
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 48 Lyanna Turbuck

"No (Nah)!" Kosd said loudly: "Who wants to see a star in chaos? Just vote 'yes'!"

"No!" "No!" Sorel of the Yadi Territory and Earl Dastan both followed.

Val Arend frowned and said, "I don't know how this is going to affect the war in front of me..."

"Master Val," Gust said calmly, "Yadi's whole army came out, and the promise to support the northern border is still valid. Yadi borders the northern border, and we will never watch our friends fall into the flames of war—you know, we Being the closest, sending troops to support is more effective than the royal family."

"But I'm very worried that Xingchen's future will be ruined in the hands of an illegitimate son who makes all the officials fearful, and also fears all the officials."

Gust's one-eyed stared at Val with a serious expression.

Val was silent for a long time, and finally let out a sigh.

This iron-clad warrior lord said desolately: "This is for the northern border, for Arend."

Where no one was looking, the scepter in King Kessel V's hand was getting tighter and tighter.

"No." The Duke of the North said in a lonely voice.

Earl Zemuto and Earl Forrest also sighed deeply: "No." "No."

"Six people object."

Duke Cullen said with a deadpan expression.

Jinny looked at the Duke of the North in disbelief.

Thales closed his eyes weakly.

"Earl Talen!"

"I know that your territory is near the Central Territory, and you have a good relationship with the royal family," Gust said to one of the sixteen people, Earl Bern Talen of the Pentagram, "We dukes are really not too fit to inherit the throne,"

"But you are different! The pentagram is a branch of the nine-pointed star in history," Gusd raised his hand, his words were full of temptation: "If the king has no established heir, you must also be on the candidate list. "

All eyes were on Earl Talen.

Bourne Talen was drenched in cold sweat. He looked at King Kessel V, but the latter just looked back at him coldly.

"Of course, as a strong contender for the throne, does this kid think that you are also involved in those so-called conspiracies?" Gust laughed.

Thales was anxious and was about to speak, but the king held him down.

"Born, just follow your own heart." King Kessel V closed his eyes and said solemnly: "Pentagram, after all, is not a nine-pointed star."

Bern Talen hesitated, took a deep breath, and finally said dejectedly:

"The Taron family... abstained!"

Many lords frowned again.

Kost showed a silent smile.

Tarun of the pentagram is the only royal family among the thirteen noble families that is not in the vicinity of the territory of the six wealthy families. They are close to the central territory of the royal family and have always been strong supporters of Canxing.

But now they...

At this moment.

"Yes (Aye)!"

Everyone looked in surprise, only to see that the one who made the sound was Jan Kevin Dill who had been silent for a long time!

He was the first to agree with Thales.

Seeing the Duke of Iris who ruled the South Bank Territory, Zhan En looked coldly at Gust, who had a stunned and then a gloomy expression.

Thales stared at him blankly, but he didn't have the slightest intention to look back at Thales.

Count Karabyan and Count Lasia nodded and stepped forward together: "Yes." "Yes!"

"It seems that your strategy is still effective," Gilbert said to Thales in a low voice, "In this case, it still won valuable support for us."

The Duke of Falkenhaus of the Western Wilderness Territory, his sharp laughter suddenly sounded: "Haha, I vote 'yes'!"

"No!" "No!" The voices of Kolomo and Bozdov followed suit.

Amidst the doubts of many people, Kosted said angrily: "Old bones! Why..."

"Why are my tickets different from those of Count Kolomo and Count Bozdorf?" Falkenhauser interrupted him,

Haha laughed: "Oh, I'm not their lord, so I can't rule them. Isn't this very normal?"

He stared mockingly at the other dukes: "After all, the thirteen noble families are not the 'guard dogs' of our six great families!"

Many counts blushed and turned their heads away.

But after counting the votes, many royal supporters sighed and lowered their heads.

"Eight people opposed, four people were in favor, and one person abstained."

Duke Cullen tremblingly said: "There are sixteen people here. Since the opposition has already reached half, it seems that there is no need to continue."

