
Bloodbound Desires

"Bloodbound Desires," Kayla Martinez finds herself in a world of mystery and danger. With no memory of her past and a rare condition that makes her faint at the sight of blood, she leads a sheltered life. But everything changes when she courageously saves a wounded man from a rival gang, only to discover that he is none other than Devon Alessandro, her soon-to-be husband and the enigmatic leader of the Italian Mafia. Instantly drawn to each other, their connection is undeniable. However, Devon pushes her away, guarding a dark secret that threatens to tear them apart. As Kayla and Devon navigate their complex relationship, they find themselves entangled in a deadly game of cat and mouse with the ruthless Russian Mafia. With danger lurking at every corner, they must trust each other and uncover the truth behind their pasts to survive. Is it be possible for Kayla to love Devon again after finding out his dark secret?

aaykay_5 · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter Two

As she slowly opened her eyes, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. There, lying on her bed, was another version of herself. She blinked, thinking it was a dream, but the other one remained. Confusion and curiosity filled the room as they locked eyes, wondering how this could be happening.

Kayla's POV

"I'm so sorry for what I did." I apologized. I knew he'd figured it out.

"You need to apologize to your father, not me." Dr. Henry replied.

" Wait, how do you remember everything?" He questioned.

That was quite true. I mean I saw blood so I was supposed to lose my memory.

" Did you take your medicine?" He looked at me strangely.

"No..." I started to feel weird. Without speaking, he left my room and Nolan walked in.

" Look, I'm sorry I don't know why I drank that much." I spoke quickly when I noticed the rage in his eyes.

He sighed." Now I'm in trouble. But do you realize you have school today?"He changed the subject.

"How bad could it be? Dad's anger on me will be ten times worse than yours."

" Really, do you know what he did? He almost hit me with a dart." He lashed out.

If he almost hit him with a dart, then I don't know what he will do to me.

"I'm going to talk to him." I concluded, getting up from my bed straight to the door.

"Wait! what actually happened? I mean whose blood did you see?"

"I don't really remember...the only part I remember was me at the party." I slowly spoke realizing how strange it was.

Feeling confused and hurt, I mustered up the courage to approach my father. I poured my heart out, expecting him to address the mistake I made. But instead, he seemed disinterested, dismissing my concerns.

To my surprise, he began discussing my future, mentioning the idea of an arranged marriage. My heart sank as I realized that my father's priorities were far from what I had hoped for.

"It sounds interesting, but dad... I'm too young for this, I know you're doing this to get a good relationship with the most powerful mafia in the world. But I'm not in for it." I poured my thoughts out.

" Kayla!" He yelled out and gave out a huge sigh.

" I love you and... and whatever I do is for the best for you. Not to benefit me or the work I do. And to be honest with you, this is not a choice, it's a must." His deep voice struck silence in his office.

"It's not as simple as it seems, father, I can't be forced into something I'm not interested in. If you really loved me like you say, you would never do such a thing."

I yelled back with tears brimming in my eyes as I stormed out of his office.

I got ready for school and Nolan drove me there.

As I stormed through the school hallway, my anger radiating from every step, I caught sight of my friend, Laura by her locker.

Our eyes met, and she could instantly sense something was wrong. Without a word, she pulled me aside, offering a comforting presence amidst the chaos.

"What's wrong? Is it from the party? Do you know how long I searched for you?" Laura spoke.

"I'm sorry for explaining everything to your dad. Well it was because I'd freaked out. I didn't know where you were and had no choice than to do that."

" You called my dad? How could you? Nolan could be better-

"He wasn't picking up so..."

" Well, I'm not mad at you." I admitted.

"Then what's the mood for?"

" I'm getting married. Married to someone I don't even know. The Italian Mafia, he said." I looked away.

" He? He....who?" She asked, confused at who said that.

" My father, who else?" I rolled my eyes in the thin air.

"As in the Italian Mafia, Devon Alessandro? You should be happy. Don't you know the different species of women in the entire city who want him?"m

" If he's as famous and good looking as you say I would've known him." I spoke as the bell rang for class.


" See you later." I concluded and headed back to my class.

As I walked into the classroom, I couldn't believe my eyes. There, sitting at the desk next to mine, was my other best friend,Zayn.

The same friend I had gotten mad at during our previous encounter. Our eyes met, and in that moment,my anger still simmered beneath the surface.

I couldn't ignore the tension between us, but I also couldn't deny the bond we shared. Zayn glanced at me, a mix of apprehension and regret in his eyes.

We both knew we had to address the issue, but it wasn't going to be easy. The anger lingered, but so did the hope for reconciliation.

We exchanged a knowing smile, silently promising to make things right and rebuild our friendship.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I made my way to the parking lot. To my surprise, my dad was waiting there for me, something he rarely did.

His presence felt strange, and I couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

The car ride home was filled with an uncomfortable silence, knowing that any words exchanged would only ignite the anger that simmered within me.

Instead of heading home, my dad took a different route, leading us somewhere unfamiliar. The anticipation and curiosity grew as we ventured into the unknown.

As we approached the massive gates of a mansion, my jaw dropped in awe. The aesthetic value of the place was simply breathtaking.

