
Bloodbound Devil (Multi-Cross, DxD, Rosaria Vampire, Seikon no Qwaser)

Carl Bloodriver, an Half-Vampire set on a path of domination. There was nothing truly special about him, apart from his Sacred Gear, the Longinus, Bloodbound Dominion, fabled to be created from the blood of a God. Leading the life of a player, he ends up being stabbed to death, and with a second chance at redemption, he awakens in the body of a Dhampir who was experiecing the process of Eternal Slumber, his fate uncertain. If he messed around with his first life, not amounting to much but a player, maybe in this new life, he would better make the smart decisions. (Insert)(Multi-cross)(Rosario Vamp, Seikon no Qwaser, New Sis Devil, Uzaki-chan, Ikki Tousen, Beelzebub) ======================== - Reviews of any kind are welcomed. - Opinions do matter, especially constructive ones. - Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

Vostarian · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Vampire Hunt (1)

Chapter 34: Vampire Hunt (1)

As night descended over the Old Town, the three Vampire Squads each counting three individuals in them moved under the cover of darkness and shadows, their senses attuned with even the slightest disturbance in the City.

In a place brimming with so much prey, so much blood and vitality in one place, the temptation of quenching their inexistent thirst was up there for one of the Scout Squads who explored around the limits of the Holy Ward for the scent of their target which was in the form of a accessory that contained his scent, a ring. 

To avoid unnecessary distractions, the Squad of Vampires moved like phantoms, displaying their supernatural agility and strength by pushing their bodies long distances. 

"Captain, are you sure that ring will bring us to that Krassius?" inquired a young vampire, wearing a sleek black leather jacket that hugged his form, accentuating his lithe frame. His piercing red eyes flickered with a mixture of excitement and apprehension as he addressed an individual who seemed to be in charge of this operation, their captain. 

"I'm certain of him while holding on to this ring. However, what's intriguing is that there are two points that are being triggered by the ring. One has a weaker signal while the other is far stronger. Hopefully, we're onto the right track."

"Mhm, maybe the weaker signal is his prey? That guy is said to be really crazy, and doesn't care about Traditions. He might as well turned one of his prey into a Thrall or Lesser Vampire?"


"Still, Captain Erik, how do you have that ring? Something the Lord has given you before we departed for Graz?"

"This one? I heard Lord Schrekt acquired this ring from August Karnstein himself. Isn't it ironic that an old dog of Carmillas without even batting an eye sold some of Krassius's artifacts. Whatsmore amusing is the fact that wench didn't even care about her son."

"So? This ring, does it have an interesting effect?"

"This junk? Pfff, nein. It's a Limiter Artifact meant to keep Krassius's Demonic Power sealed. That stupid kid even went along with whatever the Lasombra Clan told him, maybe it was the Witch's idea to not terrorize her spoiled brat with the presence of a true monster always around."

Erik ran a hand through his tousled blonde hair, a smirk playing on his lips as he considered the current Drama that threw the Blood Court into disarray, the attempt at Prince Lotharius' life at his own birthday banquet.

"Alright guys, break time is over. Listen up," Erik said, his voice low but commanding as he addressed his fellow scouts. "Remember the objective. Tonight we must make contact with our foolish 'Blood Prince' and make sure he joins the Tremere Clan, hence becoming our future puppet for taking over the Blood Court."

"We need to convince him that we can offer him protection against the Lasombra Clan and give him promises for his deep desires, such as killing Lotharius and Carmilla."

His scouts nodded in agreement, their eyes gleaming with anticipation at the prospect of gaining an advantage over their rival clan, Lasombra and Tzimisce. 

"It would be easy, if the rumors about Krassius being a little bitch, with a weak mental fortitude are actually valid." the young Vampire who first opened the point of discussion, Nikolai, remarked with arrogance and proudness in his tone. 

One of the scouts, this time a gorgeous vampire woman, Mara, raised a hand, a smirk playing on her lips. "And what if he refuses our offer? What then?"


