
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 15 Friendly fire!

A long time ago, even before Prince Tormund led the remnants of the final empire to swear by the stars above his head, and before he established the Star Kingdom, it was only a suburb in the northeast of Eternal Star City.

With the rise of the national power of the Kingdom of Stars and the expansion of its territory, the power structure at the top of the kingdom began to expand. There were more and more lords, nobles, and officials. Prostitutes, thieves, and thugs lived in the same area, so they built homes in the suburbs of the Northeast.

Gradually, this area became a gathering area for the nobles to build the King's Capital Manor, and was soon included by the city hall under the rule of Eternal Star City, becoming the most important urban area after the Central District and Morning Star District. The lords guarding the Quartet, the celebrities in the royal court, and even the dignitaries in exile from foreign countries all like to build their own villas and manors here.

This place is full of properties of nobles and officials, big and small. There are almost no residences and markets for common people. Even the people who come and go are mostly servants and subordinates of various families and forces. In addition to the ridiculously high land price, Dongcheng District also has an unwritten rule: for those who buy land, the selected lot must match the corresponding qualifications (you should not want to know what happens to those who violate this rule now) Even though the six wealthy families and the thirteen prominent families have their own manors in the suburbs of the capital, they have built their own industries in Dongcheng District, and naturally they are all located in the best locations—no matter whether these families Do the dignitaries come here often?

It is precisely because of this that in the already huge Dongcheng District, different manor villas are far apart. On the contrary, the grass and trees between the manor and the manor are maintained by the city hall to be lush and strong, and the main road is also built in a wide and grand manner, which is stable and stable. Every 20 meters, there is a large permanent lamp provided by the city hall for lighting.

As for the security officers and the city defense team patrolling this avenue, on the one hand, they must be cautious. Even their superiors cannot bear the consequences of offending these big shots; The nobles often have their own ways to deal with the incidents that the city defense team intervenes, so they don't bother.

As the captain of the city defense who patrols the main roads of Dongcheng District all the year round, the sword and crossbow on Genard's body have hardly been used in the past ten years, but the helmet and armor are as bright as new - he is used to the carriages of the great nobles on the road He tidied up his armor, then stepped back and took off his helmet to salute (according to the chief of Dongcheng Police Department, they should have replaced their heavy helmets with hats long ago, it is too ridiculous to take off their helmets and salute).

Genard cherishes his job very much. He knows how much effort his comrades spent in the past to dispatch him, who was supposed to be disbanded with the army and fend for himself, to the city defense team of the Royal Capital. The calm Dongcheng District where there are occasional tips.

As a farmer from the countryside of Daolan County in the south, Genard's colorful experiences are definitely worthy of being sung by bards.

More than ten years ago, almost nineteen years old (Jenard no longer remembers his birthday since his father died), the whole village was hit by a natural disaster, and then was attacked and plundered by Xiaoju's robbers. Genard, who couldn't survive, signed up In response to the Starlight Legion conscripted by Duke John who went south.

He was brave and bright-minded in combat, experienced the treacherous defense of the Emerald City, and was lucky to survive;

He once risked carrying two sacks of flour, actually kept up with the large retreating troops in the Walla Corridor, and bravely followed the Duke's pro-army to break through the encirclement of the fangs ("We owe you two dollars before joining other troops. money for sacks of flour." - Duke John);

Under the orders of his superiors, he also rushed into the welcome banquet at Earl Dale's house with his troops, watching how the Duke, as a guest, recruited their private soldiers without changing his face;

He even broke through the bombardment of the magic gun in the decisive battle of the fire plain, and chopped down a battle ax;

He also led a team under the duke's nine-pointed star banner,

Withstood the last desperate counterattack of the rebels at the knife's edge gap.

Until the final siege of Sodala—Genard sighed deeply, cursing the day when victory and sorrow coexisted, then waved to the team members, and gave the opposite knight holding the fleur-de-lis banner Let's get out of the way.

