
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 25 Thales' Secret

In the next twenty days, the weather in the capital turned cold, and the winter season came.

Under the fierce training of Ji Ni, Thales learned all three sets of guarding swordsmanship used by the ancient Northland army at the cost of more than two hours each morning and evening, under the necessary conditions of exhaustion, backache and backache. One set of attacking style, seven sets of attacking style, and one set of combined style, until the arms began to get used to the shape and weight of the shield and sword, and finally changed to a larger sword and shield. Hearing what Jinie said, he began the process of "learning to be beaten" from "passively beaten" in Jinie's mouth (still in Jinie's mouth).

"In the past, you were the one who was beaten up. Now, you need to know why you are the one who got beaten up." This is Jini who is extremely strict.

"Isn't that the same thing as being beaten—hey lady, you haven't shouted yet—hiss!" This was Thales who was in a hurry.

Under the strict supervision of Gilbert, Thales basically learned the advanced grammar of the common language and the basic use of the ancient imperial language in the cultural courses every afternoon and evening, and began to contact the rhetoric of the stars and nobles and some necessary Foreign language literacy (such as Far Eastern proverbs and elf warnings), and learned some basic common sense of Errol's world in his tireless history lessons.

"In the stars, a nobleman who doesn't know how to use the ancient imperial alphabet and ancient grammar for rhetoric is not qualified. And Mr. Thales, I believe you will need some time to get familiar with the complex and changeable ancient imperial alphabet..."

In the next second, watching Thales finish writing the ancient empire alphabet, Gilbert sighed depressedly, and threw the teacher's dignity into the end sea:

"...Um, well, let's move on to the next chapter, the basic rhetoric of the ancient imperial language."

In Thales' eyes, apart from the pony who took pleasure in throwing him, and the strange etiquette of the aristocrats, nothing seemed to go wrong, even Corleone's blood trio and the loli Grand Duke, he didn't come to bother him.

So... Thales nodded slightly in his heart: It's time to explore the mystery of himself.

One afternoon in a slightly warmer climate, Gilbert, holding a book and carrying a cane, saw Thales standing on a chair in the study, looking for something on the thick bookshelf, and couldn't help asking curiously:

"What are you looking for, my little mister?"

"Ah, Gilbert, wait for me for a while—according to the alphabetical order, it should be here... Hey, why is this book so thick..."

Gilbert chuckled, walked to the bookshelf, and helped Thales, who had just finished sword practice in the morning and was not physically strong, pull out the thick book from the books on both sides.

"Thank you, Gilbert, ah, this way, the books are ready." Thales wearily threw the thick book onto the fir desk and placed it with the books already on it. "

"This is..." The middle-aged nobleman approached and saw the titles of the top books clearly: "History of the Canxing Family", "Genealogy of the Star Royal Family", "10-612 Star Decree and King's Warrant Collection", "Stars Palace Collection", and several other books, as well as the "Star Kings" that I just got.

"These are some books that I found that might record my family's history based on the alphabetic words I have learned in the past few weeks. I plan to read them slowly after I can read them fluently." Thales scratched his head, Somewhat embarrassed, he said: "After all, as my father's only son, I don't know anything about Canxing, the royal family, or my bloodline family—it seems impossible to justify it."

Gilbert raised his eyebrows slightly, but he was relieved: Thinking about their conversation in the secret room, he knew that this little gentleman's adaptability and precociousness should never be underestimated.

"Especially after hearing what you said about the 'Revival King' Tormund, Ms. Jine told me something about the former king's eldest son, who is also my uncle, His Royal Highness Midil."

While Thales was talking excitedly, he tidied up the books on the table, and quietly piled a few books under the other books.

The traverser continued: "So, I am more curious about Canxing and the family I came from."

Gilbert looked at Thales, smiled, and nodded slightly.

He didn't notice Thales' slightly different breathing rate.

"Your eagerness to learn and work hard really please me... Ms. Ji Ni told you the story of the eldest son of the previous king?"

"Well, although not too much," Thales nodded, and pushed the book aside: "I probably know that Midear Canxing is a good person with a gentle smile, and seems to be very popular with everyone."

To Thales' surprise, Gilbert's eyes darkened, as if some memory had been brought to his attention: "It's more than just being popular..."

But he quickly replied and nodded thoughtfully: "I'm afraid you won't be able to find any records about him. After all, he is not the king of the stars, and he died not too long ago."

