
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 49 The End of the Volume: Thales Canxing, the Second Prince

"The Cullen family, yes!"

"Havea, yes!"

"Amond, yes!"

Three voices of approval followed one after another.

Thales shuddered suddenly, and his brain began to count the number of people.

He then involuntarily increased his breathing.

He looked at Gilbert, and the latter's eyes were full of excitement that he tried his best to suppress.

And Gust Nantry opened his mouth wide, and it took him a full twenty seconds to figure out what just happened!

He looked at the smiling old Duke Cullen in disbelief, and his breathing accelerated rapidly!

Behind him, Dastan and Earl Sorel also looked at each other in disbelief.

what happened.

what happened!

"Then, eight people are against, ten people are in favor, and one person is abstaining," Cullen said with a smile on his face, and said the number of votes: "More than half are in favor."

"It seems that we don't need to appear on the stage," the "Black Prophet" Molat sighed after watching all this: "The backup plan is cancelled."

"The situation has been decided since Iris turned back."

"In the final analysis, it was the child's method that worked."

Raphael smiled relaxedly, nodded, and pulled the glove back to his wrist.

"The High Council has already made a decision, and the law on illegitimate children does not apply to this child," Duke Cullen squeezed a smile on his fat face: "This child can have the surname of Canxing, and everything the prince has. right."

"The bloodline of Canxing is renewed, and there are people who will succeed the stars."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

King Kessel V finally showed a miserly smile. He nodded and gestured towards Gilbert.

The hall finally erupted with loud shouts one after another!

Applause, cheers, shouts, and the constant crowd of people crowding the shield line of the guards.

Kosted didn't listen to what Cullen said, but just stared at Duke Cullen with wide eyes.

Bob Cullen.

You are the beginning of all this.

You are...

But you...


you this.


"Let him be your future king." Gusted stared at Duke Cullen, gritted his teeth, and spit out a few words: "One day, you will regret it!"

The expressions of the dukes were different. Val stared blankly at Thales, Jann folded his arms and sneered, Falkenhauser stared at everyone playfully, and Lyanna still looked cold, only occasionally glanced at Thales.

As for Thales, his mind went blank for a moment.

Passed today's level?

I saw Gilbert waved his hand excitedly, and took a plate from an attendant beside him, on which was a rolled-up document.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Xiao."

"Even though it's a bit crude and hasty, there are still necessary ceremonies."

King Kessel V nodded expressionlessly.

With trembling hands, Gilbert handed over the scroll with the nine-pointed star seal to the Supreme King.

The nobles with different expressions slowly dispersed, leaving the center of the terrace for the father and son.

"Kneel down." King Kessel V still looked complicated, but looked at Thales very seriously.

The traverser adjusted his breathing and knelt down on one knee.


He said to himself.

this day.

Although this is not the future he can choose, wants to choose, wants to choose.

But in this dangerous and unknown world, he was like a small boat being tossed about by huge waves, unable to control his own destiny at all.

In fact, he is still alive, which is already extremely lucky.

And now... Thales looked across.

King Kessel V removed the wax from the scroll and slowly pulled it away.

Tens of thousands of people in Xingju Square,

Seeing a small figure knelt down in front of His Majesty the King, they all excitedly cheered, roared, clapped their hands, and some even started to attack the order lines of the city defense team and the security hall.

"Bright star——Bright star—"

"In the name of the thirty-ninth supreme king of the Star Kingdom, the Southern Islands, and the Western Desert, Kessel Mindyth Eddie Canstar."

King Kessel V read the content on the scroll, and stared at Thales with a pair of sky blue pupils.

"The person in front of me is a descendant of Canxing, the blood of the kingdom!"

"The goddess of the setting sun bears witness to his bloodline."

"The Canxing royal family guarantees his identity."

"The High Council recognizes his rights."




The three pillars of the stars.

Thales squeezed his knees harder and harder, and couldn't help but think of the ups and downs of the state meeting just now.

"Regardless of your past, when you stand up, you will be (You_will_stand_up_as)..."

"That is..."

Speaking of this, King Kessel V suddenly paused, and the hand holding the scroll trembled slightly.

