
Bloodline Stinger

Planet Earth, set millennia after the Enlightenment, humanity once again thriving due to the efforts of those in the dark. Within that destruction of the past came a tremendous change in the world. Earth had expanded rapidly, unravelling the super eras beyond history. However, despite these discoveries of magic, cultivation and science, a dark outlook is painted, humanity was not alone, and it was the weakest of them all. Ignorant they stay, as only in ignorance could they feel safe. A world beyond the veil lies forth, covered in the mysteries, stories and legends told in folklore and religion. Read as Fawr of a humble origin struggles to overcome this new world where power means everything. Venture along as the secrets of the world and his past is revealed. Witness his ascension from a mere mortal orphan to a supreme power revered by all. Watch as this fiendish blood star paves a path for humanity to sit among the ancient beasts, mythical creatures and gods who created them.

Pessimism · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Fate is giving extras?

It's been a couple of days since the night Fawr's destiny changed. The impact of such an event is supposed to be shock-inducing. Still, Fawr had found a sense of purpose in his life, his curiosity towards his parents had been rekindled, and with the world becoming more mysterious and significant, the desire to explore it had been on his mind. To accomplish this, he needed power; this was only possible through hard work.

"Go get some rest. What's the use of cultivating all day like a monk? It's going to give you unneeded strain. From how I see it, you have established your Spirit Body. Just look at your watch. You have skipped so many levels. Luckily I was here to tell you to fortify your power. Otherwise, you would just break through and waste your talents by having an unstable foundation," said Tian. Seemingly anxious about the effects this self-torturing training regime Fawr put himself through.

"I feel the strength coursing through my body. The blood seems even more vibrant, pumping through with so much force! I can feel my body vibrate with every breath. It is exhilarating. However, I won't be able to materialise any qi or blood at this stage, just pure physical strength. It seems I have to look into the aspect of magic more thoroughly. There must be a way I can get some good magic manuals. It seems I have to find something to complement the blood arts. Synergy is important. Let's head out and look," replied Fawr with excitement.

"We should look into your shapeshifting. I feel it's very suitable. The Vampires had blood-shifting arts. The lore of bats comes from this very same thing. It seems your talents aren't just random. If we can utilise the shapeshifting, we can use the most potential in your body," commented Tian. He knew how magical blood shifting was. It was a technique gained through the blood arts, so Fawr could do it too. He seemed to be thinking of combining the two.

"Tian, did you not see the shapeshifting change or the upgrade after the Soul Bolt altered my body? I assume the shapeshifting only applied to the body in a physical sense, but now that my soul is one with my flesh body. It seems to have changed my mutation drastically. I don't think it is wise to learn things without figuring out what it is. Let's see if we can find anything else regarding shapeshifting and the soul," suggested Fawr, his meticulous mind already seeing the complications with his new changes.

Going head first into learning techniques now seemed a bit incompetent. If it wasn't for the old man being a master and giving such a compatible technique. Fawr may have learnt some half-assed cultivation technique that could ruin his future for good. He wouldn't possibly have the luck to find a Master Sorcerer, much less one that dabbled into shapeshifting. So he could only look for information at school. Although closed for the summer, the library had been stocked with information regarding magic. These were strictly guarded and weren't something one could easily find online.

Knowing what to do next, he went into the shower to get rid of the grime before heading out in a hurry. Not knowing the girl from the neighbourhood was following him, seemingly annoyed at his recent behaviour the last couple of days.

"By the way, be cautious. That nosy girl from next door is following you. I better train you up later. I will rest for a while, so don't do anything stupid," Tian reminded Fawr before going into his slumber. You could tell that he was fatigued throughout the events.

"Fawr seems to be more active after that morning. How could he ignore me? Does he have a girlfriend now? How shameless… Hmph," thought the girl.

She adamantly followed Fawr to see what made him up and leave in such a hurry. She must know who it was that dared take Fawr from her. Fawr casually walked at a slow pace towards the library. The girl following behind was quite peeved at the pace. — Can't this guy move any faster? Is he going on a date? The girl speculated. Fawr suddenly stopped. He noticed the girl was distracted and quickly darted into a corner, observing her as he hid. "What? he was just ther- where did he go?" The girl asked herself. She was pretty perplexed. He was there just then. She ran out to where he was and looked around in a frenzy ignoring the weird looks from the people on the street.

Meanwhile, Fawr was in a shabby-looking shop with trinkets and old used items were strewn about. Many peculiar items were displayed, but he was not there for some used trinkets. Fawr quickly approached the door as it seemed like she had given up looking for him. He just happened to come in to avoid the girl.

"Excuse me, dear customer, please do have a look around. We have much to offer," An old gentleman said as he somehow got between Fawr and the entrance. He seemed to be observing the boy while Fawr thought to himself that there were too many old mysterious men floating around, so much so that he kept bumping into them. Tian was napping, so he had no clue if the old man was something he should be concerned about.

"Senior, I was just browsing. I am supposed to be going to the library and just happened to wander here. I have people waiting on me, so if you don't mind-"

"Boy, you are quite bad at lying. No one is waiting for you. I see we have a lot of affinity for each other, and I feel a powerful cultivation source from you. I think I can get you what you need. Your stumbling here was no coincidence," the shop had wands and weird trinkets around, adding to the mysterious vibe of the old man.

Fawr's skin crawled. Who was this old fart? How did he possibly know that he would wander here? With that, he started sweating beads of cold sweat. These old men had too many tricks under their sleeves, and he happened to become entangled with them.

"Fret not. I have a myriad of things available for you. Now show me your magic talent index. Oh, what is this… unique talent DNA-based manipulation. Interesting, you seem to have been taught lightning arts. Hang on, I also see soul talent. Very interesting indeed. Finding something for you seems to be quite troublesome. Your mutant talent happens to also be shapeshifting. A shapeshift sorcerer, that's right, this would suit you quite well," mumbled the old man, looking like a mediaeval crook.