They knew that Krassius was vulnerable, his mind weakened by the long years of abuse he had endured at the hands of the Council of Thorns, the ones under the Blood Court. Exploiting that weakness would be key to gaining his allegiance. 

Eric had some background information that was shared directly by Tremere's Vampire Lord, Johan Schrekt regarding the past incident in the Blood Court where Krassius almost succeeded in killing his younger brother, Lotharius. As a young Middle-Rank Vampire, even priding himself for his pureblood status, he was a trusted man for the Clan Lord. 

This was a God-sent opportunity for the Tremere Clan who was sandwiched between the other two leading factions of the Vampire World in Austria. If they could acquire Krassius without a fight that would be marvelous, and it was true, from his perspective being unlikely for the young, vulnerable, weakened Prince to decline such an offer.

They were his 'Saviors'. Why wouldn't he accept their divine providence?

The Tremere Clan's full support for toppling the Carmilla Bloodriver if he so chooses to take revenge for her blatant punishment and favoritism over her 'Pureblooded' spawn. They were willing to offer Krassius whatever support he needed to exact his revenge, knowing that their own interests aligned with his desire for self-justice.

As for Carl, being the firstborn son of Queen Carmilla should have granted him a prominent position of privilege and power within the Vampire World. However, his status as a Dhampir, a half-vampire, meant he was always viewed with disdain, contempt and suspicion by his fellow vampires. 

Despite his royal lineage, he was treated as an outsider, subjected to ignorance, distaste, and even outright hatred from those around him, including his own mother.

He was the mutt of the Lasombra Clan. The Black Sheep. The Half-breed that wasn't supposed to be born.

Erik and his squad continue to chit-chat a bit more, discussing their plan for compelling Carl to join their side, and all arguments colluded to the fact the 'Blood Prince' was known for having a weak mentality, easily manipulated by those around him, and the root of the cause was the so-called family of his, the ones who should have protected him, allowing him to grow into a 'normal' environment.

While engrossed in their own ideas, they failed to notice that a sinister presence was listening to all of their discussion, even their schemes and plans, and while they were arrogant and confident in their abilities, a blood pool was created under their shadow.

Suddenly, all three of the younger vampires along with their experienced Captain felt a sense of foreboding sweeping over them, as if the Reaper's Scythe was drawn next to their necks. Their body got goosebumps in their sense of dread, as a bloody figure emerged from the Blood Pool that they just now noticed.

Even the confident Captain couldn't help but tremble a bit as he spoke, feeling that such Blood Magic was something only the High-Class Vampires could pull off, mainly the Rulers of the Vampire Class. "This Demonic Power… Such Blood Magic… It's High-Class Type…" 

The younger Vampires were even worse then Erik, the only woman of the group, Mara, felt her breath caught in her throat. The signs of panic flooded over her like a tidal wave, as the sense of impending doom hung in the air.

"Oh, no…, please, no. It's him… The Blood Monster." Mara's voice quivered with fear as she caught sight of Carl's chilling arrival, her heart sinking at the sight of the ominous figure emerging from the blood pool.

Erik, who was a Middle-Class Vampire and was stronger, could at least face Carl's Demonic Power, but the Lower-Class Vampire felt the dreadful pressure a thousand fold.

The darkness seemed to coalesce and take shape, morphing into the figure of a black-haired young man. His presence was commanding, exuding a raw and primal power that sent a chill down the spines of the Vampire Scouts.

'This is the true appearance of a Final Boss. Shake in your boots puny extras.'

Carl emerged from the blood pool with an otherworldly grace, his movements fluid, while the aura he was giving off passively was similar to that of a predator stalking its prey. The crimson liquid clung to his form, accentuating his ethereal appearance and lending him an aura of menacing allure. His eyes, a piercing shade of dark red that seemed to glow with hellfire, bore into the souls of those who dared to meet his gaze.

