
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 27 Don't, It Will Hurt

When Thales woke up from the weakness and coma caused by excessive blood loss


He was leaning under a huge birch tree.

Rolf stood by his side tightly, watching him wake up, the Wind Follower heaved a sigh of relief.

"The situation... How is it?" Thales asked weakly as he touched the two fang scars on his neck that had miraculously stopped bleeding.

[very good]

Rolf gestured with difficulty.

With the help of Rolf, he tried his best to sit up and looked at the two huge terrifying monsters, one red and one white, under the moonlight not far away.

Serena restrained her bone wings weakly, supported a birch tree with bruises all over her body, spat out a mouthful of blood in embarrassment, and panted violently.

Once she had the absolute advantage, she tried her best to raise her head, and looked at the arrogant and glamorous—the real Katerina's body with only a few scratches.

"It seems that the victory has been divided, the sinner who killed the father." The Queen of the Night said coldly, holding|no|wrong|novel [qul][ed]pure white right claw:

"Should he be captured without a fight, or be executed on the spot?"

Serena tried her best to support her body, gritted her teeth, and tightly closed her eyes.

In the "second round" of the deathmatch, Serena, who was in a bad state and had all her cards out of the hole, faced Katerina, who recovered in an instant and was vigorous and better than before, except that her left arm was brutally torn off from behind In addition, her right calf was also broken - one of Katerina's "Cry of Blood" results - she couldn't even keep her balance standing on the ground, a bone wing was torn into three pieces, and all her body was broken. It was a layer upon layer of tearing wounds, Serena's only right claw had already broken two, and a bloody and terrifying wound snaked down from the ugly face to her chest.

Serena resisted the dizziness from the serious injury, and stared blankly at everything in front of her.

Did you fail?

She racked her brains for calculations.

A plan that the authorities have exhausted.

Borrow the power of the stars to cleanse the opponents of the Holy Blood Corps.

Use the power of the stars to ambush and counter Katerina.

Or at least cut off the wings around her.

Even in the worst case, one must be able to hide and protect oneself.

These goals—Serena looked desperately at the frail boy not far away—had none of them been achieved?



Serena lowered her head and sighed: Is it that difficult?

Her eyes dimmed, and her body began to be unable to support the huge consumption of her true form. Her blood and tissues automatically shrank and transformed, and her figure shrank. She changed from an "ugly woman" back to the enchanting Serena.

"Very good, if you still have one advantage," Katerina narrowed her eyes, her paws lightly slid across a birch tree beside her, leaving deep scratches:

"That means you can always seize the opportunity to surrender to save your life."

The naked Serena, who had turned back into a human form, gave a weak sneer, and insisted that it was a matter of course. "

"Always love and protect."

At this moment, Serena's and Katerina's ears moved at the same time.


In the nearby birch forest, there was the sound of flying at extremely high speed.

The next second, the old butler Chris Corleone appeared in front of Katrina!


After a fight with the surprised latter, Chris instantly retreated to Serena's side, pulled out the cloak he had prepared, and put it on for Serena.

I saw that the fine clothes on his body were tattered, part of which was squeezed when he turned into his true form, and part of which was left over from the fierce fight with Heesta.

"Your Highness," Chris Corleone just glanced at it and understood the current situation. He said solemnly:

"I strongly suggest that we retreat temporarily."

Thales frowned: He remembered Gilbert's evaluation of this old blood man.

The Queen of the Night showed a complicated look.

"Chris Corleone, with your military exploits, you are worthy of a Marquis."

"I still remember the surprise in my father's eyes when you proposed to serve us as a steward... Now it seems that he is too old a subordinate.

" Katerina raised her pure white and strange true-shaped head, and frowned slightly:

"Where's Hesta?"

"He got what he wanted, Her Highness Katerina," Chris turned around, and politely bowed slightly to the real Patriarch of Corleone, the second in the family:

"Haesta has died honorably and happily in battle, leaving without regret, freed from the pain of immortality."

Only us old comrades are left... Chris sighed in his heart: continue to suffer in this world full of lies.

Hearing the news of her subordinate's death, Katerina roared ferociously, and spread her bone wings again.

At this moment, the bushes moved!

"Shua! Shua! Shua!"

More than a dozen silhouettes came back and forth, appearing behind Katerina with frame skipping!

The soldiers of the Holy Blood Corps finally arrived long overdue.