Thales rolled his eyes, opened a book naturally, blocked the back of the pile of books on the side, and said curiously: "In that case, Gilbert, do you know him? In your impression, my uncle , what kind of person is His Royal Highness Midil?"

Gilbert froze for a moment, then fell into deep thought, no longer paying attention to the pile of books in Thales' hand.

"His Royal Highness Prince Midil..." A few seconds later, Gilbert sighed slightly, with nostalgia in his words: "As early as when the former king Eddie was sixty years old, he had already started to assist the state affairs. People doubt that he will be another virtuous king after Mindis III."

"He supervised foreign affairs for a period of time, and I had the honor to work under His Highness."

"At that time, because of poor cooperation with my colleagues, I screwed up the task of receiving the City of Steel Mission: to entertain the dwarf prince from the Hall of Kings with a crystal wine glass bearing the emblem of the Holy Tree."

"At that time, His Royal Highness Midil persuaded the furious prince with humorous words: the reason why the holy tree wine cup appeared at the banquet was to commemorate the prince's grandfather, who had repelled the Holy Tree King's army. Deeds."

"And I can only feel ashamed."

"Afterwards, of course, His Royal Highness Midil did not punish me—as lenient as rumored—but he handed me the crystal wine glass with the emblem of the holy tree, and said to me..."

Having said that, Thales watched in surprise as Gilbert repeated the words of the former Crown Prince in an emotional tone:

"Kiel, the current value of this pitch wine glass is equivalent to the friendship between the Fuxing Palace and the Hall of Kings-this is a debt you owe to the kingdom. When you make enough achievements to pay for this value, you will Give me back this wine glass to pay off your debt."

Gilbert looked into the distance and didn't speak for a long time.

Thales was the only one left. Based on the stories told by Jenny and Gilbert, he tried hard to portray the image of that uncle in his mind: His Royal Highness, a prince with superb means and noble personality.

A few minutes later, Gilbert pondered and continued: "People in the world say that he is kind-hearted and gentle, but in the eyes of us officials, His Highness's talent and wisdom are not inferior to his character and temperament. ."

"It's hard to imagine how a person can be both benevolent and majestic, gentle and decisive—but His Royal Highness is that kind of person," Gilbert put down the book, put his hands behind his back, and admired in his eyes: " It's a bit exaggerated to say it, but until now, I feel that being a citizen of Star Kingdom is not worthy of such a fine Highness."

"It's too early to say this now," Gilbert seemed to have come to his senses, and said to Thales with burning eyes: "But if possible, Mr. Thales, I hope you, too, can His Royal Highness Midil as an example."

"Xingchen needs such an heir." Thales was slightly shocked by Gilbert's serious and earnest eyes.

At this moment, Thales suddenly remembered something.

"Gilbert, my uncle..." Thales lowered his head, hesitated for a moment, but then raised his head and asked, "How did he die?"

"You only said that he held the sword alone and died in front of the palace gate together with the guards."


"Alas..." Gilbert closed his eyes, let out a heavy sigh, and then said: "During the Bloody Year, he ordered the guards and soldiers to retreat, and walked into the crowd alone, without a single soldier. pawn, without hurting a single life, the crisis of the mob storming the palace gate was quelled."

"It's a pity that although his guards reacted in time, the assassins hidden in the mob had prepared six dark swords and sharp knives for him after planning for a long time. I'm so busy, when I know that the royal family has been assassinated... oh."

Thales looked into Gilbert's eyes and remained silent for a long time.

The traverser recalled the story of His Royal Highness Midil that Ji Ni abnormally told him a few weeks ago.

Especially her last two sentences:

"Thales, I know what Gilbert said to you today, but I don't know what you think, but——I still remember a letter that His Royal Highness Midil gave me back then. I wish to forward it to you unaltered:

Ma'am, I forgive you out of admiration, not pity.

I admire your courage to rush out of the shackles and break the shackles.

But now that you have made a choice, please don't hesitate, don't weakly go back to the birdcage that once suffocated you—don't let the spiritual birdcage lock your free wings, let alone the illusory rules Bar, sacrifice your true self.

I sincerely hope and bless you, and hope that your life will only belong to you from now on.

I wish you a smooth pass in the security officer qualification test. "

Thales was obsessed with the meaning of these words—what kind of state of mind did a crown prince who was born in what he called a "birdcage" say these words?

Until Gilbert called him back from his memories and trances, and started their afternoon classes.

