
Bloodbound Umbra

In the vibrant heart of Tokyo, where vampires casually stroll the streets, Aruno Kurogane, the Vitanex, emerges from a mystical portal, stepping into a world where supernatural forces and everyday life intertwine. Leading an ostensibly ordinary existence, Aruno's arrival coincides with the awakening of demonic entities, breaching the veil between dimensions. As Japan becomes the battleground for ancient forces, Aruno must navigate a metropolis where vampires are commonplace, uncovering his own role in the impending clash between worlds.

plas_ · Fantasy
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45 Chs


34 Chapter 34

"You know, Ko, it's funny how we're both half vampires, and yet we've never really talked about it."

Ko, smirking in agreement, replied, "Yeah, it's not your typical conversation starter."

"Same here Ko, same here."

Aruno chuckled, "I guess our supernatural blood runs deeper than just our abilities. Ever wondered about the perks and downsides of being half vampire?"

Ko, playfully nudging Aruno, quipped, "Well, besides having a unique connection to the Arcanum, I can't say I've noticed anything particularly vampiric. No sudden cravings for blood or anything."

Aruno laughed, "Fair enough. It's a bit more complex for me, but I've learned to navigate it. The shadows, the heightened senses—it's all part of the package."

Ko, walking alongside Aruno, shared a thoughtful look, "You know, Aruno, we've been through a lot together, and yet we never really hung out like this. Just the two vampire dudes talking about life."

Aruno grinned, "Yeah, it's about time we remedied that. Sometimes, amidst the chaos, it's good to connect on a more personal level. Plus, who else can understand the vampire struggles better than us?"

"So, Ko, are you and Yoru officially a thing? You two seem pretty close."

Ko, matching Aruno's playful demeanor, chuckled, "Ah, the age-old question. Well, you know how it is. We're navigating the intricate dance of emotions. It's complicated, but in a good way."

Aruno, raising an eyebrow, teased, "Complicated, huh? Sounds like a romantic adventure."

"And what about you, Aruno? Any plans to make a move on Rin? You two have some serious chemistry."

Ko, with a knowing smirk, added, "I've seen the way you look at her. It's like you're reading poetry in her eyes."

Aruno, momentarily caught off guard, chuckled nervously, "Well, Ko, you're not wrong. Rin is an amazing person. Let's just say the possibility of romance is floating in the air, but nothing official yet."

Ko, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, playfully nudged Aruno, "Take it from a half vampire with a knack for chaos—you've got to seize the moment. Life's too short for uncertainties."

Aruno, considering Ko's words, nodded thoughtfully, "You might be onto something, Ko. Maybe it's time for a change in status quo."

Aruno and Ko strolled back towards the house under the tranquil night sky, Ko couldn't help but add a touch of humor to their conversation.

"You know, Aruno, we better pick up the pace. Yoru might sense our little adventure, and I'd rather not face her wrath. She's got a knack for noticing things, especially when it involves me," Ko remarked with a wry smile.

Aruno chuckled, "True, Yoru has a sixth sense when it comes to your antics. Let's avoid the scolding and make it back before she starts wondering where we vanished to."

As Aruno and Ko approached the house, they shared a glance filled with unspoken camaraderie. The tranquility of the night embraced them, and their footsteps were muffled by the soft rustle of leaves beneath their feet.

Upon reaching the entrance, Ko couldn't resist one more jest.

"Remember, Aruno, stealth mode activated. We're like the shadows in the night, slipping back in undetected."

Aruno chuckled, "Stealth mode indeed. Let's make it a clean return; Yoru doesn't need another reason to unleash her teasing arsenal."

With synchronized precision, they opened the door, hoping to rejoin the group without stirring any suspicions. Little did they know, their stealthy escapade under the moonlit sky would become a shared secret, adding a new layer to the bonds that connected them in the unfolding chapters of their intertwined destinies.

Rin lounged on her bed, the soft glow of her Arcanum screen casting an ethereal light on her face. As she scrolled through the interface, she hummed a tune to herself.

"Let's see, intelligence needs a boost," Rin mused, tapping on the skill points section. "A bit more strategic thinking wouldn't hurt."

The arcane symbols responded to her touch, unfolding intricate patterns. Rin concentrated, her mind weaving through the information displayed.

"Maybe a dash of extra knowledge here, a sprinkle of analytical skills there," she said, playfully assigning points with a flick of her finger.

With her newly boosted intelligence, Rin turned her attention to her trusty Aether Reckoner. She delicately dismantled the components, each piece revealing a symphony of craftsmanship and arcane enhancements.

"Mmm, Aether Reckoner, my reliable companion," Rin murmured, studying the intricate runes etched into the barrel. "Let's see if we can't squeeze a bit more magic out of you."

She navigated through her Arcanum, tweaking the enchantments with newfound precision.

"A touch of piercing magic here, a hint of elemental imbuing there," Rin muttered, her fingers traced over the gun's surface.

As the modifications took effect, the Aether Reckoner emitted a subtle glow. Rin inspected her work with a satisfied grin.

"Perfect. Now you're not just a gun; you're a work of arcane art."

Serenia's gentle knock echoed through Rin's room, prompting her to look up from her Aether Reckoner. With a warm smile, Rin welcomed Serenia in.

"Hey, Rin. Mind if I pick your brain about Arcanum? I've been trying to grasp it, but it feels like chasing shadows," Serenia admitted.

Rin chuckled, "No worries. Arcanum can be a bit elusive at first. Sit down, and let's unravel the mysteries."

Rin took a deep breath, organizing her thoughts before launching into a comprehensive explanation…

1. Essence of Arcanum: "First things first, Arcanum is like the heartbeat of magic. It's the essence that connects us to the arcane energy permeating the world."

2. Arcanum Threads: "Think of it as threads weaving through existence. Each individual has their unique Arcanum threads, shaping their magical affinity and potential."

3. Skill Points: "Now, the cool part – skill points. As we venture through challenges, we earn these points to enhance our abilities. It's like unlocking the potential within."

4. Attribute Alignment: "Arcanum also aligns with different attributes – elemental, spiritual, physical. Identifying your alignment helps tailor your skills to your strengths."

5. Skill Customization: "Customizing your skills is an art. You can tweak everything – from the intensity of magic to the specific aspects you want to enhance. It's about personalizing your magical arsenal."

6. Tapping into Arcane Reservoirs: "Arcanum draws from arcane reservoirs. These are wellsprings of magical energy scattered across the realms. Harnessing them amplifies your abilities."

7. Balance and Harmony: "Maintaining balance is crucial. Too much Arcanum without control can be chaotic. Harmony with the threads and the surrounding magic is the key."

8. Arcane Affinities: "Discover your affinities – elements, nature, illusions. Embracing your natural inclinations enhances your connection to Arcanum."

As Rin concluded her detailed explanation, Serenia blinked, processing the wealth of information. "That… was a lot. But I think I get it now. Arcanum is intricate yet fascinating."

Rin grinned, "It's like mastering a video game, yeah it's just like a video game! Takes time, practice, and a few magical missteps. If you ever need more guidance, you know where to find me."