
Bloodline Reckoning

In a world veiled in mysticism, where ancient bloodlines hold the key to unimaginable power, In the mystical world of Mystic Bloodlines: Unveiling the Secrets of Power, ancient sacrifice rituals play a pivotal role in the unfolding narrative. These rituals are deeply rooted in the kingdom's history, shrouded in secrets and surrounded by an air of dark mysticism. The bloodlines, with their extraordinary powers, are believed to have originated from these very rituals. Legends speak of an era when the kingdom's inhabitants practiced occultism, delving into the arcane and supernatural to achieve their goals. These rituals involved offerings of great significance, often involving the sacrifice of living creatures and even human lives As Li Shan delves deeper into the mysteries of the bloodlines, he stumbles upon ancient tomes and cryptic scrolls that hint at the long-forgotten practices of the kingdom's ancestors. These texts describe the rites and ceremonies conducted under the veil of secrecy, where the boundaries between the physical and metaphysical worlds blurred. The allure of power, the pull of the occult, and the consequences of meddling with forces beyond human comprehension form a central theme in the novel. This novel invites readers to lose themselves in a world where mystique energies are tangible, secrets are unveiled, and alliances are forged and broken. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance, and the characters' choices will ultimately determine the legacy of their bloodlines. It is a world of intrigue, mystique, and discovery, where the line between protector and harbinger of destruction blurs, and where the future of a realm is uncertain and waiting to be shaped by the hand of destiny.

dreamer_of_nights · Others
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26 Chs

Chapter 2: The Butcher's Apprentice

It was time for Li Shan to reevaluate his path and embrace a safer, more stable means of earning a living. With determination, he chose to become a butcher's apprentice.

With this newfound wisdom, Li Shan made a decision that would alter the course of his journey. He chose to seek employment in the village of Língmíng's butcher shop. The butcher, a robust figure known as Huan Lei, possessed a rotund frame and a demeanor that mirrored his ample girth. His Chinese name and surname spoke of prosperity, though his appearance was anything but. With a bulbous nose, beady eyes, and a perpetual sheen of sweat on his forehead, Huan Lei was a figure of striking ugliness.

However, it was not just Huan Lei's physical appearance that stood out; it was his relentless obsession with money that truly defined him. He was known throughout the village for his unyielding pursuit of wealth and an almost singular focus on his profits. This obsession with coin often led him to seek shortcuts and ease in his work, a trait that would play a crucial role in Li Shan's future as his apprentice.

Li Shan approached Huan Lei with a mixture of anticipation and determination. He knew that if he was to become the butcher's apprentice, he needed to propose an arrangement that would benefit both of them. Huan Lei, always in pursuit of profit, was known to be a shrewd businessman.

Li Shan cleared his throat and began, "Huan Lei, I've been considering the idea of becoming your apprentice and learning the trade of butchery. I believe I can be a valuable asset to your business."

Huan Lei, his eyes shrewd and calculating, regarded Li Shan for a moment before responding, "Ah, an apprentice, you say? Well, you should know that taking on an apprentice costs money, and I'm not one to part with my hard-earned coins easily."

Li Shan nodded, acknowledging the truth in Huan Lei's words. "I understand that, Huan Lei. However, I propose a different arrangement. I'm willing to work as your apprentice for a reduced salary, just a quarter of what a normal butcher apprentice would receive. In return, you'll have an extra pair of hands to help with your work, allowing you to expand your business and increase your profits."

Huan Lei's beady eyes gleamed with interest at the prospect of reducing his labor costs and potentially expanding his enterprise. "Hmm," he mused, "Reduced salary, you say? That could indeed be advantageous for me. But what makes you think you can handle the rigors of butchery, boy?"

Li Shan met Huan Lei's gaze with unwavering determination. "I'm willing to prove myself to you, to learn the trade, and to become a valuable member of your butcher shop if you spotted any laziness or incapability in me, you can fire me any moment."

The butcher rubbed his chin thoughtfully, considering Li Shan's proposal. After a pregnant pause, he finally nodded, a crooked smile spreading across his sweaty face. "Very well, Li Shan. You've got yourself a deal. We'll see if you're as capable as you claim to be."

The butcher shop, nestled amidst the narrow streets of Língmíng, was a place of both life and death. Its exterior, draped in hanging pig heads and rows of chicken legs, painted a vivid picture of its gruesome trade. The stench of blood, a pungent aroma that clung to the very air, was a constant presence that permeated the shop and the surrounding area.