There are thirty-four knights in the Cavendir family. They are not accompanied by a carriage. They are probably subordinates who work for the master's family.

The two leading ones seem to have super strength. As for the others, look at their movements on horseback and the positions of their weapons—they are all ostentatious. Genard curled his lips in an unknown manner and stepped aside.

In just over a year, he was promoted from an ordinary transport soldier to a combat conscript, and then promoted to axeman, infantry combat captain, and the most honorable Duke's personal guard. Farmers, turned into excellent officers who have experienced many battles. The rare battlefield experience has made him a rare fighter even among mortals. As long as there are three or five companions in formation, he will not be afraid to meet super fighters. Even in the days after the disbandment of the Starlight Legion, Genard still kept in mind the instruction of the respected Duke's personal guard officer in the Starlight Legion, and never stopped training.

He has seen countless knights in the most dangerous days. These horse warriors are famous for their impact. There are noble warriors who are heroic and powerful, and there are also cowardly and bullying dandies. Of course, in Duke John Under his hands, the former far outnumbers the latter.

So Genard could tell at a glance that the two leading knights looked calm and moved smoothly, and their slightly bent posture was ready to exert force on the horse at any time. There was a sword on the side of the waist and on the saddle, very close to the dominant hand, Obviously a master who has experienced the battlefield more or less. These super masters are definitely the officers of a combat squadron on the battlefield. Whether it is charge, raid, defense, reserve, or even the commander's personal guard, these people are the indispensable backbone and even the core. For example, in the kingdom, the famous Baron Alka Mu.

Now, those two knights who were leading more than 20 people were supposed to pass them, but one of them reined in his horse and rode towards Genard.

"City defense team!" This is a thin-haired knight, in his thirties, and his light blue-green patterned plate armor looks like a handcrafted noble family heirloom. With a straight face, he condescendingly asked the leader Genard: "We saw the horseshoe prints of the brigade on the road. At this time, there shouldn't be so many cavalry in Dongcheng District-have you encountered them?"

Is it time for you to show up? Looking at the noble knight under the banner of the tricolor iris, Genard said with contempt in his heart.

But after ten years of working in the city defense team, he has long been worn away by the reality. The former Duke's personal guard bowed his head humbly and obediently, and replied: "My lord, anyone who can mobilize a large number of private soldiers in the Dongcheng District must It's the lords. We dare not intervene in their affairs."

Seychelles, the confidant knight of the Duke of Jann frowned: "Have you encountered these cavalrymen? Which family are they from? What flag are they flying?"

Genard was silent for a moment.

Ten minutes ago, the thirty-two riders passed by ranged from mortal to super-level. The leading nobleman was agile, but he was obviously not a soldier, and there was even a woman behind him, but Genard didn't see them Raise the flag.

However, how could he, who had served under the banner of Duke John for many years, not recognize the movements, equipment, and shield styles of those soldiers? In the Duke's personal guard back then, many people were private soldiers brought out by the Duke from the family, and became his personal guards as the Duke went south.

Among those people, some saved his life, and he saved their lives, almost all of them are good enough to trust their backs (don't think crookedly, and don't be dirty. By Wujian with a serious face) ——Oh, there is another good woman——as expected of a warrior under the Nine-Pointed Star.

Yes, Genard told himself again: Those thirty or so cavalry were from the Canxing family, and they were private soldiers of the royal family.

The most important thing is the person he swore to die for, the Duke John's family member.

"Yes, my lord," Genard replied firmly, "We met them just now."

"They didn't show any flags, and I don't know where they are going."

The former personal guard of Duke John gave a salute—it's ironic, no one taught him how to salute nobles under the command of Duke John, who was the younger brother of the king. Officials angrily told him to learn standard saluting postures ("They're nobles, you know that?"—Jenard's former boss of the city defense team).

But this ordinary city defense captain probably won't know how much impact the information he concealed will have on himself and the future of the entire star.