Chris supported the ashen-faced Serena, observing the worsening situation with a dignified and serious expression.

"Your Majesty."

The remaining twelve male and female soldiers of the Holy Blood Corps, although each had injuries of varying sizes, all had firm faces and saluted the Queen of the Night respectfully.

Katerina didn't even look at it, but nodded slowly.

"Surround them—the traitors." She ordered indifferently.

At that moment, she seemed to have returned to her proper role - the lonely and mysterious Queen of the Night who spread her reputation during the two hundred years of war in the Eastern Continent.

The twelve figures dispersed in an instant, tightly surrounding Serena and Chris.

Although no one took a second look at them, Thales felt his heart tighten when he saw these people appear.

This is the Holy Blood Corps - in such a fierce battle, there were not many casualties.

"Be ready at any time, play by ear," Thales panted weakly, and said to Rolf seriously:

"Both parties have deep rifts with us, so don't let your guard down."

Rolf nodded.

Thales began to worry about the others again.

With so few casualties in the Holy Blood Corps, what happened to Putilei, Wyah, Jorah, and Canxing's private soldiers?

Hmm... Did I forget someone?


Who did I forget?

Thales scratched his head with difficulty and distress, trying to remember.

But soon he won't have to worry anymore.

"Ahaha, you are here, kid!" A carefree greeting came from behind!

Thales sighed.

It turned out to be her.

Ada, the female guard on Thales' trip, dragged the dying and powerless Simon Corleone with one hand, and walked out of the bushes like a donkey pulling a mill, which immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

"I didn't expect you to be alive..." Ada said excitedly.

Thales rolled his eyes.

He turned his head, but was stunned together with Rolf.


Ida, with a clear face, silver eyes and bright hair, and slightly waving pointed ears, threw Simon aside, exhaled as if relieved, turned around and clapped her hands, and was speechless to the surprised face. Thales said briskly and disdainfully:

"Have you never seen an elf?"

"I still haven't seen an elf who is as beautiful as I am, as handsome as I am, and as temperamental as I am?"


"I guess, based on their sense of smell and hearing, that group of vampires may have found His Highness," Wyah Castle cut off the branches above his head, clutched his newly bandaged left rib, and looked at the birch bushes that could not be discerned in the dark , with difficulty:

"And we're still running around like headless chickens!"

"Instead of complaining when you have time," Puttilai lit a torch, carefully observed the footprints and wheel marks on the snow, and said indifferently:

"It's better to save your energy, you might have to use your sword later—if you can still swing it."

Behind him was a Canxing private soldier who met on the road alone, supporting Qiao La, who was almost unconscious.

"Damn it, I lost His Highness Thales the first time I escorted him," Wyatt sighed remorsefully as he felt the injury.

"I'm probably the worst prince attendant in the history of the stars!"

Hearing this, Puttilai's hand holding the torch suddenly trembled slightly.

"No." Just listening to the deputy envoy of the mission, Lord Putilei Nyman said slowly that you are not. "

Huai Ya turned his head and looked at Putilei in surprise.

I saw that the vice envoy who has always been unfaithful to others showed his loneliness and sadness abnormally:

"I, you are not the worst attendant."

"There used to be...a prince's attendant...much worse than you now."

"It can be said to be a complete failure."

"Who?" Huai Ya asked in a daze which attendant? "

Puttilai closed his eyes dejectedly, but shook his head.

At this moment, Huai Ya's face changed, and his figure turned sharply!

The single-edged sword in the attendant's hand was unsheathed in an instant, and he slashed back obliquely!


Puttilai clutched his right shoulder, which was severely injured in an instant, and fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

It was a wound cut by sharp claws, only a few inches short of the throat!

And Jorah fell powerlessly to the ground. Beside him, the Canxing private soldier knelt down in disbelief, clutching his slashed neck, struggling to suck in the last breath of air in his life.

"Damn it!"

Wyatt's action just now touched the already serious wound. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain. With one hand propped on the ground, he looked up at the enemy who suddenly appeared.

"Very good intuition, kid," the handsome blond Eastren Corleone, a super-speed vampire with extraordinary speed, stood in front of the group of them, licking his blood-stained sharp claws.

He showed a determined smile:

"At this age, with this skill and the ability to finish - you are one of the 'seeds' of the Tower of Finish, right? There are no mistakes."

Eastron took a step forward, his eyes flickering coldly:

"Would it taste more delicious?" There is no mistake without skipping words.