Every inch of the mansion exuded luxury and elegance, leaving me in awe of its grandeur.

Little did I know, this mansion belonged to a powerful mafia boss,the Italian Mafia boss, which added an intriguing layer to its already captivating allure.

We cautiously entered the opulent mansion, my heart pounding with nervous anticipation.

The dimly lit hallway was adorned with extravagant artwork and marble statues.

As we were led into the office of the previous Italian mafia boss, my dad and he had prepared themselves for the discussion about the arranged marriage.

Mr Alessandro, sitting behind his ornate desk, looked up with a mix of surprise and curiosities.

The office of the most powerful mafia boss was a sight to behold. It exuded an air of authority and power.

The room was adorned with luxurious dark wood furniture, giving it a sophisticated and intimidating ambiance.

The walls were lined with shelves, filled with books on strategy, history, and the art of negotiation.

The room was dimly lit, casting long shadows across the space, adding an element of mystery.

A single window offered a view of the city skyline, a reminder of the influence and reach of the mafia boss.

Overall, the office was a reflection of the power and influence wielded by the most powerful mafia boss, creating an atmosphere of both awe and fear.

A dimly lit room with a long polished table. My father sits at one end, while the powerful mafia figure, Mr. Alessandro, sits at the other. I stand nervously beside my father

"Mr. Alessandro, thank you for agreeing to meet with me today." My father spoke formally.

"The pleasure is mine, Mr. Martinez. I understand we have an important matter to discuss regarding our children."the man spoke calmly.

I finally mustered up the courage to speak for myself.

"Father, what is all this about? Why did you arrange this meeting without my knowledge?" I anxiously spoke.

My father knew where this was going and gave me several signals to shut up but I didn't.

" Father, I thought we talked about this, I'm not in for it. Mr Alessandro, would you allow someone who has zero interest in your son marry him?-

"Shut up Kayla!" My father yelled angrily. He has never yelled at me with this tone before. I met his piercing blue eyes and a shiver went down my spine.

" If you don't respect me, don't also disrespect Mr. Alessandro by asking him stupid questions." He yelled out and an awkward silence broke.

" Kayla, I know this may come as a shock, but I believe this union will ensure your safety and protect our family." Mr. Alessandro softly spoke.

"Kayla, my son and I have a mutual understanding. This alliance will bring stability and prosperity to both our families." He assertively added.

" I don't want to sacrifice my happiness for the sake of power and control!" I spoke with tears in my eyes.

My father was tired of me at that point.

All he could do is to stare at the floor with his palm resting on his face and shaking his head slightly.

"Kayla, I understand your concerns, but sometimes sacrifices must be made to safeguard those we love." He sympathetically responds.

"I won't accept this without having a say in my own future!" I defiantly admitted.

"Kayla, I assure you, my son is a good man. We can find a way to make this work for everyone involved." The man speaks leaning forward.

The tension in the room was palpable.

Suddenly, the office door swung open, revealing a man who exuded charm and charisma.

With his striking blue eyes and a smile that could melt hearts, it was none other than the Italian Mafia boss, Devon Alessandro.

My heart skipped a beat as I laid eyes on him, understanding why Laura had spoken so highly of him.

As the discussion continued, I couldn't help but be drawn to Devon's magnetic presence, even though my feelings of being forced into the marriage still lingered.

My conflicting emotions intensified. I felt a glimmer of comfort knowing that he was the man I had helped, but the reality of being forced into this marriage overwhelmed me.

I can't do this. I hate everything about this forced marriage.

The pressure became too much for me to bear, and I made a bold decision. With my heart pounding, I decided to run away from the scene.

"Can I excuse myself for a minute?" I politely excused myself.

Mr. Alessandro nodded in agreement to my request and I turned,leaving behind a stunned silence.

"Kayla, wait!" My father walked up to me.

" Don't make what I am thinking be your intentions,else if I find you, you'll be sorry for your actions." He whispered into my ears.

I was a little scared but it didn't stop me from reaching my goals.

My mind raced as I sprinted through the mansion's corridors, my only thought being to escape the suffocating grip of the forced marriage.

I find myself trapped inside a mysterious and complicated mansion. The hallways are dimly lit, and the air is heavy with an eerie silence. I had no idea where I was or how to escape.

What have I gotten myself into? I don't even know where I am!

Suddenly, a creaking sound echoes through the mansion, causing me to jump.

" Who's there? Is someone else in this place?" I nervously spoke.

Without warning, the lights flicker, casting eerie shadows on the walls. My heart races as I frantically search for an exit.

I need to find a way out of here. But where do I even begin?

I cautiously explore the mansion, opening doors and peeking into rooms, hoping to find a clue or a way to escape.

Finally, an escape route! I can't believe I made it out of that complicated mansion.

With newfound determination, I hurry down the staircase, feeling the cool breeze of freedom on my face as I step outside, leaving the mysterious mansion behind.

"So this is the new restroom" a masculine voice speaks from behind me.

Damn it. I thought I'd escaped but someone was following me all the time.

I turned back and put on a fake smile. It was Devon Alessandro, the main Italian Mafia boss and the man I was going to get married to if only I'd escaped peacefully.