
Bloodbound Devil (Multi-Cross, DxD, Rosaria Vampire, Seikon no Qwaser)

Carl Bloodriver, an Half-Vampire set on a path of domination. There was nothing truly special about him, apart from his Sacred Gear, the Longinus, Bloodbound Dominion, fabled to be created from the blood of a God. Leading the life of a player, he ends up being stabbed to death, and with a second chance at redemption, he awakens in the body of a Dhampir who was experiecing the process of Eternal Slumber, his fate uncertain. If he messed around with his first life, not amounting to much but a player, maybe in this new life, he would better make the smart decisions. (Insert)(Multi-cross)(Rosario Vamp, Seikon no Qwaser, New Sis Devil, Uzaki-chan, Ikki Tousen, Beelzebub) ======================== - Reviews of any kind are welcomed. - Opinions do matter, especially constructive ones. - Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

Vostarian · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Vampire Hunt (3)

Chapter 36: Vampire Hunt (3)

Sensing the impending danger, Carl reacts swiftly, a surge of crimson energy erupted from his palm, coalescing into a large Blood Projectile that crackled with malevolent intent. The projectile pulsed with an ominous crimson glow, its surface swirling with dark, roiling currents of blood magic.

As the dark energy burst of the third Assassin hurtled closer, Carl's Blood Projectile met it head-on, the two opposing forces colliding in a spectacular clash of power. 

The opposing forces clashed in a spectacular display of power, each seeking to overwhelm the other with its sheer might. Following the initial clash, once the impact was made between the opposing powers, a shockwave was sent off, rippling through the air, while some buildings felt as if being targeted by an earthquake.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the two opposing energies waged war against each other, but it didn't last long. With a deafening roar, the dark energy burst was overwhelmed by the sheer force of Carl's Blood Projectile, dissipating into nothingness as if it had never existed.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into the night, Carl stood there unfazed, his Blood Magic augmented by his Longinus Sacred Gear proved to be too great for a measly Middle-Rank Vampire to handle. 

With a sense of grim satisfaction, he turned his attention back to the remaining Assassins who were left in a precarious state, his gaze cold and unwavering as he prepared to finish what he had started.

With a cold and calculated demeanor, Carl turned his attention to the first Assassin, who lay wounded, while on his chest laceration a large tumor like bump that wasn't there initially developed fully. 

"K-Kill me! Remember that you'll never escape from us, you Abomination."

Hearing that, it didn't faze Carl's sinister grin as he approached the fallen Assassin, his eyes gleaming with predatory hunger.

"Ohh, I feel so afraid. Look, I even got goosebumps. Tsk, I was sarcastic, you dumbfuck." Carl taunted, his voice dripping with disdain

"Do you think I give a fuck about who you people work for?" Carl continued, his tone mocking "I can guess who you belong to by your devotion to kill me? I tend to believe your lot was sent by that parasite, Lotharius."

"Hmm, your BPM increased a bit. Flustered. Panicked. I think I can guess who you are working for."

"Of course I could just torture you and find the answer, but it would be a waste of time, and to be honest, I enjoy surprises. The feeling of surprise when you do not expect to get hit, that's a great thrill." Carl remarked, his voice dripping with malice

Reaching out with his hand, Carl summoned forth the Blood Parasite he implanted on the Vampire Assassin after incapacitating him, and before the eyes of the spectators belonging to the Tremere Clan, a malevolent creature born from the depths of his dark power surged forth. 

The Parasite latched onto the Assassin's body with ravenous greed, devouring his blood with insatiable hunger. It was as if it was a creature born from one of the Deadly Sins, Gluttony. As the Vampire writhed in agony, Carl watched with grim satisfaction, his lips curling into a cruel smile.

Carl extracted the Blood Parasites from the Assassin's body, his movements eerily reminiscent of a nightmarish monster feasting on its prey. Holding the Blood Parasite that got quite fat from the copious feast, he squeezed the creature in a cruel manner, releasing a screech that would send countless humans living in this neighborhood in constant Nightmares.

Allowing the blood to flow into his maw, later on even eating the creature born from his own twisted mind, that's when Carl felt a surge of blood energy coursing through his veins, invigorated and even absorbing some of the strength of the Middle-Class Vampire. Insignificant as it was, akin to a droplet of water into a body of water, it would still collect in this staleness.

Once he had drained the Assassin of his life essence, Carl cast aside the now lifeless body, it was the exact expression you would give to a toy you got bored of playing with. That's when Carl turned his attention to the remaining two Assassins, who watched in horror as their comrade met his grisly fate. With a sense of grim determination, Carl advanced towards them, his Blood Longsword gleaming in the moonlight

"Since we're in the Domain of Vatican? Shall I perform a Rite of Passage for you two insects? But instead of reaching the Hell of the Devils, you shall remain trapped in my Domain for eternity."

The Assassins, realizing that their end was near, hurled curses and insults at Carl, their voices filled with fear and desperation. But their words fell on deaf ears as Carl delivered the final blows with ruthless efficiency, his movements swift and precise.

With each strike of his Blood Longsword, the Assassins faltered and fell, their bodies crumbling to the ground in a heap of blood and bones. As the echoes of battle faded into the night, Carl stood victorious, his enemies vanquished and his power unquestioned.

The Assassins, realizing the futility of their situation, hurled curses and insults at Carl, their voices trembling with fear. But their words fell on deaf ears as Carl closed the distance between them with swift and precise movements.