Within the shop's dimly lit confines, Li Shan began his new life as an apprentice. The sight of freshly slaughtered animals, their lifeless bodies hanging from hooks, was an initial shock to his system. Yet, it was a reality he had chosen to embrace in his quest for system coins.

Under Huan Lei's begrudging tutelage, Li Shan learned the art of killing and cleaning animals with precision. Each day was a testament to his growing proficiency, as he honed his skills in delivering swift, humane deaths to the animals that would soon become nourishment for the village. It was a grueling and unglamorous occupation, but one that promised a steady income of forty copper coins each month.

Huan Lei, driven by his desire for personal gain, encouraged Li Shan to adopt practices that expedited the work. Whether it was slaughtering animals in a manner that prioritized efficiency over compassion or embracing shortcuts in the cleaning process, Huan Lei's methods were questionable at best. It was an environment where Li Shan's growing discomfort with these practices was eclipsed by his commitment to supporting his family.

In this atmosphere, Li Shan's hands became instruments of both life and death. He was no longer the young dreamer who had ventured into the forest seeking adventure. Instead, he was a butcher's apprentice, navigating the gruesome realities of his chosen trade. The village of Língmíng had much to offer, but it was also a place where the pursuit of system coins would come at a cost, one that Li Shan was willing to pay.

As the days turned into weeks, Li Shan's proficiency as a butcher's apprentice grew, and the copper coins piled up. Yet, with each slice of the blade, he couldn't help but think of the forest he had left behind—a realm of mystery and peril where his journey had begun. The forest, with its ancient trees and elusive creatures, still beckoned to him, but for now, he was bound to the butcher shop, where blood and coin flowed in equal measure.

The butcher shop itself was a modest, dimly lit establishment, with rows of hanging pig heads and plucked chicken legs, their pale and lifeless forms a stark contrast to the bustling energy of Língmíng village. The pungent scent of blood and meat hung in the air, a constant reminder of the brutality of their trade.

During his time at the butcher shop, Li Shan toiled diligently, earning a modest income of 40 copper coins each month. The work was demanding and often grisly, but it provided him with a stable source of income. While his hands were busy with the butchery, his mind was focused on his long-term goal.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Li Shan's savings began to accumulate steadily. But it wasn't just the copper coins he earned through his labor; it was also the additional system coins that came his way thanks to the constant slaughter of animals. Each successful butchering added to his growing collection of system coins, inching him closer to his ultimate objective.

Li Shan's commitment to his work and his frugal lifestyle allowed his savings to flourish. Months passed, and he watched with satisfaction as the total system coins in his possession steadily climbed. It was a testament to his perseverance and unwavering dedication.

Finally, the day arrived when Li Shan's savings reached a significant milestone. With a total of 524 system coins, he felt a sense of accomplishment and pride. It was a hard-earned reward for his determination and resilience.

Li Shan knew that the system held the key to unlocking his potential,

He turned to the system, his gaze fixed on the possibilities before him. mystical bloodlines that would grant him extraordinary abilities.

Within the system interface, he saw a list of available bloodlines, each with its own associated costs.

-Lunar Owl bloodline 381 system coin

-Crystal Gryphon bloodline 436 system coin

-Eclipse Panther bloodline 498  system coin

-Sylvan Shifter bloodline 513

One bloodline, in particular, caught his attention—the "Illusionary Fox" bloodline, priced at 521 system coins.

Li Shan pondered his decision carefully. He had no way of knowing the specific abilities of each bloodline, but he reasoned that the Illusionary Fox bloodline was the most expensive one he could afford right now. In his mind, higher cost might equate to greater power. In the quiet and secluded corner of the world where Li Shan had chosen to close the Illusionary Fox bloodline, the surroundings seemed to hold their breath. Tall, ancient trees formed a natural canopy overhead, their leaves filtering the dappled sunlight that trickled through. The air was thick with the scent of earth and moss, and the ground beneath him was covered in a soft carpet of fallen leaves and pine needles.

As Li Shan stood in that tranquil glade, the very heart of nature's sanctuary, he felt a deep sense of connection to the world around him. It was as if the spirits of the forest were watching and waiting, their presence palpable in the rustling leaves and the gentle whisper of the wind.

