as she let him go and they sat on one of the couches, "We're going to knock them off their high horse. For now I'm going to keep being our reserve so I'm counting on you two."

"I'm fired up!" Natsu told him and Gajeel gave him a smirk. The next day Natsu and Gajeel fought Sting and Rogue and gained an absolute victory over the younger Dragon Slayers. It was that night that everything fell apart.