Gilbert sighed softly.

Thales could only smile wryly after hearing the result.

Are you still too naive?

I don't know why, at this moment, King Kessel V is still expressionless. He can only sigh that he is the supreme king after all, so calm.

In a corner not far away, Molat chuckled, and the leader of the secret department whispered: "It seems that although that child's performance was excellent, he still has to use a backup plan. Are you ready?"

Raphael tightened his gloves, and said happily: "Although there are some accidents, it is absolutely safe."

"Since the result has been decided, everyone, please put away your guilt!" Gusted smiled, looked at the lords with different expressions, and said:

"Yu Si, this is for your family, Yu Gong," Kosd looked contemptuously at Jine, who was gnashing her teeth, and Thales, who had a gray face.

"The stars cannot be ruled by ignorant women and children!"

At this moment, a cold and mellow young female voice came from the distance of the hall!

"Ignorant women and children?"

The crowd was in a commotion!

The nobles on the terrace turned their heads one after another and whispered to each other after seeing who was coming.

"However, I am ignorant."

Qinghan's female voice seemed to have a magical power that could pass through the crowd.

"Also young and naive."

Thales poked his head out strangely.

"And it's a woman!"

Under the reprimand of the guards, the crowd separated.

From the crowd, a 14 or 15-year-old girl walked out, with chestnut-colored hair, and immaturity was faintly visible on her beautiful face.

At this moment, the young girl had a stern expression on her face, staring at everyone on the balcony.

She was wearing a dark black cloak, leather boots with spurs, and a purple and black hunting suit, which made people's eyes shine.

A brooch was pinned to the left shoulder, on which appeared to be a blood-red crescent moon.

But for some reason, Thales always felt that the stern look of the chestnut-haired girl seemed to be trying to fake it.

The crowd's discussion became louder and louder.

Many lords whispered to each other when they saw the blood-red crescent moon, while the dukes all frowned.

Behind the chestnut-haired girl, followed two noblemen, one was a middle-aged man with flaxen hair and a smile on his mouth, a golden sunflower was embroidered on his clothes, the other was a middle-aged man with long hair and gloomy eyes, On the cuff is a big fish with one head and three tails. The mouth of the fish is opened ferociously, and there are densely packed fangs inside.

"But it's me, the ignorant women and children you speak of,"

The girl walked up to the surprised Kost, raised her head proudly, and looked aggressively at the one-eyed man who was a head taller than her.

"At the blade leader who rules the Star Kingdom!"

The chestnut-haired girl's voice turned cold: "Do you have any comments, Duke of Nantrester, whom I met for the first time?"

"You are...Blood Moon, the Turbak family," Gustad looked at her in disbelief, his one-eyed eyes were uncertain: "Duchess?"

The chestnut-haired girl ignored him again, but went straight to the king and knelt down on one knee.

"Lyanna Turbuck." Kessel sighed, and stretched out his right hand with a look of nostalgia:

"The last time I saw you was about twelve years ago, when you were only three years old, I remember Sonia returned to Yongxing with John's body, held you in her arms, and told me in tears , this is the next Duchess of Tebak."

The Duchess of Lyanna Tabac—the unsmiling girl kissed the king's ring lightly, and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, you and Your Excellency the Flower of the Fortress, as well as the kindness of the late Duke of Star Lake, I will never forget!"

"This is the only remaining orphan girl of the Tebak family that the Duke of Xinghu rescued from the rebels in the bloody year?" Duke Val looked at this resolute girl who was younger than his own daughter, and sighed: " The southwest is far away, and the road is difficult, I thought you couldn't catch up."

Is this girl the only orphan left after the Tebak family was slaughtered by the rebels from the six southwest cities in the Year of Blood?

Val glanced at Kessel and sighed: It really looks like Canxing's family.

"It took some time to gather the vassals. The same is true for recruiting soldiers," Lyanna bowed respectfully to Iron Eagle: "Please rest assured, if the kingdom is in trouble, Tebak will do his best, regardless of sacrifices, rewards, or gains or losses! "

After hearing these words, some earls secretly looked at Gust, who snorted softly and turned his head.