With a sense of purpose and resolve, Li Shan closed his eyes and focused on the bloodline he had chosen—the Illusionary Fox. He could feel the power of the bloodline coursing through his veins, a force both ancient and enigmatic.

But as he concentrated on the transmutation in his body, a searing pain erupted within him. It started as a burning sensation, as if his veins were on the verge of bursting. The pain intensified, coursing through his body like a wildfire. It was as though a blade had been driven into his skull, splitting it open to unleash a torrent of agony.

Li Shan "AHHHHH!"

Li Shan couldn't suppress his cries of pain, but the forest, with its eternal silence, absorbed his suffering without judgment. He was far from the village, and his anguished pleas went unheard by human ears.

As his own blood poured from the open wound on his head, Li Shan's consciousness began to slip away. The world around him blurred and faded, and he sank into the darkness.

When he awoke, it was nightfall, and the world had changed. The glade was bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, and Li Shan could see clearly despite the absence of sunlight. He instinctively reached up to touch the source of his pain, and his fingers brushed against something new—a third eye, crimson and vertically slit, embedded on his forehead.

It pulsed with an otherworldly light, a visible sign of his transformation, a badge of both his newfound abilities and the mysteries that surrounded this bloodline.

As Li Shan took stock of his physical condition, he realized that his ordeal had not only granted him supernatural powers but had also enhanced his physical senses. His sense of smell had become incredibly acute, allowing him to discern the myriad scents of the forest with a clarity that surpassed that of normal humans. The fragrance of flowers, the earthy musk of animals, and the tang of distant rain—all filled his nostrils with a vividness that was both intoxicating and overwhelming.

Additionally, Li Shan's hearing had been sharpened to an extraordinary degree. Every rustle of leaves, every distant chirp of a nocturnal creature, and every whisper of the wind became distinct and clear to him, as if the very fabric of the night had become an open book of sound.

The system interface now displayed a category labeled "Illusionary Fox," along with a tantalizing "+" button beside it. but the price had increased substantially. It now required a formidable 5,789 system coins to unlock the next level of the bloodline.

crimson eye on Li Shan's forehead weighed heavy on his mind as he grappled with a newfound anxiety. In the quiet moments of solitude, he found himself questioning the path he had chosen, the power he had gained, and the implications it held for his very identity.

His thoughts raced as he contemplated the mysterious eye. "If I continue down this path," he wondered, "will there be any more changes to my body? What other alterations await me in the depths of this bloodline's power?"

Li Shan's anxiety extended beyond physical changes. He couldn't help but ponder the profound question: "Can I still be called a human?", he felt a growing disconnect from the world he had known. The crimson eye served as a constant reminder of his transformation, a visible symbol of the mystical forces now intertwined with his being.

Doubts gnawed at him, and he grappled with a sense of unease. Li Shan knew that he couldn't turn back the clock or undo the choice he had made.

at the end he rises his own mood "it doesn't matter what will happen to me, with strong power ı will live better than these villagers"

With the crimson eye on his forehead concealed beneath a band, Li Shan returned to the familiar surroundings of the butcher shop. His decision to hide his newfound power was a deliberate one, born out of the need to keep his transformation a secret from those who knew him best.

Li Shan returned to the butcher shop, greeted by Huan Lei's request to prepare another pig. His exhaustion from a long day's work was evident as he questioned the unusual demand for pig blood.

"Again?" Li Shan sighed, his hands still stained with the remnants of his previous tasks. "Today, I've already slaughtered three pigs. Why is everyone buying pig blood?"

Huan Lei chuckled, a wry smile on his face. "These groups of superstitious folks," he explained, "believe in ghosts and spirits. They think that by smearing pig blood on their front doors, they can ward off malevolent entities and misfortune. It's an old tradition, and it seems they're all doing it now."

Li Shan raised an eyebrow, both amused and bemused by the idea. The customs and beliefs of his village often seemed strange to him, but he had grown up with them and respected their significance. If selling pig blood could bring a sense of security to the villagers, then so be it.

With a resigned nod, Li Shan took up the butcher's knife and set about the task of preparing yet another pig, knowing that the demand for pig blood was not likely to wane anytime soon. As he worked, he couldn't help but wonder if the mysterious abilities of his Illusionary Fox bloodline could offer any insights into the supernatural world that seemed to hold such sway over his fellow villagers.