

Read Carefully >>>>>>>>>>>> Micheal Turner, a seemingly ordinary teenager whose parents went missing at the age of 10 during the war between the Makisi, unknown aliens who arrived on earth 100 years ago to destroy every living things on earth and humans. Humans had suddenly re-awakened with new found abilities to challenge the makisi and his parents were one of the humans who had re-awaken but Micheal never had any power he was the weakest, the Makisi had been peaceful and out of sight for 10 years and humans used this time to develop thier abilities and grow stronger A certain school came into existence where kids who turned 17 will be taken to so they can awaken and master thier abilities, but Micheal found it hard to awaken his ability since he never had one. But his life takes a dramatic turn when he stubbles upon a book, he wakes up with a system in front of him. [Notification: Bloodlinked Successful] [100 Exp points have been rewarded to you] [100 exp points will be used for healing] [Healing process has begun....] ----------------- Vote This Book with power stones so we can win 2024 WSA Contest

Danespl · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Micheal stood up from the bed and started wondering on how he got home or who brought him home,he surveyed his room and remembered about the book he picked up from the ground at the alley...the book is missing,he was sure he put the book in his pocket but now it missing.

     "Where the fu*k is the book?" He looked around his room in search for the book but he couldn't find it. It couldn't have gone missing in his tiny room. "Did I lost it back at the alley?" Micheal thought to himself  "Well,why does it matter."  micheal brushed it off and opened the system status screen.

[Name: Michael Turner]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 1]

[Exp points: 0/100]

[Agility: 10]

[Strength: 8]

[Health: 15/15]

[Speed: 10]

[***Abilities: None**]

It was like a game bar but now in the current situation of the world,games are only for the rich not everyone can play games cause it super expensive.


It was strange to Micheal but he continued to play along cause to him, he felt like he was in a game.he was always bored since he had no friends or family and he was always bullied in school. Micheal moved on to the next tab,

[Beast Hub]

[ Unlocks at level 5]

"Can I try anything here" he wondered, another screen popped up again.

[Main quest]

[Reach level 5]

[Daily quest: Drink two litres of water]

[Reward: 10 Exp]


Micheal stared at the New quest for some time before accepting the quest.micheal had to only think about closing the system and it closed.when he thought about it the system popped up again.

    Micheal then started wondering if the book he found had anything to do with this system,but he never heard of an ability book he only knows about the ability stones rich families buy to have certain abilities but those ability stones were super expensive only the governments or rich families could afford it and he certainly knows that the ability stones doesn't make a screen appear in front of the user, Micheal smiled maniacly.

This is the best thing that ever happened to him.he couldn't have ever been able to afford it if it had never somehow found him, He had better things to use the money for if he ever saw that kind of money, his mind raced in delight, now he could do things he had never done before in his life, he doesn't need to play the lottery anymore.

He thought about what kind of ability he has "Water manipulation?, let me try" Micheal said as he raced his left palm towards a glass of water in front of him, he expected water to fly out of it. Unfortunately nothing happened, the water remained there.

   "Okay,Fire manipulation?" Micheal did the same again but nothing happened. After trying out many things and nothing happened every single time. He made his way to a chair and sat down.

  "Is this just a system showing only my name and my race?"

     Micheal thought about it for some while,if it really is just some tab displaying my name and my race? Then does that mean I still have to buy a ability,and if i go on these quests i will get stronger" he thought about it for a while and wondered if only he could get those games and figure out how the system works.

Micheal looked around again in search for the book but he still couldn't find it,he thought maybe it is a manual for the system,he wondered about how the ability stones can only give one ability but maybe the system can access more than one.maybe it like an ability bank.

    Micheal then opened his room door and went outside to get the two litres of water,he went to a department store and bought it,he arrived back at his home and started drinking the water bottles one by one.

   "Crap, My belly feels like it going to blow up"  after finishing his second bottle,the screen popped in front of him,and a new notification came up.

[Daily quest completed,10 Exp rewarded]


"Now I know how it works." Micheal said with satisfaction in his tone.

     Someone knocked on the door "Oh it today..." Micheal said with a sad tone.The person knocked again, there is only one group of people he was expecting, The Uni Military.

As he opened the Door, a Man stood in front of him, large, muscular, blonde hair wearing a white military uniform, Symbolising the Uni military. There was a name tag on his uniform.it displayed - " Sergeant Tom Alix"

         "Kid, pack up your stuff immediately ,the transport bus has been waiting for 2 mins, Don't waste my time, out you go."

      Micheal immediately picked up his bag and added some little clothes and stuffs.

   "It time for you to go to Uni Military school, "  Tom announced.


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