
Bloodbound Umbra

In the vibrant heart of Tokyo, where vampires casually stroll the streets, Aruno Kurogane, the Vitanex, emerges from a mystical portal, stepping into a world where supernatural forces and everyday life intertwine. Leading an ostensibly ordinary existence, Aruno's arrival coincides with the awakening of demonic entities, breaching the veil between dimensions. As Japan becomes the battleground for ancient forces, Aruno must navigate a metropolis where vampires are commonplace, uncovering his own role in the impending clash between worlds.

plas_ · Fantasy
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45 Chs


35 Chapter 35

Serenia, appreciating Rin's guidance, thanked her and headed back to her room for a good night's sleep.

The next day unfolded with the sun casting its warm embrace over Aruno's mom Aya's home. The group gathered, a blend of determination and anticipation in the air.

Aruno, leaning against a wall, spoke up, "We've rested, recharged, and explored familiar places. Now, it's time to address the looming question – what's next for us?"

"I'm itching for some new challenges. Maybe something that doesn't involve giant insect creatures or mysterious caves. What do you think, Yoru?"

"Variety is the spice of life, they say. But let's not forget the bigger picture. There's more to our journey than just battling creatures. We're uncovering mysteries that go beyond the surface."

"Aya's mystical pantry is still untouched, and I'm curious about that secret tea recipe Ko was talking about. Maybe a lighthearted detour before diving into the next arcane puzzle?"

Aruno, nodding in agreement, said, "True, but let's not get too comfortable. We've honed our skills, strengthened our bonds, and faced challenges together. Now, we should be ready for whatever comes our way."

Ko, with a fire in his eyes, steered the conversation toward a more personal quest.

"I've had enough of Ash's divine games. He may be a god, but I won't let his manipulations go unanswered. It's time to find a way back to him and settle the score once and for all."

As Ko expressed his determination to confront Ash, the group collectively acknowledged their shared history with the enigmatic god. Memories of past encounters with Ash resurfaced, each member carrying their own reasons for wanting resolution.

Aruno, recalling the intricate twists orchestrated by Ash, nodded solemnly. "We've all danced to Ash's tune in one way or another. It's time to break free from his strings and find out what he's truly after."

"Ash has been toying with us for far too long. It's about time we turned the tables."

"I've had enough of his mind games. Let's find a way to confront him directly."

Ko, feeling the collective determination, grinned. "So, we're all in agreement. No more being pawns in Ash's game. It's time to take the fight to him."

Aruno, pondering the idea of reaching out to his father Ryū for guidance, approached his mom Aya with a request.

"Mom, do you think it's possible to contact Dad—Ryū? We need to face Ash, and his insights could guide us through this journey."

Aya, with a knowing gaze, responded, "A connection to the divine is delicate, but I'll attempt to reach out to Ryū. Be prepared; interacting with gods often comes with unforeseen consequences."

"Well actually, sometimes even gods need a nudge from technology." She dialed Ryū's number, and as the call connected, the room filled with the familiar sound of a ringing phone. The group awaited the response from the divine on the other end of the line.

Ryū's voice resonated through the phone as he answered the call. Aya wasted no time and dove into the matter at hand.

"Ryū, it's Aya. Aruno and his friends need your guidance. You know, fatherly duties," she teased.

There was a brief pause before Ryū responded, his tone carrying a mix of amusement and acknowledgment.

"Ah, the complexities of divine parenting. I'll be there shortly."

With that, the call ended, leaving a sense of anticipation in the air. The group prepared for Ryū's arrival, eager to seek guidance from the god who played a pivotal role in their intertwined destinies.

Without a hint of subtlety, Ryū materialized in the room through a swirling portal, his arrival accompanied by a gust of otherworldly energy. He stood tall and imposing, his presence commanding attention.

Aruno, Yoru, Rin, Ko, and Serenia stared in a mix of awe and surprise as Ryū casually greeted them, "Well, well. What kind of divine mischief have you all gotten yourselves into this time?"

Ryū's eyes, filled with a blend of wisdom and amusement, surveyed the room, acknowledging each member of the group.

Aruno, fueled by determination, stepped forward, his gaze meeting Ryū's with unwavering conviction. "Ryū, it's time we face Ash. He's caused enough suffering, and we need to put an end to his twisted game. We're not backing down anymore."

Ryū, the enigmatic figure, nodded solemnly. "The time has indeed come to confront the shadows of the past. But be warned, facing Ash won't be an ordinary challenge. He's a formidable force, and unraveling his influence requires more than just strength."

Aruno, undeterred, responded, "We understand the risks, but we can't let him continue manipulating our lives. We need your guidance and whatever assistance you can provide."

Ryū's eyes gleamed with a mix of paternal concern and a hint of divine authority.

"Very well, my son. I shall lend my aid, but remember, the path ahead is fraught with peril. Gather your strength, for the confrontation with Ash will test your resolve like never before."

Apologies for the oversight. Let me correct that.

In the days that followed, the group dedicated themselves to honing their skills and delving deeper into the intricacies of their Arcanums. Each member meticulously upgraded their abilities, fine-tuning their strengths and addressing any weaknesses. Rin meticulously analyzed every aspect of Aether Reckoner, ensuring it was at its peak performance.

Meanwhile, Yoru immersed herself in the mysteries of the arcane, unlocking new spells and enhancing her control over agility. Serenia, guided by Rin's detailed explanations, gained a better understanding of her Arcanum's complexities, aligning herself more harmoniously with the natural forces she channeled.

Ko, ever the adaptable hunter, incorporated new techniques into his combat style, making the most of his dual daggers and harnessing the power of his Arcanum with newfound precision. Aruno, the leader, sought to amplify his leadership abilities, strategizing for the challenges that lay ahead.

As they gathered in Aruno's mom Aya's home, bathed in the soft glow of arcane energies, Ryū observed their progress.

"You've all grown stronger, but remember, true strength lies not just in power but in unity. Ash's influence is vast and cunning, but together, you have the potential to unravel his schemes."

Aruno, looking around at his companions, nodded in agreement.

"We're ready, Ryū- Dad. Let's face Ash and put an end to this."

With a nod from Ryū, a portal shimmered into existence, offering a gateway to a realm where shadows and destinies intertwined. The group, their resolve unwavering, stepped through, embarking on a journey that would test their mettle and determination. The echoes of their past experiences reverberated as they ventured into the unknown, ready to confront the malevolent force that had manipulated their lives for far too long.