

Kazumi a 14 year old boy is about to go a new school that his brother has been going to but everything is about to change

VCX · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Bloodline Chapter 2: Purgatory Prep

Kazumi's jaw was on the floor, the school looked like the white house. Kazumi aggressively grabbed his brother's shoulder, but Asashi ignored him. Kazumi then looked around to see that nobody else was on the bus. Asashi sprang to his feet and gave the bus driver a nod. Kazumi was going crazy at this point his mind was being scrambled like eggs. He got up, threw the red katana onto his back, and chased after Asashi who was already off the bus.

"I didn't know you went to Stanford," Kazumi said, surprised. Asashi gave out a little giggle and said

"You're in for a surprise"

"Hey what does that mean !" Kazumi said assertively. As Asashi and Kazumi walked up to the massive front doors which were way too big for any human, Kazumi paused his music and looked at the massive woman standing in front of him,

"all new first years follow me," she said in a very monotone voice. The massive woman led Kazumi and the 25 examinees through the halls, Kazumi started thinking he was hallucinating when he saw students in the halls playing with a small boy and making him fly without touching him. The large woman grabbed both of the older boys and threw them across the hall effortlessly, scolding them as she did. Kazumi, still thinking he was hallucinating or on drugs, didn't react. once the woman made it into a classroom she said

"You will now begin the written test" in a much happier voice than before. Kazumi saw the stack of paper being passed out and gave out a quiet groan. The large woman grabbed the stack of paper and slammed it on Kazumi's desk. When he saw the test questions, Kazumi started scratching his bright red hair, all the questions were related to using hand signals to create basic elemental spells. Kazumi raised his hand and said

"uhhhh what the fuck is this" Kazumi immediately knew what was going to happen next, the large lady grabbed him by the collar, dragged him out of the classroom, and said

"Why are you even here",

Kazumi responded shakily with "Because my b-brother brought me"

"You're getting off easy this time boy, but don't expect this to ever happen again" Kazumi walked over to his seat again as the whole class laughed. He tried to play it cool by giving a small smirk. Kazumi finished the test after doodling for a while and putting A for every answer. The large woman got up and said,

"We will now move on to the next phase....combat" the whole class got up insanely fast and followed the woman outside. Kazumi looked at the kid next to him and said

"special academy more, like purgatory prep" the kid next to him burst out laughing. Kazumi knew he was going to like this kid.