

Kazumi a 14 year old boy is about to go a new school that his brother has been going to but everything is about to change

VCX · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Bloodline Chapter 1: The beginning

Where am I? Kazumi asked himself. He looked around and found himself in a completely black void, with no noise but a faint whistle coming from afar. Kazumi followed the noise until he came up to a massive cage made of reinforced metal.

"Who's there!" he shouted. A shadow emerged from behind the cage, and it started taking the shape of some kind of monster. That's when Kazumi heard

"GET UP DON'T MAKE ME LATE AGAIN" Kazumi's eyes shot open.

"It was just a dream," he said to himself. Asashi, who had just been calling him, was Kazumi's older brother, who was always seen as the perfect one. He had perfect grades, manners, and was all around the perfect child. Kazumi Tatsuya was a 14-year-old boy with exceptional athletic ability and strength but he lacked the intelligence that Asashi had. Kazumi also had some of the most exotic hair of all time, not just in his hairstyle, but also in the color. He has this blood red hair that sets him apart from others (his whole family has black hair). Today was his examination day for this new school that his brother has been going to for 3 years and Kazumi didn't really know anything about it. That was about to change.

Kazumi jumped out of bed kissed his fingers then touched Atsuro, the family katana, the only thing his mother had left behind. Kazumi grabbed his headphones and started running out the door when Asashi yelled

"Bring the sword!" from outside.

"That's strange", Kazumi thought.

Once Kazumi's headphones were on, he put on some low fi beats because the bus was really loud and he was still really tired, Asashi was weirdly quiet and Kazumi was already feeling anxious about the testing because in 8th grade he had the schools lowest score on the final test. The bus rolled up to the school and he was instantly surprised as to how far away the school was from any other building. It was massive, the school was as big as a palace. Kazumi thought to himself, "how did I not know about this?".

This is my first novel btw leave feedback so I can get better, also please drop suggestions if you have any.

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