Thales glanced at the pile of books at hand while listening to Gilbert explaining the four different voices of the lingua franca using ancient proverbs as examples.

To Gilbert just now, he wasn't telling the truth.

He wasn't looking for Canxing's family history, nor did he want to know about his saintly uncle.

What Thales was looking for was information about magicians.

From the first day he arrived at Mindis Hall, Thales has been planning to explore the "magic energy". After experiencing the unstable but effective explosion in the Grass Manor, he is interested in exploring his own secrets. The longing became more and more urgent.

And the history of the End War that Gilbert narrated, as well as his attitude towards "disasters"—so-called "magic masters" like Ashida—made him even more frightened.

Although... Thales whispered to himself: Jodl may have heard the conversation between himself and Ashida.

The three books "End of War: Sundering", "From the Final Empire to the Kingdom of the Stars" and "Cahill Yeluo's Travel Notes: Supplementary Collection of the Great Crack" are the real ones that he hides in many deceptive historical books. Goal: The truth about the end battle, about those "scourge" magicians.

In any case, it's best not to reveal the secret of the strange "magic energy" in his body to anyone until safety is ensured. After learning to read and write, it is safest to start with books.

And now, according to Gilbert's request, Thales began to transcribe noble expressions in different voices.

Compared to pretending to be relaxed and natural, he also muttered silently in his heart, hoping that Gilbert would not come up to read these books himself, leave after class, and not come to help him move the books back to his room.

If everything goes well and the peaceful days continue, maybe some progress will be made in the matter of his own secret soon.

But Thales will soon know that for a person like him, a peaceful life is always just an appearance.

For example, what Thales didn't understand was that not far outside the Mindis Hall, a meeting about his hidden secrets was taking place.

And his secret is in danger of being exposed.

Under the shade of the tree, Yoddle stood quietly, as if he was waiting respectfully for the people in the black carriage ahead, but anyone who had seen him fight knew that Yoddle was in a state of high tension at this time, ready to fight at any time. A state where you can attack.

"Long time no see, Little Joad."

With the sound of an old hoarse voice, an old figure tremblingly stepped down from the car door that the king pushed open.

Although the extreme perception has already let Yoddle know who the other person in the carriage is.

But when he actually saw him in person, the brows behind Yodel's mask couldn't help but frown.

This is an old man in a plain black robe, leaning on a wooden black cane, with thin and gray hair and many wrinkles, but his face is ordinary and inconspicuous, and cannot even impress even the most discerning people .

"Why don't you ask your father?" An old and hoarse voice sounded slowly from the old man's throat, as if he had been accumulating in the darkness all year round, so that he had no emotion.

Facing the old man's question, Jodl responded silently.

The old man grinned, revealing his gums with few teeth left: "Well, I almost forgot that even though my blood is flowing, your surname is Cato, not Hansen."

Yordle still didn't make any movement.

"I just came back not long ago." The old man seemed to have gotten used to Yodel's attitude long ago, and continued to speak without feeling disobedient at all.

"As for my children, I brought the survey results of Red Square Street, and there is another interesting thing."

Jodl still didn't answer.

The old man laughed softly, and said slowly:

"The secret department has been chasing after twelve years for the Qi magician, Ashida Sacon, who has no clue. It is confirmed that he has returned to the capital and appeared on Red Square Street."

The gear behind the yordle mask began to turn without anyone knowing it

"Although the Blood Bottle Gang is a gang co-founded by him and that murderous maniac, the famous Qi Magician came in person, obviously not just to destroy the Brotherhood and cut off the wings of the Black Sword."

Yoddle didn't say a word, but the gears behind his mask turned faster and faster.

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Cato," the old man let out an ugly laugh in his old and hoarse voice, "I'm just following His Majesty's order to find out how you have the blood of the royal family and can seal the magician. things."

Jodl suddenly raised his head!

On the mask, a pair of crystal lenses instantly changed from dark to bright yellow, staring at the old man in black.

"This mask is still so annoying. I have suggested to Your Majesty to throw it away as soon as possible..."

The old man in black was leaning on a cane, as if he didn't notice the gaze shot at him from behind the lens.

He walked tremblingly in front of Yodel, and laughed a few times:

"Then... as one of the legendary anti-demon armed forces, one of the bearers of the Supreme Sword and Shield, Mr. Yodel Gato."

"Can you explain clearly to me what happened to the Qi magician on the night of the incident?"