With a series of deadly strikes, Carl delivered the final blows to the remaining Assassins, his Blood Longsword cutting through their defenses with ruthless efficiency. The Assassins faltered and fell, their bodies crumbling to the ground in a heap of blood and bones.

As their life essence began to dissipate into the air, Carl used his Blood Absorption to retrieve the remainder, ensuring that not a drop of their power went to waste. Standing amidst the carnage, he exuded a stoic aura unlike the bloodthirsty demeanor he had displayed at the start of the battle.

Turning to face the Vampire Squad of the Tremere Clan, who stood as silent spectators to the gruesome spectacle, Carl's eyes gleamed with intrigue.

"You're still here? Do you want me to see you off?"

The scene they witnessed unfold was a spectacle of brutality that transcended their understanding of a Vampire's abilities.

Erik could barely control his tremble, as he recognized one of the faces of an Assassin, who like him, was a Middle-Rank Vampire. Yet in the hands of Carl, those middle-ranks were turned into ragdolls, nothing but firewood to funnel Carl's thirst for power and blood.

With this showcase, he finally understood why Carl was feared even amongst his Kindred, from Elders, Vampire Princes and Vampire Lords alike. 

All of the squad got tense after hearing Carl's words, except one particular member of the team was not as ceased as the others. Mara had been silently observing and contemplating Carl's abilities since the beginning of the confrontation.

She had read about certain Dhampirs that possessed Sacred Gears and unique abilities, but she had never witnessed anything like this before.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the breaking of her peers' frightened silence. 'I heard that Sacred Gears have their own category, the rarest are the most destructive of their kind. Could it be that Prince Krassius awakened one of the Mythical Types? The Longinus?'

"He's just too powerful, even for us Purebloods!" whispers from her colleagues turned her attention on them.

Erik turned to his fellow vampires, his expression grim as he made sure they didn't offen Carl "It seems Lord Johan's plan may have backfired on us. At this point we can only lower our head and do as he commands us if we want to stay alive."

"The rumors in the end were just baseless rumors. To think this was Prince Krassius's true persona. He's not naive or easily manipulated, nor does he crumble against aversion. We're fucked."

As the Scout's fearful eyes burned into him, yet having to react to his words, giving the impression they were almost guilty of something, he couldn't help but smirk a bit. 

This feeling of dominance was truly intoxicating, a drug he could easily grow addicted to.

Carl turned to Mara, his gaze not wavering. Despite the terrifying display of power, something within her flickered. Fear? Lust? Or maybe something else entirely? There was a spark in her eyes that he hadn't seen before, and it intrigued him.

'Is this Vampire chick interested in some smash with old me? Doing a Vampire would be a first for me. Maybe I should maintain myself for an Aristocrat slut? That would be a game for sure.'

Continuing to stare at Mara, judging her looks in his mind, an honest 8/10 considering the Supernatural and whatnot, he pushed the Squad of the Tremere with a probing question.

Carl's gaze bore into Mara, searching for any signs of deception, well, he was mainly taking in the pleasure of bullying the once arrogant looking Vampire gal. "Was this a scheme of the Tremere?" he questioned, his tone sharp and accusatory.

Mara met his gaze with unwavering determination. "Never!" she exclaimed, her voice ringing with sincerity. "We're sincere in our approach to you, my Prince."

A flicker of doubt crossed Carl's features, but he held his composure. "Then do you know who those maggots belong to?" he pressed, his voice low and dangerous.

"..." She didn't know for sure, since she didn't have much contact with the upper echelons of the Karnstein Family.

"I recognize one of the faces. They are from Karnstein House," Erik's voice tinged with disdain over the deceased. "They are devout supporters of the Lasombra Clan. If I may speculate, they made their move thinking that you would still be weakened after almost entering Slumber."

"So, they viewed our negotiations as you leaving yourself exposed."

Erik, the Captain of the Tremere Squad, exchanged a nervous glance with Mara, knowing that the situation had taken a dangerous turn. "However, my Lord, we had no knowledge of their involvement," he insisted, his voice betraying a hint of desperation. "We are at your mercy, and we pledge our loyalty to you."

Carl's gaze lingered on Mara for a moment longer, sensing something stirring beneath the surface. There was a fire in her eyes, a spark of defiance that intrigued him. "Is that so?" he mused, his tone thoughtful. 

Just as Carl's demeanor softened slightly, a sudden shift overcame him. His features contorted into a mixture of anger and frustration, catching the other Tremere vampires off guard. It was as if a storm had suddenly descended upon them, darkening the atmosphere with its intensity.

"Alright, whoever you are messing with me, I vow to fucking end you. All that Blood Essence went to waste."

Erik, thinking that maybe one of the other two squads stumbled on the woman that Carl marked, and went down sour with her, was quick to react, almost reassuring that it wasn't them. "My Prince!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with concern. 

Carl's response was sharp and decisive, his words cutting through the air like a knife. "I know, it's not a Tremere that crossed me. You bunch are too timid to touch the one I've marked. At worst, you would just coerce her into reaching out to me. Which would still lead you to your death."


A/N: I guess most of you guys like the approach I have in mind for turning around the MC. Well, is great to hear, since it's in line with the transition to Villain. I'm still debating in my head if I should make the MC a mix of Villain/Antihero.

For now the preparations for the transition into the Timeline events for DxD/Rosario and Qwaser are coming along, decently.