Seychelles frowned, reached into the money bag and grabbed a handful, threw the two silver coins and gold coins that he accidentally grabbed back into the bag, and then scattered the remaining copper coins to the soldiers of the city defense team.

"Your tip." He said, then turned his horse's head and caught up with his companions.

"Don't think too much, and don't worry about the affairs of other families. Just do what the Duke ordered. Both of us are here. As long as we don't go to the Fuxing Palace, there is nothing the king can't solve. If those vampires If you don't cooperate, there is only a dead end." Seychelles returned to the front of the cavalry, listening to another noble knight beside him, Cassian with a calm face said softly.

"If it's another family, why didn't they light up the flag? An unidentified cavalry team of thirty or forty people galloped into the Dongcheng District at night-how long has there been such a thing?" Seychelles was still cautious and authentic. Having traveled through wars, he learned caution and refinement from the people of the sages of the East.

"Your Majesty's forty-eighth birthday is approaching. This birthday is too critical. Messengers of nobles, special envoys of lords, envoys and even spies from various countries and states, the Tower of the End, representatives of the Church of the Gods, and secret forces of all sizes , it can be said that the eyes of the whole world will be focused on the capital."

"And the major families in the country are also taking actions in various ways, overtly or secretly. Worry, after finishing the work, just go back and report - this has nothing to do with our mission."

"I hope..." Seychelles touched the sword at his waist, thinking of the captain of the city defense with sharp eyes just now, and said in a trance:

"I hope it's not the actions of other families."

"Relax, Lord Seychelles." Cassian said leisurely: "At this moment, apart from wrestling with the royal family, all actions towards the nineteen noble families will be regarded as betrayal."

"How could the traitor of the nobles succeed in 'electing the king'?"


With a flash of light in Ji Ni's eyes, she avoided two blood slaves rushing madly, and bound them with a flick of the silver chain sword in her hand. The silver sword in his hand pierced their hearts.

But the court lady felt something instantly, she knelt down and rolled over, avoiding a sharp claw that suddenly appeared.

The female vampire Laurana missed a single hit, turned around bitterly to parry the two silver swords, then screamed, flashing her figure amidst the sound of "hissing" and quickly retreated.

The right arm that just grew out is still very rusty, which limits my strength - Laurana thought bitterly - that damned half-disabled ability user.

"Bitch who sucks human blood, be more careful next time! Vampires in the city commit crimes—my mother has seen a lot, and even personally captured a blood-born earl of the Auras family!" Ji Ni sat up viciously, With a shake of the slender arms, the chain sword instantly locked onto Laurana's left leg.

She rolled the chain sword around her right arm, and an inexplicable force surged out, pulling it hard!

Laurana, who avoided a ray of sword light, staggered and was pulled down to the ground! Being dragged along while screaming.

The strength of this ephemeral female—is she a monster?

Rolana roared and grabbed the ground tightly, resisting Jine's strange strength, but before she could stabilize, another silver sword stabbed at her.

This damn sword formation! Laurana cursed in her heart, facing such an enemy, her extraordinary speed and special ability could not be brought into play at all.

The star formation is a circular defensive formation. The main body of the formation can protrude from each outer edge of a few smaller teams, acting as tentacles and temptations for the entire formation. In the melee, it can also flexibly advance and retreat.

As for the blood slaves—Laurana carefully avoided the silver sword, and while resisting Jini's great strength, kicked away the swordsman who attacked her—the number of blood slaves became less and less under the cooperation of the sword formation. After all, how could an irrational monster defeat an experienced swordsman?

"Gilbert!" Jine roared, tightening the chain sword in her hand: "Where's that kid? We've been dragged on for so long by these two guys and a bunch of lunatics, you better have a reasonable plan! "

The other side of the formation was at the entrance of the big house. There, Gilbert held a sword in one hand and a staff in the other. He cooperated tacitly with several finisher swordsmen and besieged the blond Eastron.

"Yordle is entangled by the other party, and that guy is also in the extreme!" Gilbert frowned and said, "But since we've been dragged here, we can only trust him!"

