
Blood Wolf in Twilight

After death he has two choices, since one is better then the other he goes for it. Lets follow him along in his knew life. I own nothing but OC and Own Ideas

Pink_Ghosty · Movies
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8 Chs

008- The Cullens (1)

At the moment Bella and Liam were in his families Audi A6 moving down the road, Liam was singing lightly to the music on the radio while laughing in his head at Bella. She was sitting stunned in the car thinking about the conversation that they had earlier in the day in her room about the Cullens.

Earlier that day....

"Well about the Cullens, they are vampires." Liam was going to say more but her shout stopped him.

"WHAT!!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE VAMPIRES? VAMPIRES ARE REAL IN THIS WORLD?" She was staring wide eyed while standing on top of her bed looking down at him.

Liam chuckled hearing her words, "I change into a six foot long and tall wolf in front of you yet you can't believe that there are Vampires in this world? Really Bella?"

She calmed down hearing his words while blushing slightly, "Well sorry, this is all new to me and I wasn't expecting you to just come out and say all of this to me today."

Liam nodded her reached up and pulled her into his lap by her waist, "Yeah, this is a lot. I have actually only known for a couple of months about myself while knowing about vampires for years, I can tell you though that the Cullen's are different then others."

"How so?" She said relaxing into his chest, she felt better feeling him hold on to her.

"Well you remember seeing the Cullen's right?" At her head nod he went on, "Well their eyes are golden, which means they are 'vegetarians' meaning they only drink animal blood. If they didn't they would be red meaning they drink human blood."

He caught her looking into his eyes which made her blush some, "I know that you showed me but....." she trailed off while looking down in shame some.

"Haha don't worry, I know they thought the same thing when they first arrived at the school. No my eyes are a cause of a gene mutation, I think it maybe because of the type of wolf I am and since I can control blood and stuff." Liam explained to her while holding her chin making her look him in the eye.

Bella was glad to see that he was smiling at her and not angry about the accusation, "Okay, so there is nothing to worry about then?"

"Haha, Bella you would never have to worry....." He paused a moment he didn't tell her about imprinting yet and didn't really plan on it, "Just know that I will always be there to protect you, also all you have to do is call out and through the necklace I will be there to save you."

"Not to brag but as a wolf I am stronger and faster then them." He said with a grin.

Bella smiled at him before leaning in for a deep kiss, they only broke apart when things got to heated. She wasn't fully ready yet but he was, he was only holding himself back because he knew she wasn't ready for that yet, they only had one date.

Even if they were really attracted to each other Bella still had something that was blocking her from that last step, she knew that he was still hiding something from her. She knew it wasn't bad but until he told her everything that mental block would stay there.

Present Time........

"Are you 100% sure I have nothing to worry about?" She said while nervously twisting her hands looking over at him.

Liam stopped talking and frowned when she asked that again, it hurt him some when he thought that she didn't trust him to keep her safe, "Bella..... Do you really not trust me that much?"

Bella could hear the hurt in his voice, seeing him frown she quickly tried to correct her mistake, "No it's not that.... it is just that they are vampires and I am just not use to being apart of this world yet. I trust you to keep me safe, but I just fear that being in a house full of them and me being a klutz and all it would be bad?"

Liam smiled some feeling better, "Don't worry about that, I have the reflex's to stop you from getting hurt. Just watch your emotions, Jasper is an empath so he feels all the emotions you and others feel a lot strong. It will be another reason he will try to drink your blood since he is newer to their diet."

"Can't you just fix it by messing with my blood?" She said leaning her chin on his shoulder.

Liam froze at that he didn't even think about it until now, "Wow I didn't even think about that but yeah let me do that."

Bella could feel something inside her change, it wasn't anything to big but she felt her who body heated for a moment before she went back to being normal. "Wow that felt weird, it was like going into a heat stroke then back to normal in seconds." She said rubbing her arms up.

"Alright we should stop this talk, I don't know how far they can hear and we are closer to their house now." He said while kissing her on the forehead.

Bella nodded as the two of them went up the long road that led to the Cullen's, they were both shocked with how long it actually took to get to the top of the road. When they finally made it they saw the three story basically glass house, there were tall windows that would let in a lot of light if the place wasn't surrounded by trees.

"This is an amazing house I will give them that, whoever designed it was a genius." Liam said with full honesty he really did love the way the house looked.

As they parked the car the door opened, the first person through was Alice who was smiling widely while looking at them, Bella smiled softly while sending the enthusiastic girl a wave. Jasper wasn't to far behind the bubbly girl as they walked towards them, he could see the rest of the family was slowly making their way to the door too only Emmett, Esme, and Carlisle was smiling while Rosalie looked apprehensive but welcoming.

