

[Main Quest: WSA 2024 Entry] [Reward: Daily Chapter releases (+2 Chapter per day] Let us Complete the Quest together. Do you love a Vampire with a system? Then.. Read Carefully >>>>>>>>>>>> (There is a lot of action and bloody scenes in this book, sensitive readers be warned. ) Micheal Turner, a seemingly ordinary teenager whose parents went missing at the age of 10 during the war between the Makisi, unknown aliens who arrived on earth 100 years ago to destroy every living things on earth and humans. Humans had suddenly re-awakened with new found abilities to challenge the makisi and his parents were one of the humans who had re-awaken but Micheal never had any power he was the weakest, the Makisi had been peaceful and out of sight for 10 years and humans used this time to develop thier abilities and grow stronger A certain school came into existence where kids who turned 17 will be taken to so they can awaken and master thier abilities, but Micheal found it hard to awaken his ability since he never had one. But his life takes a dramatic turn when he stubbles upon a book, he wakes up with a system in front of him. [Notification: Bloodlinked Successful] [100 Exp points have been rewarded to you] [100 exp points will be used for healing] [Healing process has begun....] ----------------------------------------------------------

Danespl · Fantasy
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23 Chs

First day

After some while, Micheal felt a splash of warm water on his face, it immediately jolted him awake. Upon opening his eyes,the first thing he saw was a white smoke that sorrouded the environment.

    He and many students slowly began to lift thier head and looked around them. A total of one thousand students were currently kneeling on a large plain field, they were lost of words at thier first view of the School.

"This is where your suffering for the next three years begins, Don't expect to be treated with care or love." Sergeant Tom Explained.

  There were five futuristic buildings directly in front of them . The buildings was made entirely out of glass,each one stood at least fifty feet tall. Everyone was already dressed up with Uni Military Uniform and a badge was on the uniform displaying their class year everyone one of the students were all first years,there were different technologies that they had never seen before.

These technologies were far above thier time, humans could never build it in thirty years, there were building bots,tiny manchimes moving enormous structures high above 40 feets  from ground level and the most fascinating thing was that there was no one inside this manchimes. There were flying lorries, landing close to where Micheal and the other students were standing, Micheal moved back afraid that the lorries would crash on them,the lorries all landed in a co ordinated line, they all followed a particular road. The technologies they were witnessing had yet to be made public.

   The moment after the war with the makisis, the human race had develop in all set of technology and they discovered new technologies because they had managed to loot a lot of technologies from the makisi after the war ended.The Uni Military kept everything to themselves.some would have been to dangerous to be released to the public.that is what they claimed.

  Micheal the felt a weight on his wrist and noticed that there was something,a digital watch placed was on his wrists but there was nothing displayed on the screen.

"There is a watch on your wrist,that is your life.that's your ID or better used your dog tag,it identify you as a student at this military base,you will be able to access some unrestricted areas,pay for your daily needs,when not in use,the watch displays  a Grade - your accurate power level grade." Tom said.

   Micheal stared at the watch in confusion and the confusion on the other students face confirmed that he was not the only with no Idea of what the man just explained "well at least,am not the only dumb one here" micheal said.

      Micheal knew that his life was certainly not going to change instead it was going to get much worse.

  " Okay, no questions asked, we will now begin the test which will decide your power grade, based on what you can do. Do not take an inch forward until your name is called, if you don't understand I will make you understand." Tom shouted with a smile on his face and everyone nodded.

"First time I saw him smile, it's super creepy." Micheal thought as he looked at the sergeant creepy smile.

"Good Day".

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I think there's a lot of Errors in this chapter and the chapter before it.

Danesplcreators' thoughts