
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 16 Eternal Bloodline

The moonlight shone on the open space of Mancao Manor, and everyone stared blankly at the two children who fell on the ground, and there was a moment of silence.

Thales lay down on the ground panting. His naked upper body had nothing but the bandages on the wound. He only felt cold and pain.

And the silver-haired little loli in his arms pressed his shoulders expressionlessly and stood up, seeing the bandage on his chest—the burning wound the size of a silver coin underneath—smelling the blood on it, revealing A look of anticipation and fascination.

This expression frightened Thales to sit up quickly, and before this dangerous blood girl—Thales had already made her a boss monster who would turn into a vampire mummy at any time—saw her fangs, She pushes away from her arms.

Yordle and Chris appeared in front of the two children in an instant.

"I'm fine, Jodl, don't worry." Thales saw the wound on the secret guard's chest and showed a tired smile. The latter took off the cloak outside his tights and put it on Thales.

Thales nodded: "Before, there was an urgent matter that had to be dealt with."

He turned to another direction, there was a big pit, and a half-dead man with no legs was lying there.

The ghost with the wind, Midilla Rolfe, a struggler who broke free from the shackles.

A survivor who died unwillingly to escape pain.

"Mr. Gilbert, please save that person." Thales' eyes darkened, but he said firmly to Gilbert in the distance, "If it wasn't for him, I probably wouldn't be able to make you appear."

Also, the traverser said from the bottom of his heart: He is the first person he has saved in this damn world in a real sense.

Gilbert nodded, commanding the Swordsman of Ending beside him to rescue Rolf.

"Your Highness!" Chris's dead face now looked excited. He knelt down on one knee in front of the silver-haired little loli. He already had an extra blanket in his hand, and he covered her tremblingly.

Thales' shirt was not big enough and was damaged in many places. It could only cover the little girl's knees, and the two white legs below the little girl's knees were all exposed——When Chris thought of this, his eyes looked fierce. Look at Thales.

Although Your Highness has a noble status and doesn't care about the eyes of the ants, Chris, as the loyal steward of the Corleone family for more than a thousand years, naturally has to consider everything for the mistress.

"Your Highness, you have finally woken up!"

The cute red-eyed little girl nodded expressionlessly, habitually supported the hand that Chris offered, and said word by word in a tone unique to the superior: "Chris, you guys did a good job."

I saw this little loli with a baby-fat round face, and in a naive and cute voice, babbling and babbling:

"Loyalty must be rewarded."

Thales next to him took two seconds to understand the meaning of this sentence.

Loyalty must be rewarded.

Then he burst out laughing.

Such a serious word, said in the mouth of a little loli with leaking teeth, the style of painting is really horrible.

Chris, who was nodding gratefully, glared at him.

"Are you—His Highness?" Laurana and Eastron flashed in front of little Lolita, with uncertain expressions on their faces. The former looked at her short figure, and asked cautiously, "How did your appearance become like this?"

Little Loli raised her red pupils, looked at Thales with a complex expression, and then said indifferently:

"As long as it's rejuvenated, it's no longer necessary to change the original appearance."

After finishing speaking, little Lolita looked at Thales' expression of suppressing a smile, and seemed unaware of her pronunciation problem.

So, with a cold face again, she asked with some doubts:

"What's so good about it?"

Thales couldn't help it, and burst out laughing.

Now, the three blood races all looked at him with bad eyes,

Eastron looked at him with a layer of vigilance and awe.

"No, haha—cough cough." The traveler quickly covered it up with an unprofessional cough: "There's nothing to show—haha—cough cough—sorry."

Gilbert, who had restrained the End Swordsman, came up with Jine. The former leaned on a cane, took off his hat respectfully and saluted: "Dear Mr. Thales, and this lovely blood lady, maybe you don't Mind explaining the situation to us?"

Thales put away his smile and glanced at Gilbert gratefully.

"Mr. Gilbert, thank you for your rescue and sacrifice."

But he suddenly felt that behind Gilbert, the charming lady in her forties was looking at him with a complicated expression, and the meaning in her eyes was profound and unclear.

Is this the boy?

He and - the man's son.

Ji Ni's eyes suddenly darkened.

Thales didn't think too much, turned his head and continued: "Let's postpone the self-introduction first, enough blood has been shed tonight. For this reason, me and this..." At this point, he took a look The little loli, who was obviously naive and cute, but had to keep a straight face, paused:

"Little Sister Serena Corleone—er, ma'am!" Seeing the red-eyed Lolita's unfriendly expression, he quickly changed his words.

