

Edward whose ancestral origin is from a long-lost bloodline of werewolves is bitten by a rogue vampire. He deifies the odds and becomes the first hybrid (half vampire, half werewolf). He is forced to take sides between the two sworn rivals. His love life is complicated too. Torn between choosing his childhood friend and a charming vampire general's daughter. The witches in town emerge from the shadows to hunt the hybrid in town whom they believe is capable of siring hybrids.

George_mwirigi · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Pursuit of Sabrina

Viper Scarheart emerged from the spell chamber, her energy depleted, a mere echo of her former self. Alexis, ever vigilant, stood by, concern etched across her face. "My child, what tumult stirs in the coven?"

"I cannot say, dear mother," Alexis replied, her gaze fixed on the brewing storm ahead. "Aurora and Beatrix clash, and I dared not abandon my post in the chamber."

"You are the anchor to my soul, Alexis," Viper murmured, a rare moment of tenderness. "In my command, chaos finds no purchase. Come, let us unravel this mystery."

As they entered the chamber, tension hung thick. Beatrix rushed forward, worry etched on her features. "Mother! What has transpired? Are you unharmed? What sorcery unfolded within?"

Viper dismissed her daughter's concern, masking her frailty with pride. "Enough, Beatrix. I am whole. Now, the matter at hand?"

Aurora's voice wavered, "It's... Sabrina, ma'am."

Viper's gaze turned to steel, a tempest in her eyes. "You have lost her? How dare you risk all in such folly?"

Beatrix moved to support her, but was met with a cold rebuff. "Do not touch me. You disappoint me, Beatrix. At times, I question if blood alone binds us."

"Perhaps entrusting this task to Alexis is prudent," Viper declared, her disappointment searing.


Viper's command cut through the tension like a blade. "Summon the pegasus, Beatrix. We cannot afford to delay any longer."

Beatrix hesitated, her apprehension evident.

"Mother, the pegasus are ancient creatures, relics of a bygone era. You cautioned against their use except in dire circumstances."

Viper's eyes bore into her daughter's, unyielding. "This is dire, Beatrix. Without that girl, all we have strived for will crumble. Cease your objections and act."

As Beatrix departed to execute the command, Viper turned to Alexis, her tone softer. "Valkyrie aches to soar, to taste the wind and feel the sun. Release her, Alexis. Let her carry you to your mission."

Beatrix watched from the shadows, a knot of envy twisting within her. The favor bestowed upon Alexis stirred feelings of resentment, a rift that widened with each passing day. She knew she had to prove herself, to earn her mother's regard, but each step felt like a stumbling block.

As the Pegasus were led forth, it was clear that these creatures were relics of a bygone era. Their eyes held an ancient wisdom, their wings stretched out in graceful defiance of the passage of time.

"Alexis," Viper's voice softened, her hand caressing the mane of one particular Pegasus, " Valkyrie has been longing for this moment."

The bond between viper and Valkyrie was palpable. The Pegasus nuzzled against her, a silent understanding passing between them. With practiced ease, Alexis mounted viper's steed, her expression one of determination.

Beatrix watched, her heart heavy with envy. Why was she not the one entrusted with such a task? It wasn't fair. But she knew better than to voice her grievances now.

With the Pegasus prepared, the trio took to the skies. Vakryie, with Alexis astride, led the way. Her powerful wings beat rhythmically, carrying them higher and higher. Aurora marveled at the sensation, the wind rushing past her, lifting her hair in a wild dance.

The forest below transformed into a tapestry of shadows, the trees mere brushstrokes against the canvas of the night. The Pegasus flew with a grace that defied their ancient origins, each movement deliberate and sure.They scanned the expanse below, eyes sharp for any sign of Sabrina's and Agnes presence. As the trio rode through the night sky on the majestic Pegasus, the wind rushing past them, the tension between them was palpable.

Aurora's voice carried over the wind, filled with awe and wonder. "Never dreamed of this moment. Riding Viper's most reserved creatures... How do you feel, Alexis? You are our commander in this mission now. Viper trusts you a lot."

Before Alexis could respond, Beatrix's voice cut through, sharp with irritation. "I guess she feels good for ruining a mother-daughter relationship. You know, no matter how much she tries, she will never be her blood."

Alexis, his voice cool and steady, retorted, "It's not my fault your mother sees you as a failure. You're really good at disappointing her." He let out a short, bitter laugh.

In a fit of frustration, Beatrix attempted to knock Alexis' Pegasus, Valkyrie, off balance, causing a moment of chaos in the air. Valkyrie, however, proved to be a strong and resilient creature, quickly regaining her composure.

Alexis' voice was laced with exasperation. "What's your problem?"

Aurora, ever the voice of reason, interjected, "Stop it, guys. This is not the time for family politics." She gestured emphatically towards a distant river. "Look! Look! I think I saw something near that river. Let's check it out."

As they descended towards the river, the moonlight painted silver ripples on its surface. The night held its breath, as if anticipating their arrival. Beatrix, still nursing her irritation, couldn't help but be captivated by the scene.

Aurora smiled at Alexis. "Come on, you two. Like I said earlier,let's not turn this mission into a family feud. We've got a task at hand, remember?"

Alexis, never one to hold grudges, nodded in agreement. "You're right, Aurora. We're a team, and we need to focus."

Beatrix, relenting, offered a small but genuine smile. "You're both right. Let's find Sabrina and Agnes, and get this over with."

As they touched down near the riverbank, the forest seemed to hold its breath, waiting for their next move. They scanned the area, senses attuned to any sign of their quarry. Each step was deliberate, each breath measured.

Then, Alexis spotted it. A glimmer of movement near a copse of ancient willows. "There," he whispered, pointing.

They moved in unison, like shadows through the night. The closer they got, the more the details revealed themselves. A figure, huddled against a tree.

As they drew nearer, it became clear that it was nothing more than an illusion, a clever ruse conjured by Agnes to divert their attention.

Alexis' voice cut through the night, filled with frustration. "She tricked us. There she is!" His sharp eyes caught sight of Agnes and Sabrina making their way towards the looming mountains, their silhouettes stark against the dark landscape. "Aurora, Beatrix, get them!"

Aurora and Beatrix deftly dismounted their pegasus, the creatures snorting softly as they were left behind. With determined strides, the two set off in pursuit, their footfalls barely making a sound on the forest floor.

Meanwhile, Alexis turned his attention back to his steadfast companion, Vakryie. He gently leaned his head against the magnificent creature's, their bond palpable. "Stay here, pretty. Keep the others under control." With a reassuring pat on her sleek mane, he watched as she settled into a vigilant stance.

Once he was certain Vakryie was prepared, Alexis set off along the same path as Aurora and Beatrix, his lithe form moving with a fluid grace. Together, they wove through the forest, shadows merging and separating, as they chased down the elusive figures in the night.