Nikolai's bravado crumbled in the face of Carl's overwhelming presence, his voice quivering as he addressed the Blood Prince with a tone of forced deference. "M-My lord, it is an honor to be in your presence," he stammered, his eyes darting nervously between Carl and his fellow scouts.

'Hmm? Wasn't he the rat who mocked me for being a 'little bitch'? Well, forget it. I think I get the whole idea about their plot. Based on what I can remember, the Tremere Clan don't have any blood debts to me.'

'Ahh, and I wanted to kill them so badly. It's a shame. Should I taunt them a little bit and make them stumble to give me a reason to kill them and drink their blood?'

Mara, feeling that bloodthirsty gaze that told her that he didn't mind drinking their blood, even if they were Kindred, made her unable to contain her fear any longer. She took a step back, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she struggled to maintain her composure. "P-Please, mercy, my lord. We didn't know you were watching us. It's our fault for believing in empty rumors about you." she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper as she looked up at Carl with wide, terrified eyes.

'The fuck is wrong with this bitch? Was Krassius's reputation that terrible? I know he was a Killing Machine. Had a big moment at the birthday party of his brother by going into a bloodthirsty frenzy, but you lot are Vampires, not 'sensible' humans.'

Erik, though shaken, tried to maintain a semblance of composure as he stepped forward to address Carl. "Forgive us, my lord, for our intrusion, even though you suffered a lot under the Tzimisce and Lasombra and are recuperating your power." he said, his voice wavering slightly despite his efforts to sound authoritative. "We...we meant no disrespect. We were simply searching for you on behalf of the Tremere Clan."

Carl's gaze swept over the trembling vampires before him, his expression unreadable as he assessed the trio before him along with their Leader. For a long moment, he said nothing, allowing the weight of his silence to speak for itself. 

'I don't really care about this Tremere Clan, they could be good fodder in case I would go into conflict with "Dear Mommy's" Clan. The fact I was the one to spend one year in confinement and serve a punishment I didn't commit doesn't sit well with me, so this time, I'll have to clean-up after Krassius's butt, and kill that asshole for good.'

'They spiked Krassius's drink with some drugs that made him go Berserk Mode.'

'There's also the Karnstein's who have kept me in the Cellar. They also need to be punished regardless of what past connection 'I' had with that lolita, Elmenhilde .'

Carl's eyes narrowed at Erik's words, his expression unreadable as he assessed the vampire before him. "The Tremere Clan, you say?" he mused, a dangerous glint entering his eyes. "And what business does the Tremere have with me? Could it be that you guys are also 'Hunting' for me, like I'm some high-prize game?"

Erik hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "We… The Tremere Clan seek to offer our allegiance, my lord," he explained, his voice trembling slightly. "We wish to offer you our support in your...endeavors, in exchange for your assistance in...toppling the Blood Court, and when you become our King, to not forget our friendship and assistance."

Carl's lips curled into a sardonic smile at Erik's words, a cold laugh escaping his lips. "Lord Johan Schrekt is even willing to collude with a 'Abomination' like myself? Isn't he afraid that I might do some confession to wash my own sin, and be forgiven by our Queen?"

"Lord Krassius…" he began, his words carefully chosen, "You should be upset at the Queen for imprisoning you, for taking away your birthright as the firstborn, the True Blood King. She has treated you unjustly, denying you the power and respect that is rightfully yours."

Carl listened calmly to whatever Erik prepared for him, but it turned out to be some cheap manipulation tactic that he used to stir up whatever hatred he had against his mother, but to the current him it felt just ironic and maybe stinging a bit when thinking about those sad memories of parent negligence and outright ignorance. 

He didn't even consider Carmilla Bloodriver his mother. After assimilating with Krassius's memories he was detached from this subject. Not fully indifferent to the mistreatment and abandonment of the poor bastard, but that was another matter entirely.