Thales frowned.

He knew why the king stopped here.

he knows.

Thales' thoughts went back to a few hours ago.


In the final corridor leading to the Hall of Stars, Gilbert confirmed Thales' name with him.

"According to the usual practice, members of the royal family have two middle names, the latter is the name of the father, and the former is the name of an important person who has influenced you... Generally, they are famous members in the history of the royal family, such as the three kings of stars you have seen, For example, Kyla Canxing, the 'wolf enemy' of the Extreme Realm, and Su Mei Canxing, who is a great musician..."

"Are you sure you want to do this? You know... this name is even rarer than 'Tiers', this will..." Gilbert followed behind Thales in embarrassment.

"Yes! Mr. Gilbert, I've made my decision!"

"It's like the imprint and memory on me." Thales walked forward step by step with firm eyes. "No matter what the price is, I don't want to give up."

"I'm about to become a shining star," he panted slightly, recalling what he had seen in the royal cemetery: "But if I can't control my future, at least let me control my name."

Thales raised his head and walked forward firmly.

There is no intention of turning back.

Gilbert and the complex-looking Jine exchanged glances, and nodded helplessly.

His Majesty probably won't be happy.


Time returns to the present.

Just when the nobles started to frown and talk about His Majesty's abnormal condition, King Kessel V took a deep breath, as if he was gathering courage and perseverance. shouted:

"When you get up, it means—"

"Thals Serangelana Kessel Canxing!"

"The second prince of the Star Kingdom!"

After reading the contents of the scroll, King Kessel V looked at Thales, but seemed to be lost in thought.

The nobles began to discuss.


Who is that?

Thales Canxing slowly stood up from the ground.

He is already a shining star.

The second prince.

He is also the only prince of the Star Kingdom.

The only heir to the Supreme King.

The guards hurriedly passed on the words layer by layer, reaching all corners of Xingju Square.

The deafening mountain call, one after another, like a wave rewinding, sounded again.

But this time, the chaotic and loud voices of the crowd quickly became clear and clear because of the reference target.

"Thals Serangelana Kessel Canxing—"

"The second prince—the second prince—"

"Thals Serangelana Kessel Canxing—"

"The second prince—the second prince—"

Amidst the cheers that shook the sky, Thales glanced at the sky in a trance.

The setting sun is hanging in the west, emitting endless red light.

The outer wall of this magnificent Fuxing Palace was illuminated bright red.

Just like the color of blood.

It's dusk.

"Thank you for your hard work today." Gilbert walked up excitedly and bowed slightly to him: "Please come with me."

"His Royal Highness Prince."


Somewhere in the Eastern Continent.

In a dark and dilapidated building, two men were sitting around the fire, both wearing white robes embroidered with golden suns.

"Master in charge, have you heard?" One of the younger people raised his head and asked curiously: "The Kingdom of the Night has been in turmoil recently. I heard that many vampires have left and fled to the Western Continent."

The older officer in charge nodded indifferently: "The temple has already sent people to investigate."

"But in the Western Continent, the Sunset Temple is more powerful than our Xiri, right?" The young man saw that the officer in charge didn't show any signs, so he asked tentatively: "I heard that people in the Western Continent are at peace with vampires and werewolves. Together, the Sunset Temple no longer hunts dark creatures. Can our people pass under the influence of the sunset?"

The officer in charge raised his head and gave him a cold look.

"Why do you think our world is called 'Erol'?"

"Ah? I saw it when I was learning the language." The young priest of the Sunshine Temple scratched his head: "Erol is the god of the holy day, who is in charge of the rising and setting of the sun, and determines the source of all things—so our The world is called Errol's world, isn't it?"

The officer in charge of Xi Ri snorted and said with a mysterious smile: "You were sent to guard the seal, but you are not qualified to read those historical books, so you only know this."

The young priest showed eagerness and curiosity on his face.

"Our world wasn't originally called Errol—it was renamed Errol after the end of the war."

The officer in charge said silently.

"At the end of the war that almost destroyed the world, Errol, the God of the Holy Sun, sacrificed himself—otherwise the world would not just be split into two continents."