"Your DNA talent means you can manipulate the information of your genes. This will help you shapeshift with only a drop of blood. Hang on. I seem to have the perfect Grimoire," with that, the old man scurried into the back of the dusty shop.

As the old man was scurrying along, Fawr's perception of time seemed to have slowed down. The pendant near his neck was again emanating heat, but this time gentle and soothing. His blood was in high circulation as he again felt the blood beckon towards whatever the old man was bringing out. Fawr soon snapped out of it and thought that whatever the old man had brought over may not be such a simple thing.

"This Blood Grimoire was said to be found in the outer world, as you know, in the continent of Europe. Vampires had ravaged the mainland long ago. The misconception around the use of blood in magic, martial arts or mutant powers seem to turn the expressions of many sour," proclaimed the old man, causing Fawr to contemplate how the mighty Vampire clan had fallen to the status of unwanted heretics.

"I believe this Grimoire is from a Vampire Mage, don't worry just yet. Vampires are said to be a mutant human clan that prospered in the science of blood and DNA. Some records indicate that the world had suppressed them due to their power. They had the powers to rejuvenate and heal nothing like those brain-dead blood kin. I am only saying this to let you know that blood magic is nothing to fear. Still, only a few can wield it, and it can be the most gentle of magic or the most brutal of magic. You seem to have an affinity with Vampires. Researching blood magic can potentially help you with your DNA talents."

"At last, someone who understands the Vampire race for who they were. However, it seems the empire didn't last the test of time, and its history faded into nothing," whispered Tian, awakening from his short slumber.

"Tian, he said something about a Grimoire, then the pendant reacted," Fawr hurriedly said.

"Don't worry. It doesn't seem to be connected to the empire. We never came from the outer world and never left anything there either," replied Tian.

The old man uncovered a palm-sized book, you could call it a block, and there were no pages to be seen. It was decorated with a silver metal plating on its edges, giving it a distinct feeling. It was covered in dust and grime, losing its intended lustre. The centrepiece was a crystal, a blood crystal. It had qualities similar to his pendant, piquing Fawr and Tian's interests.

"Now, this is a treasure passed throughout my family. It is said that such a treasure would be given to those destined for it. Who would have thought someone suddenly stumbling upon my humble store would have some affinity with it? It was said to be found in the outer world. However, no one could verify or believe my ancestor, and it just didn't seem useful. Just a block that could only be used as a doorstop. Furthermore, it contains blood magic, which is still looked down upon," said the old shopkeeper.

"Fawr, go and take it, it is not something of the empire, but it gives a vaguely familiar feeling. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it," Mused Tian.

"However, this probably won't help you right now, so let it be a gift. Here is something that will help you right now," The old man revealed a box that had the technological era's feel. Marked on the box was a logo deriving a pyramid with an eye in the centre.

"This here is said to be one of the most sophisticated products made in the 22nd Century, an A. I implant has drawbacks, which you won't have to worry about. Legend says it was made by the mad scientists funded by an underworld organisation known to have the ambition to rule the secular world. Enough of that, though. This is a bloodline chip meant to merge with the DNA within you. It would potentially cause serious deficiencies when installed. Even worse, the one taking it would go insane due to the strain it brought to humans with weak control of their DNA. It is said the concept was to allow an AI to live through a single strand of DNA."

With a glint, the box opened, revealing a cuboid-shaped syringe filled to the brim with a blood-like substance with occasional sparks of electricity sparkling throughout.

"Do you mean my DNA manipulation talent should be enough to control this AI implant chip?"

"Exactly. Otherwise, it is just a useless piece of garbage. No one would want something like this, even if I tried to sell it. At most, it would be seen as a novelty item. It is likely from the Illuminati. If you didn't know, this same organisation helped unravel the past eras and bring humanity back to its former glory. But it went back into the shadows as soon as it faced public scrutiny," said the old man with a glint in his eye.

"Tian, ever since I got this completed gem, I seem to be bumping into weird situations. You better explain to me what this gem is later," Thought Fawr in a frenzy.

"Don't worry, this is just the residue effect of destiny giving you a few favours. It's something you will understand later. That gem holds all the karmic value of an entire nation's past. You, as the rightful heir to such a dignified legacy, should receive some benefits, don't you think?" stated Tian with a wink. With that, it made sense that he, as the Emperor, should get at least a little something from taking up such a task of re-establishing the empire.

"Don't think you just have the empire to worry about. I was going to mention what lies beyond that gem, but you have received more responsibilities along the way," Said Tian.

"Boy, stop daydreaming. Now take the box. It is yours to keep," With that, the old man kicked Fawr out of the store, not even asking for any money, as if his being there was a plague to the man. The box held in his hand gave a slight shimmer; although it was small, it weighed a lot. Not in the sense that it was heavy, but something in his mind made him think like that. Weirdly, Fawr seemed to be mentally influenced as if the whole episode just now didn't occur. He then rushed away. He quickly ran towards the library before it closed on him.

Unknown to him, the shop quickly shut, and its looks changed instantly. The old man was nowhere to be seen. No one nearby noticed and acted as if nothing out of the norm had happened. Luckily Tian was able to notice this and kept note of it.

"I have delivered project R-X to the Blood inheritor.. over."

"Excellent, cover this up and lead your trails to Australia.. the boy is on his own now."

"Is this a good idea? He is only a kid…."

"Enough fallback, lead the dogs by their noses and use all resources to keep the kid's identity hidden.. that is all."

"Understood. May the prophecy lead us to prosperity."

"May it indeed…"

**Crush**… the telecom device was crushed to dust as the silhouette drifted into nothingness.