From his observant lenses she was just a woman drunk on power, fearful of her own son's powers, or maybe she was just reminded of Krassius's father, for all he could care. Amusing, he didn't have any memories of a father, it was only the Vampire Guards, Nanies that would change constantly as to deny him of bounding emotions, and the distant presence of a 'Mother'.

The honey smeared words of revenge and the plea for his case didn't move him, his crimson eyes shifting according to his mental state, as he narrowed them, regarding Erik with a mix of amusement and disdain.

"What makes you, the Tremere Clan, not be the same as the rest who have betrayed me? Aren't I just a lowly half-blood? Aren't you a mighty and proud Pureblood not disgusted, indignant at lowering your head at this lowly being?"

"Besides, stop with that cheap attempt at winning me. If I wanted to take revenge against Carmilla, I could do it without your Clan's help." he remarked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Always seeking to manipulate others for your own gain, always looking for an advantage. But tell me, Captain, why should I trust you? Why should I align myself with a clan that would turn on me at the first sign of trouble?"

Erik's expression faltered for a moment, his confidence waning as he struggled to find an adequate response. "W-We...we only seek to offer our assistance, my lord," he stammered, his voice wavering under Carl's piercing gaze. "We wish to see the Blood Court overthrown, to see justice served for all those who have suffered at their hands."

Carl's gaze hardened as he regarded Erik with a steely glance. "And yet, I find it difficult to believe that your clan's intentions are entirely altruistic. A thief calling out thieves? Isn't it ironic?" he countered, his voice cold and calculating. "After all, what guarantee do I have that once I help you topple the Blood Court, you won't simply discard me like a pawn on a chessboard?"

"Ahh, right, I forgot that I'm in control."

Erik opened his mouth to respond, but before he could utter a word, Carl held up a hand to silence him. "Save your excuses, Captain," he said, his voice laced with disdain. "I have heard enough. You may inform Lord Johan Schrekt that I will consider his offer in a positive manner since he actually extended an olive branch instead of pulling guns at me, threatening me with a non-existing threat."

"But make it clear that should he cross me, I will also target the Tremere Clan in my future Cleansing of the Vampire World."

With that, Carl turned away from the trembling vampires, his form beginning to fade into the shadows. "Now leave me," he commanded, his voice echoing ominously in the darkness, but then as if remembering something, he stopped in his tracks, giving another order to Erik. "Ohh, and if you mind, return back my belongings."


"The ring. Return it."

Erik hesitated, feeling the weight of Carl's words bearing down on him like a crushing weight. 

His attempt to sway the Blood Prince had failed miserably, and now he found himself standing before the very creature he had hoped to manipulate.

As Carl's gaze bore into him, Erik couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping over him. The Blood Prince's crimson eyes seemed to pierce through his very soul.

"I...I understand, my lord," Erik murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he reached into his pocket and retrieved Carl's ring. He held it out to him with trembling hands, careful not to make any sudden movements that might provoke the fearsome vampire before him.

Carl's expression softened slightly as he accepted the ring from Erik's outstretched hand, his crimson eyes flickering with a hint of amusement at the vampire captain's obvious discomfort. "Thanks, Captain," he said, his voice devoid of warmth but tinged with a mocking edge. "You may leave now. We've finished our business. Ohh, and don't kill humans randomly just to feed yourself while the Holy Ward is still active. I'll deal with them soon enough."

Holding onto the magical red-gold ring with a ruby stone engraved on its socket, he couldn't help but marvel at its allure. While he understood the backstory of this ring, and its usage, he could use it to suppress his demonic power if he wanted or use it to contain his demonic mana for future clashes that might tax him.

Yet he couldn't hold long on this moment of silent badassery, just as the Tremere Vampire Scouts along with their Captain were preparing to leave, from out of nowhere Carl sensed a sudden influx of hostile energy. 

'Heak? Assassination? Who is it? Was I fooled by Tremere?'

"Death to the Abomination!" one of the Assassins shouted, his voice filled with venom as he lunged forward with a gleaming sword held high.

Are you ready for the Hunt??

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