"From now on, the world will be named after Errol to commemorate the God of Holy Days and his feat of sacrificing himself to save the world."

The young priest widened his eyes in surprise: "So the legendary God of Holy Days was given by those disasters—"

The officer in charge raised his hand with a chill face, interrupted the priest's rhetorical question, and continued:

"In the ashes of the holy day, the two gods inherited his light and rose again."

The young priest suddenly understood something and opened his mouth wide.

"That's right, Maharaja Xiri and Goddess Sunset are originally one, and they hold the holy day together."

The officer in charge showed a cold light in his eyes:

"The holy day shines on all things, is there any difference?"

"Can the rituals of Xiri operate within the range of the setting sun? This is the answer."

But the officer in charge looked at the joyous sacrifice, and secretly added a sentence in his heart:

Of course, at least we think so.

As for the setting sun...

At this moment, an inexplicable vibration suddenly came from this dilapidated and dark building!

Dust fell from the collapsed stone pillars everywhere.

The expressions of the two of them changed at the same time!

No way?

They jumped up and ran towards the very center of the building coldly and vigilantly.

"Get ready for the summoning candle, don't be stingy!" The officer in charge shouted as if facing an enemy!

"To deal with that kind of evil—prepare for the worst!"

They arrived at their destination.

In the dark building, on the stone floor in the center, a strange pattern was painted with strange paint.

It was a large circle nearly ten meters wide, filled with strange formulas and letters, and in the middle of the circle was a six-fingered black claw.

The shaking continued.

The young priest looked puzzled, and put away a white gold-patterned candle in his hand.

He frowned and said, "The seal is still intact, it hasn't broken free."

But the officer in charge was still fully on guard. Feeling the shock, he turned his head and asked with a stern expression: "But what's going on? This kind of shock..."

The young priest thought of something, hurriedly took out an old black book from his arms, flipped through a page, and interpreted it with difficulty:

"Inexplicable vibration...inexplicable vibration...ah, yes, here it is!"

But the priest looked at it for a while, then raised his head and looked at the officer in charge in embarrassment.

"What's the matter?" The officer in charge asked displeasedly, "You are the only one here who has received complete training in the characters of the ancient empire!"

"No... This notebook says that occasional agitation of the seal is normal."

The young priest frowned and said:

"But...sudden solar activity, moon tides, the diversion of the prison river, and even the Seven Lords of Hell digging their boogers and yawning, the kingdom of the gods has nothing to do with bedroom decoration-God, what kind of disrespectful words- — Multiple extreme masters passed by, and even the name of the sealed item was called by many people at the same time, which may cause energy fluctuations and life agitation...the degree of intensity varies..."

The priest flipped through the notes, and in the sound caused by the vibration, let out a sigh of relief:

"God, I'm really convinced by these mages. There are six or seven different conditions for a question, and there are more than 20 possible answers. After writing it, you have to mark it as 'to be continued'. What does it mean that you can't find the answer? The difference? No wonder they went extinct."

"There must be one with the highest possibility, so just ignore it?" The officer in charge suppressed his anger and asked:

The young priest hurriedly flipped through the notes, his eyebrows furrowed:

"I don't know, I'm just a third-class white-robed priest of Xiri Temple...not..."

At this moment, the vibration suddenly stopped.

The two raised their heads and looked at each other. They both saw the doubt and relief in each other's eyes.

The shock did not come again.

The officer in charge finally heaved a sigh of relief, gave the priest a hard look, turned around and left.

The priest looked at the back of the officer in charge, and continued his words aggrieved:

"...It's not an extinct mage or witch... knows everything and can use various methods to find out everything..."

The officer in charge said without looking back: "You should be lucky, they are all extinct!"

His tone was full of annoyance.

The angry young priest glanced at the six-fingered black claw and rolled his eyes.

"If those mages are not extinct," the back of the officer in charge disappeared behind the stone pillar, but his displeased voice continued:

"Where is it your turn, a rookie, to sit here and guard the seal?"

If mages are not extinct...Of course it's not my turn to be here...


The young priest raised his eyebrows, glanced at the circle on the ground from the corner of his eye, shook his head, and spread his hands helplessly.

Are you kidding me?