"After friendly and pleasant consultations..."

Little Lolita Serena suddenly felt a little itchy neck, curled her lips unknowingly.

"We decided to put down the grudge, end the hostility, and conclude a covenant. I will provide Her Highness Serena with my blood on a regular basis, and Her Highness Serena and her subordinates will serve me until..."

Thales hadn't finished speaking when he felt Yodel's hand tightening suddenly, and was interrupted anxiously by two people:

"Why do we have to work for you? We can exchange other interests, and the big deal is to walk away..." This is the red-haired and unfriendly vampire Laurana.

"Mr. Thales! Your blood? It's too dangerous, how can this be..." This is Gilbert, who is eager to protect the Lord.

But Thales just raised his right hand suddenly, then clenched his fist violently.

This is a common gesture used by him in the discussion class with college students in his previous life in order to calm down the increasingly heated and out-of-focus discussions.

The words of the two were choked at the same time.

The traverser took a deep breath.

Thales left Yordle's support, ignored Gilbert's obstruction, and slowly walked towards the blood race, and said softly, "You all work for me in exchange for my protection."

"And I will provide shelter for you—a group of homeless political refugees who can only lie under the banner of Corleone, cheat food and drink under the sign of iris—in the Kingdom of Stars, more than the owner of this manor Better shelter."

The expressions of Chris, Eastron, and Laurana all changed, and they looked at Serena.

But the little girl with silver hair and red eyes just snorted coldly: "I didn't tell him anything, he took it apart himself."


Disagreement with the Blood Bottle Gang, disagreement with the owner of the manor, Eastron's sentence "Based on our current situation", and the coffin on the third floor that looks like a swimming pool, but is actually a large nursing ward.

The traverser thought silently in his heart, summing up all these factors and signs, isn't it the most obvious thing?

He knew that the vampires on the opposite side were extremely wary of him, but it didn't matter, at least the current matter was resolved.

Thales turned his head and looked at Gilbert and Yodel sincerely.

"Gilbert, Yordle, please trust me. I will provide blood to help Her Royal Highness Liselina fly back—ahem—recovery without compromising her health."

"I exchanged this promise for my safety just now and the friendship with Her Highness Serena."

Gilbert stared at Thales for a long time.

But Jine, who was behind her, took a step forward with complicated eyes, and said softly, "Gilbert, this is his promise—it's also a promise made by their family."

Just like he was back then.

She silently added a sentence in her heart.

Gilbert sighed deeply, nodded to Thales and said, "Of course we believe you—but I will report to...."

Thales smiled lightly.

He turned around, put the vampires into the sight of others, and said softly:

"Then, let me give a formal introduction..."

But before he finished speaking, Chris on the side took a solemn step forward and said solemnly:

"Don't bother."

"The one in front of you..." He gently supported the little girl beside him, and the latter walked forward unsteadily.

"It is the Kingdom of the Night in the Eastern Continent, the head of the seven major families, the real heir of the Corleone family? ue_heir), the legal and orthodox ruler of the Hill of Pain? ghtful_and_legal_ruler), the Archduchess (Arch_duchess), Serena L. Her Highness A. Van Corleone (her_highness)."

Chris looked at several humans with a haughty gaze. Behind him, Laurana and Eastron both showed glorious expressions.

Serena, with her five or six-year-old little loli appearance, lowered her round face, pinched the non-existent skirt, gave a salute, and then raised her head expressionlessly.

Thales curled his lips from the bottom of his heart - he felt so powerful.

Gilbert and Jine looked at each other, seeing shock in each other's eyes.

More than 600 years ago, after the end of the war of the end, like many races with a long history, the blood race also split into east and west in two directions towards the end of the sea. The most noble thirteen clans moved towards different Continents parted ways.

The five clans in the Western Continent formed a family alliance and the Council of Dark Night, occupying the Feast Territory (to be precise, they occupied a piece of land called the Feast Territory), while the eight major clans in the Eastern Continent established a kingdom-style rule, with " The name "Kingdom of the Night" took root on the east coast of the Sea of Ending.

For more than 600 years, compared with their relatives who were scattered in the feast area of the Western Continent and were even forced to sign the "Convention of Human Nations and Immortal Species", the blood race of the Kingdom of the Night, in the famous "Night" Under the strong rule of "Winged King" Lanley Corleone, they became more cohesive and powerful, and even participated extensively in mainland affairs. join the war. King Nightwing even once personally led the army to attack the "Blade of the Western Continent" under the capital of the Kingdom of Exeter, Longxiao City.