"No," Thales shook his head helplessly, letting go of the surprise and doubt in his heart, but he had never seen such a... um, a conscientious elf. "

The next moment, Thales received a violent shudder on his head!


Under Rolf's stunned eyes, Thales touched his head tearfully, and looked at Ada pitifully.

This is the guard!

"Hey hey hey! That's your expression and answer!"

Under the tearful eyes of Thales and the unkind eyes of all the vampires, Ada hummed dissatisfiedly, and unconsciously kicked the unconscious Simon Corleone:

"I have gone through untold hardships, tried my best, and resorted to various methods to capture this terrifying opponent alive... and then cleverly capture him as a hostage, so that you have more bargaining chips! Capture alive is more important than killing It's hard, it cost me a lot!"

Well, that's right, that's it.

It's not because I got lost in the bushes.

Ada raised her head proudly.

"Then immediately came to support... to save you!"

Thales rolled his eyes helplessly again.

"Thank you for just——no, I'm rushing now."

"There's only one question." Thales covered his forehead and sighed:

"Are you from the police?"

"Ah?" Ada, who came to him, froze for a moment.

"Ah, I mean," Thales sat up straight with his weak body supported, his expression changed, and he said seriously:

"You came just in time!"

"Catch the enemy alive, well done!"

Only then did Ada grin the corners of her mouth and give a hey smile.

Katerina turned her head, looked at the sluggish Simon, and then stared at Thales again.

You want to use him as a bargaining chip? It seems that we are still not here.

Thales looked back at the Queen of the Night without showing any weakness.

Of course—you belong to Serena after all!

"Enough," Katerina turned her head coldly, decided to settle the family affairs first, and shouted:

"Serena Corleone, Chris Corleone, get caught!"

"I promise, according to our tradition, I will give you a fair trial!"

Chris looked at the blood warriors surrounding them, and Ada in the distance, and sighed.

He is going to change his real shape, and make a last-ditch effort.

At this moment, Serena suddenly stretched out her hand to stop her subordinates from moving.

"Do you think this is the end?" There is no mistake without skipping words. Serena smiled miserably, looking at the one who was sure of winning.

Katerina frowned.

to this point.

She still has cards?

Thales suddenly remembered what Serena said.

[The war will cleanse the opponents of the Holy Blood Corps, and give me a more obedient Kingdom of the Night... and the true descendant of Corleone will turn the tide at the last moment...]


At the last moment, try to turn the tide?

He was shocked.

Serena only has three people, facing the attack of the star lords, how can they turn the tide?

So, this sentence means...

Thales frowned:

She has foreign aid?

next moment.

Serena showed a desolate expression, opened her mouth suddenly, spit out a crimson ball from her throat, and caught it in her hand.

It was a weird, wriggling round ball.

Chris on one side suddenly changed color!

Katerina showed doubts: She doesn't know this.

Thales's heart moved, and that strange fluctuation surged into his eyes.

That round ball.

It's exuding... crimson light.

The texture of this light...is it familiar?

Thales shuddered, and turned to the black coffin in the distance.

Is it the light of the legendary anti-magic armed forces?

Could it be that the red ball is also...

"," Katerina asked sarcastically:

"Do you want to fight until the last soldier?" There is no mistake or skipping words.

Serena ignored her.

She was just ashamed and resigned to her fate, and she crushed the wriggling red ball under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The ball was crushed in the palm of the hand, and a red liquid flowed out.

Like blood.

"You guys forced me to do this." Serena said with a hoarse voice, lonely.

At first, it didn't happen either.

But in the next few seconds, a huge noise came from a distance!


It's like a flood erupting!


The sound is getting closer!

It's the direction of the east.

Everyone's expressions changed.

"You did it!" Katerina's face was gloomy, and she looked at Serena who had a desolate face.

Serena smiled bitterly and made my last and last choice. "

The huge noise is getting louder and getting closer.

Everyone turned their heads vigilantly and looked around.

But around the birch forest under the moonlight, there is nothing!

"Hey, boy, you have a good brain...what the hell is this?" Ada asked strangely.

Thales shook his head solemnly.

He has a bad premonition.


That burst of flood-like sound was getting closer and closer, almost at hand - it came from the east!

But even the vampires, who are known for their keen hearing, looked at each other in surprise—obviously, they didn't hear it.

