
Bloodbound Desires

"Bloodbound Desires," Kayla Martinez finds herself in a world of mystery and danger. With no memory of her past and a rare condition that makes her faint at the sight of blood, she leads a sheltered life. But everything changes when she courageously saves a wounded man from a rival gang, only to discover that he is none other than Devon Alessandro, her soon-to-be husband and the enigmatic leader of the Italian Mafia. Instantly drawn to each other, their connection is undeniable. However, Devon pushes her away, guarding a dark secret that threatens to tear them apart. As Kayla and Devon navigate their complex relationship, they find themselves entangled in a deadly game of cat and mouse with the ruthless Russian Mafia. With danger lurking at every corner, they must trust each other and uncover the truth behind their pasts to survive. Is it be possible for Kayla to love Devon again after finding out his dark secret?

aaykay_5 · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter Three

"Kayla, there's no need for this futile attempt at escape. We both know our marriage is inevitable." Devon speaks.

"Devon, please understand. I can't go through with this. I don't love you, and I can't marry someone I don't love." with nervousness,I spoke.

"Love is not a prerequisite for a successful marriage, Kayla. Our families have made this decision, and we must honor it."

"But  Devon, I want to have a choice in who I spend my life with. I want to marry for love, not for duty." I pleaded.

"Kayla , duty and responsibility come before personal desires. Our families have built a strong alliance, and this union is crucial for both of our futures."Devon said fimly.

"I  can't believe you're willing to sacrifice our happiness for the sake of tradition and family expectations."

"Your  desires are irrelevant, Kayla. Our marriage will proceed as planned, whether you like it or not." He coldly replied.

I was tired of his bullshit. His sense of speech alone irritated me.

"I won't let you or anyone else dictate my future. I'll find a way to break free from this arrangement, no matter the cost." I spoke with determination.

"Think carefully, Kayla. I alone don't want any of these. We can be married but only in the eyes of our parents but privately, your not supposed to perform any marital duties to me, same as with me."

He spoke and went back to the office, leaving me there alone.

I stood at a crossroads, feeling utterly confused and torn. The weight of my family's expectations pressed heavily on my shoulders, suffocating any sense of freedom I had left.

The choice to marry Devon wasn't even a choice at all; it was an obligation, a must. But deep inside, I couldn't ignore the longing for something more, something real.

But I had a second thought. He said we don't have to act like married people right? But how is that going to change my marital status?

It would be a secret. Just like how my true identity as the daughter of the French Mafia Don is a secret.

I thought to myself for a while, then I spotted my dad moving towards my direction.

"Get in the car!" He passed by me without looking at me.

I lazily walked to the car, opened it and sat in the passenger's seat.

Stepping on the pedal, he drove away from the mansion. I glared at it one more time until it vanished from my sight.

The drive was silent until we'd reach home.

"The wedding will be held next week." My father finally spoke.

" And you'll be sent to his house by tomorrow." He added.

Next week? Like seriously. I just met someone today and we will be marrying next week?

"Dad?" I spoke with disappointment.

"Stop it Kayla, for once, just stop it. The anger I have within me  today is immeasurable, all because of your stupid mistakes."  He breathes for a minute.

"First of all, you talked back to Mr. Alessandro, then you try to ran away. I should have known better…you are just like your mother."

" Don't drag mom in this. If she were to be here this whole thing wouldn't have happened she would've made me the happiest daughter."

I stormed out of the room, my emotions in turmoil. Frustration and confusion consumed me, and I couldn't bear to face anyone.

I flung myself onto my bed, burying my face in the pillow, hoping to find solace in the darkness.

As I lay there, lost in my thoughts, time seemed to blur. And then, as if by magic, the sun peeked through my window, signaling a new day.

The gentle rays of light gently nudged me awake, reminding me that life goes on, even in the midst of uncertainty.

With a deep breath, I slowly sat up, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I groggily stumbled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.

As I brushed my teeth and washed my face, my mind started to wake up, and I began to think about the day ahead.

I quickly got dressed in my favorite jeans and a cozy sweater, trying to put together an outfit that would make me feel confident. With a final glance in the mirror, I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs.

To my surprise, Nolan was waiting for me in the kitchen, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Ready for another thrilling day of education, Kayla?" he teased, handing me a granola bar for breakfast.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile. Nolan always had a way of making even the most mundane things seem exciting.

"Thanks, Nolan," I said, taking a bite of the granola bar.

"You're a lifesaver."

He chuckled and grabbed his car keys. "Well, hop in, Kayla. I'm your chauffeur for the day. Let's make this school day one to remember!"

I climbed into the passenger seat, feeling grateful for Nolan's presence. As we drove to school, music blasting from the speakers, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.

With Nolan by my side, I knew that no matter what challenges awaited me, I had someone who would always have my back.

This reminded me that I've not yet told him about the arranged marriage.

He dropped me off at school and headed back home.

I took in a deep breath of school air and finally mustered up the courage to enter.

I walked through the familiar hallways of the school, the chatter of students filling the air.

As I entered my first-period class and settled into my seat, I couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and anticipation for the day ahead.

After the bell rang, signaling the end of the first period, I made my way to our usual meeting spot in the courtyard.

There, I found Laura and Zayn waiting for me, their faces filled with concern and empathy.

Laura looked at me with a gentle smile. "Kayla, I explained to Zayn what you've been going through. We both want you to know that we're here for you, no matter what."

Zayn nodded, his eyes filled with understanding. "Yeah, Kayla. Laura told me everything. We're your best friends, and we'll support you through anything."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me. At that moment, I realized how lucky I was to have friends like Laura and Zayn.

They were the ones who truly knew me, who saw me for who I was, and who stood by my side even in the darkest of times.

With a shaky voice, I whispered, "Thank you, both of you. I don't know what I would do without you."

Laura pulled me into a tight hug, and Zayn joined in, creating a circle of unwavering support.

In that moment, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I had my best friends by my side, ready to face them together.

After a little chat I entered the bustling school cafeteria. As I scanned the room, my eyes locked with Ethan's, my crush.

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, realizing he had caught me staring.

Ethan approached me with a playful smile, his eyes filled with a knowing twinkle.

"Hey, Kayla," he said, his voice filled with warmth.

"I heard from your friends that you have a little crush on me."

I felt a mix of panic and excitement, unsure of how to respond. Trying to play it cool, I laughed nervously.

Ethan chuckled, his smile widening. "Don't worry, Kayla. It's actually quite flattering. I think you're pretty amazing too."

"Kayla,I've been waiting to tell you this but never got the chance to." He laughed nervously.

"I  also like you."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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