

In the year 2040, on the planet Gaia, also known as Earth, humans discovered that the fictitious stories about magic were real. In a place in the Philippines, somewhere in Luzon, they discovered never-before-seen ruins. The ruins were extraordinary, very different from the usual ruins. Images of sorcery adorned the walls, and native languages were inscribed there as well. The International Bureau of Historical Association (IBHA) was created to study the ruins they found. After years of conducting studies and experiments, they achieved what they had sought. They called themselves Esper.

Satoshi_Moe · Fantasy
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10 Chs


"Hey! Is it true there's a lightning esper?"

"Is it real? Is it real?"

"Real na real, real na real!"

"Dandandan dalandan."

"Isn't it amazing?"

"Isn't it surprising?"

"Isn't it?"

These were some of the conversations I overheard from my classmates.

Not even an hour had passed, and that guy was already famous. Tsk. It's annoying.

Well, you don't know which class I belong to, right? Let's just say I'm in a bit of a unique class.

Class D Mind Weirdos. The badgeless class.

We're all weirdos here, that's what they call us. We're the only ones in the school who focus purely on academics, with no physical training.

You read that right. I'm in Class D. I can't blame them; they're just following school policy. Class D consists of 'non-espers.' In short, we're all normal human beings with no powers at all. We rely on our own strength and brains.

If you think we are the lowest of all, you're wrong, my friend. Just like the Emerald class, we enjoy the luxurious amenities of the school, but only we in Class D and the teachers know about this.

But one thing I can say is that all of us have a tiny chance of becoming an esper, maybe about 2%. The other 98%, well, I don't know.

"Okay, class, quiet. Now, I will put the crystal ball here. Each one of you should try this," our teacher said.

"But sir! We all know that Class D is useless. We don't have any esper powers, you know," one of my classmates said, and the others agreed.

They're right, but for me? Nothing is impossible if you work hard. Nothing is impossible for someone with perseverance.

"Well, let's see about that. Aberañas, you first," the teacher said.

Aberañas immediately moved to the front.

"Now, I want you to touch the crystal ball and concentrate your mind," the teacher instructed.

He touched the crystal and closed his eyes. All of my classmates weren't paying attention, except for me. I felt something different, like something good was about to happen.

A couple of seconds passed, and the crystal ball lit up. Its color was white with yellow. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared in awe. The previously noisy room became silent. Their eyes looked like they were about to pop out. We didn't expect that to happen.

"Very good, Aberañas. Now you may take your seat. I'll announce your power once everyone has had a turn," the teacher said.

What was happening? How did Aberañas get powers? We, the Class D, don't have any kind of powers.

"Now, Abdo," the teacher called, and so on.

Some lights were white, green, yellow, brown, blue, light blue, mint green, and more. The joy on their faces was evident.

Some were qualified as Ruby, Sapphire, and Diamond. None were classified as a Rank S esper.

And that's when I felt extremely nervous. What if I didn't have any powers?

"Andrew, you're next," the teacher said.

I stood up immediately. As I walked, my heart pounded faster and faster.

I looked at the crystal, not knowing why, but I felt very nervous. I slowly touched the crystal and closed my eyes to concentrate.

Suddenly, I felt like I was being pulled in. When I opened my eyes, I was in a different place. Or should I say, a different dimension?

I smiled because there was only one explanation. I had powers. They say that when you're awakened, you're transferred to a different dimension, and there, you'll be chosen by your power. You don't choose your power; it chooses you.

I waited until I saw an orb floating in front of me. The center of the orb had many different colors, but the outer part was transparent.

I touched it, and it suddenly glowed brightly.

The surroundings turned black again, a sign that I had returned. When I opened my eyes, I saw everyone staring at me with wide eyes, as if they had seen something incredible.

"Sir, what's my rank?" I asked. The teacher was also stunned.

"Ah, ah, ehm. You're a Class S," he said.

It took me a while to process what he said.

"Yeah! Woohoooo!" I shouted with joy.

"Now, Andrew, please take your seat. I will now discuss what is going on here," the teacher instructed.

I quickly sat down.

"I'm sure you're all confused about what's happening. As far as you know, Class D is just for ordinary humans. You're wrong. The truth is, all of you here are late bloomers. Haven't you wondered why you got into this school? It only accepts people with powers."

I thought about what the teacher said. He was right.

"Now, for your powers: white light is a light esper. Green is a nature esper, light green is a light-nature esper, red is a fire esper, blue is a water esper, light blue is an ice esper, mint green is a wind esper, violet is a lightning esper, and white is the ultimate defender," the teacher explained.

Ultimate defender?

"Sir? What's an ultimate defender?" one of my classmates asked.

"Yes, an ultimate defender is a type of magic that cancels all other magic. In short, it's Nullification Magic. But that kind of magic is just a theory. Hahaha," the teacher replied.


I thought it was real.

"Now, you'll be transferred to the class you belong to. I can't let you all stay here. This class is like Class C. When you're ready, you'll move on," he explained.

One by one, my classmates left until it was just me and the teacher.

"Sir, I have a question. What is my power?" I asked.

"You're lucky, Shione. You're one among a thousand espers. A lightning type esper," he replied.

I couldn't contain my happiness. I had to tell Dad!