Finally, after a few seconds, the sound gradually became smaller.

gradually weakened.

In the end, it finally disappeared completely.

Everyone looked at each other inexplicably. No one understood that something had just happened.

Only Thales, he stared at the east in a daze.

With his eyes under that wave, he saw something.

Behind those birch bushes.

So... so bright.

Crimson... bright light.

Suddenly, under everyone's suspicious eyes, there was a "swish" sound from the direction where the strange noise disappeared.

That's the birch grove to the east.


It looks like someone is walking in the snow.

His footsteps are sloppy, as if he is not used to the snow.

Is it an ordinary person?


Katerina frowned, while Serena smiled miserably.

Finally, a thin figure appeared in everyone's field of vision.

That's the owner of the footsteps.

A girl.

A smiling girl.

She walked out slowly from behind a birch tree.

Seeing her, Serena Corleone, who was seriously injured, trembled uncontrollably.

Everyone else showed surprised and puzzled expressions, and looked at each other.

only one person?

who is she?

The girl quickly scanned the audience and said softly:

"Oh, so it's here."

Katerina frowned deeply.

who is she?

Is it Serena's reinforcements?

A weak girl?


Still some.

After all, it is Serena's back-up.

Katerina quickly thought about the situation.

The girl smiled, bright and brilliant, lovely and gentle.

But Thales instinctively felt an unprecedented danger!

"Can you give me that box? It was promised a long time ago." The girl smiled and pointed to the distance.

Thales turned his head, his face pale.

The girl pointed at...

Dark night black coffin!

Katerina's face was serious, and she took a step forward cautiously:

"No matter who you are," the Queen said calmly. I advise you not to interfere with the affairs here. "

The soldiers of the Holy Blood Corps looked sternly, looking at the desperate girl.

Under Katerina's voice transmission, some of them nodded, and the five blood warriors disappeared instantly, blocking in front of the girl.

They stared at the girl coldly.

"? You want to say 'no'?" The girl seemed a little surprised.

"Why is there such a person every time?"

"I will be very distressed."

"Don't say no..."

Under the suspicious eyes and expressions of everyone, she immediately shook her head with a smile:

"do not do it."

The girl happily showed her white teeth:

"It will hurt."

Thales looked suspiciously at the strange confrontation between the unknown girl and the vampires.

The way she speaks...

This kind of self-talk attitude...

I seem to have heard it somewhere...

At this moment, a voice mixed with fear and trembling came tremblingly:


Everyone turned their eyes.

I saw Simon Corleone, who had just woken up, sat up.

At this moment, he was staring at the girl with wide eyes, with uncontrollable panic on his face, like a mouse seeing a cat.


"Simon!" Katerina couldn't stand it anymore, and sternly called out to stop you from losing your composure! "

The blood warriors looked at each other in blank dismay, the difficult commander was actually in this state.

But that's not all.

The next moment, the experienced extreme master, the blood marquis of the Corleone family, one of Ye Jun's terrifying four wings, and the famous "Flash Wing" Simon Corleone, unexpectedly appeared on the snow like a child. He moved his buttocks, shivering and trembling.

"No...you don't, you don't understand...it...it..."

The girl looked at Simon tenderly and grinned.

Simon suddenly shivered. He was trembling. Under everyone's unbelievable eyes, his handsome face twitched. He shook his head desperately, sat on the ground and kicked back, as if he had seen the deepest nightmare.

I saw Simon twisted his face in a crying voice, and screamed in a terrified and fearful hiss:

"Run away!"


Chamber of Secrets.

"Take a breath and speak carefully."

In the darkness, "Black Prophet" Morat Hansen held his cane tightly, his face unprecedentedly heavy.

His capable man, Raphael Lindbergh, was leaning on the wall, panting, as if he had just rushed all the way to arrive, and anxiously said out of breath:

"Because the prince's mission is going north..."

"We... are deployed on the border between Xingchen and Exeter..."

"The people who searched for Ramon..."

"Also preparing to withdraw..."


"The two have never...none..."

"one day ago..."

"There are people...the body of one of them..."

Raphael lowered his body and supported his knees, gritted his teeth and panted, trying to let the breath go.

"And then!" Morat asked calmly:


next moment.

"Yes... yes..." Raphael raised his head, panted, and said through gritted teeth:

"is that one..."

Morat's pupils shrank, he squeezed the crutch in his hand, and listened to Raphael finish the word completely:
