
Bloody Fairy (First Version and Dropped)

Fairy Tail's very own Blood Dragon Slayer.

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


When Drake woke up he was being carried by Natsu. Drake looked around to see everyone running away from something.

"Natsu what the hell is going on?" Drake asked as he saw trees fly passed them. He noticed how worried Natsu looked.

"Drake you're awake?!" Natsu said still holding him up his arm over his shoulder, "A black dragon is attacking!"

"What?!" Drake asked snapping awake as he heard the roar from the monster behind him, "Gramps!"

"What?!" Natsu asked and turned around, seeing Makarov holding the dragon, "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Run children!" He yelled, "I will hold it back!"

"Natsu!" Drake yelled standing up straight and looking at him.

"Gotcha!" Natsu yelled as they both launched towards the dragon.

"BLOOD/FIRE DRAGON'S IRON FIST!" They yelled in unison as they both hit it in the face making it stagger enough to let Makarov go.

"Run!" Drake said as he picked the now normal sized Makarov and sprinting off with him. The dragon roared in anger and started chasing them down.

"Natsu catch!" He yelled throwing Makarov at to him.

"What are you doing?!" Natsu said as he caught Makarov. Drake jumped and turned to face the dragon.

"BLOOD DRAGON SACRED ART!" Drake yelled slamming his hands together, "HEART PIECER!"

As soon as the words left his mouth and a magic javelin left his hands and hit a big tree in front of the dragon. It fell and hit the dragon on its head. This slowed it enough for them to get some space and it took off into the sky when it recovered.

"Damn!" Drake yelled as the reached the beach, "Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy!"

"On it!" Gajeel yelled as he immediately understood what Drake wanted.

"BLOOD/FIRE/IRON/SKY DRAGON'S ROAR!" They yelled in unison. The dragon simply blew it off and started charging its own.

"Damn!" Gajeel yelled. "We didn't even scratch it!"

"We gave it everything we had..." Wendy said falling to her knees, "Four Dragon Slayer roars and it didn't do a thing."

"Dammit!" Natsu said punching the ground, "I'm supposed to be a Dragon Slayer! Why can't I do that to one dragon!"

"We're gonna die..." Drake said with his eyes showing fear, "There's no way we can beat it."

"Stop talking like that!" Mira said as she slapped Drake and snapped him back to reality, "We're Fairy Tail mages! Nothing will kill us!"

"Breath attack!" Gajeel yelled out with fear on his face.

"Everyone use you strongest defensive magic!" Erza yelled out.

"I can't! I don't have enough time!" Freed said looking at his hands.

"Script magic has plenty of faster defensive spells." Levy pointed out as she began to write.

"You're right!" Freed said, realizing he forgot the basics.

"Give Freed and Levy you magic power!" Erza yelled.

"Everyone hold hands!" Mira said holding out her hands. They did as they were told and both Drake and the dragon locked eyes before it fired its breath attack.

"Ok children lets go home." Makarov said smiling. The black dragon destroyed the island in front of everyone who got away. It left no trace of Fairy Tail behind at all.

7 Years Later:

"Seven years, huh?" Drake said laying on the ground looking into the sky. "How's the guild?"

"We're actually in really bad shape." Max said looking at the lost guild members, "Since we lost all of our powerhouses we couldn't make enough money to keep us stable and our old guildhall was taken from us."

"We have also been being harassed by a guild called Twilight Ogre." Romeo said looking down and balling his fists up, "They keep coming in and breaking everything."

"Well they're in for a rude awakening when we get back." Natsu said punching his hand with a grin.

"I agree." Drake said smirking while standing up and heading towards the boat.

Magnolia Woods:

"You think you can challenge us?!" A Twilight Ogre mage said as he swung his weapon down on Kinana. She closed her eyes and prepared to be hit. All of a sudden the mage went flying across the guild.

"N-Natsu?!" Macao said shocked to see the missing mages standing in the guild's doorway.

"What's up old man!" Natsu said smiling.

1 Hour Later:

"I guess we'll just have to put Fairy Tail back on top in the Grand Magic Games." Makarov said smiling.

"I'm fired up!" Natsu said punching his fist. Drake just smirked at the idea of fighting the other guilds.

"But we need to train to make sure we cover up the seven year jump they have on us." Drake said before looking at Elfman with a wicked smile, "Elfman you know what that means right?"

"Do I have to?" Elfman asked Mira as he began to sweat. He knew how tough Drake's training for a Dragon Slayer and he wasn't sure if he wanted to go through it.

"Yep!" Mira said giggling at her family's shenanigans. Elfman just looked at Drake in despair.