But just two hundred years ago, the Kingdom of the Night experienced drastic political changes. The King of the Nightwing, Lanley Corleone, disappeared mysteriously. The vitality of the eight major families was severely damaged.

Since then, there are only seven ruling clans left in the Kingdom of the Night, and it has lost the only master who is expected to break through to the "True Realm" level. Under the attack of the Xiri Church, it has gradually declined.

One ebbs and another, the Western Continent's Feast Leader's Dark Night Council, the six major clans have worked hard to govern, reformed the decadent and outdated system, carried out extensive diplomacy, and even became one of the allies of the "Fortress Peace Treaty", calling themselves the "Six Clans of the Blood Clan" .

And the little girl in front of her actually said that she was the owner of the Hill of Pain, the lair of the Corleone Clan, where King Nightwing was born, in the Kingdom of the Night.

Gilbert raised his head and said respectfully:

"Forgive me, but as far as I know, the current head of the Corleone family and the actual ruler of the Hill of Pain should be the Queen of the Night and the current co-owner of the Kingdom of the Night..."

"'The Weeper'? e_Weeper), Her Majesty Katerina L.A. Van Corleone (her_majesty)."

Gilbert deliberately spelled out the titles of "Queen of the Night" and "Your Majesty", emphasizing the difference from Serena's "Your Highness".

Thales yawned, making Chris, who was already upset, glaring at him again.

Serena's red pupils shrank slightly, and she took a step forward with her mouth upturned: "My crying sister, Katrina, illegally seized the ship that I inherited from my father, His Majesty Nightwing, and stole the Blood Sea Throne .But one day, I will regain the throne."

Her baby's fat cheeks tilted slightly, her small hands were clenched on her chest, she closed her eyes, and said the motto of the Corleone family:

"Long_reins_the_blood (Long_reins_the_blood)."

Eastron and Laurana immediately turned serious, lowered their chests humbly, clenched their fists at the position of their hearts, took a step back with Chris, lowered their heads and chanted:

"Long_reins_the_blood (Long_reins_the_blood)."

This, this, this - there are black lines on Thales' face.

Why don't you call "Unify Jianghu".

"Your help and contributions will be rewarded occasionally." Serena opened her eyes, stared at Thales, and licked her lips subconsciously.

Like biting off my neck?

Thales rolled his eyes around, avoiding the little Lolita's eager gaze, and said perfunctorily: "Wow, then I really wish for it, it's a great honor."

Serena's little face puffed up, as if she was a little dissatisfied with Thales' attitude.

Eastron looked at Thales' strange attitude, and remembered that he probably used this attitude to control himself, so he felt inexplicably sullen.

Looking at His Highness's expression, he showed a cold smile, and said to Thales:

"Little guy, I'm afraid you don't know the Kingdom of the Night on the other side of the sea."

"I've put it that way."

"Even if your enemy is the supreme king of the stars, with the support and protection of our 'Holy Blood Legion', he will never dare to make things difficult for you."

Just after saying this, Laurana who was beside Eastron felt that something was wrong.

The faces of the people opposite were very strange - especially the middle-aged nobleman with a strange face, and the black-haired woman with a displeased face.

Chris frowned, but he didn't have time to stop the blond vampire from speaking.

After all, he has fought against the opponent before, and he knows that the person wearing the mask is a master at the pinnacle of the extreme realm.

Thales' face twitched a little.

Desperate is a disease, it must be cured!

"Then, it's time for me to introduce myself." Thales scratched his head and said to the little loli, "Well, I'm Thales. I'm about 7 years old this year. Before..."

At this moment, Jini stepped forward with a displeased face.

But when she was about to speak, Gilbert stopped her.

The gray-haired nobleman sighed: "I guess the alliance between us will not be too short, and Her Highness Serena also needs time to prepare for a reset, so let's be honest."

Earl Gilbert Castle raised his head, looked solemnly, and said a few words briefly:

"This is Thales."

"The Star Kingdom."

"The next Supreme King."

For a long time.

For a long time.

Just when Thales felt that even the air had been petrified, a gust of wind finally blew by.

"Hey, that."

He smirked awkwardly, and shook his hands at the four petrified vampires opposite him:

"Thank you for your... Holy Blood Corps' support and protection."

Jini in the back burst out laughing.