"Good to see you too Alice." Bella said as they hugged in front of the car, Jasper had a light smile on his face seeing this and feeling their emotions.

"Well come on you two, you already know Jasper let me introduce you to everyone else. Sorry Edward isn't here but he is visiting some of our family up in Alaska." Alice explained the entire time she was holding Bella's hand as they made their way to the front door.

Liam nodded at Jasper who gave him one back, the two didn't talk as they followed the girls to the front door where Alice was already introducing Bella to the rest of the family. When they finally made it she pulled Liam forward, "And this is her boyfriend Liam, Liam this is my mom and dad Esme and Carlisle Cullen. You might not have met them in person but you should know Emmet and Rosalie here."

"Nice to meet you all." Liam said giving a friendly smile and wave, he didn't feel nervous about them about all since he was stronger and faster than them all. "So what are we going to do today?"

Alice the talkative one was the one to answer them, "Well I had some plans to show you the house, then I thought we could all just to get to know each other while hanging around the house."

Liam and Bella nodded along, "So what were you two doing together so early in the morning?" Emmett asked while wiggling his eyebrows at the two of them, not doubt hearing the conversation that Alice and Bella had this morning.

Liam raised an eyebrow, "Probably the same thing you and Rosalie here do every morning." he joked back, they both got an elbow in the side from their spouses for the comments though but they did give each other a grin.

"So do you play video games Liam?" Emmett asked as they all started to walk into the house.

"What type of monster wouldn't play video games, though I don't play them a lot I do enjoy them like any healthy teenager." Liam answered throwing an arm around Emmett's shoulder, they were only an inch apart in height from each other with Emmett being the taller one.

"True that." Emmett said give him a big grin and throwing an arm around him too.

"Nice to see you today Rosalie. Are you going to be joining us Jasper?" Liam said to the two of them as they made their way to the living room already only Bella was going to follow Alice on the tour. Maybe Rosalie.

"Yeah sure seems like fun to beat the two of you." Jasper said with his Texas accent and a small smile on his face that actually looked natural.

"Good to see you too Liam." Rosalie said with a small smile as she walked off with Alice and Bella to show her around the house, Carlisle and Esme actually left them alone to get to know each other.

Liam figured since they weren't meeting them on a more official bases like revealing secrets then it was fine for them to go off, though he could hear their light whispers coming from upstairs. Ignoring that Liam followed Emmett and Jasper into the living room where they loaded up the PS2, this was the main reason Liam didn't play games all the systems were way to old so he didn't really like the graphics that the games had.

"Ahh you guys have Gauntlet: Dark Legacy? Why don't we play that instead?" Liam said picking up the game from the rack that they had.

"Sure why not, I actually haven't played that one yet so it will be fun to experience." Emmett said with Jasper nodding along.

Liam figured as much since the game still had the plastic on it, this was actually one of his favorite games from the PS2, his other being Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas which was also another great game on the system. "Nice. Oh before I forget I brought some gifts here you go." Liam reached into the bag he brought and handed them two ring containers.

They both look surprised a moment before smiling and opening it up, Emmett got one that had a big Sapphire in the middle of it, while Jasper got one with a enchanted Brown Diamond. Liam couldn't find a gemstone that he liked that was brown so he went ahead and just changed the color of a regular diamond so that he would have one to give to the man.

"Thanks this looks awesome." Emmett said seeing the side where it had a carving of a man killing a bear and standing on it in triumph.

"Thank you for this." Jasper's had a cowboy on the side.

Liam smirked as the two of them put them on and they started to change, the rings were enchanted to make them basically human, the only thing he couldn't change was their diet. At the moment their appearances slowly changed, while their hair colors stayed the same their eyes went to their original color Emmett's going blue while Jasper's went brown, their skin got a healthy tan color on them.

The two didn't notice since other then an physical appearance change nothing else changed about them, their skin was warmer but they wouldn't notice unless someone touched them and told them so. "Let's get this started!" Emmett said with a big grin after Liam put in the game.

Seeing the memory card sticking out the game system Liam sighed, that was serious nostalgia for him since he remembered how hard it was to keep up with those things, just taking it out once and setting it aside would make it get lost. Shaking those memories away he chose his character, Liam chose the Jester, Emmett the Warrior, and Jasper the Archer.

They got lost into the game each yelling out things as they went through each level, it had been some years since Liam played but he still had some of his skill from when he originally played the game. When they were getting ready to fight the Spider Queen that is when the girls finally came back into the living room, they were all smiling as they made their was back into the living room Liam was to caught up in the game to hear the joke.

