

Edward whose ancestral origin is from a long-lost bloodline of werewolves is bitten by a rogue vampire. He deifies the odds and becomes the first hybrid (half vampire, half werewolf). He is forced to take sides between the two sworn rivals. His love life is complicated too. Torn between choosing his childhood friend and a charming vampire general's daughter. The witches in town emerge from the shadows to hunt the hybrid in town whom they believe is capable of siring hybrids.

George_mwirigi · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Daring escape

The dungeons were a chilling labyrinth of shadows. Cold stone walls, covered in moss and dripping with moisture, rose high on either side, seemingly endless in their stretch. The air was damp, thick with the scent of earth and decay, and the echoes of distant water droplets formed an eerie symphony.

Torches, their flames flickering like desperate souls, lined the narrow passage, casting dancing shadows that seemed to whisper secrets to the stone. Rusty iron bars separated the cells, their surfaces pitted and worn by years of neglect and suffering. A fetid, clammy chill clung to the air, seeping into Sabrina's bones and making every breath a struggle.

Each cell was a small, stifling chamber, barely large enough to stand in. The floor was rough, uneven stone, worn smooth only along the paths of countless footsteps. Thin, threadbare straw covered the ground, offering meager comfort against the harsh cold. The cells seemed to stretch on forever, a maze of despair that echoed with the cries of those forgotten by the world.

As Sabrina sat, her sobs seemed to bounce off the walls, swallowed by the oppressive darkness. The flickering light of her cell's torch barely reached beyond the bars, leaving her cocooned in a pool of shadow. It was a place of torment and solitude, where time seemed to stand still, and hope was a cruel jest.

The world of the dungeon was a separate reality, a place of forgotten souls and buried secrets, where the very air seemed to mourn the tragedies it had witnessed.

Agnes' voice, though hushed, echoed through the stone corridors. "Aurora, are we doing the right thing? My parents never raised me to be a kidnapper. I came here to harness my gifts, to help my people."

Aurora's eyes, like twin flames in the dimness, bore into Agnes. "Hush, Agnes. Walls have ears. What you speak of is treason. Get your head back in the game. You don't want to face Viper Scarheart's wrath."

Agnes nodded, her breath quivering in the chill. Together, they made their way to Sabrina's cell.

The tray of food clattered under the door, its contents a stark contrast to the despairing surroundings. "Rise, human. We need you alive," commanded Aurora.

Sabrina's form remained curled, untouched by Aurora's words. Aurora's tone turned frigid. "Eat or refuse, no one cares about you."

Suddenly, the air was charged with an unexpected energy. Agnes, her resolve solidifying, attacked Aurora from behind. The blankets she wielded became a weapon, and Aurora crumpled to the unforgiving stone.

As the blankets fell into Sabrina's cell, she stared, wide-eyed and breathless. "Is she... dead? Why are you helping me?"

Agnes's voice trembled with urgency. "She's not dead, just unconscious. We need to get out of here, now."

Approaching the guards, dread clung to them like a shroud. Agnes, channeling an authority she'd never known she had, declared, "Viper sent me to fetch her."

One guard's eyes narrowed, suspicion etching lines into his face. "Wait! Where's Aurora?" His grip tightened around the hilt of his wand.

The tension snapped, Agnes's hands flying in practiced motion. Incantations flowed, weaving a spell that sent the guards collapsing, unconscious.

As they fled, breathless and hearts pounding, Agnes's voice wavered with the weight of their choices. "We have to go, now!"

Agnes's heart raced as they approached the dungeon's main entrance, her senses keen to the imminent danger. She knew they couldn't risk being seen.

"We can't go this way," she whispered urgently to Sabrina. "Follow me, and stay quiet."

Leading the way, Agnes turned sharply into a narrow passage hidden behind a crumbling tapestry. The air grew colder, and the sound of their footsteps was swallowed by the thick stone walls. This was a passage not many knew of, a forgotten relic of the coven's darker history.

The passage wound deeper into the bowels of the coven, each step taking them further from the dungeons and closer to their freedom. Cobwebs clung to their clothes, and the air grew damper, but Agnes pressed on, her determination unwavering.

Finally, they reached the hidden entrance to the sewer system. Agnes pushed against a loose stone, revealing a dark opening that led to a labyrinth of tunnels below. The scent of damp earth and stagnant water filled their nostrils as they descended into the shadows.

The tunnels were a web of twists and turns, their path illuminated only by the faint glow of Agnes's magic. Sabrina, despite her fear, followed Agnes's lead, her trust in the young witch growing with every step.

As they navigated the winding tunnels, Agnes couldn't help but marvel at the intricacy of the hidden escape route. It was as if this passage had been crafted for moments just like this, a secret lifeline for those who dared to defy the coven's malevolent rule.

Finally, they emerged from the underground labyrinth, blinking against the sudden onslaught of moonlight. They stood at the edge of a vast sewer system, the rushing water echoing their heartbeat. The scent of freedom hung in the air, mingling with the earthy undertones of the tunnels.

Agnes turned to Sabrina, her eyes fierce with determination. "This is it. We're almost there. Once we breach the surface, we'll be outside the coven's boundaries."

With a shared nod, they stepped onto a narrow ledge that bordered the rushing water. It had been treacherous, but they had defied the odds. Now, they stood on the precipice of their newfound freedom, ready to face the unknown that awaited them beyond the coven's walls.

Aurora's vision swam as she fought to regain consciousness. The taste of blood lingered in her mouth, a bitter reminder of the treachery that had unfolded. With great effort, she pushed herself up, wincing at the sharp pain in her head. The world spun, but she was determined.

Dragging herself along the cold stone floor, Aurora's fingers brushed against the rough surface, seeking out stability. Every movement was a struggle, but her will was unyielding. She had to get to Viper Scarheart's quarters. She had to report what had transpired.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Aurora stumbled into the dimly lit chamber.

"Beatrix... we've been betrayed," Aurora managed to gasp, her breath ragged.

Beatrix, who had been standing nearby, turned sharply to face Aurora. Her eyes widened with concern as she took in the state of the wounded witch.

"Aurora, what happened? Who betrayed us?" Beatrix demanded, her tone sharp with urgency.

Aurora struggled to find her voice, but she pressed on, determined to relay the message. "It was Agnes... she aided Sabrina's escape. They're gone, Beatrix."

Beatrix's eyes narrowed, disbelief and anger flashing in her gaze. "Agnes? No, it can't be..."

Before she could finish her sentence, the gravity of the situation began to sink in. Beatrix's features contorted with a mixture of dread and apprehension. "Viper will not take this lightly. We are in deep trouble."
