
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 14 Nantrister's Proposal

In the early morning, on the road leading to the north gate of Yongxing City, a group of soldiers from the city defense team kept away from the people in the open space in front of them with a wink, and consciously prevented others from approaching.

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to openly kill the prince in the capital."

I saw the guarding duke of the cliff land, Gust Nantriest, standing tall and straight in the middle of the road, flicking the snow that covered the giant horned deer logo on the cloak, and said coldly:

"I just want to see him."

He stood in front of the continuous convoy, looked at the Canxing private soldiers who looked vigilant in front of him, and waited for their master's answer.

Gilbert got out of the carriage, looked at the giant horned deer carriage parked not far away, several guards from the Nantrest family, and another carriage marked with tricolor irises in the distance, and frowned:

"Lord Duke of Nantrester, if you want to see off the mission, you can wait at the north gate... Intercepting it halfway is really not the demeanor of a local lord."

"It's not just me," Gust said with an uneasy expression, pointing to the carriage in the distance: "There's also the boy with the tricolor iris."

Gilbert quickly thought about the current situation.

"We all know that although he is only seven or eight years old, he is not an ordinary child." Gust flicked his cloak impatiently: "Pass the news to the second prince and let him make the decision."

A childish voice came from the third carriage:

"It's okay, Gilbert! Let me handle it."

Thales pushed open the car door, and accompanied by the tense-looking Wyah Kasso and the imminent enemy Midilla Rolfe, he walked in front of Gusd with a calm expression.

Kuzde looked at the child with complicated eyes, and pouted towards the side of the road.

Thales took a deep breath, nodded, waved to the attendants and the ghost of the wind, and followed Gusted to the side of the road.

"What kind of drama is this?" The deputy envoy of the mission and the instructor of the prince, the thin Lord Putillai got off the carriage impatiently, as if he had interrupted a beautiful morning.

Gilbert shook his head: "The kingdom is in conflict."

"So peaceful?" Puttilai squinted his eyes, looking at the two figures of the Duke of Yadi and the second prince, one big and one small, in the distance.

"Peace?" Gilbert frowned and glanced at his old friend.

"It's so peaceful that I'm about to cry," Puttilai twitched his lips, and said sarcastically, "You should go to the Eastern Continent, go to the Holy Capital of Qilin, and see the infighting between the Chen clan and the eunuchs and nobles in the Suye Dynasty— —Of course, you haven't been there, so it's normal to have little knowledge."

Gilbert exhaled through his nose in dissatisfaction, but he couldn't find any effective words to refute him.

Damn bard.

Thales looked at the Duke of the Great Horn Deer with a bad expression in front of him, thinking deeply about the other party's reason for coming.

He must have come with a certain purpose.

But we are already doomed to be enemies.

Be vigilant.

"I didn't expect that you were the first person to come." Thales said silently.

Kosted snorted lightly.

"I don't want to see you in front of so many people...Falkenhauser's sarcasm is too annoying," Cyclops stared at him coldly: "Little devil, I know you are smart-no nonsense, listen... ..."

"I don't like you—no one has ever dared to call me a hypocrite."

Thales spread his hands helplessly: "Then what do you want me to call you? Acting school? Movie king? Master Yue?"

Gusted ignored his "crazy words", and the scar on his blind left eye was hideous:

"But I can still put aside my prejudices. In the future, Yadi Territory can fully support you to become the supreme king, and suppress those nobles who are about to move, and lords with ulterior motives. The giant horned deer will serve you as the master, and Canxing will still be the royal family."

Thales froze for a moment.


"I thought," Thales twitched his brows, "the giant-horned deer is already at odds with me.


But Quest ignored him.

"There is only one condition." Cyclops said with certainty.

"Sure enough," Thales, who was frightened by the one-eyed dragon's abnormality, breathed a sigh of relief: "You won't show affection to me for no reason."

"Wars_in_price_as_victoryes_in_trophy" Wares_in_price_as_victoryes_in_trophy. "Wares_in_price_as_victoryes_in_trophy" Kosted narrowed his only eye, "This is the language of the Nantryste family."

The traverser raised his head and looked at the one-eyed dragon.

"So, what's the 'price' I have to pay to get your 'reward'?" Thales, who was extremely vigilant, said cautiously.

"It's very simple," Gust said with a stern look on his face:

"His Majesty Kessel abdicated, and you were crowned king ahead of time."

abdication... coronation...



Thales took three seconds to understand this sentence.

Then he suddenly changed color!

Korsted didn't mean to be joking at all, and kept looking at him seriously.

The two stared straight at each other for five seconds.

"Ha, actually trying to provoke the only pair of Canxing father and son," Thales grinned, "Don't you know that the reason why I have everything I have now is because of my... father?"

"This is not provocation, but a sincere proposal and invitation." Cyclops' expression remained unchanged, his tone serious:

"What we fear and loathe is neither Canxing nor you—compared with the kingdom, our grievances are shit—but your father."

"The king with the iron fist."

Thales looked at the one-eyed dragon with burning eyes

"What do you think the 'New Star' was formed for? Do you think that Arend's behavior was really only due to personal hatred and dissatisfaction?" Kosd said with unprecedented seriousness:

"This is all for the lords to protect themselves! In order to survive the family that we have founded since the founding of the country..."


Thales interrupted him without hesitation.

Just kidding, this level of provocation...