""OH MY GOD!!!" They heard Rosalie shout which brought them all away from the game, luckily Liam paused it since he expected someone to freak out the moment they saw Emmett and Jasper.

The boys looked over quickly Emmett almost broke the controller looking over at her, Bella smirked as she went over to Liam and sat in his lap, "What is wrong babe?" he said while walking over to Rosalie and holding her arms.

"Y-Y-You, What happened to you?!" She stuttered while looking at him wide eyed and patting his body all over, she was shocked to feel the heat coming off his body while looking into his blue eyes.

"What do yo mean?" Emmett asked confused, the same thing was happening with Alice looking over Jasper who had now seen how Emmett looked while looking down at himself.

Luckily there was a mirror in the living room which Rosalie turned Emmett to making him drop his jaw, he touched himself all over while trying to figure out what was going on with him. He still felt the slight hunger for blood that was coming from smelling Liam and Bella so he knew that he was still a vampire, but he couldn't explain what had happen to him at the moment.

"The rings!" Jasper said drawing their attention to him while he looked at the ring on his finger, he knew that it was the only thing different that happened in that past couple of minutes so it had to be that. He quickly turned to look at Liam with the rest following along, Emmett also same to the same conclusion.

When they looked over they saw that Liam was smirking at them, "Why are you looking at me? How could my gift possible do this, isn't this just how you always looked?"

Bella elbowed him in the stomach while glaring at him seeing him tease them, Esme and Carlisle were already downstairs looking at their two sons in shock, "Stop messing with them and tell them already, don't be a jerk." Bella said while hitting him in the stomach again.

"*Sigh* Fine. Well to answer the unasked question yes this is my fault. The rings on your fingers have some enchantments I put on them, it gives you a normal body temp, makes it where you can go into the sun without glowing, and it gives you a normal eyes color. I would have done more but I am just testing them at the moment." Liam said ignoring their shocked gasped as they looked at him.

They all caught on that he knew about them being what they were, they tensed for a moment but when they realized that neither him or Bella were scared then they looked them over. "What do you know about us exactly?" Carlisle asked since he was the leader of the coven taking over.

"Everything the Vegetarian coven, one of two I know the other being your cousins in the Denali Coven." Liam said while holding Bella in his arms, "Don't worry though seeing as I just told you a secret of my own then you don't need to worry about us saying anything. Plus it isn't like we see you any differently then when we first met you."

"Do you have more?!" Alice asked with some excitement as she skipped over to the two of them.

Liam smiled while bringing out the other four in his backpack, the women were getting necklaces while Carlisle got the last ring that he had, they stones each matching their human eye color. Alice squealed as she hugged Jasper, "Look we feel more human now." She said rubbing her face against his.

"What else are you trying to do with these?" Carlisle asked since he remembered that Liam said they were just test ones.

"Well I am trying to make it where you are more human in a sense. I can't give you back the eating normal food since we both know you need to drink blood to survive, but everything else that you want I am trying to give it back to you?" Liam said as he messed with Bella's hair.

"L-like kids." Rosalie said it so softly that she thought he couldn't hear, anyone who was a vampire could but seeing as they thought Bella and Liam were normal humans, well semi-normal humans then they thought they couldn't hear.

Liam could though, "Yes Rosalie like kids, though that one will take awhile since it takes a lot of complicated enchantments to do."

"You heard that!" Carlisle asked since everyone else was to shocked hearing his words to answer, each of the girls held their stomachs hearing his words.

"Of course. I probably should have mentioned that I am a wolf too." Liam smiled at all of them as they froze hearing his words.

"This is a violation of the treaty." Carlisle said coming out of his frozen state he actually had a glare on his face which is something Liam doesn't even remember seeing in the movies.

"No it isn't, seeing as I am not apart of them then it is not. I was the silver wolf you all saw awhile ago." Liam said with a smile still relaxed since he was not in any danger, Bella froze for a moment but him rubbing circles in her back made her relax.

"You are the one that ran even from the others... So you aren't apart of them then, we had a talk with them that night they also didn't know who you were." Esme said speaking when Carlisle started to think that over.

"Yeah, we are completely different. They come out because they think you are dangerous while mine is more of a natural born into it type of way. Ahh just so you all know Bella is a normal human but she does know all this." Liam explained to them.

"Not about these other wolves which you seemed to leave out but we will talk about that later." She mocked glared at him but went back to talking to Alice who was chirping about how she looked now.