"You -- you are really useless men!"

Gilbert didn't care about Jine's scolding. He turned his attention back to Eastron in front of him. It was this blood race with extraordinary speed who snatched Thales under the eyes of the eight guards and took them away by the way. life.

Eastron's special talent is the speed that far exceeds that of ordinary vampires. He is still super-level, and in terms of speed, he is enough to surpass most of his peers. But just tonight, he encountered two short-lived species. An opponent who is also at the super level, but is not afraid of his extraordinary speed at all.

One is Nekla from the Blood Bottle Gang. Eastren could see the guy's first moves very clearly. Nekla couldn't compare with Eastren's speed at all, but for some reason, after a few moves, Nekla's speed and The reaction force is getting faster and faster. At the most critical moment, Nekla's fist speed and body reaction were even comparable to the blood race. If it weren't for Chris's sudden intervention, Eastren even felt that the opponent's speed would eventually surpass him!

The second one, Eastron's scalp tightened, is the middle-aged nobleman in front of him who looks elegant and noble, but makes him feel afraid! Like Nekla, Gilbert couldn't keep up with his speed, but this nobleman used his own method to restrain the high speed Eastron was proud of.

The silver sword in Gilbert's right hand was very steady, and his footsteps were full of the elegance of a nobleman's duel, but it wasn't his sword that Eastron was worried about. The blond-haired vampire could easily handle such a sword speed, and he could also overturn two swords by the way. swordsman.

What he was worried about was the cane in Gilbert's left hand!

Compared with the well-regulated swordsmanship, that stick is simply used by another person! Every time Eastron dodged or parried the silver sword, and was about to counterattack, the weird cane would strike in the air, impartially, it happened to be the direction he was preparing to counterattack, or it was the key node for exerting force , repulsed Eastlun aggrievedly, and then fell into the siege of other swordsmen.

Just because of that weird cane, Eastron even felt that he was not restraining Gilbert, but Gilbert was restraining himself!

It was not until much later that Eastron realized that he had fallen into Gilbert's trap from the very beginning—the key to Gilbert's family-inherited martial arts was not the cane, but the well-regulated and seemingly ordinary sword in his right hand. the sword!

"Master Chris!" The blond noble's ears moved, and he heard his cousin Laurana whispering in the melee.

"It's hard for us to hold on any longer—His Highness hasn't woken up yet. If it's really impossible, we can retreat with the ancestral coffin!"

They didn't know that at this moment, Chris, who was holding on to the yordle, was full of surprise and disbelief on his face.

This emotion even infected his opponent in front of him, the Yordle behind the mask.

Chris said something in a low voice, only the Yordle on the opposite side and the vampires with super hearing could hear.

The two extreme masters stopped fighting, let go of each other, and retreated respectively.

Laurana and Eastron opened their mouths wide at the same time when they heard Chris' raving, but then quickly retreated, only dodging and not fighting back.

Soon, those who were fighting in the open space were surprised to find that the blood slaves were also screaming, and stepped aside, even ignoring the fact that their heads were beheaded by the swordsmen around them.

Jine in the sword array looked at Gilbert in surprise, while the latter was still frowning, thinking about the situation in front of him.

They didn't have doubts for too long.

"Boom! Pedal! Pedal!"

Only a few children's steps were heard, hurriedly coming from the room.

Along with the footsteps, there was a childish boy's voice.


Everyone in the open space, just like that, saw Thales, who was shirtless, panting behind him, a silver-haired little girl in his shirt, ran out of the door on the first floor from the house, and came to the door of the manor. on the clearing.

Before he had time to see the situation in front of him clearly, Thales exhausted the strength of the seven-year-old boy, with a confused mind, and used all the expressions he knew to shout to the sky:

"Everyone stop!"

"We are allies!"



As soon as he finished speaking, behind Thales, the silver-haired little girl who couldn't stop the car in a hurry, bumped into the back of the traverser and fell to the ground together with him.