"I only see you persecuting the disaster-stricken royal family and persecuting your father," Thales said coldly, "questioning my identity and obstructing my rights..."

But Cyclops' expression changed, and he interrupted him loudly with an angry face!

I just heard him say: "Little devil! If you can only hear the stories of the tragic king and the resolute royal family described by the royalists - then you can just cut out your own eyes and keep only your ears!"

Thales froze for a moment.

Cyclops took a few breaths and said to him word by word: "You underestimate your father, the King of Iron Fist too much, and the fear he gave to the stars."

Kost said slowly:

"Since the Scarlet Year, Kessel has become more and more domineering, almost crazily grabbing power."

"From supporting a Duchess of the Blades who can only rely on the prestige of the royal family to survive, she indirectly controls the two major families in the southwest—the piranhas that control the southwestern estuary of the kingdom and the richest sunflower."

"Until he made an exception to recruit the 'three commanders' and established an astonishingly large standing army of the royal family."

"Then to the Central Tax Act that weakens the major lords, the Timed Conscript Act, and the Frontier County Development Act that produces a large number of new nobles."

"And his favorite country is the conference - using thousands of public opinions to force the lords to submit and hand over power to the royal family. This is the case in desert wars, and the same is true for the succession of the throne. The high council where the lords jointly speak is useless. Only the voice of the king and cheers from the square can be heard."

"He even wants to meddle in the succession of the six rich families and the thirteen famous families."

"Even the family infighting in Kevin Dill two years ago has his shadow."

Thales' heart trembled.

What's this?

Kost said with a sullen face:

"Do you think that when the national war is imminent, but no one is willing to send troops for the king—is it true that we are disregarding the stars?"

"Your father, and his wrist, are too scary."

"Let him be in charge for twenty years, our nineteen noble families will be eaten up from power, wealth, status to people and territories...or surrender, or be destroyed-the stars will return to the rule of the empire! With such a king around, how can we not panic, how can we not resist, how can we not do our best to protect ourselves?"

Kost's eyes were burning with anger, and he took a step forward oppressively:

"You saw... the Northern Territory was forced to rebel, the Blade Leader almost became a king, the South Bank leader was seriously injured due to family struggles, the East China Sea leader was frightened into a turtle, and the Western Wilderness tried to protect itself by taking advantage of the importance of the Western Front. His eyes were stern and solemn: "And Yadi leader, I don't want to sit and wait for death."

"Nova uses Exeter's power to curb Kessel's kingship—it's our last resort when we have nowhere to go, except to fight for justice."

Kost clenched his teeth: "We didn't succeed, it's a trivial matter..."

"But if Kessel continues to go his own way..."

Thales looked at Duke Yadi in shock.

This is another version of what he heard about the status quo of the stars.

It is far different from the version Gilbert instilled in him.

"The Bloody Year has changed him. Kessel is just like a real emperor of the empire," Kosted said in a mournful voice, "he wants to dominate everything in this country."

"He regards every lord as an enemy, never shows mercy when suppressing calculations, regards the stars as his own carriage, and has no restraint on whip and spurs..."

"Those who can be used are the bargaining chips, and those who cannot be used will be suppressed and eliminated. Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish."

Thales frowned tightly, remembering how the earls questioned the king's power at the beginning of the state conference.

"This is not a good thing, whether it is for our lord, for Canxing, or for the entire star..."

"This ancient country, if it continues like this, it will lead to catastrophe sooner or later!" Gust gritted his teeth, his eyes were like lightning:

"You are about to go to Exeter. This is not a good job...but it will allow you to see another star from another angle—see how the children of the north wind and the dragon see us."

Thales lowered his head and calmed his breathing.

"Why did Tormund make an agreement with the lords to rule together? Isn't it precisely because of the tyrant's rule of two generations of the empire that it led to its own final destruction?"

Thales opened his mouth, but immediately swallowed the word "disaster".

He had a hunch that the end of the empire might not be as simple as the "disaster strike" that Gilbert said.

"If your goal is to become a tyrant like your father, and pay the price of the sun's downfall," Gusted turned around coldly and pulled up his cloak, "then pretend I didn't say that today."

The one-eyed dragon looked at Thales who was deep in thought, with complicated eyes: "But you said that day... If you care about the stability and safety of the stars, peace and prosperity... If this is your wish, not to be the only one who is supreme king..."

"Then my proposal will be valid forever."

The Duke of Nantrester left the last sentence and turned to leave:

"Safe trip, don't embarrass Xing Chen."

Thales stared blankly at the one-eyed dragon who left.

this person...

This is the Duke of Yadi who forced the king to establish a heir at the meeting with the state government, a completely different Kosd.

No, he told himself: This is all the other party's trick, to tarnish Kessel's image, to drive a wedge between their father and son...

And - a very distant voice sounded in my mind

[From a feudal country to a centralized absolutist country, it is the only way for almost all European countries...]

But Thales still clenched his fist lightly.

He raised his head, looked at Gosd who was going away, and the one who passed by him——Jane Cavendir.

"I hope I didn't disturb you." Zhan En saluted very gracefully.

"Where," Gust replied coldly, "Don't be fooled, don't treat me as the mastermind behind the assassination, and I'll be satisfied."

Zhan En's expression froze, and he watched Gust get into the carriage.

Thales, who felt that he was overweight, sighed deeply, looked at Zhan En, and asked angrily:

"What's the matter with you?"