"The oath is eternal, even if the sword and ax are used on the body, and the blood is spilled all over the ground, the blood moon will always stand by the side of the nine-pointed star's house!"

King Kessel V looked at the girl with a firm face, nodded slowly, and then watched the two nobles behind her come forward, knelt down and kissed his ring.

"Shukadel, and Kisen," Kessel said steadily, "I hope you will support each other in the southwest and cooperate seamlessly. May the tragedy of the bloody year never happen again."

"Of course, Your Majesty," Bruce Schukadel, who was in his prime, smiled cautiously: "Although the sunflower hangs alone overseas, it will always be a star."

"Piranhas will devour all enemies that harm the blood moon or nine-pointed star," Gunther Kissen looked around with cold eyes, "whether they come from home or abroad."

"Ah, ah, as expected of the general edict of the stars!" Falkenhauser's ironic and ugly laughter, matched with his applause, sounded again at the right time: "Six wealthy families and thirteen prominent families gathered in the capital!"

"It's a wonderful sight I haven't seen in twelve years!"

Cyril's sharp laugh continued: "It would be even better if there was no war with Exeter...Of course, without the war, we wouldn't be here either!"

No one paid any attention to him. Everyone was calculating how the sudden arrival of the Southwest Blade Leader and the three major families, as well as their positions, would affect the situation.

Kost's face turned sharply. He looked at Duke Cullen with urging expressions in his eyes.

But the old Guardian Duke of the East China Sea didn't even look at him, he just said tremblingly: "It's just right, this... Lai... Duchess Lyanna..."

But he was soon interrupted by a girl with a chill face.

"Cut out the nonsense! It's the first time I've met you, grandpa, I'm afraid you'll have an asthma attack if you keep talking."

Duke Cullen choked for a moment, and opened his mouth in a daze, not knowing how to react.

Lord of Blade Hill, Duchess of Blade Leader, Lyanna Tebak turned sharply - Thales!


Thales coughed quickly and showed an amiable smile.

Lyanna's sharp eyes scanned up and down, and Thales found that the other party had a pair of blue eyes.

He involuntarily straightened his chest, stood upright, and when he was about to salute...

"Fortunately, you're not too ugly." Lyanna nodded indifferently and snorted.

"It's just that I'm a little thinner, my expression is a little meaner, and I'm a little shorter."

The expression... a bit cheap?



Thales also stood there in a daze, raised his hand that was about to salute to mid-air, and retracted it resentfully.

He and Duke Cullen in front of him looked at each other, and saw the understanding of sympathy in each other's eyes.

"About whether he can become a prince," Lyanna turned around, looked at all the nobles firmly, and said loudly:

"I, Duchess of Tebak, vote 'Yes'!"

Before everyone could react, Count Skadel and Count Kissen behind them took a step forward, one chuckled lightly, and the other glanced ferociously at the crowd, and said in unison:


Gilbert's hand on Thales' shoulder unintentionally tightened a lot amidst the excitement.

But Thales has no time to care.

His heart thumped and started beating again.

She agrees?

There was another commotion in the hall!

The Xingju Square started to be noisy again.

Duke Cullen sighed:

"Then, eight people are against it, seven people are in favor, and one person abstains."

"Because of the presence of Tebak, Schukadel, and the Kissen family, nineteen members of the High Council gathered, so up to now, neither the opposition nor the approval has reached more than half."

"Only Harvey from the East China Sea, Earl Almond, and me, the old fat man, are left."

Kost clenched his fists, his heart sank.

Damn it.

That little bitch ruled Tebuk, the upstart Shukadel, and the mad dog Kissen.

Are they the shadows that the king has prepared long ago?

Impossible, in such a short period of time...

Fortunately, Cullen and the two big families in the East China Sea under his influence are still on the side of our "new star"... They voted against it. The boy has no inheritance rights, so we can make a long-term plan...

While Guster was thinking, Duke Cullen made a vote.